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BrvzqIck SlimeAnyone who attacks the vulnerable in these times is a problem, the reporting is just not very intelligent or useful for these times
MMR-HJust awfulI can’t imagine what you’ll experience on your deathbed. Pray for Alzheimer’s.
Funkyfresh21Ignore the one star reviews!Some people can’t handle the truth and these one star reviews are proof! I’m sure they also watch The View. Keep doing what you’re doing Megyn!
EvanWagner42Blood coming out of her whereverThat this ‘journalist’ has such little integrity to continue to do this man’s dirty work is astonishing. Not only is spreading orange man’s lies and propaganda not ‘journalism’ but to do it after he has personally gone after you? Guess you gotta get paid.
Anon hodieToo much profanityToo much profanity
ukcatYuck!What a horrible person!!!
Bindi 1Thank youThank you for shooting straight….always. I appreciate that you question things from a “common sense” stance. You help me keep my own bias in check. Thank you!!!
Christine19MK your adsMK your martini ads are so funny! I love your laugh and your show🩷
SLoomis78GrifterA podcast *by* white trash *for* white trash
tuck EMegyn Kelly is a real journalistI love your podcast. You are one of the few real journalists that we have today and I would like to say thank you for what you do. Also speaking on your bonus episodes we don’t care what you look like in the morning we all know you are beautiful. So if I was you I wouldn’t worry about what you look like in the morning because you are beautiful.
flymiesterAll the haters have is racism…yawnGreat show been listening for some years now. She is the most balanced journalist.
Ry031717Seriously megynHorrible take. Seriously this is your take. Oh the bias press should choose. The president of the whca now works for MSNBC megyn. Used to work for politico so please spare us your defense of the whca. And Jackie Hendrick is a Trump hater so please don’t ever r bike her name and fox
Dan22##How?cruel, crude, rude, uninformed
Sena1680Anti womenMeghan Kelly has nothing but hate in her heart. She routinely attacks women. She also said that democrats would attempt a coup if Harris lost. Never happened. She has no clue what she is talking about.
Real BillieEpisode 1015When anyone defends the press as a group, they are defending those who report honestly and dishonestly. Therefore, we can no longer defend the press as a group. Instead, stick to defending those you know to be honest. People want only truth.
TextdghStarting to sufferI've always like Megyn Kelly a lot, but she is getting a little too "Trump can do no wrong" not to mention her yelling and cussing is getting old. She fights the good fight, but is starting to sound like she knows more than she really does. I still subscribe, but it's getting to be not one of my favorites.
WeatheredPoolBugEugene DanielsThis is the guy Megyn Kelly thinks should determine who gets to be in the smaller press pool…. You know, because you gotta this $h!+ right when you are covering the President. Are you kidding me. Megyn you have lost the plot.
WiscoMomsRelentlessly FactualMegyn, thank you for continuing to tell the truth and bring a variety of voices and viewpoints into the conversation. I look forward to seeing who you bring on each day. And I am really loving the morning update! How else can we keep up with all the winning? Keep fighting the good fight. Wisconsin moms are picking up what you’re putting down.
MBGPodEw.I’ve never experienced such a hater of women like this. What a disgrace. It’s people like Megyn Kelly that add hate and confused chaos to our world.
Flim&FlamJosh T.Dear Megyn, I'm a loyal viewer and appreciate your strong conservative perspective and dedication to journalism. However, I was concerned about your recent interview with Bryan Johnson, particularly regarding questions involving the Mormon church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). His portrayal seemed to rely on stereotypes rather than an informed understanding of the church's teachings. As a member, I've never experienced the ostracism he described, even when my views differed from doctrine. While I understand divorce can be difficult, attributing his experience to the entire church feels like an oversimplification. Moreover, his culturally incriminating response seemed disconnected with his apparent live-and-let-live demeanor. Many other Christian denominations face similar generalizations, and I hope you'll consider challenging such broad strokes in future interviews. Overall, the interview remained top notch, as usual, and I was fascinated by your various guests’ health tips. I remain a fan and value your work; thanks for doing what you do.
Commish CleonSellout.What a complete toadie. History will remember what a gutless liar you were.
Mouths full of laughterAM UpdateLove the new a.m. update and hope that it's something you plan to continue. I have added it to my daily listening list.
Jessica JEllenLoving the new AM show!Long time listener here, loving the new AM show! Thanks for the hard work, Megyn!! MAHA!
GduxgdhhdyjsusgThank you!Absolutely love the morning update, especially with things moving so fast!
michkatwlBryan JohnsonListening to this man made me uncomfortable. Check out an extensive Vanity Fair article February 2024 which was in line with my first impression. Very interesting guest so thank you for that but thinking he could never be one of your peeps which is a compliment. Who the heck would want to never die. Not religious like you seem to be but get if there is a God not the plan for us. At his age looked as good as him inside and out without reliance on a psycho regimen. Upside he is apparently willing to be a fountain of youth guinea pig if in fact he is not a charlatan
asfdnksbdAM UPDATESThank you!
atokemFantastic show love listeningJust heard you are suffering from post vaccine fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, heart palpitations and flutters! I have same symptoms over the past month. In addition to getting Crohn’s at 63 years old after the 2nd Pfizer shot! I’ve changed my diet, eating all Whole Foods, no alcohol, taking copious amounts of supplements but still suffering! Any insight on how to deal with your symptoms?
jacki_lorrIdentity Politics and HypocrisyCalling Maddow an “elitist” for expressing disappointment over Joy Reid’s show being canceled feels like a reach—why wouldn’t Maddow be allowed to have an opinion on a colleague’s career? Kelly frequently criticizes MSNBC for “obsessing over identity politics,” yet she brings up Maddow’s sexual orientation in a way that feels completely unnecessary. It’s not relevant to the conversation, so mentioning it just seems like a way to rile people up or reduce Maddow to a label.
beanFinHonestlyI can’t believe people listen to this complete nonsense. I’m betting she’s on Putins payroll and basically copying Tucker Carlson.
MagLoLexRachel MadcowYou were spot on about Rachel M. I only hope she listens to it so she will know how we all feel about her. Loved every minute!!
TeamOrcaNopeAre you a white woman grasping at an attempt to stay close to power? Then this is the podcast for you! Take your racism with a hint of pseudo intellectualism while also never acknowledging that you actually hate yourself (aka women). I suggest pairing this podcast with Mountain Dew and dry white toast.
wailboyMaddox on ReidListening to your opening today I realize why I like your show , you got lots of street in you . Thank god 🤙
ronnier888Good work Megyn.Megyn your daily update is awesome. You fill a need that was lost with Lou Dobbs. Thanks.
M_B_0Racist diatribesHer recent attack on Joy Reid was yet another example of her history of repeated racist comments.
SusjetteDept of EducationThis is what America gets as a result of 44 years of underfunding our public education system. I’m a daughter of West Point career officer and I’ve lived all over this country…I’m still embarrassed & disgusted when I hear people like MK selling their toxic trash to undereducated Americans. Republican shame has a new sellout mouthpiece.
Progress is needed!AmazingI love this show. So balanced.
L8619!Same Old IgnoranceThis lady has learned nothing. Her opinions are still uninformed. She’s still a circus act. She’s still racist. And she’s still a poor facilitator of navigating nuance and important topics. It’s like listening to a caricature of unlearned teenager.
ElTheePonyAbsolute jokeYou aren’t half the journalist or woman that Joy Reid is and you’re a disgusting excuse of an American. You are a traitor to you’re country and nothing you say has value
TN Pats fanPete HegsethMegyn, I’m loving the A.M. Updates in addition to your other pods. Please keep them going. Jim
Darren DJTDarren DJTI listen to Megyn all of the time, she is spot on every time! Not only does she shine a light on some issues, but also brings some fun to political stigmas!
PandasBackLove Megyn!Megyn is a breath of fresh air. Always honest, always strong, always beautiful! We listen to every podcast she does. Love watching her on X too!
HarleymillThe Megan Kelly ShowI formative and in-depth, yet relaxed and entertaining. Truth and fact focused discussions.
GorkiparkNato forces in AfghanistanJust for the records: 59 German soldiers were killed in Afghanistan during the 20 years of troops stationed there as a NATO ally. For nothing. Waltz seems to have a biased memory. And MG is not prepared.
NerwenLadyLoveI think YOU think you’re the Queen of the Dragons!I gave this podcast a chance as I like to be OBJECTIVE with politics something Megyn doesn’t project in her journalism. Dastardly. Despicable. This Woman uses phrases like “God Bless you all” all while putting down and oppressing female celebrities, spitting strong right-wing extremism…she is an ENABLER of facism!
Proud southern deplorableLove the show!Started listening to Megyn about six months ago and haven’t missed an episode since! I have learned so much and been entertained while doing it. Very very honest truth teller!
IDSgt56More deleting…Now, not only do I delete every episode that Megyn moronically refers to RFK Junior as “RFK-Jay,” but I also have to delete every useless “morning update.” Why is Megyn reading the same headlines to us that we see on every other screen we look at? What a waste.
bernicar734You are the best!Has anyone interviewed press out of Ukraine? Tucker just did and this Lawyer who has been there paints a complete different picture of Zelinski. He is a DICTATOR AND AN ANIMAL. Gangs haul men to front, torture,priests,Christians, courts so corrupt, approval rating about 4%, he pays agencies to put out positive propaganda in US.,He is white Supremacist. AT LEAST LISTEN Has there been any articles from press actually over there? TRUMP IS USUALLY RIGHT
Queta PerryMy Long RockedI’m so busy during the week I don’t have time to listen to your show. I save everything and on weekends you keep me informed during my 20 or 30 miler long runs. I love your perspective and your cute and spicy way to handle things. Cannot wait until next weekend for another long run.
So west MoAM UpdateI never miss Megyn ! Always trust Megyn is 100% honest. Love the update.
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