Fake Doctors, Real Friends with Zach and Donald

Comedy #144

You know what's long, tedious and boring? Surgery. You know what isn't? This new podcast! Join Scrubs co-stars and real-life best friends Zach Braff and Donald Faison for a weekly comedy podcast where they relive the hit TV show, one episode at a time. Each week, these BFFs will discuss an episode of Scrubs, sharing behind-the-scenes stories and reminiscing on some of their favorite memories from filming. They’ll also connect with Scrubs super fans and feature beloved show cast members for exclusive interviews.

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Recent Reviews
  • RobynMH
    I love this podcast
    I am a day 1 listener. I love Zach and Donald and have for years. I love Scrubs, and I love their banter and friendship. Can’t wait for new episodes!!!
  • Takeyrshoesoffff
    Love y’all!
    I love this podcast so much, and can’t wait for the next iteration! The chemistry that Joelle, Danl, Zach, & Donald share is so wonderful. I’ve been listening to this from the beginning and I will never stop! I’m hoping for more discussion of what it’s like to direct/produce/act in movies and TV - those conversations are super interesting and always keep me engaged. Keep up the great work!
  • bgq69
    Donald Faison shows his true colors
    Donald is easily one of the most annoying people in the world. Makes me loathe the character of til now that I know how absurd of a person he is. He’s just a large man child who thinks he’s funny and is so immature and loud and obnoxious. Just the kind of person who clearly needs to get punched in the face. He sounds like a terrible husband and father. Constantly complains about his kids and says his wife needs to bang whenever he wants. Don’t seem interested in helping out at all around home. Just smokes weed and gets way too loud on his podcast. He also yells at his wife and tells her that since he paid for everything, he can disrespect her and the kids however much he wants. He truly seems like an awful dude that has lost touch with what being a good person is.
  • badger3452
    Want to make a correction on here regarding the Beyonce talk on the latest episode. When Donald said Beyonce was the first black artist to have a number one country album that would be incorrect. She may be the first female black artist to do so but not the first black artist as Darius Rucker had 4 number one country albums before Beyonce even began doing country music which I think is a mistake on her part. She should stay in her lane and leave the country to real country artists like Lainey Wilson, Chris Stapleton, Tim McGraw, Willie Nelson, Keith Urban, Carrie Underwood, Blake Shelton etc. so just to clarify Darius did it first not Beyonce. Actually I believe Charlie Pride had a number one country album first. Sorry Donald you be wrong.
  • jennidgodinez
    Great content
    Even tho I m no longer interested in the last season of scrubs, they keep me listening with their inside conversations and banter. Very funny and can absolutely listen to them 4 talk just regular conversations and be entertaining.
  • Theboy9
    T mobile
    These dudes have home internet on t mobile
  • Mike45321
    New listener
    I am up to S1 E17 and am loving the podcast. Also, want to tell Donald that I liked Emergence very much and think I would have eventually loved it had it not been cancelled. What a cast!
  • AllieRC82
    Why is iTunes listing Bill Lawrence as a guest on his own podcast?
  • The wooden mallet
    Never watched the show.
    Listened to every episode of the podcast so far. Love it. I guess I’ll start the show and listen again.
  • Candlesdanielle
    1/23/24 episode
    1st new ep of 2024 was FIRE! Belly laughs galore:) u 4 rule! Keep it going after season 9 recap!
  • Me_Pissed
    I still listen
    I still listen to this even though it has changed so much. I used to laugh so hard and love the friendship these two had. I am a licensed therapist and I have this feeling after listening that they are not getting along behind the scenes and that is the core of the problem. Donald has been pushing back on Zach for interrupting and over talking. The dynamic in their friendship has changed and we can sense it out here. I wish they would just be honest if there is something going on because it would be more genuine. Maybe this break they have will help them come back refreshed.
  • Excitedboulder
    Barely about Scrubs anymore.
    I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast in the beginning. The episodes were discussed and they had their co-stars on as guests when watching relevant episodes. However, it’s getting pretty hard to listen to anymore. I understand that when the pandemic ended people got busy doing other things but when they do actually put out an episode (writers strike aside as well) it’s usually forgettable. Zach is pompous and condescending while Donald does his best to say things that actually make sense or have a point and usually they aren’t even taking about Scrubs. I’m trying to hold out until they at least get to the end of season 8 but not sure how much more I can handle if the quality doesn’t improve. If they don’t care about Scrubs anymore at least start a new podcast or officially announce that this one is no longer reviewing episodes so people like me don’t need to waste their time anymore.
  • Pauleyt1
    Not finishing what they started
    What started during the early days of what became the pandemic, is still not finished as of January 2024 while other rewatch podcasts have. Other podcasts bank episodes to account for the hosts’ and producers’ careers and external factors (strikes), while this show continues to drop reruns. It’s a shame - they were such a comfort during the pando and even bought merch. Now it seems disrespectful to not finish in good order what they started.
  • aarstonville
    Love this podcast but man you can tell this is a democratic podcast and the part of them talking b4 Biden was president was crazy cuz Biden has been the absolute worst president I have ever seen just unreal but doesn’t shock me when they are normally from New York/New Jersey it makes sense but I absolutely love listening to them about anything other then that stuff!! And danl and Joelle are awesome
  • ohmygod531
    Last episode
    The podcast has definitely fallen off. I still listen but the last one with the sex therapist was painful. It was clear that Donald is a terrible partner and I just felt awful for cacee. It felt like a cry for help. She needs to Mapquest for him and charge his own computer or else he won’t accomplish anything? The whole segment should’ve been cut. Also, Joelle is painful to listen to every single episode. Danl is bad too but not nearly as awful as Joelle.
  • Dizz422
    They could literally talk about a packet of sugar and I would be interested. Keep it going
  • ivysaur88
    Used to be better
    The past few episodes have been so cringey. Stop giving health advice, for the love of god.
  • wantmetomakeanickname
    A good listen now and then if you like the guest in particular. Otherwise the bits are boring. zach seems smart and a pretty good interviewer and host and Donald is cringe and doesn’t contribute anything really
  • Shananafl
    Live show rocks!
    I have had an ear-to-ear grin the entire length of the live show podcast! Excellent job capturing the best of what the show and podcast are all about! The audience engagement, the performances, and the insights to the show were all amazing!!
  • Cath-o-mine
    I love the podcast, but I’m begging Donald to please lower his volume and please stop interrupting Zach. It is unbearable to the point I have to stop listening for a while.
  • smroland12
    Let the Interviewee Talk!
    I love this podcast and have listened from the beginning, but if you are going to have subject matter expert guests, let them talk!
  • Ja5803
    Rich Friends, Rich Problems while they Get Richer
    If you are looking for 2 rich friends that talk mostly about their rich problems while you listen to 1/3 of the podcast that has ads to make them richer then this is the podcast for you. This is not a Scrubs rewatch podcast
  • ColleenBock
    Zach ruins it
    Zach Braff is unbearable to listen to talk about anything. What a narcissistic blowhard. He talks down to Donald constantly and brings up Florence Pugh any chance he can get. What a loser. Literally ruins the show.
  • ripper305
    Stop apologizing!
    If you made an episode 8 hours long you wouldn’t catch me complaining, no need to apologize for going off topic or going over a set time! Aslong you’re enjoying what you’re doing! I know I’m enjoying listening to this. Started my rewatch of the show as I listen to this. And it’s been great so far. This show was where dynamic duos was shown to me in Donald and Zach. Reminds a lot of Shawn and Gus from psych. Same type of friendship in many ways. And that’s what always brought me to the show. And to see that you 2 are still close friends and hang out often is Amazing! Glad to see! can’t wait to catch up and listen ahead!
    Friendship podcast!
    I’ve been listening almost since the beginning. This podcast got me through some times during the pandemic. The lovely thing about this show is the wonderful chemistry between Donald and Zach enjoying their friendship in real life. This combined with the joy of hearing Joelle laugh at the many hilarious non sequiturs and DJ Danl providing legitimate thought and answers to various ridiculous questions, is what makes this show so enjoyable every week. Hopefully new episodes come out soon because I look forward to this every week. If you’re only here to hear about scrubs, pick a different podcast. This is a friendship podcast about two guys who played best friends on tv and became best friends in real life.
  • CollectorBadger
    Everything I could ask for
    Couldn’t ask for much more from this crew. Such a fun rewatch show!
  • Thebisexuwhale
    Wish they talked about the show more
    I’m on ep. 25 of the podcast and I’m gonna stick with it because Scrubs is one of my all-time favorite tv shows. But, I have to listen to some parts of episodes on 1.5 or 2 times speed to get through the 30-45 minutes of them talking about stuff completely unrelated to the show. They really need to do a better job editing the podcast/themselves. Some of this is so boring to listen to. I’m here because I love Scrubs, not because I love 45 minutes of gossip about people I’ve never met. Sorry!
  • SirBillith
    Joelle is insufferable. Pretty good but too much covid misinformation and politics
    Joelle is absolutely insufferable and annoying and so full of herself. Every time she talks I roll my eyes so hard I pull a muscle. Just listen to her talk throughout the first season, you’ll end up hating her as well. I enjoy listening to them talk about their careers and acting/production in general and talking to their friends and guests but they spread verifiable lies about covid from 2020-2022 at least. I haven’t finished listening to all episodes yet. They also inject tons of politics and political talk to the point where entire episodes are about politics and not the show. They literally dedicate episodes of the podcast literally just for politics. Also they are terrible at interviewing but it’s kinda charming sometimes. I love scrubs
  • Lemcavoy87
    Only here for Joelle’s giggle
    If you’re here for a detailed, structured re-watch podcast (like Office Ladies, New Girl, and the It’s Always Sunny fellas), keep it moving. This is more about their friendship and catching up with a tad of episode information thrown in. I tend to skip until I find the actual Scrubs talk and always skip the caller segment. Time stamps would be great time savers. I’m just mainly here for Joelle’s magical giggle at this point.
  • SkyeIsle03
    Wish I could give 5 stars
    I absolutely love Scrubs, it’s one of my favorite shows. I fell in love with the first few episodes of this podcast but there are some glaring issues. On one hand, it’s so fun to hear Zack and Donald reminisce and give a back story on the show. It’s awesome to have guest stars who can also share their stories. However, sometimes they are pretty disrespectful to their guest stars especially the women. For example, the second time Sarah Chalke is on the show they were really rude to her and their wiki expert. They constantly interrupted and talked over her. They also ignored her for most of the show. I understand that this is their show and they can construct it according to their own criteria but it makes me cringe to hear them ignore and interrupt their guests, and again, they are especially insensitive to their female guests.
  • han_rolo
    If you love scrubs and want to hear all the ins and out, all the good stuff about the show and see how a friendship can last more than 20 years, this is the podcast for you. If you’re here just to spread misinformation and complain because it doesn’t cater to your mindset, turn it off and listen to Joe Rogan.
  • Laurrrr202
    Could be great
    Interesting about scrubs but lots of Covid misinformation. Sad.
  • MrAplusFinance
    Alabama Jackson is F*ing Brilliant!
    And the podcast makes my soul happy :)
  • NP11Jay
    I love the show so I was very excited to listen to the podcast. I only started to listen in 2023, but I went back to the first episode. I think I listened to the first 4-5 episodes before I had to quick. The bad language used seemed excessive. The thing that disappointed me most was when the politics of healthcare was discussed. I have worked in healthcare for 15 years. Socialized medicine is definitely NOT the way to go. The more socialized the healthcare and the more the politicians get involved the worse the healthcare has gotten. Neither or the hosts know behind the scenes of healthcare first hand. Giving inaccurate information to listeners may sway people to believe socialized medicine is better. I was looking for a laugh not bad language or politics. I still love the show just not the podcast.
  • Gladion20
    It’s basically became the, Zach gets mad if they don’t talk about his interests and puts down the others for talking about something else show.
  • gabster555
    6/5 stars
    I love this show so much that I still sometimes think about episodes from 2020 and crack up (La La Land review!). This show has let me relive scrubs and everything wonderful about it, and also let me hang out w Zach and Donald every week who are the best humans and friends. Never stop podding!
  • Guacamole_Jon
    This show is entertaining
    Donald is my favorite
  • bekaur
    Love, love, love!!!
    Love the show! Love the podcast! Loved the Super Bowl T mobile commercial! Please don’t let Travolta convert you to Scientology 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
  • Charger Jim
    I just started listening to this a little over a week ago and I absolutely love it! Donald & Zach's enthusiasm is contagious. Scrubs is one of my favorite sitcoms and I really enjoy hearing the back stories of how each episode was created. I think it's great that they have so many guest stars telling their stories as well. One thing I really appreciate is that Donald & Zach don't talk over each other either. Keep up the great work guys!
    Keep the politics out of it…
    This show was great, then got political and I stopped listening. We get it, you are in CA, you’re smarter than the rest of us. The same people who helped make your show a major hit. Alienating people is decidedly bad for business. It’s a shame you aren’t wise enough to get that yet. It is true what they say about meeting your heroes.
  • Annie wokely
    Negative reviewers: you are dumb
    This little show is an oasis of cute friendship and endless non sequiturs. I love it so much. It’s not a highly structured show and was never advertised that way, and I wouldn’t change a thing.
  • Baristagirl72
    Scrubs XXX
    Thanks Donald. I had to go find the Scrubs parody you talked about on 708 (I think). In the words of Richard Kind: “It wasn’t very good.” I watched Scrubs from Season 1 all the way through. Even Season 9. Before streaming services. Sometimes I had to record it on a VCR. It’s the only show I watched through every season religiously. Love y’all. Love the podcast. Hated the parody more than Season 9. 😂😂😂 Thanks for making my daily 1.5 hour work commute fun. Never stop whiteboarding your dreams. Manifestation works!!
  • beepbooptrashpanda
    Y’all (reviews) are wild
    Some of these reviews are stanky. While I came to the podcast for scrubs content, I love listening to these two (four) chat it up about whatever. Nothing but love for Donald (@donald_aison, let’s get that mill), Zach, Joelle, and Danl. Thank you all for still doing something for fans with your busy schedules. Happy new year, goofs.
  • GojuBill
    Revised Review
    This was my FIRST podcast I ever listened to, I’m also a hardcore fan of Scrubs since it originally aired. During S1 I rated the podcast 5 stars but I MUST edit my review as the show took a dramatic turn. The end of S6 E505 was the final straw for me, the guest is asking for advice how to tell his brother that he’s tired of his “HATE” and “homophobia” because the brother told his son that “dresses are for girls.” Let me help those who are wanting to know if this show is for you…if you believe there are more then 2 sexes, if you believe you have every right to change your god given sex on a whim, if you are “woke,” if you believe white guilt is real, if you have a huge disdain for conservative viewpoints and if you want to barely hear about the GREAT tv show Scrubs (excluding Season 9 that never happened) then i am happy to inform you this IS 100% the show for you. ENJOY
  • GatsbyC80
    I wanted to like this podcast…
    The couple that made Scrubs what it is are the lifeblood of this podcast and it is what everyone needs and loves!! That’s… what I wanted to believe. But while there’s a promise of talking about and breaking down each episode, there’s always a digression to many other things that Donald and Zach are involved in/ want to talk about that stays way beyond the show. So, while the show is always hilarious and still remains a favorite of mine to binge over and over, this podcast is one I won’t return to. Sorry!
  • Adriiizie
    My love for Scrubs
    I love that this podcast knows they barely, rarely do talk about the actual show Scrubs. I do wish they would talk more about their show rather then other shows going on right now. Less Star Wars talk please! And more Scrubs information and personal thoughts about rewatching the episodes!
  • Mlong928
    There are times that Zach is insufferable. He is condescending. He steers conversations toward things he’s interested in and shuts down anything he’s not. If Donald busts into song,Zach has to try to up stage him ( but is not a great singer). When Zach tones that stuff down, the show is funny! But he often comes across as needy,high maintenance and insecure .
  • mollym_922
    i love this podcast.
    like the title, i truly love this podcast. i look forward to it every week, and it’s extremely entertaining. i started listening around S4-S5 era; but i’m always trying to catch up on the older episodes and even if it’s one waaaay back from 2020, with some subjects that aren’t really relevant anymore, but i’ll still listen because i love the way this group functions. i love to hear about their personal lives/projects, unlike some of the reviews here. now i will agree that they only spend around 30-40 minutes on the actual show, Scrubs, but i have to majorly disagree with some that say their episodes aren’t structured (i guess is the word). i believe they kind of catch up with each other before the theme song, it plays, they get into the episode for a bit, talk about behind the scenes things, go off on personal tangents, and it kind off replays that way a few more times starting at they get into the episode, to put it in a simple way. now i think most of the bad reviews here were expecting a very organized type of rewatch podcast with these guys just strictly talking about the episode and maybe some behind the scenes stories, but you have to understand: they’re also people. people who are excited about their next tv show, movie, or stream. people who want to know what the others did on the weekend, like i’m sure many of you are with your friends. i love listening to it and it really is a great podcast. i really can’t imagine part of my week without ZB, Donald, Joelle and Danl; it just wouldn’t feel complete. i absolutely love Scrubs, these people, and this hilarious podcast. peace out, cub scouts.
  • Fastfingers fox
    Wish they talked more about Scrubs the TV show.
    Each episode is discussed for about 20-40 minutes. The rest of the hour is about their personal lives and opinions. If you want to listen to a podcast about the TV show Scrubs this is about a quarter of it. Zach comes off as an elitist snob. Remember in “punk’d” when he almost beat up a kid for putting paint on his car. Classy guy! I’m glad Cheaper by the Dozen is getting “great” reviews.
  • breezybenna
    *air kisses*
    I have enjoyed every episode. I am still catching up (205). Donald and Zach are fun, sassy, and hilarious. I am so glad they made a podcast!
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