Justice Matters with Glenn Kirschner

News #87News Commentary #22

Glenn Kirschner - he’s an NBC News and MSNBC legal analyst and former Assistant U.S. Attorney at the D.C. U.S Attorney's Office. Now you can join him for Justice Matters. Glenn brings analysis and insight to current legal issues, drawing from his 30 years as a federal prosecutor, homicide prosecutor, and Army JAG. For three decades, Glenn argued to juries and judges, breaking down complex legal issues in clear and relatable ways. Every weekday his podcast brings that same approach to his analysis of today's troubled legal landscape.

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Recent Reviews
  • IoB.
    Speaking plain truth…
    My mother was in law enforcement for over 25 years ,she is in her 80’s now. She thinks that the higher ups in law enforcement today are cowards. Not the men and women on the line. But the bureaucrats and judges. She said Trump is just another 2 bit criminal that should have been slapped down hard ages ago. And my father who was in the military said trump should have been tried as a Traitor to the USA.
  • toooooo oooooold
    If the Supreme Court decides that Trump is immune for all crimes, what stops Joe Biden from committing crimes, such as holding onto the office of the presidency, prosecuting his adversaries, etc.? Maybe it is time for Joe and the Democrats to stop being ethical 🤔
  • Stardust 9
    Thank you !!
    Thanks for speaking out and speaking up! Your voice is desperately needed today! Love your podcast! I
  • v8blues
    Glenn Explains It Well
    5/2924 update: It’s not just about inciting today, no doubt this is also Trump preparing to have a reason to assassinate his opponent in the future. He will keep pedaling the lie unless the story is made clear far and wide… smh, mark my word. This has got to be taken seriously. This is a great podcast for keeping up with the trials. Can we ask the Supreme Court judges if assassinating a corrupt judge could be considered a presidential act? We are all dying to hear their answer on that one.
  • DrDK2
    When Is Justice Canon Enough
    I love your podcast. It’s intelligent and insightful and explains legal concepts in a way I can clearly understand. But tell me, how much longer do we have to put up with Judge Canon. She is making a mockery of our Justice System.
  • L.J.Garcia
    I like you’re podcast. I just think it’s kind of weird that you have somebody introducing you.
  • Nebraska made
    I am filing a complaint but one thing I don’t have answer too
    What is the docket number of the apples to the ———— circuit———-
  • Dconstab
    Valuable Insights Always
    Glenn Kirschner is my favorite legal analyst. His expertise and passion for Justice both teach and inspire me. I enjoy his podcast recordings— as well as his other social media posts.
  • Ayaso
    Thank you!
    Mr Kirshner sir thanks for the “How to file complaint” - Now do one for Fanni Willis, who do we write to about this actual persecution in Georgia?!
  • Marie Tellez
    Great show, GLen 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿
    Great program , because Justice matter
  • ElizaCost
    Best lawyer podcast available.
    Those of us who are jut “average” mortals feel the sting of injustice as Kirschner does. Those of us in the working class always knew the courts were rigged against us. The openly declared comments of the court that Trump is above the law because of his wealth and power make our beliefs indisputable facts. America has already veered to oligarchy and away from democracy. We will either have a president elected in November who is a mentally unbalanced and career criminal, but who the courts deem otherwise, or a man who has sent thousands of bombs to Israel killing thousands of children in Gaza and who is now supporting the active starvation of one million people, who the mainstream press try to pretend and proclaim isn’t happening and that Biden and America's hands are clean. These 2 men are the best of America? Our system of government, our press, and our judicial system have failed. We are in decline morally, if nothing else. Elizabeth
  • goodvsevil
    Does anyone else suppose
    That Melania might be serving Don Juan DeMango divorce papers after McDougal's testimony??
  • Nick Peterson III a
    Reading articles
    I love your insights and expertise. It feels like you’ve shifted to reading articles written by others. What I loved was hearing from you and it feels strange to me to have such an expert reading someone else’s opinion.
  • Braehole
    Facts matter!
    Glenn talks about current legal court filings, and gives us a clear, fact based view on current events. Happening in Trumps many court cases. His professional opinion is great to have in the time of conspiracy theories crazy social media propaganda. Love Glenn, one of my weekly favorites!
  • StrongSincere
    LOVE YOUR SHOW and audio!
    Hey Glenn! I absolutely love your show and the comfort your podcast brings me. There are times I question whether or not our justice system is ever going to hold Donald Trump accountable, and your podcast pulls me back from the brink of despair. Thank you so much for that dear friend. And your audio has improved dramatically and sounds fantastic! Thank you for everything Glenn. You’re wonderful and so much appreciated.
  • Tipyourhat
    Clean and clear
    Sounding much better Glen. Keep up the good work !
  • Road_Work
    Finest justices that money can buy
    Feted by Oligarchs, put in power by the most ethically bankrupt senator. What other outcome could be expected? Vote!
  • LaraGen
    You are 100% correct
    Trump should be imprisoned for the threats against court personnel and jurors. He should not be allowed to run for the Presidency with 91 felony indictments. He should have to clear his name and be found innocent if he wants to run to be the leader of our country.
  • RobSub
    Good information and analysis
    This podcast does an excellent breakdown of the legal aspects that Trump and Republicans are engaged in. My only con is the use of “friends” elocution. It’s kind of weird. Other than that, the podcast is excellent.
  • This Ken
    Trump derangement syndrome
    The Roman Republic was destroyed when the elites began using the law to target political opponents. Julius Caesar had no choice but march his army across the rubicon in order to protect himself from his political opponents. Glen doesn’t even try to analyze the legal issues. Like a typical democrat he claim to be fair and care about justice. But like so many of his predecessors for him justice is abusing the legal system to eliminate political opponents.
  • JanKayDay
    Fani Willis
    This is the first podcast I listen to every morning. Having watched the trial or whatever it’s called, I was incensed by the outright bull that was being told about Fani. The female prosecutor kept saying that Fani started the relationship with her co prosecutor in 2020 and Fani had to repeatedly respond that it was 2022. This went on over and over again. My friends couldn’t even watch this whole debacle because they were so angry. Thanks Glenn for all you do!
  • z@p$
    Thank God for you🙏🏻Keep up the good work💙
    Thank God for you🙏🏻 Keep up the good work 👍👍👍
  • elaine1093
    Thoughtful and True Reporting
    Thank goodness you’re out there daily with facts and evidence based content. You’re doing a service to our country.
  • Vote2018
    Thanks for your podcast! It helps me remember how the law and society once was.
  • usetolikeTrump
    Love the show
    I listen every day and I hope you are right that Trump goes to jail!
  • mary margaret rachael
    I’m inspired! 💜
    Thank you, Glenn! I always get so much out of your Podcasts, and feel comforted by your voice, clarity and integrity. You are among my many Pro-Democracy heroes. Today when you interviewed Frank Figliuzzi, I got Inspired to offer my service to my community as an election worker. I’m 69 years old, and honestly, these last few years, I’ve been afraid to even put out an election yard sign out. I thank you again for your conversation with Frank, and I thank Frank for inspiring me to step up, and become an election worker. God bless you both! 💜
  • M.A.SJI
    Bite Sized Legal Learning
    Appreciate the succinct daily updates.
  • Shadra McKenzie
    Because justice matters.
    Good, straight-up, factual reporting. Much needed in our crazy times.
  • PearlSnapLCZ
    Straightforward, Intelligent - “This Dog Hunts” Very Well!
    Glenn reminds me of an attorney in Dallas who went to The Citadel, has a black belt in martial arts, is absolutely clear-eyed, no nonsense, and also said about silly antics by opponents “that dog don’t hunt”! I particularly appreciate Glenn’s Justice Matters law school “classes”, but I do not enjoy the new format of intros and repetitive summaries - unfitting for an otherwise streamlined take on today’s events.
  • Laurie Slade
    Sexy brains
    Glen your podcasts are fantastic. You are clear, powerful and absolutely dedicated to our democracy and the rule of law. Thank you! It makes me feel safer that you’re out there in these dangerous times along with so many other warriors fighting for our nation and this great experiment we call democratic rule. OK, I think I have a crush now. Smart, good-hearted, passionate men are so sexy!
  • SelfAwareRobotMom
    Interesting & Informative
    Recommended for thinkers.
  • Dharma25
    More please!
    I simply cannot get enough of Glenn Kirschner…Keep up the great work!
  • Calamity Drey
    Informative Podcast!
    Thank you for delivering a Podcast that explores complex issues, and explains how the Justice System functions without condescension or pedantry. This informative podcast is serious, engaging, and provides an uplifting and unifying message for all. democracy living Americans
  • tmccaffr
    Happy Thanksgiving, Glenn. 🙏
  • grace&pbr
    Inside the glory of the law, a master painter!
    Great Explanations on the beauty of evidentiary law and conspiracy as one of the ways our Constitution protects us from the greed, and evil designs of ordinary men and women however well bred, or not. One Conclusion: the 2016 Oath of Office was taken for the purpose of evasion...proving former 1976 President Jimmy Carter correct that Trump was an illegitimate President. That's why Americans should require a background and substance review of anyone who purports to run for office, and would be Constitutionally mandated to do so. Far too many underestimate the thorough job Madison, Jefferson, and the other founders did in debating, constructing, and writing the Constitution. They were intimately familiar with British power, and its weaknesses when tested. They agonized over the wording which Americans have yet to stop and appreciate in operation. Too many manipulative lawyers would love to alter it, and do not consider it sacred. It isn't just words! Wonderful podcast on Jenna, Scavino, and even the clever scheme for orange ties! Pat Boston, MA
  • 😉💙🙃
    Tie Rack?
    Let’s get a woman’s purchase too…
  • impeacher
    Big fan of the show / pls stop adverts for Airbnb
    Every time an Airbnb ad comes on, I have to shut this off. Airbnb has destroyed the housing market and many lives. For those of us whose rent goes up a dozen times while wages don’t, we cannot buy a home because they’re being hoarded by Airbnb folks for INCOME. infuriating. My son may never live in a home we own before he’s an adult because of it. Stop accepting ads by Airbnb PLEASE.
  • skeenp
    Great podcast!
    I love listening to this brilliant man-he lays the legal information out in very understandable way; his speech and cadence are enjoyable to listen to. He uses just the right amount of emotion without going over the top, is funny and articulate!
  • Martadina
    Glenn the best
    This is THE go-to-guy to be able to understand complicated legal matters. Glenn’s clear, concise explanations—unlike those of many others—do not require having to keep “rewinding” to play again (& again) to get the meaning.
  • Icanbuild
    Great Podcast!
    Glen, you explain all that is going on with the “trump affair” explicitly! Thank you for your analysis. Barb K
  • SLBeaver
    Don’t apologize about being unscripted
    Glenn: Really enjoy your podcasts to help me keep up what is going on legally with Trump and the far right. You have no reason to apologize for going unscripted today! Your podcast did not show you were unscripted and, if you had not said anything I (probably most of us listening) would not have known! Your thoughts show your human nature and your deep concern for what is occurring in our country! I never thought much about politics until Trump came along! While working on my masters degree in the 90’s I took a class on critical reading and thinking and we critiqued newspaper articles. That is when I started reading about Trump and all his unsavory business tactics! I continued to read articles about Trump and realized what a dishonest, disgusting, incompetent, self consumed man he is! (I could add a hundred or so additional words to that list but that would be overkill because I know you and your listeners know what I am talking about!). I thought is was laughable when he threw his hat in for the presidency and never believed he would win! When he won I was in disbelief but never imagined the turn of events over the last 7 years! Scary! I was brought up a Christian but have quit going to church because it is so difficult to look my Christian friends in the face knowing how they have turned Trump into their idol!!! They have no concept of what he is really doing to this country but instead believe he was sent by God to save them! I have struggled to understand how they can be so enamored with him that they can just look the other way! One of my friends told me “Trump is just a man who uses bad words!” As a Christian I prayed nightly, sometimes crying, for over a year, to ask God if, as a Christian I should vote for Trump in the 2020 election. The message I received over and over was that “a vote for Trump was like making a deal with the devil!” It blows my mind that all these Christians can’t see what is right in front of them! Anyway, thank you for what you do!! I have donated to MeidasTouch but next time I have money to donate, it will be directly to you! You make sense, scripted or unscripted, in this world that is not making much sense! Nothing I can say to my Christian friends makes a difference so I have quit trying and turned away! Maybe that will tell them more than words! Thank you again!!! Debra
  • watchoutformotorcycles
    Rock star of law
    Glenn is such an outstanding and excellent teacher and speaker with vast deep knowledge and wisdom from his 30 years as a prosecutor . So grateful he shares his experience expertise and ethics with us. I always feel empowered with more knowledge after I listen to Glenn
  • SteveT30
    Weekend Reviews are great!
    Glenn, just listened to your unscripted weekend wrap and thought it was great. Totally agree on the assault weapons control. Makes no sense that red flag laws aren’t everywhere. I hope someone does an analysis to see if it would’ve prevented the Maine shootings. My $1 is on yes, it would have. Thanks.
  • @fatarae
    Glenn Kirschner keeps me informed.
    I finally had to say goodbye to Elon Musk’s Twitter. I really miss my fellow resisters but I have opted out from social media for now. I now rely on podcasts to keep me informed. Glenn Kirschner is at the very top of my list, helping me to stay informed and helping me to understand the nuances of how the justice system works. Thank you Glenn for continuing to contribute to the education of your listeners. I never miss your podcast. BTW, I love the unscripted, in depth weekend podcast!
  • DinaForHill
    I think the thing I like most about Glenn’s analysis is that he always highlights the two-tiered system’s consistently allows those at the top to slip through.
  • DaveyMikeDon
    Justice DOES Matter
    I listen to several favorite podcasts (Sisters In Law; Strict Scrutiny; I Gen Politics are particularly good) regularly. JUSTICE MATTERS is one of the very best. Glenn’s lucid explanations of complex matters are excellent. His podcasts are short, refreshingly vulgarity and profanity free and fairly balanced. He manages somehow to remain optimistic in this horrible environment for positivity. I look forward to his guidance through these monumental times. Question: Since Supreme Court live streams oral arguments, why not Judge Chutkan? We the victims are entitled to hear the evidence.
  • seraphita
    Colorado Secretary of State
    I stand with Jena Griswold in the pursuit of keeping TFG’s name off our ballot. Don’t forget in his desire to aid and comfort the insurrectionists, he recorded a video of himself reciting the Pledge of Allegiance as the J6 Prison Choir was singing The Star Spangled Banner! Aid (promised pardons) and the comfort (TFG’s bigly, beautiful voice).
  • DCRoo
    Legal Master Class
    Glenn’s passion for law and justice permeates every podcast and his legal explanations unwind the complexities in the fine points of law without overwhelming. Can see why he’s a beloved professor and I love being in his podcast classes!
  • Boompapa
    An EVERYDAY Podcast
    Meaning, I listen to this podcast every dang day. I first heard Glenn Kirschner on Bryan Tyler Cohen's podcast and YouTube channel, and quickly subscribed to Justice Matters. Over the next few weeks, Justice Matters cemented its place among my daily listens. I learn a lot about how the law and the courts work, and most importantly, Glenn helps me cut through how the media presents cases--especially the Orange Guy's multiple indictments--and his explanations, opinions, and viewpoints give me hope that the Former Guy will soon be wearing a prison jumpsuit matching his face makeup. Thanks for everything you do, Mr. Kirschner, and for your years of service; and thank you for taking a stand against the rising fascism of today.
  • Mistrrn
    Great show
    Great job pressing all sides and challenges.
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