The Rewatchables

TV & Film #3All Genres #171

The Rewatchables, a film podcast from the Ringer Podcast Network, features The Ringer’s Bill Simmons and a roundtable of movie lovers from the Ringer universe discussing movies they can’t seem to stop watching. Listen to the complete archives of over 300 movies, including Pulp Fiction, Silence of the Lambs, John Wick, Alien, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and many more classics, on our special Rewatchables page on The Ringer. You can also watch these episodes on our Ringer Movies YouTube Channel!

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Recent Reviews
  • paul serone
    Shows ok
    Shows ok but can’t stand Van. Big shock, all he talks about is race. It is pathetic and such a beta male thing. They will never give him the boot though because they have to “check the box”.
  • CharlieHustle16
    I stole the act of wrapping a glass of water with a napkin and it’s served me well since 95.
  • jay13133
    Crash podcasts was terrible had to turn it off after 30 minutes
  • Dblair22
    Fact Check!!!
    So many times while listening I want to throw my phone across the room. Latest time: Maura Tierney played Annabelle in The Replacements, not Brooke Langdon!!!!
  • Rudeboi99
    Great insight, super-entertaining
    Great podcast, definitely geared towards movie buffs and cinephiles like me!
  • MisterHellJ
    Snowflake central, the cringer
    Listening to Bill and Chris compare the dystopia of fight club to January 6 is comedic, genius, or just two crybabies who suffered from TDS. How’s that playing out for you guys in 2025? Poor sweethearts, always gotta bring politics into everything. This podcast was good, until you both went full, “the view”, on me. JFC, get a grip.
  • wm1793
    Bills cocaine obsession
    Constantly bringing up cocaine in every pod is very annoying
  • 719RVDad
    Love you all 🌅🎞️
    Just listened to the "Before Sunset" pod...just incredible! I'm 54 and these movies were so integral to my youth and view on relationships/that quest for the one...the soulmate. Quick question, was I the only one who watched "Thirtysomething" in high school and wanted a Hope as a future wife?
  • qtmissa
    Don't Bother
    Unless you have seen the film they are discussing 20 times you can't follow along and the tangents are eye-rolling
  • SullBoy
    Before Sunset
    Mallory ruins this one with just awful input that’s clearly informed by the third film (which is her favorite). Takes away from the magic that the second film has
  • tm2418
    Great Podcast!!!
    LA Confidential???
  • LennySmelly
    Hot Fuzz
    CR, please do this!
  • matttcarrr
    Hereditary Piano Wire Recorrection
    In the mailbag episode a listener claimed it wasn’t piano wire but a saw at the end of Hereditary. It actually was piano wire. Recommend referring to original scripts for fact checking: “As Peter enters the hallway, a SHARP CLANGING SOUND is heard downstairs. Peter freezes. A sustained REVERB fills the house. It sounded like it came from a piano.” “Peter notices the PIANO. It seems to have been tampered with. The lid is open and a couple of the wires have been SNAPPED.” “ANNIE is huddled up into a corner of the ceiling. Her face is twisted with grief and fear, and she is shaking her head - “no, no, no, no, no” - as if pleading with the back of Peter’s head, like a frightened animal. She holds PIANO WIRE, pulling it taut with both hands. Wringing blood.” “ANNIE has somehow gotten in. She floats weightlessly in the air. (She is faintly illuminated by a candle below her.) She has looped the PIANO WIRE around her own NECK, which is already straining blood. She TUGS on one end of the wire. It SAWS through her neck. She TUGS on the other end of the wire. It saws even deeper.”
  • Gatorbuck23
    Cocaine Bit Getting Old
    Great pod, but the 80’s cocaine jokes from Bill are tiresome. We get it, cocaine was big in the 80’s, but mentioning it on every pod makes one think he may or may not partaken more than once. Leave it alone, dude.
  • Chris St.Croix
    Fave new podcast
    I’m late to the party but I can’t get enough. My favorite new podcast.
  • BillBlaster1
    Bill’s Movie Choices are Gold
    I am 60 and enjoy the same movies that Bill does. I enjoy his reviews and laugh at a lot of the banter and silliness he and the other hosts produce. A great podcast, very entertaining!
  • Textdgh
    Deserves 5 Stars, but...
    ...the one dude who finds it funny to obnoxiously yell and cuss is utterly irritating. Also, Van is getting tedious with his cussing and race talk. Sick of the race stuff. Otherwise, a great show with great viewpoints. The show is very well organized and thought out except for that one guy who finds it funny to yell at the top of his lungs while cursing up a storm. That's when I sometimes turn it off because he goes on and on with it. Really could do without that.
  • brianooch
    Joint = turn off
    Such a tired and I need to sound like a G and very cool.. stop saying Joint .. everyone knows that but The one who says it . White washed jeans
  • coopmanjones23
    Enough of Producer Craig
    Man this whole producer Craig is a millennial who’s never seen anything is ridiculous. Idk why he even comes on, he obviously doesn’t care for these movies because how is it 2024/25 and he’s never seen the movie FNL or the show!? He’s the same age as me and it’s just pointless to have someone who doesn’t care on. Idk if it’s a schtick for the pod but I immediately shut it off anytime they mention he’s coming on to provide “the young person perspective” give me a break
  • louise311
    Great Chemistry
    I love when Van is on the show. You guys are a lot of fun together. You two have great chemistry. Sonya
  • DBlack519
    Great Show
    Ever since this podcast was recommended to me, I have been listening to it weekly. Helps me get through my work day. As a fellow movie lover I really enjoy listening to the show. Would like to see a couple of classic 90s action movies done in the future.
  • Real Critic_
    Why don’t you listen to your loyal listeners and fans? There is not one positive review on here for Van, yet tons of reviews saying he ruins the pod.
  • Oryx700
    More Diverse Cohosts
    A casually misogynistic circle jerk at times. Bad live audio. Like every time.
  • ChiGuy84
    No Van A+
    Anything without Van is a great pod but if he is in there it’s basically signaling a C movie and his tmz style takes.
  • BK4781
    Blackjack movies
    Mount Rushmore of blackjack scenes: rain man, the hangover ("splitting fives!"), Austin powers, swingers
  • toolebrittoquit
    Love the Rewatchables
    I’m a big fan of the Rewatchables! Bill is an awesome anchor for the show and I love all of the guests, especially CR, Van, and Kyle. It’s so much fun to get everyone’s takes on these classics in a fun a lighthearted way and I’ve also found some new faves from listening. Movies are supposed to be fun and this show legit has me cackling each episode. The Longlegs impressions truly take me out. I’m so here for it. Long live the Rewatchables xoxo
  • Estone2112
    The End?
    Great idea for a pod and this was super fun earlier: Good insight and recaps. Lately,The movie choices have been rough and the attempts at humor, which have always been unbearable, have become downright annoying (particularly “CR” who is very not funny) The newer categories are kinda dumb. Might be time to retire.
  • realitystrikesback
    The blind audacity you have
    After your party is completely ruined this country I can’t believe that you have the nuts to continue to degrade Trump and his constituents. Shame on you.
  • ElTeo1234
    Kyle great, Van bad.
    Five-star-pod when it’s just Bill and Kyle. Four-star-pod when it’s Bill, Sean, and Chris (Chris’ voice can get tiring). Skippable pod when it’s Bill and any of those women, Van, and beyond. That Van fella stinks. The range in quality on this pod is puzzling.
  • Harry's Mommie
    Revisit the classics
    Educate yourselves. Read Jane Austen. Read Ibsen. Read George Bernard Shaw. Edna St. Vincent Millay.
  • BB Twain Harte
    Producer Craig
    Could this be producer Craig's Apex Mountain?
  • Dredunn2
    Where are the black movies Edit: I’ve listened to more episodes and i like it more than i used to, and they have added more black movies and they were great episodes, especially Friday and Boyz in the Hood. But it would be nice to see more, such as Soul Food, The Players Club, Set it Off, etc, instead of the black movies that most white people of a certain age have seen. Ijs 🤷🏾‍♂️
  • Kaydee Monty
    Fun and in Depth but…
    I would love a beeped version of every episode. I’d listen to EVERY ONE. I love it but can do without all the blue language.
  • CJLove88
    Informative but Disjointed
    Podcast Review King says “Fun and lighthearted movie review show.” Bill Simmons quarterbacks the reviews with his insights and background. The co hosts are also hilarious as they provide hysterical insights. The one flaw is the disjointed flow of the show. The hosts tend to jump and bounce around in regard to the plot. Be best to break down movie sequentially. Perhaps mentioning the awards at the end. “
  • Ex-Pat in London
    Meet the Parents episode
    Stick to reviewing movies, leave Randy Newman alone. He’s only one of the best musical artists this country has ever produced!
  • Schooner85
    Can we get a Gladiator rewatchable ahead of the sequel?
  • Tickleytiffers
    Good but some flaws
    I do like this podcast. I wish they would do more of a play by play or synopsis of the actual movies but it’s more of them just spitting out random facts about the movie, actors, filmmakers, etc. Then they will cover their favorite scenes or most re-watchable scenes. Sometimes they can be obnoxious or go on a tangent about random stuff. They have a nice flow together though. I just wish they would cover more in depth the play by play of the scenes and not be so all over the place with their discussions.
  • Normal Dennis
    Bill Simmons is a gross sounding, pedantic, irrelevant fool. Stop talking about sports on a movie podcast, idiot!
  • Bfaps
    I’m not that tech savvy and this is the only podcast I listen to, it’s dope. Not every movie they review I’m a fan of, but that’s the beauty of subjectivity! Wish they’d expand to include a few more modern horror movies too, that’s my only gripe. Was weird seeing a review for Halloween 4 when there isn’t one for movies like Saw, It, Us, etc.
  • bresson ford
    Great Wes Anderson episode
    I wish this podcast was hosted by Chris, Sean and Andy. or I think that those guys should have their own podcast. Edit for Halloween 4: please no more Van Lathan
  • Debpo
    Love it!
    I can’t believe I’m still waiting for Big Trouble in Little China with Kyle Brandt. He hit a HR with Over the Top and a grand slam with Cobra. Bang some axes together and get on this immediately.
  • Bunny Cub
    CR Obnoxious screaming
    I’m trying to relax and enjoy the pulp fiction podcast and I’m suddenly jolted by someone screaming some stupid impersonation of someone it wasn’t CR but of course he has to join in. IM WEARING EARBUDS YOURE YELLING RIGHT INTO MY EARS!!! It’s not funny. !
  • Gareth Byrne
    Gawd Dahum Bill
    So much editing on the silence of the lambs pod that we feel jerked around a bit. Maybe a live audience isn't a good fit for this show? They just aren’t as funny as they think they are. But at least Mal didn’t soak herself over Harrison Ford in this one.
  • Tom Cole Filmmaker
    Just discovered and love!
    I think im addicted- ive been listening none stop! Love the banter! Love the passion!
  • tommycostas
    One of the guards in silence of the lambs was
    George a Romero. Writer director of night of the living dead.
  • BigMitchBaker01
    Wayne Jenkins Supercut Part Duex?
    Loved having CR’s best voice impression ever used in a Baltimore/DC movie!! I’d like to have it in every Rewatchables INCLUDING past ones b4 he first used it. Come on Ringer give us an updated Supercut on YouTube…and think about Chris adding to every previous one (that Wayne fits in) as a side project!
  • Enjoy Prog
    Best Podcast
    I’ve been listening to all the movie review podcasts out there and yours is the best. Format is great and the personalities really shine through. I’m waiting for “Almost Famous” and “That Thing You Do” to be reviewed. Keep up the great work!
  • smellybug
    Guys please
    The Poltergeist ep. You would think if one were to spend an hour or two reviewing/discussing a film, they would take 30 seconds out of their day to look up the pronunciation of directors name, not laugh it off like it’s not important. I love/hate this podcast.
  • demisec44
    What happened? This is a great movie - the first GREAT movie you’ve done in a while and you were all over the place. Would you listen to this 95 mins pod? I’m not so sure you would. Off roading and out of focus.
  • Manny CR
    Had a rough patch but got better again!
    I didn’t like the second phase of the podcast but with Inglorious Basterds and specially No Country for Old Men, it came back to being as good as it was in the beginning! And you reach the top when you discuss Horror Films! So so good to include THIS IS THE END!!!!!! Loved The Blair Witch Project!
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