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AnnieHR❤️theofficeLove this!!This is absolutely my favorite show ever. I am a HUGE fan of the office and every time I have a chance to watch something, I literally only watch the office. Recently, after watching each one, I listen to this podcast where they break down each episode, and it is hilarious!! I definitely recommend! 🤣😃
T.Swift ❤️12/10!!!!I absolutely love this podcast and would for sure recommend! Jenna and Angela are hilarious and I love listening to the stories they tell! 12/10, 100% recommended!!😜
818292002020LOVEI'm in love with this podcast. I listen to it every single night before bed. I love the office and I love the OFFICE LADIES!! you guys are the best! so glad you guys didn't stop the podcast after one run though🥰
Fenway ParkerShameless money grab“Second Drink?” Call them what they are: re-runs. Two former “stars” who can’t get real acting work anymore milking The Office for every last advertising cent they can squeeze out. It’s pathetic.
C.M.txLADIES!!!TBH I wasn’t sure how the show would be after Jenna and Ang finished their first watch of the office, but I am LOVING 6.0!!! I still look forward to the show every week, and Jenna I also LOVEE the edge!!! Y’all are wonderful role models and make me laugh always!!
Hockeyprincess22Please stop the hate!I think this podcast is just wonderful! If you don’t like it then don’t watch it. Let other people be able to enjoy this without other people saying how much they hate it. By the way if you see this Angela and Jenna I just want to let you know you guys are awesome! Love The Office and this show!
Dark knight freakGreatI’m tired of the reruns though. Hope you still get better Jenna. I love all of the guest stars.
angie.83Second DrinkI’m not loving the Second Drink episodes. I wish they would actually rewatch the episode and give their thoughts on it again like they did the first time. But, they only give one, maybe two, bits of info for about five minutes before the episode starts…and then they just rerun the original episode. If they don’t have time to rewatch everything again, I would have rather had them go through all the webisodes, or interview people again or that they didn’t interview before, and then move on to movie reviews or something.
LindsayTuttleNPOffice fans, this is like chicken soup for the soulI love this podcast so much, and whenever I need a laugh or to just know I’m going to get a mood boost in the car or on the go, I come to this podcast. I honestly love Jenna & Angela’s banter and especially love the guest episodes. So grateful they are doing a second round!
JimmyNeutron027To emaildanielsemaildaniels If you have a problem with Angela’s voice, then you can stop listening. Just because something that you don’t like about this podcast doesn’t mean that it’ll happen. Also learn correct grammar and capitalize Angela’s name correctly.
Small Small AnnaMy Weekly Dopamine HitThis is the only podcast I come back to time and time again. I have been listening since the beginning and love everything that has come from it. I was so sad when they were nearing the end of the rewatch but Office Ladies 6.0 and Second Drink have brought me so much joy.
Used to love, now I hate itSecond drink?This is bad. Please stop rerunning old shows, it’s a shameless cash grab. I will be unsubscribing now because I don’t want to listen to reruns.
ahakdhskakajStop!Please just stop this podcast...its embarrassing. Was ok in the beginning, and now ur just grabbin every penny u can get outta this thing huh? 'Heres the same thing we did a couple years ago that u can easily access with an additional 4 minutes at the beginning for no reason! Aren't we funny and quirky??' 🙄🙄🙄 Yikes. I feel the second hand embarrassment sooooo hard, I'm done...
Floyd T BSo goodI listened early on and came back recently since I forgot what the earlier episodes were about, especially the interviews. Great to hear the real Angela and Jenna. I continue to fall in love with Pam Beesly every episode. It’s nice to hear people celebrate what they do for a living and be positive in a negative world.
emaildanielsget rid of angelaAngla's voice is annoying, too loud, and her grammar is very poor. recast Angela on this pod with Phyllis, who has a pleasant voice, she is a voice actor. I enjoy the behind the scenes info but had to stop listening because of Angela's voice and inane comments. btw, dot dot are called ellipses,not dot dot rot, this is basic primary school knowledge angela.
2023!!😍😍I love this so much! I am a huge fan (even tho I’m only 12)I have been watching this since I was like 5 and you guys are amazing and I love the fast facts! Thank you guys for making this! And who came up with the the idea for this???
postnutLADIES!!!I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! I just started listening to you a few months ago and I am thoroughly addicted! And after a 9 hour (each way) roadtrip to Disneyland from SLC, my wife is addicted as well! I laugh, I cry…your perspectives and insights into the world of The Office are so interesting, your fast facts and journal entries are a treasure trove of factoids and fascination! And no, I am not being hyperbolic! AND keep those tangents coming! I love that you’re putting your relationship with one another and the show out there on full display…and we get to bask in that warm loving glow. Stay and remain healthy and ‘in these trying times,’ keep up your much needed work! I love you guys, errr LADIES!
TryingToBeAListenerOffice Ladies FanBest Podcast
Amber Prinz2nd drink?I am so confused about the “2nd drink” concept. It seems to be just reruns of old episodes with about 5 minutes of extra facts. I loved when they did a redo of the hot girl peacock episode! That was so fun and entertaining and what I thought the “second drink” episodes would be. I feel like there’s no point to these 2nd drink episodes that are literally rewinds.
Listening63Please don’t scream into the micLoved The Office. Love the back stories.. no need to scream into the mic. You are literally screaming in our ears
LynnhazyTo badI really wanted to like this podcast but it’s difficult to listen to. The one ups men-ship from Jenna is to distracting. The one sided competition Jenna has makes this something that I personally wouldn’t consider easy listening. I don’t understand second drink it’s just replaying the old shows.
bmwguysshToby is the Scranton StranglerI have been a die hard fan of the office for years, and this podcast since the moment it started coming out. I have absolutely nothing negative to say. Jenna and Angela put out such a good show every single week. HOWEVER, I was SCREAMING at nobody when Paul said “no, Toby is not the Scranton strangler “ he is. He just is and it’s so obvious. Angela absolutely won the debate and I don’t care what “the show runner” says TOBY IS THE SCRANTON STRANGLER. Love you too Jenna, but you were wrong
ggainarThe best!I have loved this podcast for years! Jenna and Angela are awesome- the Star Wars Holiday Special breakdown was SO funny! Thanks Ladies!!
itsme333333333333Not what is advertisedThis is not a podcast for fans of the office… it’s a podcast for middle aged women with no friends.
ShruteFarms🧑🌾🌾Amazing Podcast!I love Jenna and Angela!! They are so sweet and seem to have so much fun!! I’m a true fan of The Office so I really appreciate this podcast!!
shannon7celeste“2nd Drink” is just another repeat show?Am I losing my mind or is 2nd drink just the same shows we’ve heard several times at this point + 5mins or so of a new fast fact??! I love this show and listen to repeat episodes often- I didn’t realize ALL episodes are repeats now lol Maybe they’re on a break or smth and I missed the announcement idk
jmesjikaaqIt’s just going to keep getting better- Erin HannonI love this podcast so much. I love the “random” episodes the star wars episode was so funny. Love you ladies
Gessi29Less self talk pleaseI’m sorry I really wanted to love it. There’s just so much talk about their personal lives and they then add 2 minutes reviewing the show. I would like more review of the show.
CJSetterlundThis Show Makes Me So HappyI love this show, love Jenna and Angela. As an Office fan since ‘almost’ day one I enjoy every podcast so much. I think this show might be the podcast that makes me happiest. Thank you both so much for doing it!
Jess.VanYou ladies are the bestI love everything you’ve been putting out, especially the new and different types of episodes! I love it when you stray from the office content and talk about anything and everything. I just love you two so much :) I’m currently re-listening to the podcast a second time and it’s just as amazing this time around! Thank you for always keeping me entertained on my long car rides.
Fiona Elizabeth Yamin DenehyLOVE IT!!!!!Please do a Second Drink for “Gossip”, I submitted a fan catch that I am itching for you to know! Also, I’m your BIGGEST fan. I know everyone says that, but I’m serious. 🧐
txgrown303It’s effed upYou never say the note and literally teased us to say eat a boner you’ll never know. Didn’t know Pam was as much a C in real life as the character
smittyfiedAd readsAlways enjoy the show, but too many ad reads now. Kathy Bates episode didn’t start until about 15 minutes into podcast.
FNL🤩Star Wars Holiday SpecialI love you guys and just wanted to share how freaking hilarious this episode was!! I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. I have never personally seen the Star Wars Holiday Special but now feel like I have!! It sounds so ridiculous. Thank you for doing this, keep up the amazing work, making people happy. The world needs more of you. Merry Christmas!!!
Kermitken1Office Ladies 6.0I L🖤VE the Office Ladies, I’ve been listening since day 1 and got a wee bit emotional at the finale episodes. I’m excited for 6.0
ashley ahlsThe best 🫶I am continually blown away by the amount of care and thought put into this pod cast. Angela and Jenna’s chemistry is unmatched. Interviews are thoughtful and insightful and recap episodes are funny and include all the very interesting behind the scenes info. Thank you so much to these women for being vulnerable and always a source of light and positivity while also being so realistic about life’s hardships.
blackangusinthebackyardWonderful Show!I absolutely love the banter between Jenna and Angela! Contrary to what others say, I think those conversations really make the podcast special. I look forward to seeing what happens with my favorite podcast in the future!!! EDIT So excited about the new changes!!! This is such a great podcast with some really great ladies!!
CJLove88Heartwarming!Loved the Kathy Bates interview. Really hits home how vulnerable we all are! Thank you for sharing your story!
Hayden MilnesSO GOODThis is such a good podcast. I would recommend it. I have a lot of proof of how good this is and Jenna and Angela are really good at telling stories do not let your kids around this if you have any
KaCar145289Lost their directionNot sure what is going on anymore. I listen to this podcast all the time to relax and enjoy my fav show. Loved the entire rewatch and now going back through is great and so are new episodes such as “all about” certain characters. But the random murder mystery podcast episode and now breaking down random movies is not what I’m here for. I wish they would stick to only office content
Mollster7767Star Wars Holiday SpecialI would’ve never thought to ask these ladies for a breakdown of the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special but WOW it is exactly what I needed! Thank you for continuing to discuss The Office and every other random thing along the way!
Brie2218More of thisThe breakdown on non-Office movies/shows may even be better. More of this, please!!!
revstefrunzThank you!!You make me smile. I love your friendship.
d mailmanWay to muchSeems like more and more add reads than content
kedoughtyGood but not greatI really thought I would love this podcast but man the rambling at the top of the episodes loses me. Even when I think I’ve fast forwarded past it, there is more. And for the love of god, PLEASE balance the sound!! The ads are like a quarter of the volume of the rest of the episode. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the office residuals surely would cover a sound engineer. Going to try to stick with it some more but I don’t need to hear about Angeles hair anymore lol. I’m sure it’s gorgeous. Not why we are tuning in.
JdibheBummerI stopped listening because it got dull but I decided to go back to hear about when Michael left. And disappointingly Steve Carell wasn’t even on. Bummer Update: are they really doing the show all over again? That’s a too much. Do something else
ih8cr8inguaernamesFun for Office fans, if you ignore political biasOffice Ladies was part of my weekly podcast rotation for a few years. The last several episodes were difficult to listen to as they seemed to lose the focus of what made it interesting to listen to early on. I persevered only because The Office is my all time favorite show. The hosts’ Hollywood progressive political bias was evident early on but only made occasional appearances, which made them tolerable. However, their participation in cancel culture ruined the last season recap for me. They’d spend countless air time detailed the lives and and careers of extras you’ve never heard of, but when Roseanne was a guest on 2 episodes of season 9 they didn’t even utter her name. I doubt that matches their actual experience with a comedic icon, but the Hollywood bias prevented them from mentioning her.
Biankz_NostalgiaI love this podcast. I listen to this religiously as I work out and it’s like watching/ listening to the office all over again with an insider details. I love it so much ❤️
KimmyBossLadyLove it!I was late to the original start of the podcast but am thrilled to be starting Second drink and 6.0 from the beginning! Best podcast ever!
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