The Rubin Report

News #133News Commentary #33

Care about free speech? Tired of political correctness? Join Dave Rubin for real conversations, real news, and one-on-one interviews with some of the most intriguing names in America today as they break down politics and current events.

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  • mersilene
    Thank you Dave Rubin
    If you like to keep up now-a-days, the Rubin Report is what you need imo. I’ve become to busy with schooling and a full time position, making little room to stay current. I find Dave very adept in his coverage giving the listener a true emphasis on information not hype. If you looking for reasoned analysis listen in and see for yourself. Love the *classic libertarian feel.
  • kbjoso
    And Now, Back To Me
    I my favorite podcasts were ACS & PBD I thought I should maybe listen to some “liberal” podcasts. Googled and your show popped up as #1! I now listen to RR first every day. (Btw, the liberal podcasts on the list are impossible to listen to. They’re so bad and don’t say anything. I tried!) And I laugh out loud every time you say, “and now, back to
  • mdc7733
    Bro, are you nuts? He doesn’t listen and play fair in a basic debate. No, no one should be watching him unless they need a great laugh.
  • lynne_123
    Presidential Debate
    Hi Dave. My worry about the debate is Biden’s people will give him an invisible ear piece. But that could also work against them. Might confuse Biden. Thanks for all you do. LynneT
  • UKgirl21
    Caitlin Clarke
    Caitlin’s popularity started during the 2023 NCAA finals- people got excited about the women’s final four then again in 2024 before she went to the WMBA- the energy from Iowa followed her- it is not because she is a WBNa player
  • marciarobbins
    The more I listen to you, the more I freakin’ love you!!!
  • DebSoCAL
    I love you, David!
    You’re brilliant!
  • wolfie/wolf
    A great political commentary
    A old time liberal who found out he is or was being used by leftist politicians A new modern family man who believes in our Constitution and way of life
  • RowdyRoddyDiaper
    They should call this the White power hour. What a disgrace
  • Ritchie6
    Bill Maher Bill Maher Bill Maher
    Bill Maher, Bill Maher Bill Maher Bill Maher. Bill Maher Bill Maher Bill Maher? BILL MAHER BILL MAHER BILL MAHER!!!!!! Bill Maher “Bill Maher Bill Maher”. Bill Maher P.S. Unless he’s paying you Dave, you have to find a new flip flopping stoner for God’s sake.
  • Txaz02
    Oh my word, I can’t handle hearing the word right thrown around like you’re a valley girl who just discovered the word like. Stop using filler words, you’d sound so much smarter.
  • Steaming Stock
    Suarez thinks very highly of himself. Talks so fast he can self complement himself 6 times a minute. He should sprinkle in a bit of humility and spread around so praise. Oh boy.
  • MkeY234Z62
    Missing content?
    Rubin articulately calls out Biden’s Marxists and their Global-ist coconspirators. A recent Dave Rubin quote I enjoyed: “Here is a future hopeful presidential candidate from the wacky progressives, AOC, thanking the man with dementia for ushering in more lunacy.” Note: I cannot download this podcast from Apple using a VPN. Same situation with Dark Horse podcast. 5/10/24 Zoom interviews are amateur hour! Why do the lefties at NPR have professional audio production but you don’t?
  • Hoping for Love and Community
    Probably Not Alone
    Dave you keep on promising. BUT, I repeat BUT we keep hearing about Lemoan and not so free view. I hope there are others wanting to hear about that. For now, exercising my right to change the channel. Have a nice life buddy.
  • canoes4
    Honest and funny entertaining educational
  • sachaglows
    Best news source!
    The absolute best. So informative, non polarizing and just a trusted news outlet amongst the sea of false ones. Thank you for this!
  • Behonest47
    Sage interview
    One of your best loved it.
  • valdimirM
    Dave Rubin is good interviewer
    But not the first :) Uncommon Knowledge was the first great podcast :)
  • FatFred24
    Dexter Reed
    Thanks Dave for viewing the video and evidence. The local media with the narrative politicians and the national media are painting twisted facts. Looking for a new God George Floyd
  • Emme's mom
    Tucker, Owens, Shapiro
    Dave why are you inserting yourself in their issues? It’s kind of none of your concern. It seems to me you’re stirring the pot and just looking for clicks.
  • loomasauris
    Eckhart interviews
    I found this podcast because Eckhart mentions it in a couple talks of his. I absolutely love the interviews you did with Eckhart and I hope you continue to do more in the future! And for any fans who haven’t listened to them , I would highly recommend going back and doing so. Eckhart is correct, you are an excellent interviewer.
  • Lvsima
    Wow he’s a super star , the art of getting his point across, impressive 🤩
  • SurfCityBuckeye
    Discussion with Vivek
    Both you and Vivek had the kind of adult, genuine discussion that I wish all of America would hear.
  • Addicted to myfitnesspal
    Candice/Daily Wire
    I don’t know what went on behind close doors, but I am confused about the split. I listen too everything Dave Rubin, Candice, and Ben Shapiro produce. I don’t understand the feud. It sounded like Candice took a neutral view on the Israel Gaza situation. It also sounds like Ben is too close to the situation (understandable). I don’t know why that called for Candice to go.
  • ReviewGuy610
    Dave is supposedly in favor of “free speech” except when that speech is any type of criticism of Israel. This whole Candace Owens saga has exposed many zionists. Such a shame.
  • Krissynichol
    I LOVE this podcast!!!
    The content is well thought out, entertaining- I agree with so many of Mr Rubin's thoughts/beliefs.
  • Savvy WildChild
    Great podcast!
    I enjoy your upbeat style and sense of humor. I would add to your list of never mention agains, besides Don Lemon, the dimwits from The View. These women contribute nothing positive to humanity. I don’t know why you even contribute to their being heard.. they don’t deserve any extra airplay. Otherwise great show!
  • bahmg
    Mar 24th Isabel Brown
    Very upbeat interview. However, when Ms Brown brought up the words “my truth” I cringed and almost turned it off. There is no such thing as my truth/your truth. That makes truth subjective. The sun rises in the East. It’s not “my truth” it’s just truth.
  • Vaborn21
    Don lemon
    13 years ago Don was echoing Obama. I think he’s an idiot
  • MD tree 1776
    Kol HaChavod!
    Thank you for visiting Israel and interviewing great guests!
  • deborahtn
    Fabulous, smart, articulate guests. I learn so much. Blessings to all that are fighting the good fight!
  • Bert*1
    Feb 26 24 Housing New Illegal Migrants
    Great Show! Why don’t we use Golf Courses and places like Disneyland or Pro Sports Stadiums and Arenas to house the non-legal-immigrants?
  • JamesNobleCo Ohio
    Potato Tower
    I really enjoy the show. I wanted to share and idea for your garden. Potato Towers are great and take up less space. Thanks for what you do, James
  • michkatwl
    Jim Jordan 2/16
    Sorry Dave can’t find a Dem in DC willing to interview but not surprised when I hear how sane the Republicans sound without getting all worked up exemplified by this sit down with JJ. I can’t imagine how a Dem could do the same mostly because what they support doesn’t seem sane to begin with. No wonder they are too chicken even for a discussion with a fair interviewer in order to have an opportunity to state their case in the same professional manner. It’s similar to their constituents. Impossible to even have a discussion I guess because they “just know” they are on the right side of things.
  • Sacred Honor Vigilance
    Should be 5 stars
    I’d love to give this 5 stars. We don’t have to agree on everything to have a great conversation. However, Rubin seems to most often come down on the side common sense and freedom. Unfortunately, the podcast is fraught with audio problems. Volume levels vary wildly between host, guests and commercials. Be careful when listening with headphones.
  • Moderate Monica
    Different POV
    I consider myself to be a classic liberal and listen to get a different perspective. The podcast is informative and has frequently swayed my opinion. Love the clips of Bill Maher.
  • freiheitX
    Love you, Dave but getting tired listening about racism.
  • GingerG662
    Great Show
    1/2/2024 show was truly fantastic. Please keep beating that drum for conservatives to get right with each other! Thanks, Dave Rubin, for being a well thought out voice of reason. I love Tucker Carlson but some of his hyperbolic speech of late has been baffling.
  • jcurl58
    Equal pay for chics
    Nice spot with Rachel Maddow today speaking about unequal pay for women. Someone should ask her if there’s anyone at MSNBC making more money than her. Lol.
  • ronnier888
    Love you but you need way less RINOism
    Call out Trump good. Excuse McCarthy bad. Am Yisrael Chaim
    Enjoy listening to your perspectives on today’s political topics.
  • Aaron's montages rock
    You need to talk to your people about ad placement… your non live-read ads usually interrupt in the middle of someone making their point as opposed to the more natural place of a topic change
  • Tracy at TOMA
    listening to 2021 shows
    Biden admin "worst reality show ever" im a new listener getting some historical perspective and im often amazed at how prescient some of this banter is.
  • JMaars
    Nikki Haley debate
    Vivek did not ask her to name. He is a bloviator the biggest. She refused to participate in his tirade. Also, Dave, please teach Ron a better resting face. It makes him look less smart than he is. 6weeks abortion ban will bring Ron down.
  • Insearchof#
    Wrong on Vivek’s attack on Haley…
    Dave, I almost always agree with your analysis, but not this time. The “can’t name the provinces” line only hurt Vivek. You said it yourself, you couldn’t name 3 provinces. This played as mean spirited and childish. Nikki is vulnerable on this issue, but Vivek obscured his attack with schoolyard tactics. Remember when Rick Santorum invaded his female opponents space during a debate? It did not go well for him. Trust me, Vivek messed up.
  • CJ@thebeach
    Everything Dave Rubin says make so much sense
    Do yourself a favor and start listening to Dave Rubin’s podcast everyday. Everything he says makes sense, is true and logical. In this awful broken world we live in, you will feel a little sense of hope after listening to Dave.
  • Annz000
    Waking up
    Like you, I used to think I was a liberal. I am finally realizing that so many things that I believed were actually lies pushed by establishment media. I’m glad I found your podcast.
  • goodtole
    My fave podcast and human!
    Dave is an original…great interviewer, great guests and always superb comedic relief! He’s one of the most common sense pundits and fellow patriots we’re lucky to have! Always craving his newest release!
  • big.papi.
    Planned Parenthood Ads
    is this just some ironic targeted advertising or some 4D chess by the Rubin Report
  • eight0
    A show for morons by a moron! Have fun dumb dumbs!
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