The Second Studio Design and Architecture Show

Design #16

The Second Studio is an explicit podcast about design, architecture, and the everyday. Hosted by Architects David Lee and Marina Bourderonnet, the show covers a wide array of subjects with humor and honesty and features a variety of creative professionals in unscripted and more personal conversations.

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Recent Reviews
  • Emma Hildebrand
    Topic of a podcast?
    Hi! I absolutely love your podcast! I was wondering if you could deep dive into emotions and architecture and designing for the narrative/poetry? What projects do you think was a good representation of this? I have listened to the past podcasts about this but would love an updated one!!
  • Dilleric8
    Amazing learning experience!
    But only have I learned a lot from this podcast but it’s amazing to be able to listen to conversations that relate to my own industry. Being in the design industry, it’s so awesome to hear David and Marina’s experience! Highly recommend this podcast to anyone in the industry or just live architecture and design!
  • Dontlikemostpodcasts
    Simply a gem
    I don’t know of another podcast or content platform that can mix extreme professionalism, high entertainment value, and true authenticity in the way this show does. It says a lot that to speak truth these days is considered brave. The bravery is greatly appreciated. Learned a lot from them and genuinely appreciate the intelligence in this gem of a podcast.
  • nanakow
    very inspirational & insightful!
    I am so grateful for David & Marina's voices; their minds and bravery through the content they create gives me hope that nothing is wasted, and a world exists in architecture that holds a space for people like me. I love this pod!
  • massisurratt
    Always a great listen
    Love listening to second studio, specifically for me I appreciate the various topics and interviews with architects who work at many different scales.
  • Mountain Lou
    Rising star
    Love this podcast for the honesty and humanity of the hosts and breaking down some of the myths and realities of the business. It is refreshing to hear about truths about working in architecture without the fussiness. Approachable, inclusive and entertaining — and fun!
  • didilea
    Design is energy
    This podcast opens a window allowing me to believe humans can live better— and when we are done living, we can leave something beautiful behind.
  • FeyFairy
    Gets your brain running
    The second studio really starts you thinking. It can inspire new ideas. I would love to hear more from the female host, it seems like the male host takes over the conversation.
  • yaskahsai
    Great for architecture students!
    I’ve been listening to the Second Studio for years (back when it was still the Midnight Charrette) and highly recommend it for students looking to practice. Back when I was applying to schools, they were my main resource since I didn’t know many architects personally. I was able to learn about David and Marina’s experiences in a unfiltered way. Their episodes are a bit rambly and not good for the impatient, but contain good info regardless - especially the interviews with guest architects. I still listen occasionally a few years into my program! Thanks for keeping the show going!
  • fab.iol
    in architecture school right now and i live this podcast! listen to it on my way to studio, in studio and after studio! a staple in my library for sure!
  • fruiz101
    Love these guys!
    Just began my professional career in architecture and these guys have been so much fun to listen to along with being super helpful! Keep doing what you’re doing! Definitely recommend!
  • Potopal
    Finally! A great architecture podcast.
    I’m currently an architecture masters student and I’ve been searching for an engaging, well put together podcast about architecture for years. This is it, Marina and David cover a wide range of topics and provide valuable insight. Wish I would’ve found it sooner!
  • MingJ-Y
    Interesting topics
    It’s relaxing, genuine, fun podcast to listen after work. Especially while cooking.
  • EstebanLey
    Superb choice of podcast guests
    David and Marina are both fantastic hosts! What really sold me on the show, however, is the guest interview series in conversation with the some of the most interesting and prominent architects and designers today. I especially love the episode with architect Mark Lee and Photographers Iwan Baan and Joe Fletcher.
  • Cal Hobbes
    Highly recommended!
    I came upon this podcast in the last year, and have been binge listening whenever I can. The topics are always interesting and current, the conversation is casual yet informative, and the guest list is broad and impressive.
  • dfjsijkk
    Real things that people don’t talk about in schools
    As a recent graduate, it’s nice to hear things that are real and practical.
  • dilpickle01
    Great podcast for aspiring architects
    As a third year architecture student, this podcast has been super informative and inspiring for my future. It’s a lovely blend of casual, informational, and serious. I don’t plan on dropping this podcast ever!
  • beccanorthey
    My Favorite Podcast!
    I’m an architecture student and love listening to this podcast! I look forward to the new episode every week. It’s great to hear what to expect from the profession when I graduate and I’ve started listening to the after hours episodes during late nights in studios. The after hours episodes are so funny and the time goes by quickly! Great idea with the giveaway :)
  • Thbghdbsgvnjdb
    On the mental health episode
    Wow. The things that came out of the mouth of David. Get some therapy man, you’re so apparently projecting your own insecurities. Please don’t make such gross and broad statements based on assumption and ignorance. As someone who works in such a demanding field you should recognize the toll it takes on us. Do better.
  • Julie_Lvqs
    Great design podcast for all (newbies, academics and practitioners)
    The podcast covers so much ground in architecture, design and art. The guest list is impressive and includes designers with different profiles. Perfect to listen on my ride to work!
  • Bob Fahrenheit
    Great Podcast
    This podcast will not lead you astray. I’ve been listening to Marina and David for a few years now and have enjoyed every episode. They have great guests and are both knowledgeable and entertaining. They seem like they would be great to hang out with and maybe even bring home to moms.
  • Tomás_S
    Great Resource!
    David and Marina are genuine and transparent within their solo episodes, yet incredibly respectful, informed, and professional with their invited guests. The amazing speakers they have reflects the quality of the podcast, and as a student, the discussions have crafted a lot of my philosophies regarding the discipline of architecture. Their show has dealt with various topics both within and outside the discipline, and they offer so much knowledge, both from their own experience and the perspective of others. You should listen to this podcast if you are an architecture student who is trying to understand more about anything regarding architecture and general design. One of my favorite episodes is John Lum’s discussion on his fluid approach and use of empathy within design (Ep 223). I would highly recommend that episode along with this podcast.
  • Compton baby.
    Best Architecture Podcast
    The greatest architecture podcast out there. The guests that they have on the show are always extraordinary. The hosts are always funny and don’t censor themselves - opening up to interesting and stimulating discussions.
  • am-park
    Favorite Architecture Podcast
    My undergrad professor recommended this podcast a few years ago and I’ve been listening ever since. It’s fun, interesting and educational. A great listen for anyone interested in architecture and design
  • TPOH1238;9
    My number 1 architecture podcast
    I love this show. It’s very relatable and interesting to listen to. It’s really nice to be able to listen to a show that is a mix between funny, interesting, and educational! I feel like both architects, students, and honestly anyone within the design industry.
  • sam citizen
    Great Stuff
    Good mix of interviews with top designers working today, and advice for students and fellow designers on a variety of topics. David in particular is a good interviewer. He could probably tone down the use of the f-word in some of the design companion episodes- its use is, as he might say, lazy
  • Cece.Rider
    Episode 244
    I had to turn you off after about ten minutes of listening to you both trash EVERY aspect of your misadventure. So much negativity. You’re both snobs of the worst kind. You were mean. Yes, America is ugly and full of pathetic, sad, uneducated, unenlightened people who have never been to “Paris”. Who have never had any of the opportunities you’ve had. You blame them for circumstances beyond their control, forgetting your own privilege. You yuk their yum without a second thought for who they are and how they struggle. Take a listen to yourselves. And stop saying “like” after every seventh word. It makes you sound, stupid.
  • stdnt f sf rbn prgrm 2021
    David interviews architects in his guest interviews. David is also a professor for the SF Urban Program for Cal Poly. He is very great in helping students meet their goals and expectations and would go out of normal human office hours to help students with their concerns. 10/10 would recommend. (Removed the vowels because 30 character limit)
  • rsplit
    As a current student of David’s, I have been enjoying listening to the guest interviews on the show! They are very informative and I find it interesting to hear from other perspectives of those in the field. I also appreciate the variety of topics, such as the interview with Professor Johnson and the advice for studio.
  • A-MCR
    I recently found this podcast looking for more information about Architecture and this has helped me so much. I’m on the path to receive my M-Arch (no where near being done) and I will continue to keep coming back to listen to you two. Keep up the great work!
  • Em0102
    Fantastique !
    I’m applying for M-Arch programs with a non-design background. I found this podcast in my research - and it is my new binge. The conversations are so smooth, informative and unpretentious. It’s an easy listen for all levels of interest in architecture & design. Très chic, bien sûr.
  • Robert Heister
    One of a kind podcast
    A phenomenal podcast with two unapologetically unique architects. Their dedication to the profession, particularly its younger members, is almost as profound as their honesty about it. Having their insight guided me through the darkest periods of my final year of school as I graduated in the middle of the pandemic. With their insight - both through regular episode topics as well as providing thoughtful answers to my questions on-air - I have started my career as well as I could have hoped under these circumstances. Thank you and keep up the good work!
  • hdeeey
    Very helpful podcast!!
    Thank you for your tips and point a views. It is very helpful from someone who recently graduated with a Batchelor in Architecture. Thank you for answering my question about finding a job during covid.
  • archmatterspodcast
    Amazing content
    Absolutely amazing podcast that sheds light on many topics within both education and professional realms in architecture! Found on Apple podcast and now listening on Spotify! Found them very easily when searching for architecture podcast examples for my own @archmatterspodcast (IG) launching January 2021!
  • Asdfghjlkzvcnmvjqghr
    Fun podcast to listen to!
    As a student in the design field (Landscape Architecture), I have enjoyed listening to a show that brings on such intriguing guests! Their more casual type podcast leads to very interesting discussions and insights from their guests that come about in a very conversational way! It is always interesting to hear about what everyone in the field is doing and has opened my eyes to new ideas for my future in the LA field! You guys make me feel like I’m sitting in on a conversation with friends which makes the episodes digestible and allows me to enjoy listening!! Keep up the good work! Excited for the new conversations to come in the post-covid design world!
  • SeanbyChen
    Keep up the Good Work!
    Thank you David for replying to my request and being able to get Chris Do on the show. I only wished the direction of the episode could have gone where you all expounded upon specific buildings, takes on architecture profession, business of architecture and design, etc. Although I understand not many who listen might be familiar with Chris Do, just a future suggestion if you are able to have guests return to the show. On another note, there are times on episodes where you come off as upset by certain reviews. I can see how people wouldn’t consider everything that goes into the production but that’s how every profession is and I understand the nature of an unfiltered podcast. Either way, perhaps an alternative is to listen to how Conan takes his listener reviews and make a comedic twist to ones that might be of poor taste? Anyways, don’t feel the need to take the suggestions. All in all please keep going and enjoy the contents you both bring!!!
  • JT_Landscape
    Genuine discussions
    I enjoy these two!! It is so amusing to hear them talk and being genuine to themselves. Sometimes podcasts are just to put a face and being sensitive to the audience. You can’t please everyone is what I am learning in life. I enjoy the guests, genuine responses, and also how relax the podcast is. Sometimes it is hard to listen to some podcasts that becomes almost like a lecture. I enjoy this podcast because it really brings out the interviewees’ character and personalities. There isn’t a motive or self interest to draw out answers from the interviewees. David and Marina ask questions that they genuinely are interested in or want to learn more from the interviewees. Also, I love it when David and Marina disagrees with each other. Whether Marina roasts David, or David tries to make his point, they both definitely compliment each other on the show. Keep it up you two!!!
  • Franco-Asian based in LA
    More misses than hits
    I’ve been listening to the podcast for over 2 years, so it may be a terrible reflection on myself that I’m rating this podcast 2 stars. Marina and David have the career bullet points down to produce a successful and enjoyable podcast. They are young, design oriented, and David teaches on/off - great for their target audience of young designers. They have decent connections to pull very interesting guests in LA and SF. Their ethnicity and nationalities make them minorities. Despite all these things, some things that come out of David’s mouth are so despicable. Your minority status doesn’t give you immunity and does not make you as progressive as you think you are. He exudes this arrogance and elitism that us designers and architects need to call out and change. Talk about others with more respect (including to Marina) — this reflects very poorly when you talk down to people you are designing a world for. I will keep listening to this podcast, because some of the guests that are brought on are extremely interesting to listen to, and David usually keeps his opinions to himself. I will easily skip certain design “variety” episodes where David rambles and complains like a bratty child.
  • ScottoGramsci
    I’m not an architect, but...
    What San Francisco podcast on architecture used the word “ghetto” two times in half an hour, and all of this before their discussing anything having to do with the subject of the podcast?
  • TessVT21
    Makes me want to rewrite my life
    Episode 175 with Michael Pyatok confirmed that my path through life was not what it should have been. His projects, philosophy, insight into urban living and low-income housing brought me to tears. I'm past 50 years and am considering how to change my next steps to be part of something so right.
  • Rocco1197
    Entertaining and educational
    One of my favorite podcasts, they cover a wide range of topics surrounding architecture and design and have great guest. They also keep it entertaining and funny, would definitely recommend if you are into design and/or architecture.
  • ethosDESIGN
    Real and Informative
    Love the mix between interviews and rambles! Very informative and entertaining!
  • NandoArch
    #1 Podcast!
    Favorite podcast by far! It is always such a treat when their new episodes air. They are very informative, funny and what I like most is that they are so honest speaking their minds. Thank you for all the advice. Keep it up!
  • Jojo Imali
    I’m so glad I found this podcast
    As a student architect, I am so happy to have you guys talking about issues related to architecture and design. Thank you so much.
  • psycho1886
    All architecture students should listen
    I started listening after reading an article about the show in arch daily. Started with #147 after I had just got laid off as a BIM specialist in Colorado. Made me change my outlook on my situation for the better and understand how others work and think. Also listened to the ARE episode and will take notes so I can study for the exams in the future.
  • Eliaszona
    Listener from Cape Cod
    I Just finished episode #156 and I have been listening to many other in the past few months. Ep #141 is one of my favorite by the way. I love how dynamic you guys are and share content, plus I share interest on the toppings of your podcast. Wish all the best for you guys David and Marina.
    Awesome Show
    Great advise and insight in navigating the field. Keep it up. Thank you both
  • calvino69
    dynamic young couple
    I can tell these guys are on the younger-side of the podcast game with some presenter issues they are struggling with, but they deserve credit for discussing serious design issues in a honest way and fore sharing their experiences openly. And, I enjoy listening to them! I could see episodes about career development and critiques of buildings being quite boring, but they make it entertaining. The male host goes on frustrated rants, which are silly and hilarious, and the female host, being from France, provides a very different perspective. The two hosts have great chemistry and are clearly putting in the effort, which I appreciate. Kudos!
  • arch731
    Great podcast
    Great podcast! As someone who has been a practicing architect for a long time and also involved in architectural education, this site is a breath of fresh air with insights that are both funny and wickely accurate. I listen to things that are both educationally informative and entertaining, but it is rare I can find those qualities in one place. When it comes to reviews, in fairness, I always read the negative reviews along with the positive ones. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but when reviews largely consist of the descriptives “meh” and “blather” I tend to ignore them. Anyway, lots of fun (sometimes irreverant), informative with keen and timely observations about all things design. Highly recommended!
  • benjictus fuzzlewomp
    Not a lot of structure kind of blather around and pretty demeaning to the woman host. I tried listening to several podcasts but overall subpar.
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