Sexy Marriage Radio


Conversations and actions to create a life and marriage fully alive! We explore the wisdom and skills of the relationship world's most passionate and brilliant minds. Through in-depth conversations with authors, counselors, psychologists, professors, doctors and specialists, each episode explores topics every relationship faces and offers conversation starters or actions you can take to propel your life and marriage into deeper and more meaningful directions.

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Recent Reviews
  • KTibb
    Transformed Self and Transformed Marriage
    I am so grateful for having found, met, interacted, and come to enjoy all of the content from Dr. Corey Allan, Pam, and Sexy Marriage Radio (SMR). It’s not just a podcast, but a real community of like-minded people who are pursuing bigger and better things for their lives, marriages, and great sex (married sex is the BEST sex). I’m now an Academy member. My friends and their friends are now listeners. My wife and I and another couple attended the SMR Marriage Getaway ‘24 and loved it. This is more than just a knowledgeable guy pontificating for 25 min about soapbox topics. He really cares and has a passion for what he’s communicating. Keep up the great work Corey and Pam! - Pastor Kev
  • Soul Trippin Girl
    I randomly came across SMR podcast, sometime, last year. I am not married, but in a serious relationship. My SO and I have been evaluating each other as potential spouses, for almost a year and a half, and, now, we see there's the possibility of marriage. We are attending counseling sessions together (I'm go on a regular basis, and he'll join me often). We are both divorcees and in our mid-60's. I am retired and my boyfriend works. I have a lot of downtime; one of my passions is ongoing self-improvement which, in turn, benefits our relationship. I listen to your enlightening podcast almost every day! I want to share some applicable episodes with my boyfriend. So much of the subject matter you cover (and the guest speakers) applies to us, singles, navigating the future world of marriage. I have purchased several audiobooks which some of the speakers have written. Always delightful to hear you, Corey and Pam, and envy (in a good way) your interaction with one another. I hear a humbleness, raw honesty, Spirit-led, and a willingness to help people over the airwaves. Thank you!!! Grateful.
  • Kirsten Sal
    Hey Corey and Pam, just wanted to thank you so much for the show and the resources that you share here. I’ve been listening for several years and I have realized that I am so very passionate about this topic and it’s one of my favorite things to talk about now with other women within the faith. What’s funny is in the middle of talking about it I’ll feel like maybe they think I’m being inappropriate but then in private those women will reach out to me looking for more resources. So just know that this is a very needed topic. Keep doing what you’re doing, keep sharing resources. I fully believe that Christian sex should be the best, most fun, most fulfilling sex. We have some work to do and I’m happy to be a part of sharing the good news!
  • 8252ipod
    The first few years are worth a listen the interns into a cash grab
    I have listened to all of these podcast going back to the first episode. My opinion, the quality goes down when Corey brought in his wife. When it was two educated professional host, there was a lot of value and meat in each episode. Understand, wanting to release the other hosts to keep all the income in one household however, it really lost its mojo. Definitely worth your time to listen to the first few years until that change. They are laced with ads, promotions for their own products, and only limited content, wanting you to pay a subscription, which is extremely expensive. Unfortunately, like many things associated with Christianity it starts out with a good heart, and then leads itself to greed.
  • New Castle pastor
    Top notch content
    I have been listening to the show for 9 1/2 years I Love the content that Dr. Alan produces. I am so glad its back under the old mantra of “Sexy Marriage radio” if it did not have that name I probably would have never listened for the first time all those years ago when Shannon was still the co host. It has helped me tremendously through the years. My wife and I are coming up on 10 year wedding anniversary June 14th of this year and we know we would not have the marriage we do without the conversations Dr. Alan and Pam have “started for us” on the show! Love, Love, Love the work you guys do! It’s great to be part of the nation.
  • No log-in
    Great Conversation Starter
    My wife and I have appreciated the great research and experience Corey brings to the podcast, as well as the lay person perspective Pam brings. Often, Pam is asking the questions we have! We often find ourselves pausing the podcast to have a discussion about whatever topic is being discussed. We are communicating better through those discussions.
  • Handchef
    WOW! I can’t thank Dr Allen by enough for this life altering resource! I found this podcast at a very dark and uncertain time in our marriage due to my reckless, immature, stupid choices. Through some much needed couples therapy and serious, deep personal examination, along with the help of THIS podcast and our one time trip to the getaway, my wife and I are as strong, NO! Strong then we have ever been! Don’t get me wrong, we still have disagreement and spats but I think we both discuss thing differently than before! If you ever wanted a resource that made you look at yourself first before you blame your spouse for all of your problems or issues in your our marriage, then look no further! Thank you Corey! Oh yeah well love you too Pam!!
  • Chrysj20
    Real talk about marriage, sex and love
    My husband started listening first and then got me listening. This podcast is amazing. You get to hear real life topics and scenarios that seem to occur in all relationships. Best part is not only is the host a husband and father but a real doctor and marriage therapist as well. While they are Christian, I’ve never felt they try to be preachy or make anyone feel bad for having different beliefs. The beginning had previous co-hosts but now his wife is his side kick and she brings a down to earth realistic woman’s point of view to the discussions. This is a joy to listen to each week individually and then discuss with my husband on date night or after we’ve both listened. Can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve learned from opening my mind to the topics discussed or how it opens conversation between us and even our friends when we share what we’ve heard. We continue to recommend this podcast and the annual marriage getaways. Thank you Dr. Corey and Pam!
  • MrAirway
    Marriage Shifter
    This show literally changed me. I began listening years ago and have likely listened to every episode. Cory reveals the truth about what’s going on inside my head not sure how he does this. Sometimes it’s like magic or something but at the end of the day I found this to be extremely worthwhile, both in my marriage and in my life.
  • aearnie
    Best Christian Marriage Podcast out there, and will also improve your sex life
    This podcast brings in content experts and the latest research to facilitate better conversations in the marriage, and it helps each individual and the marriage grow. SMR was a key part of my journey to help me unpack the obligation-sex messages taught to, and internalized by me, through Christian leaders and marriage resources as a young wife. This podcast, coupled with good individual and marriage therapists was also helpful, along with spending time in authentic Christian community with people like the SMR Nation and Academy supporting my husband and me as we continue to heal even more! Corey and Pam, thanks so much for rounding out the topics on obligation/duty sex, which includes podcasts #660, #658, #583, and #549.
  • Acenyy
    Excellent podcast
    Gives us a great framework to talk more about sex and our relationship. Would recommend to anyone married or looking to get married
  • LostHillbilly
    I've been married for 30 years and "sexy" is a part of my life. When it goes well, life is good. When it doesn't, I look around for some help. Most of what appears in our current culture has almost nothing to do with what I think about, or want to live out when I think of "sexy." This podcast consistently combines the desires that make up an essential part of my being, with a world view that I want to be a part of, and incorporate into my marriage. I've been a listener and subscriber for years and I'm still regularly surprised by how many times the subject matter paralells something directly affecting my life at that moment. I'm grateful to Corey for such a passionate service offered to so many married people out there; first and foremost this one.
  • lachelle1928
    This show is all round one of the best sexuality podcast for monogamous relationships. Cory can dive into the science mumbo jumbo and Pam is right there to clarify for the rest of us. I love a husband and wife duo to give both perspectives in a relationship and at times, I feel, they are in counseling together during the podcast. They have made me, as the high desire spouse, reflect on the kind of relationship I actually want. Together they have challenged my boundaries and my thought process in my own sexual relationship with my wife and have put me and my wife on a better path. Respectful of sensitive topic but do not avoid the hard subjects in marriage. Bing listening worth it but plan a really long trip.
  • Chrissy of the other coast
    Not the average marriage podcast
    Dr Corey Allan and his wife Pam take a deep dive into all of the issues related to marriage and intimacy- one complexity at a time. It’s fun and lighthearted while also sincere and genuine. Guests speakers are true experts in their field of study. This podcast is in my weekly rotation.
  • deholly
    Much needed resource
    This podcast is so insightful and talks about issues in marriage that we all experience. Corey and Pam present topics is a relatable way and provide tips on ways to easily implement changes. If you have struggled with something, they have covered it and help you better understand yourself and how to work through issues in relation to others. Do yourself a favor and listen. You will be hooked!! Great stuff. 🙌🏼♥️
  • Growin'andLearnin'
    Worth the listen every wk!!!
    Absolutely worth the investment of time to listen. It’s impacted my life and my marriage. started listening 18 months ago and have now listened to all 528 episodes…and counting (***up to 595 as of this updated review). It is a highlight of my week and a great investment in myself and my marriage. UPDATE (10/31/22): Get the EXTENDED version. It’s well worth the extra dollars! I’m gone back and now listened to nearly all of the extended content episodes as well. UPDATE (1/17/24): SMR keeps messing with me. I guess I’m not as grown up as what I thought I was.
  • BeanyReeny
    Such good info
    I heard about you on a Family Life podcast and started following you. I love how frank and real you are. My husband and I work in marriage ministry and I have gotten so many pieces of wisdom from your podcast.
  • TV626!
    Worth the time , great for communication
    My husband stumbled across this podcast several years ago. It is the first podcast I’ve ever really listened to. I enjoy the honest and frank discussion. I personally prefer his wife Pam as the cohost over the earlier cohosts.
  • gseven1
    Worth the time
    I love this podcast. It is nice to be able to hear frank and honest discussions about marriage and sex that don’t delve into sensationalism and clickbait. The advice is practical and more importantly actionable. Definitely worth the listen.
  • Ponderosa Auto
    Mercy sex episode:
    I’ve never thought about the different aspects of intimacy from this point of view. Seems like good information that my wife and I can talk about. Thanks!
  • franniethenanny
    Extremely relatable
    I swear sometimes these episodes pop up and the exact time I need them! The content is relatable, the host is very knowledgeable and is easy to understand.. and his lovely wife is who I relate to more. The episodes are entertaining and insightful! Always leave me thinking!
  • Greenman1144
    Been listening for years.
    My wife and I have been listening since 2016. There have been changes through out the years and we love how adaptive you have been. I have learned a lot about communicating more efficiently. We look forward to new episodes weekly. Thank you for what you do.
  • SMGeorgetown
    First time listener turned life long listener
    I found Sexy Marriage Radio by chance a few weeks ago, and it really clicked for me. My husband and I are new empty nesters, and have been looking to both improve our marriage and spice it up. These podcasts do both! Can’t wait to listen to more!
  • Smjo1975
    So Helpful!
    This podcast was highly recommended by a friend as we were chatting about our marriage, as girlfriends often do. I started listening with my husband regularly, and it has helped us to be more intentional and focused on the health of our relationship. We are now addressing issues and working to not just maintain, but improve our day to day interactions with each other in a way that helps us continue to grow closer together. I love that this podcast has a good balance of psychology and counseling, with the reality of relationships. I recommend listening for anyone that wants to grow with your spouse and have a better understanding of one another.
  • 123whand
    A wonderful podcast
    This podcast is in the lineup of ones I listen to regularly as I seek to understand myself and my role in my marriage. The Allans really collaborate and give a fair and and balanced view of tricky topics. Thank you!
  • TyRich79
    Totally love this podcast. They are true, honest and give real tangible solutions to problems that we all face.
  • MindWilk55
    Higher desire wife
    Found this podcast a year ago and it has changed my life! I love that it’s Christian based and has the sexy topics discussed in a respectful and playful way. I was feeling resentment and anger towards my husband and had it buried so deep, I couldn’t even pinpoint why. I have been able to stop pointing fingers at him and start to see my role better in the relationship. So many feelings, struggles and courage. Thank goodness it’s a long game cuz I feel like I’m just starting to learn how to play 😉
  • RodMon7172
    Input on the show
    I am fairly new to the podcast of a few months so with that being said I have listened to the show a few times and each time I listen I gain a little insight on something that can improve my marriage.And I do enjoy those few times I tune in.
  • Quiversfull
    Positive personal change
    I have been listening to the podcast for approximately two years now. I have binge listened the sum 600 episodes or so and have grown significantly. I like the focus on individual development and that this development is done within the marriage relationship. I have used this podcast to grow and become a better husband/lover/father. I hope you can do the same.
  • proud2bucsd
    Thanks for bringing the sexy back to your podcasts! Your recent podcast really opened my eyes to a situation some friends of ours went through. Unfortunately one party did not look inward and the other based their value on the perspective of their partner and they ended their marriage. Little to no connection or courageous communication and each had an extra marital affair. Now I’ve got some extra awareness in my own tool box.
  • Dragonprotecter
    Game Changer!
    When I found SMR I didn’t realize the journey that I was about to embark. Not only did this show help grow my marriage but also grow me up as a person. If you are searching for a better marriage, to came to the right place.
  • Secrestjc
    10 out of 5
    If I could leave 10 stars, I would. No spouse, no couple is perfect - but SMR frames the conversations in a way that not only helps you navigate that fact but also sets you on the path to celebrating that fact. Thank you, Dr. A and Pam for all that you do.
  • Regggie116
    Excellent material
    Love this podcast and all of the content. So helpful for any married couples wanting to thrive in their sex life and even marriage. Updated- I enjoy even more now with Dr. Allan’s wife Pam on the show. They really do great at circulating a deep and thought provoking conversation and I just really enjoy the point of view she brings :) thank you all!!
  • Soma lani
    Good stuff!
    This is a great podcast - good information.
  • Pjelectric
    One of the best
    A thoughtful, mature, intelligent podcast talking about real sex in marriage. Dr. Allen addresses the issues head on, and makes speaking about hard stuff easy. His co-host, also is wife, is so insightful. She is not a trained therapist like him, so she brings a real life preservative when his intelligences out paces his wisdom.
  • Jessica R Vaughan
    Thoughtful conversations
    Excellent content that inspires me to be smarter and sexier
  • nvgjfchoyf
    You turned our life around.
    After being married for 41 years, we had a great marriage, and a fantastic sex life. Or so we thought. After listening to many of your episodes, we found out we really didn’t discuss our sex life. After listening to your insights, we have become more open to one another and open to our sexuality. I never thought our sex life could get any better, but boy was I wrong. Thank you Dr Corey and Pam.
  • scott0360
    Great podcast!!!
    I like your point of view. Thank you for your great content!
  • RMcDobbs
    Excellent Resource
    This podcast does a great job, being open, honest, and biblical all at the same time. Rather than speaking in code or feeling embarrassed about the topic of sex, the hosts and guests approach the content, straightforward in a very helpful manner. I highly recommend this for any married couple or couple pursuing marriage!
  • musiquelover1
    Definitely the best Christian marriage podcast out there
    I’ve been on a Christian marriage podcasts binge for the past half year or so, and have noticed that there is a lot of lax, not-very-biblically-sound advice being given on the air waves masquerading as “Christian” advice. This podcast is not one of those! I love how Dr. Corey comes from a professional perspective, has secular and Christian guests and sources, and doesn’t force his spiritual beliefs on the listener, while also letting the listener know his beliefs which are biblically based. “How you do life is how you do sex”
  • Beautiful Marriage
    The Best Way to make a great marriage amazing!
    I love listening to Passionately Married podcast! I am newly married and want to be the best wife and person I can be. I attribute growth in my relationship to Passionately Married podcast. I love that it is Christian based and explains things in a way that is understood and easy to adapt. My first marriage ended after 29 years when my husband left. My second marriage was wonderful, but after 5 years God called him home. I am on my 3rd marriage and will be my last. I listen to this podcast to guide my path to learn and grow to ensure a continued passionate marriage the rest of my life. Thank you for all the wonderful work you do!
  • vhartell13
    Spouse, not partner
    If you’re a marriage podcast and you believe intimacy needs to happen within the confines of marriage, stop saying partner. It’s spouse, or husband and wife.
  • Alexandra Stockwell
    Outstanding podcast
    Love your show! It was wonderful to be interviewed by you and to interview the two of you. So much alignment and juicy content both times! Your topics, the content, and also the format of your show where we get to hear Pam’s input as well as your own—it’s all so encouraging and inspiring.
  • OnyxDragonKnight
    Strong marriage by working on yourself
    This has been a great podcast for years. Wonderful advice about how to build a strong marriage which starts with have two strong people. Learned to work on myself and become a better person and I’ve been amazed at the great results that has brought.
  • Danh442
    SMR podcast
    I’ve been listening to this show for 7 years. I’ve been part of one of the MasterMind groups for four years. Corey and SMR have changed my life. If you’re looking for the way to improve yourself to improve your marriage you can’t make a better choice. Dan H
  • 061318
    Worth following and listening to
    A great resource for being able to find good answers to questions you just don’t normally feel comfortable asking.
  • KGBigDaddy
    A Life Changing Podcast
    I came across Sexy Marriage Radio a few years ago in a desperate search for help with struggles I had been having. It was the starting point for a long road of discovery and growth for me that I can honestly say I would not have embarked on if not for this podcast. I am only a few episodes short of binge listening every single episode and it opened my eyes to my role in my marriage. It was not just better sex I found by listening to this podcast, but a better me! I was introduced to the Nice Guy syndrome for the first time in my life and that was a pivotal concept in my path of growth over the past several years. My marriage is the best it has ever been and while it has taken a lot of work on my part, I know we would not be where we are without Corey, Pam, Shannon and Gina.
  • Andres32
    Very helpful, in and out of the bedroom
    I’ve been listening for a couple of years now because i always learn something new about my spouse — and about myself. Their online community is awesome too! You get to comment and share thoughts about each episode (or anything in your life, really). Highly recommended!!
  • 911Girl425
    Start here for a great marriage
    Found this podcast 2 1/2 years ago. Joined the Academy a year ago. Found a space that truly supports couples seeking a long term deep connection in their relationship. Start here if you want to find tools to grow your relationship beyond the daily grind of life. Solid tools and real life messy problems discussed without feeling like they are holding back on the good stuff aka up selling. Listen to all of the podcasts!
  • Husband in West Michigan
    Very responsive
    The hosts promise to respond to every listener question and, in my experience, they mean it! I’ve sent in two questions (one via email and one via voicemail) and they discussed both on the podcast. Excellent! This kind of engagement encourages me to keep listening and interacting.
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