We're All Insane


Guest based podcast centered around the lives, experiences, and difficult traumas of real life individuals.

If you have a unique story you'd like to share on We're All Insane, send a message to wereallinsanepodcast@gmail.com

Please contact weareallinsane@outloudtalent.com for any business inquiries!

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Recent Reviews
  • hahahdncjvcjbdajfbmv
    Absolutely love!
    This is the perfect podcast to put on while I am working and it keeps me intrigued the full length of the video. It makes my job go by SO much quicker. I love this podcast keep doing what you're doing Dev!
  • Bummedoutlistener
    Really great podcast
    This is a really great podcast with guests that talk about some very difficult and uncomfortable subjects sometimes relating to trauma. I read some of the other reviews first and I tend to agree with many of them. There’s lots of “umms” and “likes” and there’s sometimes an issue with hearing mouth noises from guests. Also, more research could be done before the interviews. Sure, those things are true but I’ve actually seen a lot of improvement in this podcast from its early days. It’s consistently improving and maturing, if you will, and I think that’s all you can ask for from someone doing this from their home who isn’t a professional. The content is really good and that to me, is why I keep coming back. The stories are real and raw for the most part, and they are being told by real people who aren’t necessarily well-versed in story-telling. This has become one of my favorite podcasts to listen to and I can’t wait to see how the show continues to develop.
  • dndsjavskc
    An okay podcast to fill the time gaps between my “go to”s…
    I think they would benefit from trimming down the episodes. Starting with straying off topics to talk about their opinions for 20 minutes. I never pressed “fast forward 30 seconds” so much in a podcast… but I do like some of the “uncomfortable” topics as they are not openly discussed in many forums.
  • Loren Zoe
    I am Obsessed
    Love this podcast! My New favorite!
  • Lizzietyx
    I wish Devorah would let the guest speak.
    It is apparent that Devorah does not do her research before each episode. I love hearing the raw stories from the guests but Devorah’s input is not helpful or necessary. It’s almost always her personal opinion conveyed in a way to make an overarching meaning out of a terrible situation. I wish she would consider instead doing more meaningful research and offering resources or educational facts while also empathizing with the guest in a way that does not distract from the story. I think there’s so much potential in this show.
  • Lorroc
    Editing needs work
    Love the podcast, but devorah, please take the time to do a more extensive edit when it comes to filtering down the filler words during conversation. The “likes” the “ums” makes listening to the guest almost unbearable and completely ruins the effectiveness of the story being told. It’s too distracting.
  • SNee03
    I want to like this podcast but I can’t
    I’ve stopped and restarted listening to this podcast a few times now. I will not be back this time. I kept restarting because I was drawn to compelling stories told by the person who has lived through them. I am just always unsettled by the hosts lack of grace and tact to hear these stories and hold them gently. The questions she asks and the comments she gives always seem goading. She seems to conduct her interviews with hungry eyes and shiny teeth. Disregarding the people attached to these stories for the chance to turn their lived experiences into trauma porn for views. I know there is strength and power in telling your story, so that’s what I will hold onto for the guests on this podcast. I hope for them the healing that comes from that will overshadow the shows shortcomings.
  • elegantdisasterrr
    Nice Podcast!
    I really like this podcast, and I really enjoy listening to other people explaining their experiences. The host does a great job of letting the guests speak and tell their stories, but there is a lot of unnecessary information that is shared. If there was a script maybe, or and outline for what the guest generally wants to talk about, maybe the audience would be more interested. Tbh, it really depends on what guest you get. Sometimes they get to the point, and sometimes they drone on and on.
  • Rachel_Therapy
    Went downhill fast
    The guests on this show don’t know how to public speak whatsoever. I wish there was more prep or editing or something because hearing “like” every other word has made me pause episodes altogether and never go back.
  • dozeylicious
    love this podcast
    i’m not sure how i found this, maybe tik tok to be honest, but it’s become one of my favorites. within a month i’ve listened to almost every single episode and ive listened weekly ever since!
  • Alyrost
    only one critique
    love the podcast and the format but some guests give so many unnecessary details to where i lose interest . wish the host would redirect them sometimes
  • hquantz
    Love it except…
    This podcast is great! Dev really lets the people talk! But the mouth noises have to stop…..
  • Sorrynooootsorry
    Lost a listener
    I enjoyed the podcast until the guest “Bri” came on. She was absolutely disrespectful calling cops “pigs” because they were there for HER actions. She talks ghetto and was a turn off. You lost a listener after this episode.
  • AGMR2U
    Fascinating & Human
    I love this podcast, and enjoy hearing each guest share their own POV of their lives. However, please please please do something audio wise about the spit noises. It is enough to not listen when you can hear every bit of saliva in someone’s mouth. Do they just need more water or take water breaks? Keep the guest coming! Thank you for creating this!
  • Skinbyshan
    Great content/needs editing
    You’re podcast is great. The subjects are fantastic. Too many unnecessary details. Edit down to the “meat” of the story.
  • bbyhills
    this week was good EXCEPT HIS MOUTH NOISES! Ugh
  • irregularstarfish
    Love the storytelling format!!
    This is the type of podcast that I’ve been looking for! I’m sad that I’m all caught up and now I have to wait until Sunday for a new episode. I think there should be at least two episodes a week.
  • karizzo731
    I talk to dead people
    She really just predicted the Palestine attacks??? 😳😨 I’m floored, believe her.
  • Marikianawi
    Literally the best podcast channel I’ve heard.
    This is such a great show. They bring on so Many different types of stories. I’m a nurse and I related a lot to the story of her interviewing the nurse. I just love it…I love Devs voice . She is such a good interviewer and really helps the guests tell their story in such a way that I want to keep hearing it. I listen to her ever single day on the way to work. Please don’t stop and thank you for your hard work and dedication to this podcast.!!
  • Jay DeeNola
    Great podcast!!
    Love this podcast. The host lets the guests shine and does an awesome job at framing the story. I love the art of story telling and that really shines through on this podcast.
  • lucinda230d
    Wish host did a little bit of research before speaking to the guests.
  • Kash K3
    literally the only podcast out here that’s original and not ashamed to address real life topics that are so taboo! I love it, keep it up
  • Didi02145
    Host gets right to the point and lets the guest tell their story! You’re doing amazing girl🩵🩵🩵🩵
  • vic8863
    I am seeing a lot of negative reviews about the narcissistic mother episode. Besides the odd fat shaming, I related so much the interviewee and enjoyed hearing someone with the same experience as myself.
  • Kris9122
    Lots of interesting guests and topics that are presented in a storytelling format. The host is great because she mostly just listens but does ask questions or offer insight.
  • Karebear1025
    Can we fix this?
    I am really enjoying the podcast so far, however, I cannot stand the mouth noises through the audio. The episode with the narcissistic mother was especially cringe, worthy to listen to because all I could hear was the echoing of the spit inside the guests mouth. I really want to continue to listen to more episodes, but I think the audio needs some work.
  • yg05
    Great podcast
    Randomly came across this podcast and it’s definitely worth a listen. Thank you to everyone on here sharing their story’s.
  • Let’s make podstory
    Sensationalized Topics with unchecked narratives
    I started listening recently and immediately noticed a few things. The podcast uses catchy clickbait titles to attract an audience but the content often falls short of providing a responsible and informational narrative. The episodes lack structure, trigger warnings, and resources for listeners. The episode that really got to me was the episode surviving a narcissistic mother, the guest's portrayal of a mother used various harmful stereotypes is deeply problematic. The lack of thoughtful intervention by the host to steer the conversation towards a more understanding and nuanced perspective is concerning. Mental health should be treated with sensitivity, and generalizing behaviors based on diagnoses can contribute to stigma and misinformation. The lack of empathy from this person was truly staggering to listen to. It's important for the hosts to take an active role in guiding conversations, researching these topics, and/ or more advanced editing, especially when dealing with sensitive and potentially harmful topics. These stories should prioritize providing a balanced and respectful perspective. It is possible to allow guests to share their experiences with this in mind. There is potential here! I would reference This Is Really Happening.
  • wdikfygkoksawyombvff
    Like it a lot
    Dev talks about specific, hard stuff in transparent ways. She can make complicated subjects accessible.
  • sumthyme
    Love the host
    I love the host of this podcast but the guests for the past few episodes have been pretty hard to listen to. It might just not be for me as I think I’m a little sensitive to listening to such heavy topics from a narrow, personal view.
  • kallefornia20
    Anti-fatness and adding stigma to mental health
    I was recently sent the episode on having a narcissistic mother by a friend. I found myself cringing to get through this episode. While I understand, you are centering your guests experience. This is their story. The way bipolar disorder is portrayed is really damaging and harmful. The very loud fat phobia throughout this whole episode it’s so bad. Blaming a parent for weight gain and vilifying mom for being in a larger body. I hope that the participant goes to her own therapy and unpacks some of this. If you’re going to interview folks with such an intense personal conversation, I feel you should partner with a therapist, or someone who is a mental health expert to be present.
  • sabjdcbhdrjnfsrhb
    Love, hate, relationship
    This pod has a lot of potential, a lot of the stories are really interesting the only issue I have is w the host lol. I get she’s attempting to have a convo but it’s tough listening to reiterations of things that we’re just said of questions that totally go off course and make the persons story confusing. Idk some eps are good some not
  • lorena szendre
    We’re All Insane
    I adore this podcast. The guests tell their story so well and I have watched every episode. Devorah is a wonderful host I hope life goes well for her.❤️
  • rasharaw
    Wow, brings light to topics you'll never head about because they might be too taboo. I learned so much and she asked questions I wanted to know but never had the opportunity to. Amazing
  • lifelessonlearner
    Love your podcast!
    Deborah, you are an outstanding interviewer. You truly listen to your guests, allow them to talk without interrupting their thought, ask wonderful questions, and truly empathize with their story. You are a very beautiful person, have really interesting guests, and are wise beyond your years! Keep it up! PS. Your cat (co-host) is the cutest, too!
  • Lolaaaaaa12
    Long Time Fan Disappointed
    I never thought I would leave a review, let alone one that was less than favorable. I have been a listener since Free The Girls, as well as an avid watcher of the whole YouTube gang. I was excited for this weeks episode with a social worker, but was unable to finish listening. As a bipolar woman, the light that was shed on people with this disease was more offensive than educational. There is a stigma around this disease that people without it will never understand and it is something I get scared to divulge to anyone I meet simply because of stereotypes. The stories shared on this episode only strengthen these stereotypes. As the ‘villains’ with bipolar were described I felt a tightness in my chest knowing the torture they were going through, and knowing that not many can relate and your retellings of these stories only further ostracize us with this disease. I am sad and disappointed that my favorite podcast ended up hurting me to the point that I will no longer be a listener.
  • jara.greene
    Real stories. Real people.
    Wow. Just wow! After every episode that has been my reaction. Deb & team, you are doing a fantastic job highlighting the real world in a respectful and knowledgeable way. The Afghanistan episode advertisement on TikTok has brought me here & I am here to stay. I cherish and save these episodes for my long run every Saturday. I look forward to learning about the wonderful people you bring on. Please, keep doing this. Don’t change. Keep bringing on real and insightful people. Keep bringing on people who have survived real battles and real problems in their life. Its authentically raw. This is what makes your podcast different. Its not surface level. You finish the episode feeling like you KNOW the person. I feel like I’m right there in the room listening to their story. Even though you’re still working on getting it off the ground and being able to depend on the podcast alone financially, I believe in due time, you will. I’m praying for you and your team’s success because I truly feel that this podcast is doing a service by humanizing people. This podcast emphasizes a saying as old as time: Don’t judge a book by its cover. Especially online, people are too quick to judge and act like they’re experts in everything. Its so easy to type out something versus having a face to face discussion. These uncut, real conversations are so important to bring back into the mainstream! Please, don’t stop! Even when its getting tough, I truly believe this podcast will succeed just by the sheer authenticity it brings.
  • Luvs101
    My fav podcast!!
    I used to always listen to the podcast with you and Claudia and as sad as I was to see it go, I’m loving this new direction, it’s so interesting and I love listening to it and gaining new insights! Keep up the work Dev this is a great show and I’m sure great things will come from it in time!
  • nmnm98
    We’re All Insane (1st Episode)
    Lovvvee the episode with Kennedy Walsh 10/10
  • J swaggin
    Typical Tate haters
    The lack of self awareness these women have and their egos is what’s going to contribute to your decline as a woman and no man will want you trust me honey…
  • elle.kn17
    the best duo on podcast I’ve ever heard
  • Lilyeag
    love these!!
    i love the podcasts!!! they make my day ❤️
  • Wvlf4991!
    Love the recordings
    I’m on episode 28 listening to the drunk recordings and I’m dying 😂😂😂 please do more of these
  • Tiffany Summer :)
    Love Love Love
    My favorite podcast! Seriously. It’s fun, it’s relatable, Claudia and Devorah talk about a range of different things and they include their listeners frequently! Love this podcast so much
  • koifishenthusiast23
    Loving the rebrand I think it fits these girls even better!!! Loved their YouTube’s first and love the podcast just as much!! I consume all of their media because they’re so so funny!!! Very lighthearted and raw — 100000/10
  • negativecreepnstoned21
    Low energy Call her daddy
    Mundane drivel. Being horny and talking about you pee yourself all the time aren’t personality traits. I get it’s a lighthearted sex podcast but it’s hard to listen to because they talk so slowly and seem to have a limited vocabulary. They’re always using the same filler phrases and will spend ages going uh what’s the word…(blank stares) and then it’s like a really common word. Like why did that take you so long?! Ha Also they repeat themselves a lot. And one of the hosts is always interrupting the other. She gives me narcissist vibes.
  • Sarahhhh D
    Love these girls
    One of my favorite podcasts ever! Love the rebrand so so much 😍 I look forward to it EVERY week!
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