Tales from the Stinky Dragon

Leisure #2Games #2

A D&D actual play podcast in the midst of its second campaign!

Join us in the world of Grotethe —a dark domain ruled by vampires, ghosts, and other monstrosities. Four adventurers get tangled up in a murderous mystery that not only threatens peace across the lands, but perhaps their very lives!

You can also go back and listen to where it all began in our first campaign - The Tale of The Infinights!

Dungeon Master Gus Sorola leads these band of misfits - Barbara Dunkelman, Chris Demarais, Jon Risinger, & Blaine Gibson - in "Tales From The Stinky Dragon"!

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Recent Reviews
  • poop101928474490
    Hi I love this podcast
    Hi I love this podcast
  • TheGigglingWitch
    This has ruined other dnd podcasts for me
    After listening to this group play dnd I tried listing to sneak attack and let me tell you this is probably the funnest group to listen to. I have a really short attention span and the Stinky dragon has gotten me hooked. I love this show!!!
  • -ssssttteeevvveee-
    Friggin amazing
    Best d&d pod on apple podcasts by far in my opinion, metide (i think thats how you spell it, im not sure) is by far the best and im working on some fanart for him. Keep up the terribly funny intros. Stay stinky! 🐉💨
  • shaderclaw
    Why did I not figure it out sooner
    In the first campaign in Dëja Urbloom the steinman district’s (lead by humanner) motto was don’t take yourself for granite. In the lost dianasty when they were at the farm house in the atherial plain on the door it said don’t take yourself for granite, AND THEY THOUGHT THEY NEEDED ROCKS!
  • Ebrathil
    So good I could cry.
    Please go listen, support, and enjoy the wackiness and smartness of this fantastic podcast! It stinks!! (not really) 🐉💨
  • Schvvaz
    The best crew
    Love this crew and, the voices they do and the editing of music and voices from others of the RT extended family
  • ChipIsGoated
    Great podcast love it!!
    Chip is my favorite
  • Rock and dirt
    It’s great it’s the best podcast I’ve ever listened to
    It is amazing
  • slowbroboi
    It good
  • Bschinde21
    Tales from the Stinky Review
    This show has ruined all other DnD podcasts for me. The production, passion, comedy, and all around family friendliness drives this show to the top. I DM for a group and this has made me such a better, more creative DM for them. I devoured the show up to date in about 6 months. Now I’m sad that I don’t get to binge this daily anymore. To the Cast and Crew thanks for being so Stinky. Long Live Gum Gum. And Burble Gurble to you all!
  • Rosa flowergirl
    Bart and Mud are so funny!
    I love the podcast it is so cute but I have a boss I made I would eventually come up if you can find it. The monster is called, “slobber and gobbler.” It is based off my dogs. Please put it as a boss to fight. The podcast is amazing so far I am on part 2 Dr. Ahem it is so good!!!
  • Anonymously writtenz
    This show is great!
    Tales from the stinky dragon is one of my favorite shows, the humor and perfect balance between battle and roleplaying is awesome, one of my favorite characters I’ve made is based off of Gum-gum! Gum-gum would love the “Ancestral guardians” sub class.
  • supersoilder10
    Guys i just finished the first story and now theres no more smarsh 😔😔😔
  • 468395674764
    Alternate realities
    Well dah sadata temper is melds mom anyone who paid attention new that and the multiverse
  • torchrobot
    This is the w
    Guys. Saudate tempour is meld manors mum from campaign one in deja urbloom
  • Caleb the axolotl
    Halflings forevveerrrrr
    I love this show so freaking much, im in the middle the first story and i LOVE bart! Hes so much like my character and its adorable❤️ cant wait to see what happens next.
  • Stinkydragonisawesome
    Most awesome podcast ever.
    I have died of laughter 34,563 times and counting. I am only on episode fourteen.
  • Kei Kawade
    This. Is. Awesome.
    It’s beautifully written and the character arcs were amazing and I literally cried when Dr. Ahem died or during some of the character arcs. Season two has been and is amazing. I love how each character develops and we learn more about them.
  • IWantToMeetVirginia
    The stinkiest
    This podcast is amazing. If you are learning about dnd, love dnd, or just like a good story, you’ll like this podcast. The cast are all good friends, the writer/composer is clever and thoughtful and the characters end up feeling like your friends. I’ve listened to most episodes multiple times, as this show has become so comforting to me. Highly suggest giving it a try, and if you like it you can get more content on Patreon.
  • Al'ika
    So much fun!
    The Stinky Dragon is the first DnD podcast I’ve been able to get into in awhile. The secret is that it is short and fun. They whole group does feel like a group of friend just playing together.
  • Chaotic__one
    Just what the doctor ordered
    This podcast is amazing. It has helped me get through a lot of tough times, and made me very happy. I am a bit sad that the infinight campaign is over, but it is still great. However, I strongly suggest that you bring back the chosen ones.
  • glowsandwich
    Blurble Gurble!!
    This pod made me fall in love with DND. I’ve listened since the beginning and I loved/love learning along with the crew I’ve watched for years. They’ve made a game that seemed so complex and abstract fun, light, and enjoyable. Not only as content, but also as a tool. It inspired me to play and now I’m writing my own campaign!! It’s been amazing to see all of the extra content from puppets to behind the scenes. The characters and crew alike are so lovable, you can really tell how much heart they put into this project. The sound design, voice actors, and music really drew me in and adds so much to the experience. And I actually really like the family friendly aspect! I feel it keeps things focused on fun and fosters an amazingly kind community. I’ve listened and re-listened over and over— Stinky Dragon has become my ultimate comfort show. Thank you for sharing all of the talent, hard work, and love y’all have put into this show. I’m excited for the future and honored to be a part of it.
  • Pommel Master
    Stay Alive
  • Grim Gamer
    I love it so much!
    It’s just so detailed and I love the campaigns and it’s so weird!
  • CollettKenny
    One of the Best Groups I’ve Listened To!
    If you’re looking for a narrative D&D podcast and you love humor you can’t go wrong with Tales From the Stinky Dragon! I have not found another podcast in which I’ve been so invested in the cast! Usually, I find a group that I like, listen to the campaign and once it ends, leave because I was only invested in those characters. This show is different for me. I was actually genuinely excited to see who they were playing next when I finished their first campaign. These guys are Humorous, easy to listen to and don’t get too lost in rule lawyering.
  • Visible Choirboy
    Great pod
    It’s pretty good.
  • super nobody nobody
    Best podcast ever D&D campaign ever (:
    It is the best podcast I have ever listen to, and if I could, I would make it a the highest rated podcast ever for DND
  • Nicknameshhffjo
    Magic item idea: random crossbow: you roll a die equal to the number of monsters for example a d6 and the number you roll is the monster in initiative and you have to attack that monster
  • jejdhhdhdhehhs
    Best dnd podcast I’ve ever listened to
    You guys are so good at what you do that it’s actually scary. The voice acting, the music, all of it just combines together to create an incredible product. I’m so glad that rooster teeth’s shutdown hasn’t stopped you! Happy independence!
  • Thosah2008
    Best podcast I’ve listened to in a long time. Thanks for the laughs.
  • James (/:
    Best thing ever ♾️/10
    Just started listening not to long ago and just love the jokes the story and the twists keep it up. I would love to be a NPC name James, Jack, or Jim
  • noah kopia
    Best podcast 😎👌
    This is the best dnd podcast I have ever listened too I can’t wait for the new episode every week. I love it so much. Keep up the good work.👌
  • sup dude 2000
    It’s a bit weird
    The first season is fantastic but the second kind of feels like for lack of a better phrase a childrens’ show. P.s. I take it back thanks to the cliffhanger which made me realize how much I like it despite it’s flaws
  • TalesFromtheStinkyDragonbanger
    10 out of 10!!
    10 out of 10 would listen to again… wait, I already did! Honestly love this podcast every-time I re-listen, there’s always something new to figure out. Always funny and entertaining. Never get bored of it and I’m overjoyed to figure out that they could go independent and able to continue the show!!
  • love ot 👍🏼
    This podcast is literally the best, I have relistened to this podcast like 7 times and it’s become part of my daily routine. If you are thinking of listening to this DO! Ps IT WOULD MEAN THE WORLD TO ME TO BE A NPC Blurble gurble and smarsh is king
  • SkipperZePnguin
    So funny
    I love this podcast. It is hilarious. You can tell they are great friends and love to rib each other any chance they get. Glad to hear Stinky Dragon will be sticking around with the turmoil of Rooster Teeth being disbanded. This podcast actually got me into playing Dungeons and Dragons, and I learned more listening to this than reading the hundreds of pages in the manuals.
  • Taram Thiel
    My friend introduced it to me and then I was hooked. I always can’t wait for the next episode! I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and it’s a Tuesday so, I ask my self: sleep or stinky? Obviously stinky. Also, Jon’s characters are best. I played a Druid and I love ghosts. In episode 30 did any of the haglings wear suspenders? If so, then would they be suspenders of hagling?(I know it’s awful but I had to) anyways, Thank you for bringing more joy to many people’s lives!! Also, bats SQUEAK.
  • vater man
    Next episode
    When will the new episodes come it have been awhile
  • tfyddjy
    Love it
    Great show, and it is awesome. Just worried if they will stop because they are disiding the future of the show. Hope it continues. Goodbye rooster teeth
  • AbbiePinkfawn
    Tales from the Stinky Dragon
    This is the best podcast ever! I love the story and the characters. Everyone is so awesome! Would definitely recommend.
  • Eurydiseeyalater
    So much fun!
    I’ve never written a review before but I just had to for this podcast! I saw the animated shorts and puppet videos on YouTube and had to check out the full thing. It did not disappoint! Every episode has been amazing. I’m constantly laughing, to the point of tears a few times. I just finished binging the first campaign and seriously, bravo. Every character was awesome, the sound design is super immersive, I love the music, the voice actors did great jobs, seriously everything here just works. Also, I’ve never done anything DnD before so this was completely new to me, but the explanations (and Between the Tales) made everything super clear and now I’m looking to play DnD with some friends. Hats off to the crew, especially Micah and Gus for their outstanding work on the DMing. If anyone reading this is on the fence about listening, DO IT!
  • PeachyBreezie
    I’m made an almost replica of Cyborg, and named it, Ciboria and Chip Haney is really funny and the voice of Sower was a bit much and I love being an elf and I was DM for the first time and one of my players was Chip Haney’s Neighbor and it was so fun and I was using this podcast for inspiration
  • The Clarknight
    Why is stinky dragon is my favorite podcast?
    It has the best characters a great story to fall in love with and if you can’t find something you love and you’re somebody who loves dungeons and dragons within the first five minutes of the first episode you have something wrong with you. I personally love stinky dragon and have listened to the infinite campaign and growth campaign multiple times. I am currently on my 28th run through of the infinite campaign.
  • Maribelle🍡
    best podcast ever!!
    this podcast is so gouda! At first i was skeptical because i never really listened to podcasts but when i started listening i was hooked!! I am obsessed with all of the characters (especially elga) and the content is amazing this is the best podcast ever and i recommend it!!!❤️
  • Mitsuki🐈‍⬛
    Blurbel Gurble, smarsh worshipers! 🏳️‍🌈
    Who ever is reading this tell Ellga she needs to use the ring of spring time she bought!! I love this podcast but I can not mentally live with out smarsh in the second campaign he is a king and a king deserves all the praise, smarsh supremacy I am now starting a smarsh cult🙇. Please make songs 🎶for second campaign characters. Any way keep on doing what your doing this podcast consumes my heart and soul waiting for a new episode I love this podcast I even created my own dnd character after listening, Mitsuki a nonbinary elven Druid. Ellga’s theme song would be barracuda lol ( P.S bats🦇 squeak, I don’t believe tiny bat vocal cords can screech, they also click while using echolocation)
  • CampbellClanForever
    I love the first few episodes in which they are all telling jokes and the mayor and gate guard are for sure different people 😉😉😏
  • TheBeardMB
    Great stories, great characters, great humor
    Started listening on my way to work after catching up on other DND podcasts and now that I’m fully caught up and don’t have more to binge makes me sad.
  • Louie Spade
    Best DND Podcast Ever!
    I am not using hyperbole! This podcast has a great production, and engaging cast, and wonderful laughs. You feel like you are playing dnd with friends when you listen. Even if you don’t know anything about dnd, you can easily enjoy in the fun!
  • Bransbow
    Great show
    This is what got me into D&D. One of your shorts came up in my YT feed and I’ve been hooked ever since.
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