Dear Hollywood


It’s time to expose Hollywood.Child stardom is a unique cultural phenomenon with a notoriously dark shadow. Precocious young talents skyrocket to success only to repeat horror stories of addiction, decimated fortunes, and suicide. What is behind the toddler-to-train wreck pipeline? Why hasn’t it stopped? How are you connected to it at home?Host Alyson Stoner reveals intimate firsthand accounts alongside comprehensive expertise & action plans to change entertainment and inspire your own life path and healing.New episodes Friday. Subscribe & follow @alysonstoner to join the conversation.

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Recent Reviews
  • Nikki levey
    I LOVED you. But after your anti-semitic post, I am no longer a fan. What a shame you’d post that nonsense propaganda. You have no idea how much harm you’ve caused among the Jews and I hope you get canceled.
  • katiegooday
    Educating and sophisticated
    Highly recommend. Learned so much. Such a well spoken and educated woman. I wish she would make more episodes!!
  • LA-ice
    Important Work
    This podcast is so beautifully done. Alyson has clearly put so much time and thought into each and every second of this podcast. They share such personal stories in a raw and vulnerable way that empowers listeners. As an actress myself, this show has made me think, reflect, and challenge beliefs and norms. I’m so glad I found this. Many important conversations are happening internally. My own experiences are being validated. Also, as someone who did not grow up as a child in the industry, who deeply wanted my family to give up everything and move to LA, I have felt frustrated for how “behind” I’ve felt for having to start much later. I have compared myself to the Alyson’s and their peers. As a child I would envy their experiences and the fact that they were able to do what I wanted and not be held back by a small town. This has allowed me to see these child stars, now as an adult, as that- CHILDREN. Not stars. Kids. And it’s made me so grateful for my childhood and my late start. It’s made me feel so much compassion. I’m challenging my experiences and beliefs and realizing that in fact the grass is not greener on the other side. I knew this couldn’t be easy for these kids. But the extent was never fully understood until now. Beautiful research and structure here. Thank you Alyson. You are so brave and I see and feel each drop of love you’ve put into this comprehensive and vulnerable podcast.
  • emma willmann
    Love it!
    This show is so interesting and well done, thank you!
  • Geumpyhistory
    A fly on the wall and in the soup
    This podcast provides an inside view of the professional child performer experience in a sober and realistic way. That isn’t to say it is dry—it isn’t. The podcast is an invite to work together on what an appropriate framework would look like by highlighting the innocuous and bald dangers and boons alike. These are issues that are increasingly only addressed by people with a frothing mouth putting actual thought into what is and isn’t good for children and instead fancy themselves a child abuse warrior. Those boilerplate shadows of what impropriety towards children looks like isn’t as helpful as the perspective of those who have experienced it and the folks they share that perspective with to provide a forum for industry and personal improvement. Give it a listen. Give it a thought.
  • Hannah Neo
    Insightful, Personal & Beautifully Written
    My review title says it all. Truly impressed with the content & topic choices, writing, audio & production, the whole thing. Incredibly insightful and consciously thought out.
  • amy_d
    Valuable perspective from a fascinating grown up star
    I’ve been a fan of Alyson Stoner for many years and am thrilled to find her using her adult voice so effectively. Her candid insights about the world of child stardom are fascinating even for someone with no ties to the industry. I also appreciate that the episodes are structured and scripted, rather than just off the cuff thoughts.
  • Chickidychinachensechicken
    Eye opening
    So excited for Season 2 and to hear more. What a look behind the curtain and asking the questions that need to be asked and presenting solutions.
  • straightlesbi
    Real inside Hollywood
    I really enjoyed this show and look forward to season 2. I grew up watching Ms. stoner and it’s crazy to realize what was actually going on behind the scenes. I hope this podcast makes a real impact on how Hollywood moves forward with children in performing. Thank you for making this 🩷
  • RE: Guidelines
    Super enlightening
    I had no idea what I was getting into, but I am so glad I decided to listen to this podcast. I will never view child actors the same again. This podcast did such a great job bringing to light the dark corners of the industry that are not talked about.
  • DivaNerd
    Best best podcast! Peel away the layers mama!
    Listen to this podcast and become informed.
  • aybobo
    wish the episodes were longer!
    I love this podcast, I just wished the episodes were longer then they are.
  • Nicky:::”
    Great Podcast
    We see so many “influencers” and their content but most people are not aware of the behind the scenes issues and the toll the industry takes on celebrities, specifically children who work in the entertainment industry. I appreciate Alyson’s openness and willingness to speak honestly about real challenges that most child stars keep inside and maybe also might be reluctant to discuss fearing it might affect their career and prospects or legacy. Many topics she brings up are very useful for people to overcome their own personal issues. Alyson’s courage is admirable. Thank you Alyson for being so open and honest. Please don’t be afraid to share more and to be more open. We appreciate your honesty and willingness to bring up difficult subjects. Don’t let negative comments dictate what topics you want or need to discuss.
  • Mb802
    Truly eye opening
    This is one of the best podcasts I’ve come across. Alyson’s insight is so incredibly powerful and I can’t wait for her to continue to be vulnerable and her authentic self. I can tell she’s on a journey that will impact so many. 10/10. Can’t wait for more
  • Jkbfes
    Well spoken.
    Alyson is an incredible speaker. She eloquently narrates a thought provoking topics. Also she has a very calm and soothing tone to her voice which makes hearing about topics that may be triggering for some easier to stomach. I have been waiting for the episodes to come out every week to listen to, which I can’t say for most podcasts. My only complaint is that I wish the episodes were a little longer because I would like them to go a little more in depth. I hope as the podcast grows we get to go on more deep dives into some of the topics.
  • Gen9723
    I love you Allyson but please make the episodes a little longer😭
    This is such interesting and useful content but a little frustrating that the episodes are barely over 15 minutes. Big fan!
  • Cutletz
    Informative and real
    I first got into learning more about child actors and their experiences with Jeanette McCurdy’s book and then stumbled upon this podcast. As a non actor and average person, it’s super insightful and helps to understand the view of child actors and their struggles. We’ve seen so many child actors end up struggling either with addiction, mental health, etc so this is a much needed exploration and it’s so important for us consumers to be aware of this and give them grace. They are human. Alyson’s voice is so inviting and I love how honest she is while also being as inclusive as possible
  • mobaddy333
    Awesome podcast and super interesting
    I grew up watching Alyson and she popped up on my tik tok recently. Her insights have been so incredibly interesting that I had to look up the podcast.
  • Bananabitme2
    It’s a good podcast so far!
    I’ve really enjoyed listening to this podcast as I’m incredibly interested in the behind the scenes happenings of the entertainment industry, especially how it affects child actors. It’s clear Alyson is very careful and deliberate with her words and what she puts out there, which makes it all the more surprising that she’s taken a sponsorship from BetterHelp. It’s a bad look that just really negates her entire argument and makes her look hypocritical. But beyond that, if I were to offer more constructive criticism, I’d say I find it kind of awkward when she asks the audience questions directly. I’m not used to that as a podcast listener and it feels like she’s trying to extend the time or doesn’t know what else to say. The questions are often back to back and very irrelevant too; I don’t know if she thinks that we’re all child actors or parents of child actors, but I am pretty confident that the majority of listeners aren’t lol
  • SalterBrosCoffee
    Hesitant at first but love it
    I was hesitant at first to start listening due to it being a heavier topic of conversation. I first heard Allyson talk about her podcast on a different podcast and was instantly intrigued. While being intrigued I finally thought that the heaviness of me just listening to this content didn’t outweighed the heaviness of Allyson and many other kids having to actually live it. So glad I began listening, I’ve learned so much and can’t get enough!
  • shadi234
    A great podcast
    This show is so awesome!! Alyson is amazing! I hope we get Miranda Cosgrove, Olivia Olson and Dylan Sprouse guest star on the show.
  • creditonesucktokingdomcome
    Totally Facinsating
    An INCREDIBLE first-person take and retrospective on this concept of children in “Hollywood” or “Influencers”. Raw, feels like real-time and immersive, mind-blowing. So thought-provoking about Hollywood, children, and the current state of society. Alyson is a remarkable person. Real, raw, and thoughtful. I never even knew of her before, tbh. “Camp Rock” was after my time. I first discovered her from the podcast “Vulnerable” (another great and related pod, w/Christy Carlson Romano). I know I want to follow her journey as long as I can witness it. My only regret is that I didn’t discover this pod later, so I could properly binge. Now, I just WAIT for another ep to drop. Alyson, I admire you. Who you are, how you think, and how you adjust to the world around you. And I didn’t even know you were “that girl from the Missy video”. You’re inspiring.
  • J_Bell_14
    Great conversation
    This podcast has been such a great conversation from a point of view I’ve never thought of. Great job Alyson!
  • LtJadzia
    An Intriguing Listen
    While certainly not qualifying as traditionally uplifting, Alyson offers an interesting perspective on her experiences and the overall effects of child stardom, while somehow managing to not be too heavy either. She’s critical where it’s necessary, but also very fair. She gives acknowledges the privileges it’s provided her, but explains the parts of her life that she’s had to mourn the loss of. She has clearly done so much processing and gone through a lot of therapy and work on herself. Alyson’s episode concepts are well thought out, they’re short and easier to digest (especially necessary for those heavier topics), and she has a lovely voice that I could listen to all day. A must-listen for anyone trying to be a more conscious consumer of media.
  • KenzieKindt
    Awesome, Authentic Podcast
    I love Alyson’s authenticity and insight into the world of Hollywood and child actors. She brings a much-needed perspective to the table in a successful attempt to humanize actors. It really gives valuable perspective on the environment child actors grew up in and sheds light on why some of the situations they face as adults happen. Thanks for doing this podcast!
  • RaeTwinkel
    This is a wonderful podcast! Allison does an incredible job of articulating the experience of child actors. As much as I’d love her to call out specific people and name names in regards to her fellow child actors, she addresses this issue in such a respectful way. It makes me consume media in a different way when it comes to child actors. I look forward to Fridays each week!
  • ShyannaMichelleM
    Thank you
    I’m a fresh recording artist in the music industry and I’ve met people who work in tv, this podcast has helped me so much in deciding what specific career path I want to take and who I want to be as an artist in today’s entertainment industry, thank you :)
  • mollysfsdfsdf
    So good
    Alyson is so insightful and well spoken. And she has a great voice for podcasting! This show makes me think about child stars in a whole new light. I know for a fact now if my child ever wanted to pursue entertainment, it’s going to be really really hard to convince me to allow that
  • X Purple X
    So interesting
    I look forward to listening to this podcast every Friday!
  • Natalie 🎃
    Allison Stoner is so well spoken. I really enjoy how she presents the subject and is fact based. She really tries to get many perspectives and analyzes every aspect.
  • 0 stars. horrid.
    Such an amazing podcast!!!
  • katkatkat799
    Not surprised by most of what’s said
    As someone who grew up in Southern California as a competitive dancer, but ultimately never made it a profession, many dancers that I worked with for years, ended up trying to pursue a profession in this industry. hearing more and more about the other side, makes me grateful that I never tried more to enter the entertainment industry myself. Podcasts like this need to exist to remind us that actors are humans and we shouldn’t treat them any differently. We can enjoy entertainment, but not exploit the actors.
  • _JuicyJR
    I’ve learned so much
    I love how open and honest Alyson is throughout this podcast series, but she also includes research to support her claims. I have long since questioned whether or not child actors should be a thing so her insight has been illuminating and honestly only further validated my stance on the matter. Regardless of how you feel personally on the matter, the podcast is incredibly insightful and I love that it comes from a person who has firsthand experience as well as research.
  • Jay DeeNola
    Great podcast
    This is a great podcast. When I first listened I wasn’t sure this format would be interesting and informative but I’m so glad I kept listening. It turned out to be interesting and the host is great. She does an amazing job of balancing personal stories, systemic issues and important context. Congrats on this well-done podcast on a very important topic!
  • Jessica Whiteee
    Fricken awesome
    I just love this podcast and it really goes Deep into child stardom! New favorite podcast
  • Alqieuejfb
    Definitely worth the listen
    Concise and raw episodes that unpack childhood trauma that comes with growing up in the limelight. If you haven’t already questioned what Hollywood child stars lives are/were like, now you will. It might make you think twice if you run into someone famous, if children should be allowed to act under current industry standards and regulations, and if kids are capable to deal with stardom while they haven’t yet developed a sense of self. Give it a listen, you’ll end up binging it.
  • hkudra
    Listen to this!
    This is a most informative, thoughtful and heartfelt exploration of childhood trauma and the sick nature of the Hollywood system. This podcast is No longer sponsored by BH so if you got offended by that, she immediately corrected her mistake the next week. People deserve more than one chance. Sheesh!
  • Midwestern Lass
    Incredible Insight
    As a psychologist I am blown away by how well Alyson is able to explain the psychology of the entertainment industry. She speaks from first hand experience, but it is also clear that she has done her research. She is brilliant and well spoken, and more articulate than some graduate school professors I have had. I am learning a lot about an industry I know very little about. She would make an incredible psychologist if she should ever decide to pursue it.
  • :):)Cupcake girl
    Poor sponsor choices
    I was really enjoying this podcast, and its deep dive into society, stardom, and mental health. After the most recent episode I cannot support any further. Betterhelp is such a predatory and dangerous company. I’m deeply disappointed that while your content is mostly centered on mental health, you chose to advertise a company that has had so many issues. Please look into them, and see how they are so harmful.
  • Suzy L.
    This is a good thing.
    Thank you for being so brave to be so vulnerable. This is a good an helpful thing your are doing!
  • hotwheels73
    I think this podcast is fantastic.
    I think this podcast is fantastic, telling her experiences and what she’s gone through throughout the industry is great. I think I wish that actors were more honest about their situation instead of just playing the game all the time I think if it was more of a human element I think people would relate a lot more to peoples situation. Keep up the good work young lady.
  • mary ann appigney
    Awesome thank you podcast
    Amazing good story about you story about talk movie and show tv
  • Staypositiveforlife
    Thank you
    Thank you so much for sharing such beautiful stories. I grew up watching you on TV and I always thought you were beautiful. I watched step up because you were in it. Thank you for making my childhood amazing.
  • jEnnimariex
    Take a listen
    I have always liked Alyson, and really grew up watching her on tv, etc. The podcast is an insight to their life and I’m honestly glad their just out here still making content for us.
  • beautiful rainbows 700
    So interesting!
    This series has been so informative and educational. I feel a lot of what you are saying applies to children in general, not just Hollywood and Child Stars. Autonomy, advocating for yourself, and developing an identity is so important for children. The power and control that adults have over a child can be so easily abused. I think it’s easy for people outside of this industry to just blame “bad parents” or “Wild children” without really reflecting on what’s actually happening.
  • Mellllllzzz
    Amazing, love hearing your stories!
  • Hap 59
    Eloquent and sharp
    I’m only a few episodes in and I am wondering how many people may overlook this podcast and how they are missing out. This is not a jokey vapid tell all on hollywood nor is it a monologue of exploitation of child entertainers. It reads as a well written and provocative op-ed and hooks you in. She is eloquent and well spoken while also interjecting the right amount of “I know what you’re thinking” with lightly peppered and non grandiose use of the F word. Please give this podcast a try if you are a writer or listener who appreciates the depth and intelligence and a raw unglorifying report with a sincere personal hook.
  • haleybdubs
    Mic Drop!
    This entire podcast is everything millennials didn’t know they needed.
  • alexis.d.c
    Currently watching on YouTube. Incredible.
  • Em Ramey
    A Huge Eye Opener
    Alyson, if you ever read this, please know that there is at least one fan out there who loved watching you on set or on a TV screen because you and many other actors filled a void in my childhood. I had to grow up very quickly at a young age, so movies and TV gave me some form of childhood to hold on to. Even though I loved watching you as a child actor, I also can completely empathize with your stories and the very significant impact they had on your life. These episodes are extremely eye opening and it is absolutely not excuse for all the things that have happened not only to you, but to other actors that have experienced something similar as well. Thank you for sharing your stories and being so vulnerable and open to everyone.
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