Steve Deace Show

News #80News Commentary #19

Principled conservatism with a snarky twist served up daily.

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Recent Reviews
  • CPGen13
    Great show!
    Fantastic show, especially Friday: 06/28/2024 and the 0biden debate fiasco! Keep the Biblical word view coming and love the study of Romans. Thank you Gentlemen, God bless you and your families!
  • James Beatley Sr. (JC)
    Love the show especially on Friday
    Love the show especially the Deace Group on Friday. I remember watching the McLaughlin with my father as a kid. So watching the Friday show takes me back to that time. A better time. All three of you do incredible job of living your worldview/faith out on the show & it’s a refreshing twist to the mega media shows. I look forward to your show on Blaze TV everyday. Continue the good work.
  • Kathy HD
    Steve Deace Show
    Fabulous commentary with a biblical worldview. Excellent show.
  • Theworldviewbros
    Dump Todd
    After listening for 8 years I just can’t take Todd anymore. He brings the show down. He has 4 phrases in his voice box that he pulls the string on randomly, and his whole deal is that whatever you say he has to go with the more “based” take. Please save the show; on the meantime, peace out
  • pandemicfool
    Come on Steve, or 1 of the 3 of you, let’s talk about the nuking of Bill O Reilly by Dan Bongino. Buy or sale, but if you hold… it will be a completely oiled Lindsey G with cameras rolling and you will be a new star on the porn hubs. Love the show but all 3 of you, grow a pair and give Americans what they want… BONGINO vs O REILLY and ratings will skyrocket!
  • KingAbbottsucks
    Robert Morris facts wrong
    His original church knew the girl was twelve and the family at the time forgave him. It’s the Gateway Church people that were never told about the age(12) of the victim. He LIED in order to construct one of the largest churches in America and it has been taken away from him.
  • Freedom fan
    Truth with a shot of vinegar
    Love the show. Keep pointing to the truth
  • BeckaDethmers
    Strongest shape on earth, this trio is the strongest trio on truth, it may not be nice, but it is kind in TRUTH!!!!
  • 6ixty6ixth
    The perfect podcast for the man living in angry, quiet desperation.
    Deace is a hyperbolic, grifting, snake-oil salesman, masked as a Christian, good ole boy. He comes with no real solutions, only fained anger towards situations he presents as possible and/or true. Deace is the physical manifestation of the Grandpa Simpson meme, ‘old man yells at cloud’. Deace and his minions need to get checked for Low T, and extraordinarily high levels of Estrogen, seriously. Cease anger, it leads the fool. Be a man, spine up. Stop listening to people commenting on the news, and read a book. For Deace and his fearful followers, I suggest, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius or…... yell at a cloud.
  • The MonT-SteR
    If you’re looking for warm fuzzies…
    …this may not be the show for you. But if you’re looking for honest, stimulating, and hard-hitting political analysis filtered through the lens of a biblical Christian worldview, let me highly recommend the Steve Deace Show. In the wake of Rush Limbaugh’s passing, no other show has been able to fill the void for me in terms of the quality of political commentary and entertainment value. Steve and his colleagues refuse to genuflect before the sacred shibboleths of either the Left or the Right, and so the tenor of the conversation is refreshingly forthright — at times, brutally so. But again, warm fuzzies are not the point. I hope you’ll give him a listen.
  • fetal life
    Bear Man, Riverside
    do you listen to any nowadays profits, such as Julie Green in Davenport, Iowa or any others for that matter? Is this something that you give an ear to at all?
  • Neil Raleigh
    Love-hate relationship
    I’ve been listening to the Steve Deace show intermittently for quite a few years now. Overall, I do appreciate a lot of Steve’s insights on the current political pulse of the country, and I especially appreciate that he approaches it from a Christian perspective. I would have given the show five stars, but I chose to give four instead, because there are many times when a particular episode has him and his cohosts discussing something that seems totally irrelevant to me personally and to my family. I’m in my 30s, married with two young children, and I live in Iowa, close to the metro area. Sometimes the politics go totally over my head (no thanks to the public school system), and I’m not much of a sports fan, so those kinds of discussions are uninteresting to me. Overall, it’s a good podcast, but I just couldn’t justify giving it five stars.
  • kthiel
    All in!
    I just started listening a few weeks ago and I’m ALL IN. I don’t miss a day now. Steve is the most matter-of-fact host, with well thought out answers and explanations for what is going on in our world today grounded in Biblical truth. I’m so appreciative of his voice in the conservative media arena.
  • Troy saint
    STEVE is one of the best spokes person on podcast that I haven’t heard in a long time and I am sick and tired of the media controlling everyone so I do not listen to it and Steve is the only way I get the truth about information of what is happening in the world. I’m so glad my friend introduced me to Steve’s podcast
  • Pro Effects MAX
    While this show does have some aspects to it that I disagree with, overall, this show is 100% good!
  • Rebel patriot 61
    Great show!
    A great Christian show and Christian political news show
  • Janeswt
    Gary Demar
    I was hoping to listen to a thorough explanation of the post mill position, but most of it was a critique and rebuke of the pre-mill position. very disappointing.
  • jefreyesptien
    Stand up
    I am sick and tired of losing my country. I am sick of my country being taken control by these communists and yes I call them that. This is the best show to listen to. It is a no holds bar show that comes with recites. As for me and my house we will serve God.
  • dmack21
    Simply the best
    Better than all the rest Better than anyone Anyone I've ever met But seriously, Came for Steven stayed for Steve and Aaron’s montage.
  • rowdyette
    Drunk Phelan
    Only reason Phelan won is because Texas has open primaries. Demonrats voted in GOP primary to give him the win. By 300 votes
  • the king of kvlt
    Keep standing, gentlemen!!
    So thankful that my daughter-in-law pointed me to Steve Deace not that long ago! We went to see Nefarious a couple days ago- was challenged by every minute of the movie. Great acting by SPF and Jordan. We are in a fight- let’s stay strong and support each other in every way possible! Ken Bunney
  • CoachEnriquez
    Best Podcast For The Times Which We Are In!
    We are at war. The Steve Deace Show knows exactly what time it is & seeks out Truth in everything. While the show provides political analysis, it does so from a Christian point of view. Always attempting to shed light in the darkness. No GOP cheerleading sessions here. I watch every day and listen to the podcast when I can’t watch. If we, America, climbs out of the darkness, back into the light our Founders intended us to be, Steve, Todd & Aaron will have played their divinely assigned roles. These are MEN of God! Ask me anything: If DeSantis doesn’t run or runs & looses to Trump, should he accept a cabinet role? If so, which one?
  • Corvallis4
    Love this show!
    God bless you, keep sharing truth and doing your thing! Glory to God!
  • COAdvRider
    More interested in arguing with and belittling the audience and repeating the same phrase 500 times than addressing issues of the day. Did I say it was terrible? Did I say he’s wrong? Did I say…? There you go. Now you have a sample of what you can expect.
  • YBIC!!!
    Heaven sent; don’t ever change! God Bless You Guys and your guest. Killing it every time. Blessed to be here - Thanks be to God. Rise and Walk.
  • jaaaacccckkkkk
    Kyle Rittenhouse for VP
    Trump couldn’t pick a better vice president for this election.
  • Poppa Willis
    Great podcast
    Steve and t try he guys keep me informed and with a Christian point of view. Very entertaining and informative
  • JenWendCincy
    Faithful Listener.
    I listen to the show every day they are on. I love that they have a set segment each day, each week and discuss it politically through a Biblical world view. Im in my car a lot every day and it’s one of my favorite podcasts that I listen to each weekday. If I miss one day, I’ll listen as soon as possible.
  • Retired after 27 yrs
    Your show inspires me. I catch every podcast. Jacques Sandoval
  • TylerMJordan84
    The best!
    Raw, Honest, GOD fearing. Love it.
  • SkylarRae
    Cap Lives
    Five Stars! Steve Deace has never shot a puppy.
  • tntak
    False Christian
    At times vile and immoral. Angry little man with no understanding of the gospel. Leaves listeners with no hope only rage Willing to compromise purported conservative Christian values with a fluid morality.
  • Just another mol Eliza
    Literally mentally not well
    This guy believes in demons in 2024 and thinks he's an intellectual. He literally perceives a fantasy reality and needs immediate professional mental health help not a microphone
  • ELowe001
    Refreshingly honest, with a touch of vinegar
    Steve and company provide a fantastic combination of snark, wit, and fun insights into the decline of a great nation. Thanks for all you guys are doing, please keep it going. #setyourfeet
  • Balladman1
    Trusted and truthful
    Steve and his team do their best to expose the underbelly of the beast. I trust Steve as I would a pastor. He loves the truth and he speaks the truth. I love this podcast. It’s my go to first podcast every day.
  • Critiquererssorry
    Thankful Todd cut his hair. And the comb to the side versus the spike looks much better. Appreciate all the three of you do on the Steve day show to bring glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  • Chrissiepoo74
    4/22 Worst show ever
    I can’t believe that guy. I don’t have words and do know why you put yourself through that. You can’t win an argument with an idiot. How horrible
  • D Day 61
    How we got here
    It is selfish,weak and lazy not to vote
  • Cherries626
    The best!!!
    This show is my favorite one to listen to. The Messages are so important. I really enjoy Theology Thursday. The brutal honesty given is both refreshing and needed. Highly recommended!
  • MedicineMann
    Excellent and bold!
    Buy sell or hold: Beware the standard of Care. Operation Warped Greed. Political Pseudoscience. Spike protein syndromes. BFG Virus (Baric-Fauci-Daszak Virus) Misinformed consent All Risk and no benefit —Covid Medicine Mann (Darin)
  • I’m with you always m28:20
    Still not voting for trump.
  • Ohio Chuck
    Buy, sell or hold
    Why did Jesus fast for 40 days? Fasting was the original physical and spiritual medicine before the scientific method was conceived. Fasting is the sacrifice with healing powers. The Holy Bible has at least 40 references to fasting. I fasted for three days last week and two days this week. Before my fasts, I had pain and stiffness in my hip and lower back that had lasted for about three years. Today I’m completely pain free. I don’t know what was causing the pain but I strongly suspect the Covid shots I took three years ago played a role. I know too many people who have lasting negative side effects immediately after getting the the shots to believe official narrative that the shots were safe. I have been taking Nattokinase for a year but it didn’t affect my pain. Yoshinori Ohsumi won the 2016 Nobel prize for the discovery of authophagy. Autophagy is a natural process by which a cell breaks down old, damaged, unnecessary, or dysfunctional components within a cell and then repurposes those components for fuel and to build or maintain cells. Fasting is a known effective way to induce autophagy. I’m sharing this information because I think fasting is a valid way to treat physical and spiritual illness. I also think fasting is an obvious way to counter the harm caused by eating the refined carbohydrate, sugar spiked foods that are causing the obesity and metabolic disease explosion. According to the Cleveland Clinic: “Still, there’s not enough research to support inducing autophagy as a wellness strategy.” Please call me a skeptic. I think this has a lot to do with the profit motive for medical research. Research on unprofitable treatments simply doesn’t get funded. The medical system has chosen to ignore or even to suppress fasting as an effective treatment for illnesses, despite the relatively low risk of fasting for most people. Compare this to how quickly and fervently most doctors poured their faith into the unproven Covid shots, just like they did with OxyContin. Yet they also opposed equally unproven Ivermectin, despite its known safety. The medical community failed society catastrophically by abandoning their “first, do no harm” oaths when it came to opposing forced “vaccines”. They are also horrifyingly cowardly in their acceptance of chemical and surgical procedures that are obviously harmful. The medical community lacks effective political leadership and is overly influenced by immoral forces. I hope that they will eventually include fasting as a standard recommended protocol for healthy people who prefer to avoid pharmaceuticals when possible. In the meantime, I pray that you will take responsibility for your own health and treat your physician as a consultant instead of your master. Trepanning anyone? How about a frontal lobotomy? I couldn’t find these in the Bible.
  • i watch it on youtube usually
    Ask me Anything
    Buy sell or hold Whether or not Michelle Obama is a man, either way she has sodomized Barrack
  • I Em Groot
    How could you get this one so wrong
    I’m cycling through a myriad of emotions right now; so much that I can barely collect my thoughts to write this review. However, I know that I must, if only to desperately warn those who may have been led astray by your harmful rhetoric from your recent episode on 3/13/24. Pumpkin spice is bad. Really bad. Not good. However, the Wendy’s failed attempt at creating a holiday “pumpkin spice” flavor is a failure so abhorrent, so outrageously and mind-boggling disgusting that I would rather drink a shake blended with ketchup, worms and tofu rather than even look at one again. I am shocked by your repulsive assertion in this matter.
  • Peter & Deborah
    Humorous Political Podcast with a Christian worldview!
    If you’re looking for a political podcast with a Christian perspective, Steve and Company bring it! They have a unique ability to filter today’s news through the lens of Scripture.
  • Heather in Indiana
    The Best Two Hours of media
    This is the best two hours of media a day if you are a truth seeker. These guys don’t care who you are or what side you’re on. They care about the truth, no matter where it leads.
  • sandblaster73
    Hey Steve ! , the meatloaf !!
  • Srgaligand
    Great show. New idea
    There is a Bible verse that will help us out with the law fair that the Democrats have against us. If we could codify this, it would help us out and help us win this war. Deuteronomy 19:16-21 16 If a malicious witness takes the stand to accuse someone of a crime, 17 the two people involved in the dispute must stand in the presence of the LORD before the priests and the judges who are in office at the time. 18 The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony against a fellow Israelite, 19 then do to the false witness as that witness intended to do to the other party. You must purge the evil from among you. 20 The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done among you. 21 Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
  • wanna be help please
    Steve Deace Show Rocks!
    Steve's show is thoughtful, infuriating and often fun. I respect the Biblical courage of Steve, Todd and Aaron. They have inspired me "to do something." This summer, I'm going on a mission trip to Mississippi with my Men's Bible Study Group. Btw, I'm in a Bible Study because of the Steve Deace Show. Being going to the Bible Study for 8 months now. As a retired Soldier, I often found as a Soldier it easier to approach new tasks and things that you know little to nothing about with little or no fear. Bring on Romans, Steve! Todd bring the fire! Aaron let's do it!
    Thank you for Abigail
    Oh my goodness am sobbing as I write this. I listen everyday and adore all of you, and pray for our country. But today when you interviewed Abigail Shrier it struck my heart. I have been so upset for a couple of weeks about my 5 year old very bright grandson after my daughter informed me she has decided he has ‘PDA’, Pathological Demand Avoidance, and has found a very expensive online therapist to counsel them, both of whose own children conveniently also have PDA. I have been concerned since my grandchildren arrived because my daughter decided positive parenting was the only acceptable way to raise their children. As I’ve watched them traverse the toddler years my worst fears have been realized. I have tried to discuss with my daughter but am told the way my generation and previous generations raised children was wrong, and I am often corrected when caring for my grandchildren esp if I should horrors use the word no. In addition to raising 2 successful children, my career was as an RN Case Manager in Pediatric Brain Injury. So not totally an amateur in the counseling realm. I immediately purchased Abigail’s book and will give it to my daughter. Please pray with me that she accepts it. I’ve got to try to save my precious grandson even if it affects my relationship with my daughter. PS- also ordered Why Easter for my grandchildren :)
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