Rooster Teeth started over 20 years ago, and two of its creators want to get together every week to talk about their journeys, reminisce, and lament the Austin Texas that used to be. Gustavo Sorola & Geoff Ramsey, two of the masterminds behind hits like Red vs Blue & Achievement Hunter, monetize their conversations for your benefit.

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Recent Reviews
  • silicon lasers
    Very funny love it hate to see it go!
  • rangerghost24
    Good things don’t last forever
    I’m gonna miss this show, I’m gonna miss Geoff, Gustavo, Eric, everything. Griff and Simmons basically raised me. I’ve been watching them for so many years and it hurts to see them go. Thank you all for everything you have done for us over these two decades. Wishing all of you the best.
  • Shepherd man dude thing
    Rooster Teeth is ending.
    Well I’m going to miss this show with rooster teeth shutting down, I hope you all will continue this show because us loyal fans are sure gonna miss our RT founders hanging out drinking coffee. I’ve been a fan since 2008 and i practically grew up with you guys and my heart is heavy seeing my childhood end like this.
  • Dillybar96
    Austin Adventure episode
    I absolutely love this podcast! I’ve been listening since episode one, and I’ve been an RT fan since 2009. I really enjoyed the Austin Adventure episode. I like how simple it was and how it felt like being with 2 buddies just hanging out. I could listen to a whole show like this episode. Keep it up guys!
  • Connor Davis25
    Great music podcast
    Listened to the latest episode and Geoff mentioned Ted Hawkins. Looked him up and then immediately bought the Watch Your Step vinyl. Every song is great.
  • cyberhex11
    Love it
    Love the podcast and hearing about Austin in case I ever visit.
  • lunamandown
    Love it
    I’ve been an RT fan since the first RvB episode was shared with me on a burned disk lol This show feels like home with the boys, sharing laughs and good memories.
  • EmilyRose_71
    LOVE! The Founders’ Show!
    Love this podcast so much! The stories the history! You guys are the best ! I was an original RT Podcast listener
  • Blitzkrieg51
    Read the description and loved the sound of it.. then that Eric dude has to try an add to things.
  • Moviemessiah690
    Rooster Teeth Gold
    When I first heard about this podcast I had little interest because I thought they were just going to talk about Austin and how it’s changed and what it used to be. Not being from Austin or even Texas for that matter I didn’t think I’d enjoy it. I was so wrong. They do talk about that, but they also add so much more by talking about the history of their company and how they got started and their friendship and it’s really very interesting. A must for any Rooster Teeth fan
  • Becc__
    Lovely rambling
    Standard episodes of classic RT stories bring me so much nostalgia of growing up with the company and watching it grow but theres such a charm to the supplemental non-canon episodes with just Eric and Geoff. They’re duo dynamic is so fun and I love the way they gush over shared interests in music, movies etc. With any other show I’d be sad about having to have 2-3 episodes missing a main cast member but not here. I look forward to canon and non-canon episodes all the same.
  • Josiah Evans
    Been an on and off fan of RT over the years and seemingly always go back and listen to the first 100 or so RT podcast episodes. So much nostalgia, I loved the talk about local restaurants, the friend group, funny stories, etc. This is the closest I’ve gotten to the feeling of those first 100 episodes.
  • EpicNoah27
    Longtime fan who feels similar
    Been a longtime fan of Rooster Teeth and more specifically, Achievement Hunter. Have been listening and watching for 15 years almost. This podcast has come out at a similar time where i‘ve been sitting around and feeling same way and chatting with friends in our city. Love listening to these guys chat it up in memories and such.
  • jasonjohn1212
    Top 5 Podcast
    Been an RT fan for a long time and as I’ve grown older with I’ve swapped to listening to/watch their podcasts more than anything else. This is hands down one of my favorite that they make. I start my Sunday morning with the podcast every week.
  • BlazzinBob
    Good show
    Only thing missing is Bernie
  • MWhitney71
    The Name
    What do we do now. We figured out the name.
  • Twoolley2
    Now this is the roosterteeth content I’m looking for And just keep it to Geoff and Eric for the non canon episodes
  • Dd157
    Liked it for a while
    Please don’t bring the rest of the RT groups into this, some of us just want content from the originals.
  • Batman the Hellblazer
    I don't even know what the podcast is called and I still can't wait to listen to the next episode every week.
  • badspellerme
    Ran by a Minority-Mistreating Company
    I can't in good conscience continue to subscribe to content from a company that treats minority employees poorly behind the scenes while parading as inclusive. It is a shame that content that I enjoyed for years was treating employee harassment like how colleges treat sexual assault. I unfortunately didn't do this sooner with regards to the treatment of Mica and Fiona, and the false promises of removing content featuring R**n H*****d. You can't just continue to sweep things under the rug!
  • Disappointed User99
    All around good time.
    Maybe my favorite podcast yet. And as someone in the Game Development industry, it’s kinda helpful to learn about Austin places, housing prices and culture before ever needing to potentially relocate there for work.
  • cryptoid9
    Love this
    Love this podcast, but how can you get it early as a first member when it's not on the website?
  • CodyCorbin
    Instantly my favorite
    I’ve been watching rooster teeth since I was a kid and this has become my new favorite podcast to listen to at work! PLEASE bring Jason back on! Also this is my very first review I’ve ever made on anything so, Geoff does that make me a comment leaver now? 😂
  • Ryeinc
    It’s what I’ve always wanted…
    I’ve spent the past few years listening to the early Drunk Tank episodes because I love hearing the lads talk about “the good ol’ days”. Now I have a podcast entirely dedicated to that! I very much enjoy living vicariously through RT and appreciate the effort going in to keeping some of these great stories alive. Cheers Gus(tavo) & Geoff! Eric too, you’re a good moderator/producer.
  • Rocky Dog114
    Great Podcast!
    Amazing podcast to get some insight on old stories from the company. However, does anyone know how to get the RSS feed to get the podcast a day early? I am a first member and can’t seem to find a link to the early episodes.
  • Geminnox
    Nostalgic and familial.
    This whole podcast is like being able to be at the adult table for the first time. Where you get to hear your aunts and uncles tell stories and you just sit there and listen in awe. Some of the stories maybe you’ve heard before in passing but never the full picture. Sometimes they start a story and half way switch to another or go on a rolling tangent that is really the whole tale but truly in the best way. I’m currently 25, an age similarish to what a lot of the stories Geoff and Gustavo are sharing. The way they talk about the struggle and excitement of being in your twenties trying to make it feels raw and incredibly relatable to someone in a similar position. How they reflect on how they’ve changed with a city that had also changed also makes me feel excited for my future and how I will reflect back on the life I’m living now.
  • Thecorn
    This podcast feels made for me.
    I have lived in Austin for over a decade, been an RT fan since the beginning, and had a few Gus or Geoff sightings over the years around town. It’s great to hear the old stories and how the city has changed since even before I moved here. Eric is an excellent producer/ moderator and helps to give the audience perspective. Keep those coffee recommendations coming.
  • Peanuts guy
    Don’t live anywhere near Texas and it feels like home
    Great hosts, Great stories, Great title. What more could you ask for.
  • I'm seeing Star Wars right now
    Excellent podcast!
    ANMA - Ancient Men’s Anecdotes
  • Elimin8erX
    Awesome conversations!
    ANMA - Animated Artists
  • JaySciz
    Awesome Show!
    I have been an RT fan for about 10 years and I love this podcast! I listen to a lot of the other shows they do as well, but this one is definitely one of my favorites! I haven’t been to Austin, and I’m not sure if I will, but these 2 sure make it sound awesome! Definitely recommend! Side note, guess for the name of the show is: “Another Meaningless Analogy”
  • LiquidChaos66
    Two friends chatting
    Geoff and Gustavo are two of the best people to listen to when they are just chatting and sharing memories. They have such a rich history together and hearing them laugh and joke with each other is heartwarming! Every episode feels like catching up with a friend you haven’t seen in ages. AND the audio texture from their on location recording…. *chef’s kiss*
  • Fredokoi
    Easy Listening
    Gr(an)dpa’s Memories of Austin?
  • Mrboylls
    Perfect audio texture!
    I live in the Midwest so most of this podcast doesn’t mean much to me. But I love that it feels like I’m getting a cup of coffee with these guys and just listening to them talk. I also want to take this time to mention I really really love another podcast that Geoff is on however I enjoy my regulation listener status and do not want to be a comment leaver just yet.
  • SoGntleman
    ANother MA (Brother from another Mother) ANMA?
  • Sak86
    Great Perspective
    Definitely feeds the millennial curiosity of what Gen X went through in the late 90s and early 2000s.
  • Dr.Swole
    Good even if you don’t live in Austin
    I don’t know about most of the places and landmarks they discuss, but this podcast is so captivating because Gustavo and Geoff have incredible stories to tell about their past. I became an RT fan in the 2010s, so I love finally hearing about its foundation and what these guys were up to during that time.
  • BohemianDeer
    ANMA meaning?
    And Now More Austin?
  • straixin
    This is it
    This is the podcast long time RT fans have never known we wanted. I hope this never ends because this is not as much an Austin nostalgia podcast as much as it is a rooster teeth fans dream. With the growth and changes that have evolved the company, this is the roots showcase. Love everything about it
  • Tvanddy
    Comment leaver
    This show is great, and I’ve never even been to Austin. Merch idea: a coffee mug that just says 10/10
  • roxvisuals
    Love this
    Love these kind of podcasts. This brings me back to old rt podcast days with burnie talking about the past and I just love it
  • Bum er
    Drunk Tank Podcast Nostalgia
    As listener of the RT podcast (Drunk Tank podcast) since the lat 2000’s, I didn’t realize how much I missed the miscellaneous Austin stories from the original crew. So many new stories that fill in the blanks of the pre and early RT days, with a familiar story I hadn’t heard in YEARS! Highly recommend for the humor and storytelling abilities of Gus and Geoff!
    ANMA Review
    ANMA, also known as Austin No More Austin (because it’s about how Austin is still very much Austin but not really Austin anymore) is a podcast featuring Gus “once destroyed a snowman with his white hot vodka piss” Sorola and Geoff Ramsey as they navigate the ups and downs, the highs and lows of a city in the country known as the United States in a state known as Texas- changing the name of the podcast to fit the themes of the show. After the initial six episodes, Ramsey advocated for the podcast to be renamed, which it was: the duo opting for the name “ANiMal Austin”, derived from a quip from Sorola comparing the chaotic nature of the city to a zoo. In 1997, the podcast changed names once again, becoming “ANything Mentioning Austin”, a desperate ploy to appease shareholders that put pressure on both co-hosts to get more podcast views. The penultimate name change came in 2021, when producer Erykah Badu suggested that the podcast be called “KAW KAW”, a reference to the city of Austin’s unofficial slogan “Keep Austin Weird”, a suggestion that was rebuked so thoroughly by both Sorola and Ramsey that they opted to change the name of the podcast entirely, eventually landing on “Austin: New Mexico’s Asscrack.” Since the second episode featuring University of Texas professor Matthew McConaughey, they have since renamed the podcast “And Now, McConaughey Again” to accomodate the teacher.
  • Man writing review 23
    Love the show, wish it was longer
    I’ve been listening to RT for about 12 years now. Listening to this podcast is a huge nostalgia trip. I love the chemistry between Gustavo and Geoff. I wish the episodes were 1 1/2 hours or even 2 hours long
  • Mrbogantilla
    Despite what Gus and Geoff said in the first episode, I’ve been listening to Rooster Teeth Podcasts for going on 14 years. I remember all the old stories, and can’t wait to hear them retold here. Never been to Austin, hope to go one day, but listening to Geoff and Gus talk about the old days of Rooster Teeth is the kind of content I’m here for!
  • AustinMilller
    A super nostalgic trip
    I was a massive RT fan growing up, been around since the RT podcast was the Drunk Tank. Fell out of watching RT around 2015 or so, and this podcast has just been a great way of getting back in.
  • What?! How?!
    Loving it
    I’m loving the old stories and hearing them talk about things that they love and just Eric’s reactions to some of them, my guess for ANMA would be “ANother Mind Archive”
  • Chaotik_lord
    Don’t need to be from Austin
    But it does help to be getting old like I am and have lots of complaints about how change is cruel to the sanctity of sepia memories. Very entertaining. I haven’t been to Austin since the 90s so it feels familiar to think back to those years and have a brighter memory. ANMA-I keep thinking “Austin’s Not Mine Anymore,” but maybe the N is actually “Nineties.” Austin in the Nighties Memory…Archive? And No More Austin? Austin Now Makes Angry? These guesses are going downhill from my first one.
  • jhsjsisisbevrhfid
    Great podcast. Anything with Gus is good
    Hate the name
  • THISappHASproblemsDONTdenyIT
    Classic RT Vibes
    Love hearing all the old stories from Gus and Geoff (even though Erik irks me lol) I hope they bring on special guests in future episodes! (Burnie?)
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