Order of Man

Business #109

We are reclaiming what it means to be a man. Each week we interview the world’s most successful men on the planet - elite athletes, warriors, New York Times Bestselling Authors, and world-class entrepreneurs – extract their hard-fought lessons and experiences and deliver them straight to you. Past guests include Jocko Willink, Tim Kennedy, Andy Frisella, Lewis Howes, Grant Cardone, Ryan Holiday, Ben Greenfield, Rich Roll, and so many more. If you’re ready to level up your life as a man, this is the show for you.

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Recent Reviews
  • PRS6565
    Changed my view point
    I apologize for my previous review a few years ago. Lots has changed in my life and worldview.
  • DaDuderoo
    This podcast is led by good men for those who want to be a better man. Appreciate Ryan, those who help him because no one finds success alone, and the guests for giving their time to make this thing happen.
  • HoustonBoss
    This Show Is For All Men!
    If your a man you need to listen to this show!
  • bretthuber
    Powerful and Important
    Much needed voice of reason in a softening world
  • Newshound Mort
    Truly Necessary
    Wow! This is a must show to listen to! In our decaying society men are being taught that they no longer matter. Because they believe this nonsense, some men have begun to fail being the very best that they can be. Here is a guide and example for how any man can set their minds, attitude, behavior and goals to excel! The world can be a better place! Here’s where to start!
  • Bbust
    Listen, learn, question, get better
    I love the podcast. There’s a lot of great information on here. It definitely steers your mind in the right direction. You’re not going to agree with EVERYTHING you hear, I don’t, but that’s the point of life, isn’t it? You listen to perspectives that make you question, teach you new things, and if you don’t agree with all of it, you talk about it to understand the other person. This podcast gets me in that mood. Shows me things from different perspectives, and allows me to change my life accordingly. If I like it, I incorporate it, if I don’t, I leave it where it is. Ryan gives great perspective and leads from the front. Great guests, from all walks of life. Helps us takes steps toward becoming better men.
  • Curry2cali
    Every man should listen to this podcast. Ryan provides a ton of value for men of all ages. He stays away from politics and focuses on how to restore masculinity in our society! I’m a huge fan. This podcast has provided a ridiculous amount of value in my life!
  • Not Big Brother
    THE BEST MAN PODCAST EVER Ryan needs to get Josh Hawley on the show
  • Boise, ID
    Time to get our lives in Order
    Thank you Order of Man for the work you do in the trenches. Ryan is vulnerable and shares both the good and bad in his life. These stories resonate because, real men go through real life. Keep up the good work brother! Note: The episode with Larry Hagner was absolutely genius!
  • Dsylxeic
    Used to be relevant
    I used to find this show very useful but after coming back to it, I hear an episode where the guest whines about liberal Hollywood for an hour and an episode where the host whines about liberal media and suggests “indoctrinating” your children to make sure they blindly follow your political leanings or something. Not sure what any of this has to do with being a man- in fact being a man should emphasize humility and accepting the possibility of having your mind change, not “indoctrinating” your children because you’re so afraid they will see things differently from you so you withhold info and mislead them in order to manipulate their view on the world.
  • jo jo siwa. see.. what !!!!
    Subject matter
    Excelsiòr, relatable, interesting and energizing Keep ‘em coming . Take action
  • MulkeyMamba24
    God Send
    In the midst of planning to launch my own podcast for a little project I put together called Father Figure, which has been designed to help Godly Men pick up their Cross on a daily basis and move toward a common goal. My goal with this is to restore the stewardship of Christian Men, not only as Men, but as Husbands and Fathers as well. Anyway, this Order of Men movement that I just so happened to stumble upon is a valuable resource to help me in my own journey of creating a similar platform. For this, I am extremely grateful.
  • BP Writer
    Great podcast, content
    Recently found this podcast and loved your conversation with Michael Easter, author of Scarcity Brain. What really resonated with me were his tips to manage the overload of info in our world today and tame our impulses. Tons of amazing takeaways in this episode! 🙏
  • mvelasco07
    Highly recommend!
    Order of Man is an absolute gem — each episode is packed with insightful content and actionable advice. No matter the topic - you’re guaranteed to walk away with something valuable every time you tune in. Highly recommend giving it a listen!
  • NinjaJudd
    Love it
    Great content. Always good to lift you up. Thanks for all you do.
  • RossClan79
    Broad ranging and solid content
    Ryan covers all kinds of topics relevant to men. Whatever episode you listen to, you’re going to be challenged. Always worth listening!
  • Chiweezy
    My first listen… good info, audio not great
    I’d improve the audio quality. Almost as important as the content. Better mic, softer surroundings, etc. Besides that good stuff
  • ilovetesla
    Excellent podcast on entrepreneurship
    Excellent show with powerful advice on leadership entrepreneurship and most of all helping others, thereby helping yourself! Servant leadership at its best.
  • DA Team Victor
    The Real Deal
    This podcast has made me a better man, leader and husband. Each podcast has value content to push you to be better than you have ever been. Ryan, gives you the tools and you have to put the hard work in to change. Thanks Ryan and Order of Man standing in the gap. DA
  • PapaCherry16
    Awesome listen
    Very relatable and uplifting.
  • Jesper7
    Absolutely great content for men
    Really enjoy the guests in here. Typically every show is relatable and I take good things away from it. Really enjoy this.
  • bravo3210
    Powerful messages that have honestly helped me through life. It’s a must listen too!
  • Parnelli Groh
    Ryan has guided me to be a better man. Parnelli Groh / Cincinnati, Ohio
  • mjvdaddy
    Great pod cast!! Keep up the great work!!!!
  • Aden Carrillo
    Accountability for transitioning young adults
    I love this podcast and have been listening to it for a while and am striving to become a man. I am having trouble finding a local group of growing men to help me stay accountable. I live in different place in the summer from my college accountability group so summer has been tough for me. My question is how do you have accountability in times of transition? Thanks, Aden Carrillo
  • bryan1001010101001
    Good, but
    The podcast itself is really good. But dude needs to cool it on bringing his divorce into every single episode. We got it, you’re divorced. Move on.
  • Nathan Argonot
    •Mental Mindset Reset•
    Really Enjoy your podcast! Definitely a game changer in my personal life. Your words and conversations inspire me to look at life in a completely different way. God bless you and your family!
  • MikeyPegasus
    Be a man
    Good conversations and great lessons! Inspiring more men to be better men.
  • Joshderfer654
    This is a really good podcast. I enjoy the different points of view and the topics he talks about. It is not flashy or trendy, it is simple and straightforward. I greatly enjoy that.
  • kings7415A2
    I’m listening
    Excellent Show Sir.
  • Gnatinmyeye
    In Tears
    Ryan, your advise to Chris regarding his child’s mother in the episode posted on 04.12.23, had me in tears. You answer to him was filled with compassion and wisdom. It made me think differently about the way my own dad showed up (or didn’t). Maybe he did feel guilty of his shortcomings and didn’t know how to breakout of them. My mom did tell me once, “He loved you the best he knew how.” That has always made more sense because I was in tjat boy’s shoes. I blamed myself or I looked down in him so often. I appreciate your approach to this question!
  • timeisenough2021
    Dear brother, I have been following and dealing with a divorce the past 10 months myself and due to highly similar reasons as yourself. However I must say that what your doing is worth it! The inner works is worth it brother. We are becoming the man we are meant to be and in time our team and foundation will be solidified by these ways. I was humbled as well to finally see the truths of all. God bless you my brother and I know this is hard and heavy, but the path ahead will be historical and in good ways for all who have ever met you. Your kids will value this honesty and see in themselves sooner than later what to work on as well. As the world around us feels like it is falling apart, as long as we are doing inner works, the world will fall together stronger in the future. Reach out privately anytime you want to vent.
  • Tonybotz
    Superb podcast for Men
    This is all I’ve listened to for weeks ( * years ) now , until I catch up on all the podcasts I will not be listening to any music in my car . I drive 1 hour a day to and from work and this unstresses me and makes me a better person. It’s all opinion based and not shoving info in your ears that you don’t agree with . He leaves everything open for everyone and does not try and preach . Anyway, this is a 10 star podcast . Thank you guys for doing what you do…..*UPDATED *————-> 4/5/23 , listened to a lie for the past 8 months , so much for transparency , your pathetic ! Be a man , keep your wife . MEN NEVER GIVE UP ON WHAT THEY BUILT !
  • keithkw6
    Ryan Talks Too Much
    This podcast has so much potential but Ryan constantly takes over and talks more than his guests. Imo he should save the talking for when he does a solo podcast, and when he has a guest just fuel them and keep them talking.
  • Rev The Barber Michael N
    Been listening to Ryan since his very first episode. He is the best around for keeping us motivated. Rev The Barber ( Michael Napier ) Founder & Host Blue Collar Social Club Poscast.
  • feather4969
    This is great for young men to get some knowledge about being a man when they don’t have one in there lives.
  • AndrewPruitt00
    The podcast the works needs
    I love the movement Ryan talks about in this podcast.
  • vernz80
    Pay your dues
    Sal frisela was 🔥
  • Dustin McCreary
    Order of man
    Podcast is great! Enjoy all the different guest from different back grounds! Ryan is a pretty awesome dude and ask great questions and he seems like a pretty baller dad 🤘
  • VilkingBadAss
    Rock Solid
    Common sense material!
  • Pandabrandon
    Blunt and Truth
    Podcast is a new addition to my rotation. As a father with 2 boys I want to ensure that I embody constant learning. This podcast enables that goal. Been loving the content here about leadership and direction men should follow.
  • PaigeBPodcasting
    Great Show
    Great show, great guests and great information. Ryan is an excellent interviewer and gives great advice. Highly recommend.
  • Arobertson8327
    Great show
    My go to for podcast listening.
  • Aututy
    Very helpful in day to day life . Inspiring on a daily basis
  • mrobin52375
    Man up!
    This podcast has been a go-to listen weekly for the content, direction and encouragement to become a better man. I love the grit and determination, recommendations and the bonding of brothers through this podcast.
  • DJHoss64
    The reality of masculinity
    This podcast is exactly what this world needs to save a dying breed. The man’s man. Ryan delivers the tools to understand how complex being a man really is. Through humility, experience, education and hard lessons he connects with you in all facets of manhood. Being a man is far more than a flannel shirt and a cold beer. Join this podcast for all of the parts you are missing and affirmation for the traits you already possess.
  • Ghost Ranger 0788
    C.Luis Yoder
    Listening to the lessons learned in 2022 episode and just wanted to say thanks for sharing your struggle with alcohol and the path you are on to change that, after recognizing the problem. It’s easy to look at people who are in the spotlight and assume that they have it figured out. It’s refreshing to hear someone talk publicly about their mistakes and admit they didn’t hit the mark they were aiming for. It gives me energy to keep fighting the battle with my own shortcomings, and pushing forward in all areas of life. Thanks for being brutally honest! Great content as usual!
  • Sho- Nuff
    Real men found here
    This is where we all should be coming to find the connection so many men are longing for. You guys have inspired me to form a band of brother in my own town and community. I’m in for 90 days of challenges in the four quadrants and pushing to be my best self. Thank you for all you do! “Get out there and take action!”
  • BegleyTD88
    Hey guys, I just found this podcast. I freakin love it. So many good topics discussed. Basic and simple principals to becoming a better man, husband, and father. Love it!
  • CanadianDries
    The saying goes “ We are the average of the five closest people in our lives” If we take this quote to heart it most likely will make you second guess the company you keep around. At least that’s what I did, it’s great to have a bunch of successful men and host and owner of this movement as a part of my own inner circle. Helping lead and create better men and people for the future. God bless you all <3
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