The Chalene Show | Diet, Fitness & Life Balance


Top tips & practical steps for diet, fitness, organization, self improvement & more. Get healthy, balance your life, and improve relationships and productivity with New York Times Best Selling Author, Celebrity Fitness Trainer & Diet Debunker Chalene Johnson and guests. No BS. Chalene delivers straight talk and simple strategies (with a side of humor) so that every show delivers a return on your investment of time. The Chalene Show is life coaching, personal development, nutrition, exercise, focus, faith, family & fun all rolled into one! Want to be happier, healthier and more organized? This is your podcast.

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  • BigRed_40
    May 31 Episode - Lifer Update
    May 31 episode - we have been patiently waiting for you to do something. I have grown with you. I’m glad you’re giving Phase It Up facelift and focusing on women in perimenopause/menoupause. I’m going through it and you giving us a voice and your research is very helpful. Please take your time in putting up your workout videos. We waited this long therefore we can wait a little longer 🤗 ☺️💗 Lifer Jeannie Vadillo
  • CadillacShell
    Love this show!
    I recently found this show and channel. Being post menopausal and over 50, her tips on fitness and nutrition are so helpful!
  • megldi
    One of my favorite humans
    Found Chalene through PiYo in high school and have loved her ever since. There is no topic she could talk about that I would feel bored listening to!! Thankful for her contribution to my health journey, positive outlook on life, and just overall sharing of knowledge!!
  • ashley ff
    Just here to sell
    I’ve tried to listen to gain some knowledge, but each and every topic only boils down to what she can sell me to make herself money. I’m out.
  • danazuzu
    So much love
    I just discovered Chalene 2 weeks ago and she is my new best friend. Her personality is so genuine and her advice is solid! Love everything about her! Thank you girlfriend!!!
  • Miranda Rose 11
    Short of content?
    Tell us how you hate people while walking. That’s where we are now.
  • MeowListener
    Interesting Content! Do Not Judge By Instagram
    This podcast, and Chalene herself, has evolved greatly. Some years back I found her content to support disordered eating and body image but now is much more relatable and healthy. Unfollow her vapid Instagram account and enjoy her insightful topics on the podcast.
  • Lsodolak
    Core Memory Unlocked!
    I attended Camp Do More in 2011 I think it was. Definitely Top 10 experience of my life! I am totally down for a Camp Do Less or Camp Menoplause 🤗 I was on the purple team with Melissa Mc and it was amazing. Cierra, I remember you being honorary team pink walking the hallways with a bestie. Thanks for reminiscing on this memory!
  • NinaLucy7
    Soooooo worth following
    I’ve been taking Chalene’s workouts for years, and have been following her for just as many. She’s so well researched, practically helpful, fun, honest and intelligent. God has helped me so much through her.
  • lovecrushbeauty
    Always making fun of other peoples trades!
    An expert in everything every other day. You know you cry your eyes out when people were critical of you (piyo)… Meanwhile, you can make fun of a nail tech, a florist, and goodness knows who else. You know you’re not perfect and neither is your trade whatever that is. STOP making like what other people do is so simple if it is do it yourself! How about thanking somebody for once for their services???
  • MEs Momma
    Fun & Informational
    Always a good listen as I’m walking. Not too heavy or requiring complete focus. If I need a link or more information host always provides them.
  • LindaMiz
    Another update 3/20 (2024) …
    I can relate to the noise ( and adhd) thing…and it makes it okay ♥️- especially sleeping with noise …. And it’s so true about being in silence once in awhile and feeling the peace and presence… Thanks again for your pod! Update 3/20 /23?- thanks for your transparency and honesty… Laughing out loud at the November 11th episode…( it was saved on my list along with a few others…) Been listening to your Pod for years…♥️
  • jbk1342
    Lifer updates are my favs
    Chalene! I had sadly stopped listening to the majority of the podcasts when you made the changes that rarely included your lifer updates. Now that you’ve gone back I’m listening to every one just like l had since the beginning. Thank you!!! Love it!!!
  • mkl96
    Lifer Updates
    Love that you went back to doing the Lifer Updates!!
  • Beenaturalhn
    Phase It Up—-Want to Join
    I love this podcast and look forward to listening while I’m getting ready in the morning. I especially love the episodes that focus on anything having to do with intermittent fasting or perimenopause. I’m currently in the Energy Reset and have been walking each day. I know in Day 7 Chalene mentions Phase It Up and said that if we join before the end of February, we would be grandfathered in and the yearly price is $97. I went to the website for Phase It Up and it only allows me to be put on a waiting list. I really would love any info on how to join now please. Keep up the great work, Chalene!
  • TaraAnn1003
    I don’t know how I ever lived without listening to Chalene!!!! She’s teaching me all the things and makes me laugh!!!
  • Purr Mom
    Favorite podcast!
    I found Chalene 6 years ago while I was growing through a difficult time in my life. Her advice and awesome personality have kept me coming back, referring her to others as well as leaning trends and more ways to take care of myself and those I care about. I’m entering my 40’s and particularly appreciate the hormone episodes. They’re giving me the confidence to advocate for myself while looking for the right endocrinologist! I love Chalene and Brett! ❤️~ Amber
  • Kmr8778
    New listener. This is what I have been looking for!
    Love Chalene. I drive a lot and it’s like having my chatty best girlfriend in the car with me. Keep being you, Chalene!!
  • BP Writer
    Loving this Fantastic podcast
    Recently started listening to the Chalene show and really enjoy it! Loved the episode with Dr. Youn regarding the realities of plastic surgery and skin care secrets. It was so illuminating to hear accurate information from a practicing plastic surgeon about the latest products, innovations, risks and rewards. With the pressure our society puts on women to look young forever - it was nice to hear some alternative options. Tons of amazing takeaways in this episode! Thank you!
  • Mrswithmostest
    Real Deal
    Chalene is like the very best BFF a girl could EVER ask for! She’s funny, smart, relatable, total girly, has impeccable fashion sense, thrifty, energetic, kind, giving, caring, REAL, trustworthy, inspiring, health conscious but wants to stay looking young & not afraid to use the modern commodities. Her topics are on point for her lifers, you thought it - Chalene is talking about it! Chalene has enriched my life in countless ways for the last 20 years! She’s a real gem! 💞💓💖
  • Awsome Temple run fan💩💩
    7 years of being lifer !!
    I met Chalene at a Beachbody summit in Vegas . I loved her Chalean Extreme program but I didn’t mention it to her . I mentioned that o was doing her 30 day push challenge and I loved it and I was signing up for the courageous club ... immediately I got her attention, even thought she had tons of pictures to take on that photo Op , she asked me questions and wanted to improve on them . I have listened to every single podcast and o am better because you are better and you teach me daily how to improve and have perspective. I love you and all you do ! As soon as I have something going on in my life , just like a charm , there is a podcast about it . Lately about aging parents ... kids in college, having fun with your spouse , traveling , all the good stuff that we should be doing at 50 ! Cheers my friend ! You are amazing !
  • Srecord
    My Best Friend (whom I’ve never met!)
    I love Chalene and how real she keeps all her podcasts! I feel like when I’m listening to her, it’s a best friend conversation! (I’m usually responding back 😂) She always has the latest and greatest stories to share, awesome exercise/food tips and invites us into her family! 💛 Thanks for sharing you! @srecord
  • Chuma96
    She’s a friend
    Chalene is a constant. Sharing all the tips and tricks to make us better humans. I look forward to every show.
  • Hemi.powered
    Happy Birthday
    Happy Birthday Chalene!! I’ve got some new shows to tune into thanks to the 1/31 podcast. Hope everything went well with your surgery and you got all the food you described yesterday on your way to your appointment.
  • zboehman
    Super motivating!
    Love this podcast! Chalene is so motivating. She gives such awesome information and I learn so much. Thank you!! I listen to all of her episodes and I am on her Patreon Between Friends! Love her!
  • Colleenmg
    Your new best friend
    Chalene is like your best friend giving you all the deets. There’s always something relevant. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHALENE!! 🥳🎉🎂💃🎈🎈🎈 I’m a February baby too 😘💞 @colleen.coolbreeze
  • CMarcie
    Clutter and decision making
    Clutter and stuff is controlling my life and allowing me to make poor decisions. Chalene’s podcast is amazing! I will be using her tips to declutter and get organized! I also love the car smart episodes! They are my favorite! I love them! I love today’s podcast on which shows to watch. These are some of my favorites too! I can’t wait to start the energy/walking challenge!
  • sv *yhhvs
    Overall awesome
    I am grateful for all the ranges of topics you dig into and how you try to get experiences from others besides your own. Mostly I just love to hear what’s going on but I’m grateful for the heavy episodes as well as the lighter ones. Thanks for all you do!! I loved the recent car smart (not in the car update ), but the signs of perimenopause episode might have been a wake up call so thank you for going there! ♥️ @marie.moniz.7 and of course I’ll be walking with ya!
  • sassygirl10
    Impressive Woman, Fun Couple
    I don’t know how I came across Charlene’s podcast. It definitely had something to do with health and fitness and then to my surprise we dive into all these other areas of life and issues and it’s just a romp. Charlene is an excellent role model in all ways and a very loving and warm person as well as intelligent, and the interaction with her and her husband is great fun. Tune in you will not be disappointed.
  • YaYa Yogi KC
    Love Chalene
    This is such an awesome podcast- it is informative, inspirational, fun and authentic. Chalene is a delight. She is gorgeous and she is so generous in sharing all of her own rituals and also bringing on esteemed guests. I just love her to pieces.
  • Woodmesa
    Can’t get enough!
    Love, love, love the Chalene Show! My son is graduating from HS this week and leaving for college in a fee short months. Her recent episode when the kids leave home was so good! I posted in FB and sent to all my friends. I learn so much every time i listen to Chalene’s podcast! I recommend it highly!
  • Fastrunnergirl
    Happy Birthday, Chalene
    Doing my laundry while listening to the Chalene Show makes my day! I love hearing all of Charlene’s tips and tricks, and bonus when I get to hear from Bret, as he also is full of common sense, just like Chalene. Thank you for making my days a little brighter. Btw- your recent podcast on leg days made me ditch my running for walking and strength training.
  • phdwife
    My Favorite!
    For many, Chalene and Bret are down home realistic people who share their lives and are “FOR REAL” with everyone! They don’t sugar coat anything, they are upfront and they definitely don’t think they are better than others.
  • TheresaCrout
    Less and less relatable
    Taking a break because I feel the show host becomes less and less relatable to the average person.
  • Gigi-Of-3
    Car Smart & Rambling Are My Jam!
    I’m a Lifer and I’m so happy Car Smart is coming back!!! And I love the “rambling”, but it’s actually just Chalene following her train of thought and sometimes the train jumps the tracks!!
  • sdopp7
    Yay! Carsmart is back!
    I love listening to these episodes. I can relate to Chalene with my ADHD brain.
  • twinkletweet
    Thanks for CarSmart!
    I’ve been a listener for multiple years and haven’t been listening much in the past year due to the changes in podcast format and missing the ‘CarSmart Fridays’. I saw the podcast pop up today with the ‘Emergency Lifer Update’ and was immediately excited to listen. I’m so happy to hear the format will go back to including personal episodes in addition to the deep dives. Thank you for hearing our feedback and adjusting!
  • Fitfashionmom
    Perspective and Compassion and smarts
    Every time I hear a new podcast I am moved more. You are the real deal. You have such compassion, yet set us all straight I have learned so much business wise, but more personally . I have to look at my own life, choices, decisions and then look at others. Thank you for providing us with such valuable content Keep wearing the great shoes as well. =)
  • AKesseru
    Hello! Love the Deep Dives and How Tos (with your personal touch!)
    Hello Chalene...I hope you are doing amazing today! I have listened to your show for years. I have really, really loved it recently, though. I am always looking for information on self improvement and healthy lifestyle. The way you present it just makes sense! The SEO titles are so appreciated! The show isn’t too sales-y. You do have to actually survive the crazy podcast scene and that is with sponsors! So I understand there will be ads. The subject matter is pretty much always about things I am wondering about. So thank you!
  • Tuytviyygiyyuyjutyh
    It’s not good anymore.
  • Skr1226
    Caring for your parent 583
    Going through this myself, it was nice to listen to what Bret &(you) are going through. This is a real life situation that many of us are going through as our parents age and live longer. My Mom is in stage 4 dementia, she is high functioning but looping ALL the time! It is the hardest and saddest thing I have ever had to live with including the sudden death of my father in 2018. Thank you for always helping the public to know that we are not alone in issues that life throws at us! Love you Mean it!
  • ksjayhawk81
    Missing the personal content
    This used to be my go to podcast. Friday episodes were my favorite as well as the more personal ones. Personal ones now are behind a paid wall and this podcast has become an ad for Patron and not as authentic. I will continue to pop over to see if there is something worth listening to but it’s not my first go to anymore.
  • mc02011997
    Trying to hard
    Miss the old Chalene not scripted & down to earth . The new format to youtube seems disengenuous and unrelatable.
  • Antolfamily
    Tracking Protein
    What an awesome podcast! I’m definitely giving this approach a try! I’m so tired of tracking my macros, my protein, my fiber. I know what to eat, so I’m going to try to do it more intuitively and more intentionally. Along with exercise!!
  • Little Susie 1984
    Obnoxious andDumb
    I stopped listening 2 years ago, thinking I needed a break.. re started recently and had enough after 2 minutes.. obnoxious. I can’t believe these people can market themselves as authentic.. sounds fake, all marketing and self absorbed.
  • HudsHarvest
    Read These Books if You Need to Change Your Money Mindset
    Shout out to the Chalene Show for yet another outstanding informative podcast! Although I’ve read many of the books listed here I’m always INVESTING in my knowledge and appreciate these recommendations. She breaks them down beautifully so you know which one to start with or which one to continue on. Knowledge is the 1st step in taking action and small daily actions lead to big things! Chalene pushes us towards benefitting and improving OUR abundant lives. Thank you Chalene!
  • bonquish
    5 star
    I love the Chalene show & anything that Chalene is attached to. I’ve been a listener for years and finally found where to leave a review im sure I’ve seen it before and just forgot. I refuse to be the person who’s quick to share a bad review but struggle to share a good review. This podcast makes you feel connected to Chalene and her family. I love that she shares the RAW & UNCUT truth in the most respectful way. I get a lot of value out of this podcast as a woman in my 20’s. I came across Chalene back in 2020 from the Gopro virtual event. Thank you for your tenacity and consistency. God bless 💕
  • Sarapinkdog
    I’m out
    There’s been a very noticeable shift in content to drive longtime listeners to patrion. Unsubscribed for now…..
  • Regina Wheetie Baker
    Used to love but seems like a change for the worst
    I feel like to podcast has become what it seemed to be against. Feels like pure Diet culture, vanity and doesn’t seem true to the OG pod squad. Time for a break
  • Barbara JB
    Berberine vs Ozempic
    I’ve been listening to your podcast for over a year and always look forward to the next episode. However, I’m one of those girls that never rate an episode. I want you to know that I LOVE your show and some are so good that I’ve shared/recommended them to family and friends. Todays show is one of them. I would much rather lose weight doing strength training and taking supplements rather than taking a weight loss drug. Love a lot of your show sponsors ie: Magnesium Breakthrough, Honeylove, Organify. Your show on sibling rivalry and birth order also very good and any show relating to health. Thank you and keep up the good work!!!
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