How Rude, Tanneritos!

TV & Film #2All Genres #149

How Rude, Tanneritos!
A Full House Rewatch Podcast is here!!

Stephanie Tanner and Kimmy Gibbler are a pivotal part of American pop culture. These iconic characters are ingrained in the lives of actresses Jodie Sweetin and Andrea Barber for eternity.

Frenemies onscreen and BFFs off, they’ve decided to team back up and look back…from the very VERY beginning.

Think you know everything about your favorite Friday night comfort show? HOW RUDE!!

So join us, and say hola Tanneritos, as Jodie and Andrea tell all.

They’re heading home and our hearts are full.

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Recent Reviews
  • MartinW1991
    Love this podcast. So much fun. U 2 an Deej are my favorite ❤️u both Drew Wilson. PS This was a great idea keep it going God Bless u guys 😁
  • Sanrio kid7j77
    I just finished watching fuller house then I found this podcast and it’s like I watched the episodes lol btw I haven’t seen it Bc I am a kid born in 2014 so yea…
  • WhoeverThisIs14
    Christine Lakin forever.
    I like you two and the podcast. Your fans, however, are insane. It’s rather sad how much of a parasocial relationship many of them have with you. That’s not your fault, obviously. It is very disconcerting though.
    AMAZING Podcast i loooove full house, and Fuller House!
    AMAZING im only eleven but I LOVE this, it’s the best podcast I’ve ever heard!
  • Jiaacnqnuaeclcionnee
    Love the show!
    The format of the podcast is great and exactly the kind of podcast I like to listen to! I could do without the constant hate from Jodie. This show is beloved by many and the nitpicking of every less than “politically correct” moment gets old fast. Besides that, I do enjoy the show and getting to relive the show through those who were there and getting the inside scoop on the behind the scenes!
  • 11YearOldReviewer
    I have been listening to this podcast for months and I will never get bored of it! Jodie and Andrea, I am a huge fan of your podcast. Recommend reviewing fuller house after you finish full house! I’m hoping for a shoutout! thanks!
  • 😃❤️🐼
    This is really awesome, I absolutely love full house and I love podcasts it is perfect!
  • Lkjhgfshtedgtsgjf
    You guys are my idols!!
    I love you guys and full house soooo much! I do have some questions though, did you guys ever disagree right before a show night and what outfit would you wear today from the show. I hope you guys talk about these reviews.
  • Awsome girk
    LOVE!! ❤️❤️❤️
    This is amazing. I know in character in fuller house, they were close, but I’ve only really seen Andrea and Candace close. I love Andrea and Jodie together. Amazing duo!! Love y’all!! PLEASE have more of Candace!! Love her so much!!! Fuller house is the best. I look forward to watching it everyday. That is like the one show I will rewatch. Love you Gibbler and Tanner
  • Syd the little actresses
    Love it!💗 ❤️
    Love the pod so much it’s my bed time show, feel better Dave, and I hope to be at a 90s con someday!(even tho ima kid)
  • kfncodjv
    LOVE IT! ❤️
    I love this podcast because I am in 7th grade and even though you don’t think so, a lot of younger kids really love the show because it is hilarious-especially HOWIE! I was born in 2012 so I didn’t watch full house, and was go young for Fuller, but I just loved both shows when I watched them. You both are hilarious and I love all the inside jokes you have with each other and the other cast members. Sending love from Connecticut!❤️❤️❤️
  • Coco DeLuca
    Dear Sanrio kid 7j77
    You can watch full House on Hulu there 8 seasons if you see a review that says dear Sanrio, kids 7j77 it’s because I thought at first you said I finished full house where do you watch Fuller House? Sorry.
  • swifty girl lol ###
    L O V E
    Omg, soooo funny love the show!!! Keep up the good work!🤣😱😊👏🏻👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿💋💋💋💋💋*U* :D \_0_/ ;)
  • HappyJack:)
    Love the show and the ladies but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE STOP Andrea from TRYING to do Michelle’s voice!! It makes me cringe every time! Everything else is on point and awesome!! Thanks, no disrespect!!
  • Whatevs4300
    Edit: For “full house fan” - please get some help. You don’t know these people. Or me. Yet you made your whole review about me and my opinions… 🤡 My speculation should not affect you like that. I have plenty of reasons not to approve of Candace or the bigotry she spreads. This is MY opinion and I have every right to have it. Many of the reviews say the same about her yet you insanely focused allll that on me. I think they should all get restraining orders against you for their own protection, Candace included. You’re way too invested. Glad your review was on top so I saw it. Thanks for the laugh. No more Candace, ever. I noticed that she said something about hoping to come back next time Jodi is gone and 1) I hope that never happens 2) that pretty much says it all - I have a feeling Jodi refuses to do an episode with Candace and and the other way around. Otherwise why wouldn’t Andrea have said something about them all doing one together? It was as if that wasn’t an option. So Candace should stay off of Jodi’s show, even when Jodi isn’t there. I like Andrea a lot and she seems like such a sweet person but I am sus about her potential views now too..
  • Gooch 125
    Love it
    This is the best thing ever . Barber and Jodie I love you ❤️
  • Dr. Olinger
    Reliving my childhood!!
    This podcast is absolute gold!! As a young black girl in the 80s and 90s who is the exact same age as Jodie (I’m a few days older), I always identified as a Stephanie. I had similar childhood experiences as Stephanie as well, including a slightly similar car incident (no house was harmed). As an adult I also identify with many of the views Jodie has spoken out about. But oddly enough I think I also realize have some Kimmy Gibbler in me as well! Andrea Barber is podcast gold with her recaps! This podcast is truly a full circle moment for me! Thank you both!
  • ✨Danny Tanner✨
    Thank you ❤️
    I absolutely love this podcast, me and my sisters first started watching fuller house and we really enjoyed it! Then my mom said how she used to watch a show called full house and we started watching that and loved it! Now that I’ve finished the shows I love listening to this podcast! I’m only 13 so had no idea what the 80s/90s was about but I love hearing you’re stories about what was happening on the show! School can be really hard but I always look forward to laying in bed at the end of the day and listening to this podcast. Jodie and Andrea always make me laugh. Me and my twin sister love talking about the podcast because we both listen to it. Thank you for making me feel like a part of the full house family. ❤️
  • AuntieM77
    If you’re not a fan of Full House…
    …maybe you shouldn’t be doing a podcast about it? You guys seem a little clueless, especially when it comes to Season 4. You keep saying you’re waiting for it to get better but Greek week and the IQ man are two of the best episodes of the season. Why? Maybe you’re too close to see it but…John Stamos. Period. I find it a little insulting how you do nothing but bash the TV show that you’re supposed to love so much, and that we as the fans clearly love so much. If you can’t enjoy the nostalgia of the 90s maybe this isn’t the right venue. Everything is not problematic just because it’s not politically correct in the 2020s. This podcast could be better, not only because of the reasons I mentioned but because there’s not much research/backstory on any of the episodes. Check out the Office Ladies podcast on how to do a rewatch.
  • Abbey 2001
    This year (2024), I watched Full House for the first time. Then, I watched Fuller House for the first time. Watched Full House again. Discovered this podcast and have now caught up on all past episodes. Full, Fuller, and How Rude, Tanneritos! have brought me so much joy and comfort this year. I love hearing the two of you together, sharing old memories and creating new ones!
  • renee3319
    Pod swap
    Loved the current episode. Please do more in the future
  • Mickey J Clifford
    Very fun podcast
  • realmoriahfan
    hey in sing songy tune Jodie Sweetin Andrea Barber!!!!!!!!! i love this podcasts and i listen to it every single night! it is so funny and amazing to listen to! i have a dream of someday meeting you two!! i love this and please after you finish full house do fuller house!!!!!
  • barbiesgeekycousin
    If You Love “Office Ladies”… You’re Gonna Hate This
    I have gone back and forth about whether or not to leave a review, but now that I’m halfway through Season 3 episodes, I am ready. This is simply a rewatch podcast, nothing more. The hosts do absolutely no research that would give Full House fans any insight into the Why’s and How’s of the episodes (as is done on Office Ladies.) Which in and of itself is totally fine! They don’t claim to be a deep dive show, so I can let that slide. The real issue lies in the content of each episode. Maybe they should consider renaming the show “The Joke Has To Work” as this is a phrase used in nearly every episode, sometimes multiple times. Jodie nitpicks every single line and storyline, and loves to point out how “problematic” the characters and dialogue can be. At first it was annoying, but I continued to give her time, thinking she would let go and just enjoy this show that was literally the end-all-be-all of her career. Unfortunately, she seems completely focused not only on things that wouldn’t be said/joked about today, but also the storylines themselves. Why can’t it just be accepted that this is a *fictional* sitcom? I don’t think there are any fans who believe that anything in this show might be reality, so why continue to harp on the things that are fantastical? I have to be very mindful while listening to not allow her constant negativity to ruin this show that meant so much to me as a child. Let alone all of the “facts” that she confidently spits out about every single tangent she can find, when she is incorrect the majority of the time. Andrea is the only reason I continue to listen. Her positivity and joyful perspective is, thus far, enough to counterbalance Jodie’s pessimism and know-it-all attitude. I will continue to listen, hoping that things will improve.
  • djeejhd
    Love the podcast. People need to shut up about the ads ect… The podcast is free, so they need to stop complaining. Although they probably complaining because they are bored/unhappy.
  • elon1055
    My Comfort Podcast!
    This is my go-to podcast! It brings me comfort and joy listening to Jodie and Andrea humorously recapping episodes from one of my all time favorite TV shows. They are both a delight and I love all the guest interviews. The BTS information is as added bonus.
  • dnrndjcnkwkanxns
    Too many ads!!!!
    Love the show but there are just too many ads. I think there might be more ads than actual podcast.
  • C.arolyn L.
    A much needed mental break
    I enjoy laughing with you ladies so much and it is always a very welcomed break from current events. Thanks for being you and for creating this show for all of Full House kids. 🥰
  • Mr. Grass Clippings
    Love the pod
    But please, Jodie, stop interrupting so much!
  • W@[}|
    Andrea and Jodie, how I love them!
    Andrea has this amazing laugh and Jodie, I love how you ALWAYS make Andrea laugh so hard, she can’t breathe! And I’m not saying that as a bad thing!!! I would love to meet you guy in person because you guys are my favorite actresses including Candace! You guys are my hero’s!
  • Cssmc12
    Which olson twin is in which episodes??
    Love love the show and podcast! So many things covered but never know which twin is in the scene or episode??
  • Ozzie or Oscar or Oz
    OH MY LANTA!!!!! I love it!!!!!
    Jodie Sweeten and Andria Barber jumped right back into their roles after Fuller house!! Because of their tight friendship… I love it all from Coffee coffee coffee to singing each other's names the ending lines, to Jodie’s swearing!! Finding a new episode every other day makes my day feel like a dream!! I love the humor of it so much that I always can’t wait for another Jesse meltdown episode… I can’t wait for what they have to say next!!!! Excited for the Jesse and Becky wedding coming up!! And for whenever Kimmy gets a episode!! And I’d love to hear more of Janice’s notes!! And excited for them to get to the seasons where Danny is happy and found love with Vicky!! And of course HOWIE HOWIE HOWIIE references makes me laugh every time! Keep up the HOWIE jokes!! LOVE THIS PODCAST!!!!! good job! 👏
  • Insta: @phillycheeses
    Caring & Compassionate ‘Cast
    I am grateful that these women host a podcast where they are kind, compassionate, and “woke” to those less fortunate. When their guest Christian started talking about an app that works as a social worker and Jodie mentioned the “unhoused” community, I had to let the show know how much I appreciate their sensitive approach to the “others” of the world. Brava!
  • Megs_C
    Billy Foster
    I love this podcast, and it is the best recap podcast out of all the ones I listen to. My one gripe is the “Billy Fawstah cawfee cawfee cawfee” every. single. time. he’s mentioned. It drives me BONKERS!
  • Isa🙂
    I love Andrea and Jodie💗 Thank you for this podcast
    Personally I don’t think there is anything wrong with this podcast. Of course everyone can have their opinions but I think this is just purely their personalities and I think it is wonderful! I have always loved the character Stephanie and found myself relating to her and I think I love Jodie even more now that I have seen her bubbly personality. Andrea is so sweet and so much more than Kimmy, which also shows her incredible acting skills. I grew up on Fuller House, but rewatching Full House has been so incredible and I cannot say I have enjoyed any show more than I have enjoyed Full and Fuller House (especially Full). I am a bit behind on the podcast episodes as I just recently found it but I have loved everything and I can’t wait to hear more! I don’t know if they read these or have someone else read these reviews at all but if so I hope they seriously consider reviewing Fuller House after this because I would love to just hear more! And it would be fun to have some more guest stars that are well-known like Candance Cameron Bure and Ashley Olsen and Mary Kate Olsen. ❤️❤️Thank you for doing this and really you guys are just incredible humans who I think would be fantastic to meet even without the fact that you are “famous”.❤️❤️
  • 🎧 listener
    Great show! Just started listening, and I am already obsessed.
  • LeeLizHen
    Jodie needs to let other people talk
    Jeff Franklin got like 20 words in the entire episode because Jodie kept interrupting- I wanted to hear more of what he had to say about Aftershock.
  • Anonymous414
    Love Podcast but 1 Flaw
    Love the podcast, but there are way too many ads interspersed. I know you have to earn money, but please don’t add 15 minutes worth of ads.
  • Jeremycu
    Nostalgia Heaven!! Don’t miss out on this wonderfully done podcast!
    I love this podcast. These two have a true friendship and you feel like they are hanging out with you reminiscing on your favorite childhood show. Please listen and support, they are wonderful!
  • GQ.Smooth
    Tired of seeing this podcast recommended
    I wish this podcast would stop being recommended to me. I can’t think of a more obnoxious show to have a podcast about.
  • Seoulster
    Fun show but one glaring problem
    Love both the girls so I’m giving it 4 stars. Their voices are familiar and comforting since I grew up watching Full House. BUT I’m getting tired of Jodie dominating the conversations and finishing guest’s sentences. Please give space for guest’s to finish their thought. It’s okay if they pause and take an extra beat. I know it’s unintentional but it’s so rude :(
  • Mcrackalackens
    Love it!
    I love this podcast! Can you do fuller house after you do full house?
  • jennjohns83
    KIMMY! 🥰
    I’m a huge fan of the show and every character. Hey Jodie do you think you could let AB get a complete sentence or thought out. Also it’s ok if you let other people speak. You’re so arrogant I never thought that before. It’s like you can’t let anyone say anything without you jabbering on. And you end up sounding dumb bc you actually don’t say anything. I know you’ll blame it on your “ADHD” but it’s just you being arrogant. You should work on that. AB I LOVE YOU. ❤️
  • mandystumpff
    Bashing a main character was a little rough
    I love you guys. Full house was my absolute favorite show and now we are watching it with my children while my husband is away training with the army, it’s a comforting thing to them every night. But, even though I also love, Christine and I tune into their podcast, mainly for Staci Keanan because she’s actually really funny, it was really hard to listen to Christine with her theory of why she was not cast on Fuller House. I know a lot of people do not agree with Candace and her religion, but whenever she has been on other podcasts and spoken with people openly, she is incredibly respectful and has never spoken badly about anybody else. And it’s just frustrating because it may not have been such a big deal if she was not one of the central and most popular cast members and characters of the show. I just think allowing that was a little rough, and I know you guys really couldn’t stop it, but maybe a little editing would have been smart. she just could have briefly said, that maybe her beliefs or politics didn’t really jive with what other people thought on the show and just left it at that. it’s obvious after looking at Instagram comments that it was just hard for fans to hear because I think if we are tuning in every week, we don’t have a hatred of Candace, even if we don’t agree with her beliefs. just something to think about the future, because if you guys are such an amazing family, maybe protect each other a little bit more. And I did notice that Andrea stayed out of it and didn’t say a single thing, because I know they are extremely close and she has even done movies (or a movie) on Candace‘s network, because I think she knows they can love each other and agree to disagree and protect one another. And Jodie really did try to lighten things up with humor, but it was still rough and I wish it could have been edited little bit better, and I’m sure Christine could understand that openly bashing or theorizing negatively without evidence about a main character from the podcast you were talking about would be rough for fans to here, and she would probably be OK if that was edited down a little bit since it was not central to her story. It could’ve been cut out altogether, because if Christina is still upset about it, she should probably go directly to Candace because I think from what I’ve seen over and over, Candace is more than willing to sit down with someone and explain things and work things out. And I think that could have solved everything. even if they don’t agree, which is OK. Just a thought for the future. I do love the show and will keep tuning in, it’s just it was really hard to stomach that one.
  • dvdbdnfbc. ix
    Great job
    Hey guys! You are doing a great job. Question, WILL YOU BE REWINDING FULLER? I know that you guys aren’t even close to being done with Full but thought I’d ask anyway. I didn’t personally grow up with Full House I actually grew up with Fuller (being 5 when it started and 10 when it ended) so I really think that it would be cool to have you guys rewind my childhood lol. But overall you guys are fantastic. Love love love listening to your guys’s hot takes on the show. ❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • shoppingblondes
    Dave Coulier’s podcast is significantly better
    I wanted to like this podcast. I’ve been a diehard Full House fan for 30 years, but they completely lost me when they allowed their guest to speak so negatively of Candace. A huge reason I love the show is because they truly seem like family on screen and off, but it felt super cunning to allow what was said about Candace to be said. Not what family would do. It’s not like you haven’t spoken to Candace since the show wrapped in 1995….I found the whole situation very repulsive. Dave Coulier’s podcast is better on the whole, but also makes me believe the cast truly had a familial relationship. It’s funny- my husband always jokes that Stephanie is the most annoying Full House character by far. Sometimes life really does imitate art, I guess.
  • vnam89
    Christine Lakin interview
    Really enjoy the podcast, but the Christine Lakin interview was awkward, basically bashing CCB. Felt unnecessary and irresponsible on the producers’ end bc it will obviously make headlines…
  • your daughter 123
    I love it
    I love listening to Jodie and Andreas voice and just love it
  • jesse mf
    The worst podcast
    This podcast is mostly ads. Other than many ads it’s just the worst characters from the show (Stephanie and Kimmy Gobbler) reading episode summaries. Unbelievable. Awful. No prep or effort goes into this podcast.
  • ashtynp456
    Great podcast- editing is ok
    I really enjoy listening to this podcast! I love how structured it is and the content they discuss. However, the editing of the episodes hasn’t been great lately. Comments that Jodie and Andrea make are repeated and this happened multiple times in the “Breaking up is a hard thing to do” episode. There’s some glitching sounds between their sentences too. Otherwise, great podcast!
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