Cult Podcast


It’s a podcast...about cults. Cult Podcast covers all things cult. Tune in every Monday to hear about a crazy new group. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid!

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  • JTangina84
    Not sure they talk about cults anymore
    I swear if I hear one more about the Republic of Texas, which is it even an cult bro? This show has gone down hill. Used to go so deep into research on cults and now it’s just rants by Mondo I guess.
  • RES_99
    Thank you
    I had to sit in like for 3.5 hours and this podcast was the only thing that kept me sane
  • BaileyArtLoser
    Love You💚💚
    Fell in love with Armando on Last Laugh and then RTPod then heard about Cult Podcast. So freaking glad I ended up down this rabbit hole because This podcast gives me life. Also love you Paige💚
  • Husker4life109
    Love the podcast but…
    Its a great podcast, I’ve been binging through it but every time I hear the podcast theme song i cant help but yell “It’s Flavor-Aid not Kool-Aid!” Love the show, keep up the great work!
  • Scary Gopher
    The best podcast about cults!
    I have been a long-time listener, and love every second of this podcast. One idea for a future episode: The Official Cult of Cthulhu. They are a subsidiary organization of the Satanic Thulium Society. Once more, this is truly the best.
  • kelseyraerob
    Funny & Educational!
    Do Yogi Tea next! Love y’alls. Thank you for the laughs
  • ursula.s
    My favorite cult podcast!
    I love listening to Paige and Armando tell me crazy true stories! Keep it coming!
  • Eric Tansey
    Pretentious LA Bullies
    Making fun of rural America, lots of jokes at anyone who doesn’t live in a big city. Facts are irrelevant on this podcast it’s more about punchy jokes than it is about learning about cults. This is an easy pass and an easy one star.
  • lesismore7
    Perfect cult cocktail
    This podcast is the perfect mix of information and humor! The “Kool-Aid”intro is going to be my next ring tone.
  • azalea_aloe
    Super fun!
    It’s like hanging out with friends who also want to tell you all about the cult they researched last week. The ratio of banter/jokes to cult discussion might be too high for some people, but I think it’s perfect! Keep it up y’all! :)
  • Rosiest Cheeks
    Entertaining and informative
    I listen to this primarily because the hosts are hilarious but the content is very interesting too. They do through research and list their sources.
  • icouldhavebeenreading
    Hilarious while still respectful of victims and survivors
    Is it the best podcast about cults? I don’t know, but somebody should be asking these questions. JUST KIDDING! It totally is. I live for Paige’s culty lyrics and Andrea’s Wisconsin mom voice, and Mando’s dramatic intros. I’ve been binge listening to the ENTIRE podcast and it’s amazing. I didn’t know to expect it to be so funny, I just wanted to learn about all the cults people talk about without having to dive down all the rabbit holes. Paige and Mando are kind enough to do that work for me. They go on a lot of tangents in every episode, but that’s exactly how my friends and I tell stories, so it seems perfectly normal to me. Oh, and Paige’s laugh is my favorite.
  • cheesecurds18736
    Not funny
    45 minutes in and they haven’t even begun discussing the topic and have laughed about 40 inside jokes that nobody gets. This is terrible
  • Cuter Than Ecoli
    Fulfilling My Luchador Dreams
    The best El Santo podcast to date.
  • callmebrycelee
    I Drank the Kool-Aid … And I Liked It!
    After hearing Paige promote this podcast on her other podcasts ROMANCING THE POD and HORROR VIRGIN, I decided download a few episodes to see what all the fuss was about. A week later - I am HOOKED! I absolutely adore this podcast. I have learned more than I ever imagined regarding Mormons, Kanye West, and white supremacy. Paige and Mando do an amazing job of infusing comedy into fascinating topics which include the Illuminati, the JFK assassination , and QANON. I know Mando likes to play the Johnny Carson to Paige’s Ed McMahon but he is quite intelligent and brings a lot of insight to their discussions. Paige, as always, is a total goddess. Singer. Comedian. Writer. Cult expert. Seriously, what can’t she do? I thought I would miss the Paige/Mikey/Todd dynamic but the Paige/Mando dynamic is a force to be reckoned with. I highly recommend this podcast to all of us who have always wanted to know but were too afraid to Google. Love this podcast! P.S., my crush on Mando intensifies with every episode and yours will, too!
  • Wendyk4171
    The perfect trio!
    Whether it’s Paige’s incredible ability to instantly create a song parody, Armando’s Hysterical ability to make anything into a weed or penis joke, or Andrea’s absolutely adorable midwestern charm (don’t let that voice fool you, she’s wicked smart ). . . This group will have you laughing, singing, crying, and learning all at the same time!!! Thanks for all the laughs. From a conservative Christian listener who actually has a sense of humor!!
  • GetThesePWordsAReview
    This has 5 star potential
    If you could just end your weekly “we define a cult as” intro quote with the DUN DUN sound from law and order. I say it in my head every time but like if yall added it in next week id poop myself. Much love - MP
  • Blong585
    Cover Art Reminds Me Of A Jello Mold
    Good podcast! Seriously, I like it a lot, but for some reason every time I see the cover art, I’m reminded of a 1950’s jello mold. No clue why…but it makes me laugh every time! 🤣🤣
  • rae the nerd
    Great podcast!
    Found this through Romancing the Pod and Horror Virgin (yes I am a Paige fan and wanted to hear the other podcast she kept mentioning). I haven’t gotten very far into the back catalog but this has already gotten my highest reccomentation, I shared it with my mom. We both have long shifts where we can listen to music or podcasts. So we’re always on the lookout for stuff we can listen to. I enjoy the detailed research that goes into each episode and she likes the sound quality. We both gives the podcast five stars.
  • RivalAdmirer
    I’m somehow being educated and I’m not sure how I feel about it
    Hi, professional lurker here, started from episode 1 and am now on episode 114. Originally I drifted over to this podcast cuz of Paige as I got into Horror Virgin and later Romancing the Pod. I hoped it would have similar feels to those two and I wasn’t disappointed. Funny jokes, interesting stories, and I’m learning how big of a void I have in my general knowledge of cults. Great to listening to while I’m playing on my ps4 or switch. Awesome vibe as it’s clear the three of you are friends and can get along. 10/10 Recommend. On some episodes I’m eating and have to stop listening cuz of the horrific details of cults y’all tell. But the jokes and the way you rip into those cult leaders helps deal with these terrifying histories. Keep up the great work! Awaiting consent to give virtual hugs, Emily
  • Sinjin the Space Wizard
    Early episodes great. Mando unfunny and ruined show
    Mando is like the annoying class clown that won’t shut up in English class. He’s unfunny and aggressively occupies the conversations with bad jokes when he was given a mic in the early episodes but the hosts mainly kept on topic. Now that he is a host it is unbearable. The latest episode part 4 of Hare Krishna is 40 mins talking about bbq and stripclubs and 20mins talking about ISKCON/New Vrindaban. Also I don’t know how you can do a 4 part episode on a topic and mispronounce everything related. Her mispronunciation of Vrindaban is grating. Only giving it a 2 star and not 1 cause the earlier episodes were great. But it’s unlistenable now
  • SlimSexySU
    Not so great
    The host are obnoxious and 80% of the podcast is about the host talking about anything other than cults. The episodes would probably be 20 minutes if they would stay on topic. Waste of time.
  • emlafalala
    Don’t bother reading the 1 star reviews
    This podcast is really a gem. I’ve been listening for years and come back over and over just to listen to some of my old favorites (and the new episodes as well). The topics are interesting and the research is always well done. I appreciate that the team pulls from multiple media sources so we see different views of each topic. In regards to the 1 star reviews…shame on these people. The comments are rude and hurtful. If the podcast isn’t for you, just leave. Also, if you don’t like the banter or the info about the hosts’ lives, just skip the beginning of the episode. There is a skip forward button for a reason. I do miss Andrea consistently being on the show but things happen and I still try to support her work through purchasing her art (which you should check out!!). I want to say this podcast has consistently brought me hours of entertainment and I am thankful for the hard work the hosts put into it! So again, don’t bother reading the 1 star reviews because they are not constructive or helpful and are clearly written by people who have a lot of work to do on themselves.
  • manypalms
    Tried Listening
    Tried to listen to the B. Young series, but they kept going off topic every two minutes with unrelated references about their personal lives. The research may be good, but the delivery is not.
  • sfgsvdrtg
    Too many tangents
    I’m only about 30 episodes in from the beginning, and I understand it may get better as time goes on. But, I like to start from the beginning so I don’t listen to stuff out of order. I can deal with some banter, and some comedy, but when they take 5-10 minutes talking about something completely unrelated to the cult that we’re talking about makes it very hard to stay interested. Sometimes that happens several times throughout an episode. The idea of the podcast is pretty cool, I think it could still be cool with them if they would just cut out some of the off topic chatting every once in a while. I don’t know if I’ll continue the podcast. I want to, because cults are very interesting, and when they are actually talking about the cults I really enjoy it. It’s the long periods of stuff not even pertaining to the cults, talking about things they did in high school, or as kids, that’s what is pushing me away from the podcast. There have been several 2-almost 3 parter episodes that could’ve been done in one episode if they would only talk about the cult. I’m not saying don’t be funny, I enjoy the humor, but only when it pertains to the cult. It can be a great podcast, and does have some good episodes from what I’ve listened to so far, that’s why I’ve listened to about 30 episodes, but the off topic banter was just too much. Update: read reviews from more recent episodes and it’s apparently even worse now. So, I’m unsubscribing. It’s a shame, this could’ve been an awesome podcast, but the hosts are more worried about being entertaining instead of talking about the subject they claim the podcast is about. Even though, that subject matter is why most of us are here and that alone would be enough to keep us entertained.
  • S. R. Diaz
    Episode 160
    I’ll never be able to confidently eat Panera soup again. -S.
  • Big And Black 888
    Has potential but.....
    I hope you will cover BLM. Please just stop with the racist comments. Try to listen to people that may disagree with you and you may learn. The only way for this divid to go away is to be excepting or at least listen to all people and options. If you surround yourself with the same racist minds set then nothing with change.
  • SolitaryBean
    I miss Marie
    Also whoever is breathing heavily into the mic constantly could you stop already? Back away if you’re not talking jfc
  • Dagon rules
    Burning Man episode
    I’ve never been to burning man and don’t have much interest in attending - but - I loathe the hosts of this podcast with an intensity that confuses me somewhat. I listen to a lot of podcasts and I always wonder “ why would someone take the time to leave a 1 star review? Just listen to something else “. Well. Now I know . I am halfway through this episode and I will probably finish it - and probably listen to a few more , just so I can get a grip on why I hate these two so intensely. These people are the enemies of everything that is good . I despise them only slightly less than white supremists and transphobic rednecks. Doom listening - I will be doom listening to a few more episodes and writing an article elucidating my reasons for why I would kill myself if I was at a social event and somehow got into a conversation with either of these people
  • SleepyChipmunk
    I’m slowly making my way through each episode starting from the beginning and I’m enjoying the show immensely!
  • Tiberious_alex
    Episode 175 hurt me!
    I made the worst mistake ever of listening to Cult Podcast! I listed to EP 175 while working out and among the many reasons I nearly dropped weights on myself were the turtle sex sounds! I had to pause while I finished. …. My workout get your minds out of the gutter!
  • Cleo106
    I can’t stand podcasts where it’s clearly all a chance for the hosts to “entertain.” Also too much bad language. No one needs to swear that much. It’s gratuitous.
  • luvthelite
    It’s NAH-VOO
    Hey! So I’m from Nauvoo, Illinois…grew up there, my dad was the sheriff’s deputy, graduated high school from there, my mom is LDS, Dad is Buddhist, and I went to the Catholic Elementary School and Friday masses while going to an LDS church on Sundays. Anyway, theism is not a part of my life anymore and I live out west now but I just wanted to share that even though your podcast is a lot of opinion, I think it’s a cool perspective you all have! Oh and it’s Nah-voo (growing up we called it Nauvoodooland) 😅Anyway, keep it up!
  • Aviolaine
    Just started
    I just started listening from the very beginning. I’m hoping Armando gets a little funnier because he really isn’t in the beginning. You ladies are hilarious though!
  • it's not cara
    i had to login to my itunes account that i've not used in 5 years to leave this review, so you know i love yall. i love the deep dives into history! i've learned so much, and it comes in handy when i do trivia nights with my friends. thanks for being hilarious! the running jokes are the best. 
  • jmvhs
    calm down it’s not that funny
    too many (not great) jokes in between the information. completely detracts from the point and the story. like i get a humorous podcast, but the hosts can’t get through one sentence before going off on a tangent. if that’s your thing cool, but i found it incredibly irritating. i heard this was supposed to be good due to their dedication to their research, but i couldn’t get through one episode.
  • Scrabbleship
    Friend recommended 178
    I love movies, but I’m not so much into crime/cults. But Paige, darlin’—you have this power over me😸
  • AxiomDesign
    80% rambling and laughing at
    Maybe I watched the wrong episode to start out… 80% disjointed rambling and laughing at their own mediocre jokes about their own stuff constantly asking for patreon donations so Paige can buy a house. Conversations have little to do with the subject in the title. Maybe 20% info about the title topic…. Maybe…on a good day!
  • Kaii Loutensock
    Love this🙌
    Long time listener, first review! I love listening to you guys so so much. Also I’m from SLC UT and grew up Mormon but am now out, so I gotta say that listening to these past few episodes (especially this most recent one) has been a wild ride! Things I didn’t even THINK about being weird now blow my mind. Anyways love you guys, can’t wait to hear more. :)
  • ashlendelliot
    Get angry and laugh
    Every episode of funnier than the last while still being respectful and educational
  • fifobshdv
    Quite literally my favorite podcast. Give it a listen (literally any episode or series) and you won’t be disappointed
  • Dancells92
    I CAN NOT stop listening!!!!
  • Turdhearder123
    A Fun Listen
    I followed Paige from Romancing the Pod and Horror Virgin, which are also great. I am fascinated by cults and this pod scratches the itch. It’s got enough info about the cult with a good bit of humor mixed in. I’m still listening to the older ones , but the host mix seems pretty good. My only issue (which I have with most podcasts) is if I wanted to listen to a political podcast, I would. I frankly don’t care which side of the aisle you are on. And the constant politics on some of the eps is super off putting. Update: the weird Kanye series is a huge miss. How is this cult related? It falls into the same category as the Trump episodes. Seems like maybe that could be a new podcast idea. But definitely doesn’t fit the vibe of the overall podcast. Lowered my five stars to three, which is a bummer.
  • MinZim809
    New listener and loving it!
    Funny, fresh, and informative, loving both Paige and Mando💜
    Great Podcast
    Been slowly working through episodes as I alternate between other podcasts, but lately I’ve been stuck on this one, listening to probably 5 episodes a week minimum as I go on runs or workout or drive. Love the podcast and can’t wait for more. May have to go back and relisten to some once I finish all of them since it’s been a long time. Can’t wait to see what they do next!
  • Skincarchaperone
    def drinking the koolaid
    I’ve been listening to this cult…I mean podcast for over a year now and I’m just now listening to the early episodes with Marie. It was cool to hear Paige give Armando a shoutout for the 12 tribe recommendation in episode 7 only for them to revisit it later with as many side tangents and even better audio quality…love the story telling, research, and every host the show has had!!!
  • M0nst3r0711
    My Husband Thinks I Have a Problem Now
    I have recently started this podcast chronically order. Currently on episode 38. I am so fascinated in cult culture. I found this podcast from The Horror Virgin. While I work, I listen to it. I’m a SAHM and my husband works from home. So I get to tell him all the funny bits. He now thinks I want to be in a cult. I mean, it could be worse. Thanks for all the cool stuff y’all do! And don’t worry, I won’t drink the kool-Aid. The yogurt, maybe. <3
  • noclearancepodcast
    Really interesting
    Every time I listen to this podcast I hear something crazy that I can’t believe really happened in real life!!!! This is a really dope pod
  • Sir Pics-a-lot
    Aye Yo Shorty U The Bestest
    Afraid of succumbing to a cult ? Educate yourself with Cult Podcast Paige and Armando do an amazing job, so good they’ve got me hooked. And I may have joined their cult… and brought my friend along as well…. praise Jesus for the dome and patron honestly I don’t need my money they can have 75% of it if 25% goes towards cat food and cat liter, I don’t need food or water Paige Armando and my cat do.
  • vividwolfthief
    Feels Highly Entitled
    The entire podcasts honestly sounds as if it was made by one of those people that just says “I tell it how it is” to cover up the fact that they mean “I’m going to be blatantly disrespectful and say some borderline racists things”. A lot of their humor and “jokes” honestly come off as strongly victim shaming and as if they’re just fighting to get a quip out instead of sharing the information in an impartial manner. Saying “our jokes don’t mean to offend” doesn’t automatically get you out of the fact that you’re laughing and making light of the trauma that people have suffered through. I listened to a few of the earlier and and latest episodes to see if things had changed, but it still just seems like a podcast where the trauma of others serves as entertainment and crude jokes. It has also quickly dissolved from being even minorly informative to a platform where the hosts are just yelling over each other in an attempt to be funny and failing.
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