
All Genres #162News #21Politics #6

Politicon brings the brilliant team of political and legal masterminds together for Politicon's #SistersInLaw.

Joyce Vance, Jill Wine-Banks, Barb McQuade, and Kimberly Atkins Stohr will pull back the curtain on how our government actually works, take on the corrupt, share their wisdom and give us their rulings on the latest in politics, law, and culture.

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Recent Reviews
  • HarrietVane2
    They get you up to speed
    The Sisters cover everything you were intrigued, puzzled, or incensed by in law during the week. The practicing lawyers are very articulate; Kim brings a journalist’s observational skills to the table. The four don’t always agree and as a result, their arguments add up to a thorough analysis of every development. It’s a must-listen.
  • Ajlabs
    Thanks for keeping me off the ledge. Jill, I love your perspective as someone who walked the walk.
  • ShieldsK175
    Too many ads
    Great 5-Star content, expertise, and insight. However an inordinate portion of each episode is consumed by ads. I tend to fast forward through them. Therefore, I had to chop 1 star.
  • itwasntmesir45
    Fake reviews!
    Negative hosts. Negative gibberish. They do not know the law at all. These women are just making up things as they go along and it's not right. This warped take on United States laws are the reason our justice system has turned into a banana republic. Please stop with contorting law into lies and opinion rather than definite truth. Or do us a favor and move that doesn't rules by a constitution that defines freedom of speech and liberty to be absolute law. Check yourselves ladies.
  • Avid listener 227
    Apologia episode
    Ironic that after agreeing religion should not be pervasive in American life, the word God was used at least twice in your comments. I had to laugh
  • Pats73
    These brilliant chics are better than perfect 😍🤩
    Legal eagles all with brilliant resumes and unique skills and backgrounds Better than Perfect!!! 🙏🏻✌🏼💙
  • PegAileens
    Beyond news bites!
    If you really want to know what is happening and why the law plays out the way it does, listen to these women. Sound bites mislead and make you feel discouraged. Most of what those sound bites say doesn’t matter—learn what does.
  • Former clerk, current critic
    Best podcast for all things legal!
    Each impressive in their own right, together the Sisters-in-law are an amazing combination of brilliance, expertise, experience and wit. You can’t really know what’s going on in law and politics in America if you don’t listen to their podcast every week.
  • auntiejojo
    Get smarter — listen to this podcast!
    Intelligent, articulate, professionals help us non-lawyers keep up with criminal and civil matters. But the discussion between them that brings in peripheral matters is quite enlightening. Highly recommend.
  • pdw1961
    Great show
    Your podcasts are so informative. Bring your next tour to the NYC area!
  • Kid Mister
    So good….but SO many ads!!
    I enjoy hearing this pod -entertaining and educational…but way too many interruptions for ads. Spoils it a bit for me…
  • Leigh-Lew
    Please come to Phoenix!
    Love the show, voted for you for webbys and congrats on the win. I look forward to listening every Saturday for the dog walk💕
  • “Ze”
    I Love Your podcast! Listen every week. Question: Can the DOJ file an Obstruction of Justice Indictment against Judge Aileen Cannon? If not, why not? How can this case be brought by Jack Smith? Thank You, Zena Whitcombe
  • tmccaffr
    Great show today. Informative and I especially love the detailed explanations of the law.
  • Bandolera100
    The sisters-in-law podcast is one of the most enjoyable available. However, the incessant giggling, and the changing tone and pitch of one of the voices is less than appealing.
  • A UK fan
    Donald Mob boss
    How people can be so gullible to support this man is beyond me. Wake up America - this man is truly an embarrassment to your country's intellect
  • LMcCoyS
    I am a fan!
    I love your podcast! I have learned so much about our legal system, which was never a strong suit of mine but you all make it fun and interesting and have great senses of humor!
  • PeteGun
    My Saturday morning fave
    I love having my Saturday morning coffee with the sisters. It’s like hanging with some fun friends who happen to be brilliant experts at the intersection of law and politics. I never miss it.
  • jkbrks
    Alito and HUS flag
    Tou talk as though he would CARE about how people feel or what people think. REALLY?
  • NedAgain
    I’m now a fan
    Both informative and entertaining. Many episodes serve as a civics lesson, especially apt for adults of voting age. Thanks (#) Sisters in Law!
  • the.spiral.nimbus
    Sisters in Sanity
    Thank you all for throwing out this lifeline to all of the people who are at risk of drowning in a sea of despair during the insane trump era. Xoxo
  • Shana's Mom
    Love me some Sisters
    I am a retired lawyer, and I recommend this podcast to everyone. These 4 do a terrific job of explaining the issues involved in a straightforward way that is easily understood by those who haven't gone to law school or who aren't familiar with the area of law at issue. What I particularly like is that they will discuss the strength and weaknesses of various arguments - the positions they support and those they do not - but they still let you know what their personal view is. I also like the way they do the ads. This is the only media program whose advertised products I have actually tried, and that is because they are made by companies I've not heard of before and they personally use the product. Barb McQuade admits she does not use Olive & June nail polish, so she talks about how much her daughter likes their products.
  • BKWcbc
    Take card questions at live events
    You waste your value listening to laudits.
  • KristinaRyhn
    Sisters in Law podcast is
    Awesome Awesome Awesome! I wouldn’t miss a Saturday with these brilliant women!
  • Gran DR
    Woohoo have fun in Chicago!
    Absolutely best podcast, love you gals! Thanks!
  • Bluedillygal
    I’m thinking a kid’s book of “Sisters In Law” would be a good thing. PLEASE
  • csbodhi
    Hello ladies love your podcast. Don’t know how to ask question so here it is: contrast/compare Campaign finance law/NY business records law and what I never hear anyone discuss US Treasury/IRS regs
  • Dolemout Jackson
    Parses legalese into English
    There's very little chance I'd have of understanding what's going on in legal news without #SistersInLaw to make sense of it.
  • maxgramma
    Thank You!!
    I love your show!! If I want to understand what’s going on in the courts, Sisters is where I go. Appreciate each of your perspectives and professional insight. We are so fortunate to have you as a resource in these 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ times.
  • wisehartgardens
    Seriously, so many. Makes it really hard to listen to a whole show
  • Will Stop
    Stop the squeal!
    I like the content, but when Kim starts squealing, I have to stop listening. Just talk, please don’t squeal.
  • Christine_on_16
    Love this podcast.
    I learn so much. One negative: I know you’re not all in the same location, but each contributor joins the conversation at a different volume and I have to keep turning them volume up and down depending on who’s speaking. You might want to get a sound editor or some sound editing software.
  • Patriot Sister
    Great podcast!!!
    Wow!!!!! I don’t know how you covered everything this week but you did it!!! Seriously, an extra beer for all of you. I listen every week and am amazed by your knowledge of the law. You all have a gift for teaching as well. (As a teacher I can spot great teachers). You all are an inspiration during these dark times. Keep up the fabulous work! Enjoy your tour! Come to Arizona! We could use a boost.
  • QuincyGirl90503
    Hoping this road trip becomes a reality! This podcast helps me make sense of the legalese being bandied about in the press. Love their fierce commitment to intellectual discourse!! We got tickets for the show in Boston!!! Congrats on the Webby win!!!! #ivoted
  • Dutch Susan
    Can’t miss podcast
    My Saturday isnt complete until I’ve listened to the sisters in law. I appreciate their breakdown of the news and love the way their true friendship shines through in lighter moments. Thank you for keeping us informed.
  • IvyRadcliffe
    #SistersinLaw Are Sisters in Action
    The scholars of #SisterinLaw are excellent role models for how to be allies in sisterhood for all people, no matter a person’s particular identity. They provide reasoned, articulate, accurate information and demonstrate how different people can come to different interpretations or conclusions from that data—and even when they do not agree, they discuss their viewpoints and support them in a civil, respectful manner without withholding their feelings, which are not always all sweetness and light. They should really all run for office to give us smart, ethical, and thoughtful leaders. Alas, I think they are all too intelligent to throw themselves (and their loved ones) into the political fray.
  • Sybil G.
    Very informative
    I’ve been listening to this podcast since its first episode. I never miss it and learn something new every week. I love the question listeners send each week. I just hope there is finally justice for the American people and Donald Trump gets its comeuppance.
  • Seaminglylisa
    Favorite legal podcast
    I look forward to my Saturday mornings with these brilliant legal ladies. Best legal pod out there!
  • Eyesopen52
    Once again we get more clear, understandable info from the SILs than Any news media out there. Thanks for keeping us informed! 11/19/23 The best podcast anywhere! I anxiously await each new podcast from 4 of the smartest women out there! I await this podcast eagerly all week long. Would love to hear these brilliant women daily if possible. Best podcast out there!
  • Starr99999
    Best show about current legal issues
    Love the measured way these intelligent women approach all things. They don’t sensationalize issues but help us all understand where we are in this very strange time.
  • CieloStellato
    This podcast is the perfect lay person's education in the law, served up by four brilliant women with long careers in law.
  • lilyoolily@
    Regular listeners of this podcast!!!
    Always fresh and informative, great perspective and approach to important events, with their astute analysis. We share our morning coffee listening to these ladies!
  • yoummooo
    Hassle to FF all the silly ads
    Usually old, 5 or 6 days when I ck and so it’s old news so I choose something else but today was newly released and Wadeer info interesting albeit brief
  • mweber67
    Smart women
    Love this podcast so awesome!! I am so excited about your win!! This is the best podcast, I look forward to listening to your weekly episode especially with a group of very smart women!!
  • Butte Valley Independent
    I just voted for the Webby Awards. Just love these brilliant ladies and have learned so much about our judiciary system. Thank God for their humor and honest interpretation of these times.
  • ImagineAgape
    Judge Aileen Cannon
    In my opinion, her nutty, biased rulings are very much NOT inexplicable. She -may- be inexperienced, but Judge Cannon is simply a ~blatant~ Trump loyalist. I realize that you all need to “both-sides” these issues carefully for the show, but giving this judge the benefit of the doubt, at this point, is not logical. At the same time, Trump, MAGA, and whomever may be helping Ms. Cannon, -may- be playing many moves ahead chess…make crazy rulings, then make Smith look bad for throwing the book back at her. Drumpf is using the SAME tactic with his REPEATED gag order violations…The United States Justice Dept NEEDS to apply the law without fear or favor, come what may!!! History will never forget if they DON’T!!!!!!!! They need to ACT, and ACT NOW!!!!! All IMHO… Cheers and Thanks for your great show! ✌️💚🌻🌺🌸😎💫
  • seraphita
    The Webby Awards
    Love my Sisters-in-Laws. Congrats on the nomination and best of luck for the win! I just voted 4/6/2024. Yeah❣️
  • Molly Jong Fast
    Great podcast Ladies…please address what is glaringly obvious. Cannon is a puppet and is being coached from a behind the scenes strongman. She has been threatened perhaps by deportation of her mother back to Cuba? when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth (Sherlock Holmes). She is afraid and is being manipulated. Full Stop!!!
  • ycnanrellek
    My Saturday Family
    The moment I wake up on Saturdays, my first thought is “it’s Saturday! Can’t wait to getogether for coffee with my “Sisters” - I learn, I laugh, I love with you. Thank you for all you bring each eeek💃💃💃💃
  • chefd11
    Have seen Barb and Joyce on MSNBC a lot and I wish I was half as smart as them, but the intro is way too long on the podcast.
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