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Ryan DrawdyThe Joy of FilmI’ve listened to Filmspotting off and on for the last few years, but I always return because it’s such a “comfort show” for cinephiles. The Top 5 lists appeal to my innate love for countdowns, and the end of year roundtables are a fantastic overview of each year in film. With that episode alone, you can ensure most of your annual blind spots are taken care of. And outside of that show, the marathons and Madness brackets give listeners continual rooting interest from week to week. I always feel inspired to keep watching and discovering new movies after I listen!
JaredWilliams5425Favorite podcastFilmspotting has been my favorite podcast since I started listening back in 2019. Josh, Adam, and Sam put so much care and effort into curating content for all film lovers, and they do a great job of talking about new content I otherwise wouldn’t have heard of. Even if I don’t fully agree with one of their reviews, I always respect and appreciate their analysis. Congrats on 1,000 episodes and cheers to the next 1,000! And come visit Dallas sometime!
BROOOCEbozance says Filmspotting is fabFilmspotting follower from ‘05. Fervently following fresh features from Frozen to Fury, Filmspotting’s firmament of fascinating feedback fuels my film fervor fastly and furiously. (Some help from AI but I mean, at least I came up with the first sentence, “firmament,” and um… “fastly.”)
sam gelsNew movie podcastAdam and Josh You did a fantastic job Hosting the podcast Im sam gelser The co creator and executive producer Of the 16 time Emmy winning Drama series Wicked the spod years By the way I really enjoy your podcast Keep up the good work
expressanddiscardTough listenI’m like Leonard Shelby from Memento with this podcast. Huh, a movie analysis podcast that I don’t subscribe to? What’s wrong with me, I’ll listen again… oh, it’s actually just reading listener comments in cartoon Chicago accents for an hour that’s why I don’t listen to it.
danielhenselGreat Podcast!I’ve been listening going on 10 years now and this podcast has deepened my understanding and appreciation of all sorts of movies, and also introduced me to many many movies I may not have otherwise encountered. This is THE movie podcast for me!
NBAfan1880Too much politicsYour smug political views are a turnoff
mattshureenGood show.Came for the movies, stayed for the tortoise-talk. More of that, please!
Tim drewCommuting cure for movie loversLove their analysis and care that they put into crafting each episode. Previously having listened to only silly or less serious movie reviews like We Hate Movies and red letter media, it’s refreshing to hear from critics that have such deep film knowledge and put such deep thought into their reviews.
OuterFilmHeavenThe BestAfter watching movies as mostly entertainment for most of my life, I’ve recently started to think much more deeply about film. First up on my self-assigned homework: understanding film criticism—what it is, what it should do, etc. A critic, from what I’ve gathered so far, should judge, yes, but they should also provide unique insights that might not have been seen had it not been for their commentary. Through nuanced, perceptive, and humorous conversations, the hosts of this show certainly do that and much more!
The Jones 1234AwesomeOne of the best film podcasts out there. Bought all of Josh’s books and love listening to each episode, which is thought provoking yet entertaining discussion on the latest movies
critterhandsInsightfulAdam and Josh are some of the more insightful and smart film podcasters out there. They’re always able to articulate things in a way that helps me better appreciate my time at the movies. And I love their willingness to engage with differing opinions—there’s no defensiveness over a “correct take” and frankly thats sorely missing from most film criticism these days.
CowstarBest film criticism podcast by a mileFilmspotting goes far beyond a trustworthy source for reviews - it's fantastic, engaging film criticism from hosts that often constructively disagree. It’s a solid one and I’ve discovered hundreds of fantastic movies from both their regular and film marathon reviews, along with top 5s I’ve now listened for about 16 years!!
tcga-mutExcellent podcastI’ve been listening to movie podcasts for over a decade now, including the filmvault, the Filmcast and many others. These podcasts have guided almost all my movie going experiences. But the podcast that provides the most insightful commentary, and teaches me the most about the movies I watch is Filmspotting. Give it a listen! It’s fun, funny, educational and heartfelt. In other words, you can’t go wrong.
OverheadCornStalwart movie podcastTwo dads take time off from their day jobs at corn college and oxymoron magazine to talk cinema. This is the best movie podcast produced by Sam “The incinerator” Van Hallgren, and thank you to WBEZ.
Danny PasEngagingThese two always bring such great discussions to the table on old and new films. Always a recommendation to friends looking for something new.
scooby123The best movie podcast there isI’ve been listening to Filmspotting for well more than a decade, and it is unquestionably my favorite movie podcast. Adam and Josh provide great insights and analysis each week, and they’ve also cultivated a wonderful community among fans of the podcast who love to discuss film. I had the pleasure of joining them for an episode this year after winning a fan lottery, and my reward for years and years of listening was getting crushed in a movie draft. Still a great time.
hellomynameisdanBest movie podcast 10/10I’ve been listening for over 10 years and it is the best movie podcast out there! Josh and Adam have the most insightful conversations while also being entertaining and educational. I recommend this podcast to all movie lovers! I think my favorite part is the fact that Josh and Adam don’t waste our time like other podcasts do with lots of rabbit trails and rambling… While there is room for added discussion, it is clear that these two hosts come with a concise and well thought out opinion before they hit the record button. I will always be a huge fan!
Djarf27The best film podcast out there!As a busy teacher and parent, I often forget to listen to several podcasts, but I always make time for each new Filmspotting episode! Quite simply, Filmspotting has educated me, kept me engaged in cinema, and helped me find several blindspots I wouldn’t have sought out otherwise. In additions, as a film teacher, Adam and Josh have made several “appearances” (at least their voices have!) in my classroom, and my students always enjoy listening and learning from them! Some podcasts come and go, but Filmspotting is here to stay!
Smelly TavalasAren’t we all deeply flawed?Hosts Adam and Josh consistently offer smart, earnest, and thoughtful insights on current, classic, and not-so classic films. But the unsung hero is producer Sam, who writes a heartfelt newsletter, keeps Josh and Adam on their toes, and comes up with “deeply flawed” polls that make me think deeply about my choices as a film goer. In fact, I would pay good money for a DEEPLY FLAWED T-shirt. Keep up the great work, amigos.
Who’s Your HuckleberryThe best movie podcastI’ve been listening to Filmspotting for almost 20 years—since 2005, I have not missed an episode. That’s because it is unmissable. Honestly, sometimes I enjoy Josh and Adam’s talk about movies as much as, or even more than, the movies themselves. There have been numerous discussions of movies that I have never—and some I WOULD never—watch, but the conversation is so rich that I listen with pleasure anyway. 20 more years, please!
ESD in BostonAI-Assisted Review in Poem FormOde to Filmspotting For over a decade, I’ve tuned in with cheer, To hear Adam and Josh discuss films far and near. Their reviews, both new and classics they bring, Make me laugh, think, and learn about everything. From Top 5 lists to the great Massacre Theater, Where their scene recreations only get sweeter. They dive into genres, directors, and foreign delights, Bringing Film Marathons to expand all our sights. With guests like Dana and Michael in tow, The insights and banter make their wisdom flow. Each episode shines, each deep dive is keen, A joy for film obsessives and casuals between. So here's my recommendation, both simple and true, Filmspotting’s a podcast that’ll capture you too!
jjo220A joy to listen toI may not always agree with the hosts, but I always walk away glad to have heard their perspectives on old and new films.
MarshallvstheMachineThe only podcast a film junkie needsI am so grateful this podcast exists. They have the conversations around film that I wish I was having with my own friends and family. They are insightful, funny, and help introduced me to films that I might’ve missed. UPDATE: It has been a few years since I wrote the above review. It has only become more true with time. There are a lot of podcasts about film, but you won’t go wrong sticking with Filmspotting. Update to the update (Sept 2024): This is the only podcast that I have maintained loyalty to. I do not know where else you could find a more enjoyable and thoughtful dissection of film by two guys who simply and sincerely love movies. Smart without being snobbish, thorough without being elitist, Josh and Adam remind me of some of the best elements of Siskel and Ebert (though those two would have likely passionately given two thumbs up to Dune pt 1 and 2, so there is still room for improvement). Do yourself the favor and get hooked!
BlueVoidThe bestI’ve been listening for nearly 20 years. So I guess they are pretty good. They bring thoughtful film criticism of both old and new films, mixed with lighter fun segments. It’s a perfect combination that doesn’t make it feel too much like film school, but also more insightful then just pop movie fluff commentary.
Jason.MontgomeryFilmspotting - Best Movie PodcastIf you are interested in movie podcast, look no further than this podcast. Professional, smart, and fun. Skip the others and start here. Undoubtedly the only podcast I would listen to if I lived in an alternate “one podcast only” world.
tuckerrkingMy go-to movie podcastI stumbled across Filmspotting in 2017, when I switched majors from computer science to film studies. Nearly 8 years later, it’s still my favorite movie podcast out there. Not only are Adam and Josh’s conversations insightful and nuanced, but the regular marathons and Filmspotting Madness each year have given me plenty of reasons to fill in cinematic blindspots. Love the show and don’t expect that to change anytime soon.
LizLeBrunExactly what I was looking forWith each film they choose, I’m always overjoyed by the different theories, opinions, and deep dives they take the listener through. I just finished the Shawshank Redemption episode and even though I’ve seen the film 15+ times, they gave me a new way to appreciate some of the characters, the cinematography and overall story. I do skip episodes of movies I haven’t seen yet(this is not a spoiler-free experience) but all in all this is my favorite film podcast. Definitely give it a listen!
grewupinthe80sSo many discoveriesI’ve been listening since about ep 20 when Sam was the co-host. I discovered Pedro Almodovar through you guys thanks to an early marathon! And so many other discoveries! I hadn’t listed in about 2 years until I rediscovered you a couple months ago. Love the current format of the show, especially when you guys disagree on a film. The conversation is always respectful, insightful, and thoughtful. We need more of that these days! Thank you for the recent sacred cow review of Shawshank Redemption, one of my all time favorite movies. I thought I knew that movie inside and out but you guys gave me some new ways to think about it and now I can’t wait to watch it again with a focus on Deakins’ cinematography. Thank you! One question for Adam… are you still friends with Matty Ballgame? How’s he doing?
CeeGeeBexIf you love movies, you’ll enjoy this.Fun podcast that is part of my regular rotation. These guys have good chemistry and lots of passion for their subjects. Thanks guys!
Trozak09One of the best podcasts -periodI’ve been listening to Filmspotting since their review of the Dark Knight, and I’ve been a steady supporter for a long time. I actually haven’t reviewed this show in more than a decade because it is so well done. Not only is the show thoughtful, conversational, comedic, and purposeful, but it sounds like a professional organization produces it. Adam, Josh, and Sam put so much love and care into this podcast that I forget that it’s an act of art an creativity that’s independently run. I urge you to give it a listen. Their back catalogue is incredible, and they do a great job of curating a mix of new and classic reviews.
Jeff Graham 91Smart but never pretentiousLove these guys! They are brilliant film scholars but also kind of feel your friend’s dorky dad that you loved catching up with at his barbecue. As a born Ohioan there is something refreshingly Midwest about the way Josh and Adam are able to disagree with such warmth and respect.
earimafine at 3x speedwith politics so depressing right now, i’ve been avoiding most podcasts in my feed; so i recently returned to running this podcast in the background for the first time in more than a decade. at 3x speed you can get through the (what seems like) days-long runtimes and overlook all the sports metaphors.
scoutfinch56Like Taking a Graduate level film classI’ve been listening to Filmspotting for at least 5 years now. When I travel to see family, Adam and Josh keep me company and the time just flies by. What I love about their show is that they combine an “Everyman” love of film with their scholarly background. I always learn a ton about films, directors, actors, genres, you name it. Can’t count the number of amazing films I’ve watched, based on hearing their reviews, that were not on my radar. I’ve tried a few other film podcasts (also love The Next Picture Show), but the solid foundation of cinema academia is not always present (and way too much giggling, fan girl/boy talk). Please don’t think that because of what I wrote that their show is stuffy and erudite. Not at all! Totally entertaining.
adamwhite78Best film pod out thereJosh n Adam have an incredible chemistry and a vast knowledge of film, not to mention a deep love for movies. The best movie podcast out there.
the_crackenLong time listenerI’ve been a listener since 2008 and the show has been simultaneously entertaining and instrumental in expanding my cinematic tastes and education.
Val City GalEnjoyableEnjoyable and enlightening show!
Johnnn and stuffCapturing the fun and art of filmmakingI think a good film critic is a film lover who also understands the context of the film and the conversation it’s having with other filmmakers and culture in general. These guys do that and it makes listening really fun and engaging.
CineFletchGrateful for my weekly dose of cinephiliaBack in 2018 I took myself on a solo movie date to see Alex Garland's latest, Annihilation. I left the theater needing to talk about this rich and fascinating movie with a bonkers ending, but I didn't know anyone who had seen it yet. So I opened up the apple podcasts app, searched the film title, and up popped Filmspotting with Adam and Josh offering a review. As a self-admitted film snob, I was grateful for the way they passionately discussed the movie with insight and thoughtfulness. I returned for a new episode the following week, and have been coming back every week for the past six years. I appreciate how they keep me abreast of the latest arthouse fare while not being too pretentious to discuss recent blockbusters. And with a great mix of contemporary and classic cinema, I have the perfect excuse to continue my solo movie dates AND rent classic films I haven't seen before or haven't seen in far too long. Keep up the exceptional work!
DanDadRockBorn to podAdam and Josh were born to do this. They are professionals through and through.
Hoops ManiacGo-To Film PodcastEasily the most intelligent, articulate, upbeat, and entertaining film podcast I’ve come across. I’ve been a loyal listener for years, and I always recommend Filmspotting to anyone I know, whether they watch 10 movies per year or are a loyal cinephile like myself.
skibythebayDiscussion Focussed Film PodcastAdam and Josh begin each review as if interviewing each other, asking how they approached the film or how their assumptions were challenged during the film. I'd rather be in the room discussion the film at hand in person. But each week's podcast is the next best thing.
Jeff from SpringfieldLove these Guys!Adam and Josh both have soothing voices and speak with wit and intelligence! They cover new releases but also look back at older films. Highly recommend!
KolchaksDune 2 reviewYou raved about everything that really didn’t work in this movie. So, … yeah.
Kotch 22Perfect Movie PodcastIt’s likely been said in plenty of reviews before mine, but this podcast really does have something for everyone. Whether you seek out arthouse fare or only go to the cinema for MCU installments, Adam and Josh have you covered. Personally, I like to use Filmspotting to hold myself accountable in correcting blind spots. Thanks to their marathons and ouvreviews, I finally got around to gems like Double Indemnity, In the Mood for Love, and plenty of others. I started listening some time around the Great Battle of Three Billboards and have been hooked ever since. Now I’m a proud member of the Filmspotting family and attended my first Triviaspotting last month, contributing roughly 0 correct answers (sorry Sam). Oh well, maybe next time.
AndrewGODUCKSBest film discussion podcastThoughtful and insightful discussions on new releases as well as a deeper dive into other movies that may have missed your radar. I have relied on Adam and Josh for the last several years, and greatly appreciate what they do to promote small/independent film (their golden brick discussions) while still keeping pace with larger releases too. They’ve filled the void that was created with the passing of Ebert and Siskel, and keep intelligent film discussion alive and well. My favorite weekly podcast!
scuda72Favorite podcastI come here because my friends don’t discuss movies at this level and I LOVE movie chitchat. This has been my favorite podcast since before the pandemic. Great for work, walks, driving to the theater!!! Kudos guys!
SomeguyinIndianaThe best film podcastAdam and Josh are great, I hope the show lasts forever. They are both very articulate and analytical, but never stuffy. There is a good sense of humor throughout which helps keep things light. They have a real appreciation of film history and have a nice balance of new reviews and classic discussion. I've been listening on and off for about a decade now. One of these years I hope to make a live show. Future madness ideas...Best Animated Film, Best Internetional Film, Best Science Fiction Film...Adam's Top 32 on one side vs Josh's too 32 on the other
MarkChicagoILDeleted reviewDeleted review
Olive juice456Indispensable conversationsIn an time when most of us are struggling to argue about things in politically fraught situations, what an enormous service Josh and Adam provide by modeling respectful, good-humored, and spirited argument about the stories that animate our culture. This show has become an indispensable companion for Saturday chores. But these conversations aren’t a chore; they’re a labor of movie love.
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