
Comedy #1All Genres #4

"SmartLess" with Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, & Will Arnett is a podcast that connects and unites people from all walks of life to learn about shared experiences through thoughtful dialogue and organic hilarity. A nice surprise: in each episode of SmartLess, one of the hosts reveals his mystery guest to the other two. What ensues is a genuinely improvised and authentic conversation filled with laughter and newfound knowledge to feed the SmartLess mind.Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of SmartLess ad-free and a whole week early. Start a free trial now on Apple Podcasts or by visiting

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Recent Reviews
  • rosiepies
    Love this podcast just wish it wasn’t so heavy on male guests.
    So funny and witty. Love all the hosts. My only piece of feedback is interview more women! It is so male dominated and would love to hear some female interviews.
  • chimichurri
    I listen to tons of podcasts and THIS is my favorite
    It’s like being a fly on the wall at a dinner party filled with brilliant artists. Zach Galifianakis’ episode is a must
  • Ehzxcod
    Hungry much?
    Can Jason Bateman get through just one episode without eating? Seriously, bro, nobody wants to hear you talking while you’re chewing. Every once in awhile, no problem. Lately, though, he can’t seem to get through one entire show without eating.
  • awise111
    Bill Burr!!!
    👏 🙌 🤩!
  • Jess Kashka
    Bob Marley!!
    Listening to Bill Barr and he use to work/hang with Bob Marley the comedian. If you have never listened to him, well being from Maine and all, he is an acquired taste but hilarious. So excited for the hometown hero shout out! Cheers and keep doing great things!
  • Give-afoot
    How about some diversity. Yes, that means conservatives? Yes, that means c
    So many of your interviews are with political far-leaning lefties. How about some diversity. Yes, that means conservatives? Gutfeld? Anyone who's on Gutfeld? 7ion are waiting...
  • You mommmma
    Keep your politics to yourself
    Was an absolute massive fan until they open their mouth about politics. They act like they can relate to working class, bark from your highchair.
  • gwlk
    Why ?
    Some people who have reviews posted here are false and only rumor at best. I’m speaking of Bill Gates podcast. Hey, MAGA people, no one is holding a gun to your head to listen to any particular one you personally don’t like. Why listen to a podcast with prejudice at all? It’s counterproductive. Plenty of podcasts are available to right political leanings, use it. Go elsewhere.
  • tacowitz
    I love your podcast and enjoy your guests but I am going to take a break because I’m finding it more and more uncomfortable to listen to Will and Jason insult and make fun of Sean. It used to be much less but lately it’s too much. It’s hurtful banter and I wish it would stop. It’s just not funny. You all have a great chemistry together and a great sense of humor, stop cheapening it at the expense of Sean.
  • Navitejew
    Bill Gate is an amazing American leader in the science genocide! Thanks for my hero’s in mass murder.
    Thank You!
    These 3 bring light and joy to my day everytime I listen to them. Thank you boys, for always being just what I needed!
  • most dudes ever
    Super cuts?!
    Guys. Love the show - long time listener. But a Super Cuts ad? No way you guys are hitting up super cuts. If I’m wrong, then shame on me and I’ll take this down. If I’m right, maybe just do authentic partnerships.
  • Balenciacoffeecup789
    I used to listen to every episode until they interviewed bill Gaetz recently. How disappointing. These guys act like they care about current events and politics and lean left and then they interview a billionaire who donated millions to the trump campaign and bent the knee to his DEI rollbacks immediately. So that was disappointing. If they didn’t act like they cared about this stuff it wouldn’t matter. But they talk about it and make it seem like they do. Obviously they don’t really and it’s fake. Very cool.
  • cbest53
    A re-release ?
    Isn’t a re-release a rerun you can listen to any time you want? What’s up with that?
  • Slimtefan
    Politically Correct Humor
    The podcast is always funny and the quick wit will have you laughing out loud. Know going in that if you’re anything other than a far left liberal their political leanings are evident in every show and they will undoubtedly offend anyone who doesn’t read from the democratic script. It’s actually a really fun aspect of the show to laugh at how absolutely they sell out on every political issue. I’m convinced they don’t even know how far out of touch they truly are. The Biden interview is priceless! And yet, I never miss an episode.
  • McDinan
    Bill Gates
    I loved this podcast in spite of its white boys club vibe. I even ignored it when they interviewed Jared Leto. But bringing on a guy that was on Epstein island, I’m just disgusted. And very sad, this really breaks my heart.
  • StatquoBoo
    A fave podcast
    I never miss an episode.
  • E.Normus Peter
    2 1/2 celebrities
    Good for eating up time on my weekly 3 hour drive. Someone work with Will on his 2 minute long questions. A non- talent (Will) shouldn’t be busting Sean’s balls all the time, either. They’re out of touch politically
  • PreppyNel
    Bill F’n Gates?!?!SHAMEless/SPINEless political circle jerk episodes 🤮
    They should of asked gates about when he attempted to kick his partner out of their early joint business venture, while the partner was unconscious & hospitalized for a stroke, or heart attack! Or why his vaccine research organization was kicked out of India after a high number of young women who were participating in his organization’s study lost their fertility. Enough with the lefty glad-handing already. It’s bad enough with the usual Hollywood hand jobs at the end of each interview. Spare us the political mumbo jumbo! How about NO POLITICIANS (left OR right) on the show from now on. Seriously, have some integrity guys! I fricken LOVE Armett’s sense of humor, but he turns into the sniveling moron he often plays when he’s with these criminal politicians. Maybe since he’s Canadian? Enough already y’all! You don’t NEED these pricks to have a great cast, so why DO you do it?! Is it some kind of secret requirement? Why else would you have’m?! You guys are sincerely BIG FANS of Biden?!? Really?! You don’t have to be on the Right to see this is probably the worst President of all time, and he categorically is NOT in charge. Have’m on twice why don’t you! Whatever, you guys have to live & die with your own spineless panderings. You probably would have “named names” in the blacklist days too. Grow a pair gentlemen.
  • HouseGuy85
    All-Time Favorite Podcast
    I absolutely love the chemistry and bond that these three share. Their interactions—filled with playful banter and teasing—are truly comical and highlight just how close they are. They never fail to make me laugh in every episode. I also appreciate their diverse range of guests, from scientists to athletes. Great job, everyone! Keep up the fantastic work!
  • RN_Rose
    Keep ‘em coming!!
    It started with listening to the episode with Andy Samberg a couple months ago, and since then, I can’t stop listening. I’m almost all caught up! I admire your earnestness, comedy, and willingness to let us enjoy your conversations!! Thank you for constantly uplifting my spirits. You humanize the ‘celebrity’ and I’m thankful for that, and I’m sure they are, too! Keep on going…
  • clayfisher
    First timer reviewer
    The only podcast containing banter among the hosts that I can stand. Excellent guests, awesome questions, great behind-the-actor-masks look at 3 really different but clearly good friends who act…or act like friends?! Great show. Keep at it!
  • J Clam
    Great interview with your host
    Really enjoyed your show listening Will. Too bad he had to be interrupted by Bill Gates.
  • Daniellebell2555
    It’s hard to listen to this sometimes, because they clearly don’t do any research on their guests, they interrupt them, and their jokes can be annoying. Sean probably asks the best questions and then sometimes Jason, who comes off as not well prepared but at least not a jerk like Will does. Will is like that jock in high school who likes to mock Sean for being himself, and then he will ask the most obvious, dumb questions that guests have been asked so many times before. The reason I listen to the podcast despite all that is because I like their guests (often times they are people that don’t seem to do very many podcasts like Jared Leto, Michael Keaton, Ariana Grande) and the guests seem to have fun having a normal conversation and not so much an interview as other shows.
  • Panama Smith
    Will and Social Meda
    He nailed social media to a T. Was perhaps lenient on its effect on youth. Mental illness is rampant for Gen Z and Gen Alpha and these disgusting companies are making a profit from users data. Everyone needs to get off all social media.
  • drumminjaye
    James Hughes Jr
    JB you should try Re-Lyte Hydration from “ Redmond salt “
  • dpash
    F Bombs
    Always loved the show but Will reduce the # of F-bombs each episode. For f-sake! 😁
  • Emils🐙
    Love + change the script
    Keeping this short & sweet because everybody is super busy. Couldn’t love them more, try me. Live in Minneapolis, but traveled to another state to see their live show. Listened to the podcast since day one. Watched their documentary. Now, here is the “change the script” part. The most tired/repeated joke from Will & Jason, the Star Trek & Star Wars jokes…While I am a fan like Sean is, I’m also a fan of Star Trek & Star Wars jokes (as Sean seems to be as well). But, the flavor joke from Jason & Will couldn’t be more tired and eye roll-y. Let’s just hop over that tired one note joke & maybe get creative with the Star Wars/Star Trek jokes?? Sean was just talking about his new turntable that he uses with Scotty (Ariana ep.). He was talking about listening to soundtracks at night (sames btw, so peaceful) & then they started joking that “he even listens to Star Wars & Star Trek music?!?!”. & when y’all go after THE John Williams (saw him @ the bowl💃🏻), I’m gonna take 60 seconds out of my day to write this. Alrightyyyyy then. Fin. Much love. ¡Adios! (I lied… didn’t keep it short. I ramble & usually try & stick to my motto “drink water & mind my business” (it’s a song). But, instead I decided to drink water & not mind my business💃🏻👽… better luck next time to me🙌🏼). P.s. So grateful that you three are okay after the LA fires. I used to live there/still have friends/family that suffered so much throughout the fires & are still going through all of the aftermath/destruction. I got out just in time as I was visiting family in Santa Monica right before it started. Be well, y’all & uhhhhh I guess I’ll talk to ya later🤓. (I actually have glasses & I truly think that if ppl don’t have glasses that they shouldn’t be allowed to use that emoji………..silencio……..(😉🙃—in real life I would have kept a straight face as I adore dry humor much like Jason… but this is in writing and we all know how old ppl come off in text messages)(by my emoji use, you can surmise that I’m not old) 10-4. Over and out. #byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 😘
  • Vsi340
    Free Sean!
    More Sean Hayes, please. Just listened to the Ariana episode and Sean’s questions shifted the course of conversation multiple times from a surface chat to a really rich conversation. I am not Ariana’s usual demographic but can appreciate what a thoughtful artist she is much more after this episode.
  • Ajohnson120m
    If you see me walking and laughing…..
    I’m listening to this podcast. It’s fascinating and hilarious!
  • Bstreine
    Bill gates woof
    Way too far left, in their hollywood bubble with zero facts that make sense to normal Americans, stick with the dumb celebrity interviews so we can just laugh with you instead of at you, Sean is tolerable but Justin and Will are unbearable to listen to plus the comment on food not contributing to obesity is the wackiest fake news Ive ever heard
  • Trisha 💐
    Very self indulgent. Out of touch. Sean is not as annoying as the other two. Sean seems to have some more relatable experiences and some humility. This is definitely not as down to earth as a Joe Rogan show. Some episodes are redeemable because of the guest. A good guest can always save the episode.
  • TReviewer2025
    More range of guests
    Funny podcast but the guests lack diversity
  • Annnnnnnnnnnna101
    Funny but fatphobic
    I love your podcast it always makes me laugh :) although sometimes I have to skip clips of what you are saying because you all perpetuate themes of fat-phobia and diet culture. If anything this likely reflects how the entertainment industry has affected you all- but I’m convinced if Jason stopped talking about his relationship with food and you stopped food shaming Sean, and glorifying thinness, your show would be just as funny and a little more radical.
  • MMR-H
    Hi babes. Love you so much. Wanted to suggest Michael C Hall and Sturgill Simpson as guests. ❤️❤️
  • RosieBoston72
    Love it!
    I absolutely love this podcast. It always makes me laugh and I enjoy the guests. These three guys have a great chemistry and always ask interesting questions. My only suggestion is that they post a video of the podcast on YouTube so we can see them as they are speaking. Will Arnett is too beautiful to be hidden behind a microphone.❤️
  • 18365839
    Wow. Will’s take on social media was right on.
  • Wishywooly
    Ariana Grande
    Good interview, but talking over each other and interrupting your guest is getting old.
  • Wenjam2023
    Smartless podcast
    As a longtime follower, the Smartless podcast has become my weekly therapy after a stressful day at the office. It’s been refreshing to listen to lighthearted banter of these three guys. Although lately Will Arnet’s overly sarcastic, to the point it almost sounds like bullying⁉️Honestly Will let’s see more of the love and keep us laughing.
  • Graft vs Host
    GOAT Podcast
    We want more writers and directors! Or like the 30 year cue card veteran. Inside baseball or literally baseball. (Dodgers only preferred)
  • T's fan
    Smartless not as fun
    I loved this podcast but am becoming increasingly annoyed with Jason and Will. Will interrupts everyone with his lame jokes, and Jason is trying to be too cool for school. However, I LOVE Sean as he’s so down to earth and asks questions to which we want answers.
  • ShellyB3456
    I love love you, but…
    I SERIOUSLY adore you guys. Each of you individually, but also as a team. I mean - I totally love you. But a little bit of a critique. You kinda interrupt your guests - a lot - and a lot more lately. Poor Arianna had to ask to finish her story. It’s been distracting lately. . 😢 You enjoy each other so much, which is a huge part of the show’s chemistry, and is wonderful, but your private jokes and jibes toward each other have been, imo, taking away from the interviews a bit. Often it’s hard to even follow what any of you are saying. Especially your guest. And I am an attentive listener! 😂 Save most of your so sweet, and hysterical comments for the beginning and the end. Again - love you to death! Just trying to watch your backs. 😘
  • Weston57
    Love this show
    I adore you guys. Your natural rhythm and quick whit brings laugh out loud laughter to my day.
  • Mabes18
    Get rid of Arnett
    I liked this at first, but can’t listen anymore because Will Arnett has to interrupt everyone to NameDrop and put other people down. One star.
  • Brooklyn Cyclones
    Walz episode…wow
    I catch up on these episodes once every few months, and I just got to this one. Jason Bateman, self-identified as an “MSNBC morning-to-night watcher” asked Walz how he can get through to conservatives that are in an information bubble. HAHAHAHA! Then talked about tribalism, wondered how Republicans aren’t more discerning about getting information and facts, etc. Wow. Incredible. “Facts are on our side.” HAHAHAHAHA. I thought he was kind of intelligent and didn’t REALLY believe the MSNBC party line. Nope. Disappointed again. Shucks.
  • john gootherts
    Biggest laugh when I needed it
    Love you guys and everyone on the show, but I really needed this one: Tig Notaro episode; Jason: “Hi Johnny!!!” Some things just get ya. Thanks
  • The 7 is a 10
    We don’t want to hear about your wealth
    Hey guys, Most people don’t have your kinda money and we don’t want to hear about it. You go from sounding like regular people to spoiled rich guys. Love yah, Kris
  • Isabel's Mumma
    All of them!
    Love your podcast and the three of you together are a scourge on everything decent and I LOVE IT. I LOVE YOU. ByeeeeEEEEEEE!
  • freelyza
    Holiday bonus
    I have been listening since day 1 and I have heard every episode. I’m just a few weeks behind right now so I’m just now hearing the holiday bonus with Conan. This is one of the funniest things I have ever heard in my life. I am driving alone and cracking up, laughing out loud with tears in my eyes. love this show.!
  • fergwebdotcom
    Fun show, but…
    I listen to mostly every episode and enjoy it…clearly, or I’d not return. The only liability is that more recently it was devolved into too much “inside baseball” with the a Hollywood spin. I don’t need names of actors identified (I’m not Tracy) and I have a good handle on pop culture…but it’s the long-winded exchanges about acting method or camera lens choices or the occasional runs of blatant sucking up to guests (well beyond compliments) that can get out of hand…it can get a bit tedious to listen to. Maybe it’s them understanding the delicate ego actor thing, eh? Maybe that’s just how things work in the industry. Yes, when people get together from the same line of work, they end up talking about work. Everybody does that; 100% normal. And yes, it’s a bit more interesting than most jobs. But maybe avoid the DEEP weed discussion of the entertainment business. End of day…I’m a faithful listener and not going anywhere.
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