Talking Feds

News #86Politics #31

TALKING FEDS is a roundtable discussion that brings together prominent former government officials, journalists, and special guests for a dynamic and in-depth analysis of the most pressing questions in law and politics.

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Recent Reviews
  • itwasntmesir45
    Oh look another podcast with terrible hosts whining about Trump while making tons of money from him. Stop stalking Trump and luring about him. You are all obsessed and maybe secretly a bit in love with him.
  • lasifantas
    Always interesting, informative and fun!
    Mr. L brings on the best guests. I always learn something and have few laughs, too. I always look forward to Mondays now!
  • MiansaM
    Love Harry
    In the before times I never would have even considered listening to a show like this but now I feel its imperative to keep myself surrounded by smart people I respect and Harry is at the top of that list. My first podcast every week! Keep up the great work and Thank You!
  • Alex90212
    Smart show with creative twist!
    Been listening to Talking Feds since the beginning. Harry brings a smart and interesting group together to deep dive key issues and brings his own creative twist to features like Sidebar with super fun actors, writers, and artists and Five Words or Fewer, breaking up what can often be serious and complex episodes. I hope the Feds keep talking!
  • jwcnevada
    Talking Feds
    Always great, knowledgeable guests. Educational for layperson. Harry is great
  • tmccaffr
    Great Podcast! They get into the weeds!
  • bluevoter
    Take issue
    Maggie H should not be given a voice
  • burghergirl
    Why oh why Maggie Haberman?
    Love the show but if you ever have Maggie Haberman on again I will gladly skip that episode. She carried water for Trump for 4 years and deserves no exposure now after everything that man did had been laid out.
  • IoB.
    MAGA Haberman?
  • Mooj58
    Always informative
    Great selection of guests. I’d like to hear more of Harry’s own thoughts- he sometimes focuses more on his facilitator role.
  • Ma Joad
    Minor downgrade
    Usually a 5 star rating, however Maggie Haberman’s presence was a distraction, especially in light of revelations in the falsification of business records trial. Like nails in a chalkboard.
  • shannon.scott
    Carol Lee - NBC News
    Sorry, an executive from NBC News acting “confused” about the narrative of Biden’s age - is gaslighting beyond belief. The reason this narrative exists is because of outlets like NBC News. Please Harry, do better with your guest list.
  • sfncar
    Katie, Yasmin, & Ben
    Excellent!! This is a “must listen twice (at least)” episode. Wow — my lunch got cold while I listened and I don’t give a hoot!
  • Petunia903
    16 May Special Episode
    I really enjoyed this conversation. Your May 14th episode is one of my favorites so far. Thank you.
  • Grateful 20121229
    Lighthearted Panel Discussion of Serious Issues
    Harry Litman leads a panel each episode in an even-paced discussion analyzing political issues in the news. The viewpoints are shared in a collegial, friendly manner despite the often sobering nature of the topics covered.
  • jimmie from utah
    Great Show
    Outstanding! Great in-depth coverage. Very insightful!
  • Gr8Call
    I laugh, I “cry,” I’m provoked to THINK!
    The Talking Feds podcast is a captivating blend of wit, emotion, and intellectual stimulation that leaves listeners thoroughly engaged. Hosted by a group of former federal prosecutors, the podcast offers insightful commentary on current legal and political issues with a refreshing dose of humor and candidness. Each episode is a rollercoaster of emotions where you'll find yourself laughing out loud at the hosts' witty banter, feeling moved by their impassioned discussions, and most importantly, challenged to think critically about complex topics. From dissecting recent court cases to analyzing government policies, the Talking Feds team delivers content that is both informative and entertaining. One standout feature of the podcast is its diverse range of guests and perspectives. However, to further enrich the discourse, I would highly recommend inviting Nick Gillespie—an esteemed libertarian voice—to contribute his insights on various issues. Gillespie's reasoned approach would offer valuable balance and expand the podcast's scope of viewpoints.
  • ElizaCost
    I like the show, but…..
    You are showing your prejudice. Hamas killed 30 kids. US bombs and Israel have killed 15,000 kids. Thousands more are undoubtedly buried under rubble. Biden and Netanyahu are starving 1 million people. Anti-semitism is always the excuse used against those of us calling for justice. That’s all we want. Palestinians are an occupied people. But that does not mean that they are less worthy than the oppressors—the US and Israel. They have the right to a decent life. And not to be killed and tortured. BTW, why does no one mention the many “hostages” taken by Israel?
  • Calculatorless
    Immunity.. Impunity
    Simply another great round table discussion..!! Great observations, thoughts, ideas, questions, and “comparative conclusions “. Thank you..!!
  • Tata425
    I love Talking Feds!
    Talking Feds is one of my favorite podcasts and I never miss an episode. I’ve long been a fan of Harry’s and I love the various guests he brings on the pod and appreciate their vast legal experience, knowledge and expertise. Harry and his guests explain the often confusing and frustrating legal process is layman’s terms that make it significantly easier to understand and digest. Thanks for creating this top notch podcast.
  • b1texqj
    Fantastic podcast - more Jen Rubin
    One of my never miss podcasts - always thoughtful and interesting discussions. I particularly love when Jen Rubin joins. I’ve grown to really respect and trust her insights.
  • Madeline short
    Law & usually some Laughter every week
    This is a great podcast to follow if you are like me and just don’t get quite enough on MSNBC from these Harry and the other great legal contributors ! Keep it up ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟
  • mollyfishny
    Love it!
    Keep the swearing coming. It’s justified.
  • Lurabuta
    One of the best shows explaining what’s really going on! Hopeful! Can’t wait for the next one!
  • Zack Nelson
    Forward Party? Really?
    Why are you platforming the Forward Party who STILL have no policies, no platform, and stand for nothing except “moving forward.” They are like a bad Simpsons plot. Let’s just have a weathervane on the panel next time so we get the same amount of principals with less diatribe.
  • chisoxct
    A must listen to podcast. Enjoy Harry’s insight and always books insightful guests.
  • JeetKuneDo
    A beacon of democracy!
    It’s a fantastic way to keep up with politics and those who would threaten democracy
  • @fatarae
    Top 5
    Talking Feds is one of my top 5 pods! Love it!
  • gybuse
    Great episode!
    Loved the Trump university group! More of these please. So interesting to hear the different opinions and approaches to the issues. Learned a lot. B NC
  • 11dalya
    So many great legal minds
    I love listening to the legal minds at work in these podcasts. The topics are easy to follow and well explained. Great guests always, and getting to listen to Mary McCord, Joyce Vance, Norm Eisen, among others, all on one show was spectacular as they discussed legal strategies for the Trump case. Thank you Harry Littman.
  • last try for a name
    Yeah, It’s Monday!
    Always first-rate, insightful, thoughtful. I am always sorry when it’s over. Not as crazy about the focused one-topic episodes, though they are excellent. Mondays, my dog always gets a good walk. Love you, Harry!
  • VietSchlong
    Ridiculous partisan hack
    People like this are why half of America has woken up to the fact that the legacy media is their enemy.
  • Lurking Baby Boomer
    Talking San Diego
    Thank you for hosting Jamie Raskin - so moving and so powerful and, as you said, a tour de force. Love Talking Feds - never miss an episode. You are such a great facilitator Harry, on you rpodcast and today with Congressman Raskin. So grateful for you both. Now we have to get to work to save ourselves. Thank you so much. Deborah Clendaniel
  • Terry@88
    My favorite podcast! Maga folks need to listen to hear the TRUTH!
  • martinschroman21
    Keep going!
    I listen to all of the episodes. Thank you!
  • Jrkalom
    I have to say I am really impressed with the heavy weight personalities that he is able to pull into this podcast. Such stimulating and validating conversations. Thank you so much and keep it up! You and your brilliant friends are rock stars!
  • Coachlinda57
    Insightful Conversations with the Best of the Best
    Like your easy, informative but personal conversational style as well as your superb choice of guests. Always feel like I’ve regained a few of the IQ points I inevitably lose listening to mainstream media’s quick, unexplored talking points. Thanks!
  • Truly66
    Guest Line-up of has-beens
    Jonathon Alter, Heidi Heitcamp, and EJ Dionne? BORING! How about Rachel Bitecofer, Tiffany Cross, or anyone under 65! Or under 40!
  • pattiocon
    Favorite Monday show
    I love Harry and he always has great guests. The only thing I don’t like about it is that it’s too short - I could easily listen for twice as long. Or alternatively 3 times a week.
  • @march4humanity
    Absolutely worth the time!
    I love Harry’s guests per episode and all the questions and answers. Thank you, you help me believe that sanity/humanity will prevail.
  • CRLadra
    Honest, clear, perspective
    Harry, the high level of discussion is impressive.
  • Ofwaih48
    I never miss it!
    Great, lively discussions! Part of my morning routine!
  • Jerry Starbuck
    What me worry?
    One of the best episodes is Feb 19th with Carol, Susan , and Emily.
  • phunny girl
    Trials and more
    This was an excellent show! Such knowledgeable guests and great insights into what is happening to our country right now!
  • mbapsu
    What is truly frightening?
    You all believe yourselves to be unbiased, even-handed arbiters of truth when you all are actually rabid partisans and held positions in the Federal bureaucracy with the full power to weaponize your beliefs against American Citizens. Truly frightening…
  • Lulu3305
    Accountable Eras
    This podcast had me laughing out loud so many times! I always enjoy these podcasts but this one was especially fun
  • Buggy1212
    Informative and Interesting!!!
    Really appreciate this podcast. Very well done and provides insightful information on relevant topics. I’m learning a lot! Thanks so much!!!
  • Lisa Tuttle in Maine
    Important but normalizes MAGA maggots
    This is so important to help us little commoners understand the law and how powerful and corrupt men can use the levers of government to abuse the population. Yet the normalization of illegitimate pathways to power still resides in a good ole boy dangerous acceptance of a befuddled, ignorant and violent method The Republican Party is a disgrace there is no acceptable apology or rationalization fir the behavior.
  • CookieManster
    I usually enjoy your show Harry, but today was a disappointment. President Biden has been the most accomplished president of our time. I will never understand why Crystal and Frum insist on belittling his impressive record by suggesting he’s not a good communicator. President Biden has been a skillful communicator if one is looking for compassion, honesty and trust. Slick politicians are unreliable and empty. BIDEN 2024! KEEP AMERICA FREE!
  • AintWhatIUsedToBe
    Democracy and the Administrative State
    I found today’s conversation unusually interesting, all of it, but the conversation at the end about the herring case before SCOTUS was the greatest prize. Administrative State. Chevron Doctrine (btw for today’s panel- there is more than one Chevron Doctrine - air quality is not the only environmental issue Chevron has been involved in). One of the great things about Talking Fed is that Harry brings in not only prominent, articulate and thoughtful experts on the liberal and progressive sides but also equally articulate and thoughtful experts who were historically prominent on the conservative side, some still deeply conservative, some now registered as Democrats. All believe the democratic system of governance the founding fathers established is our single most important asset. It always gives me hope to hear there is a value, a principle more important that current partisan issues.
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