Positively Dog Training - The Official Victoria Stilwell Podcast


World-renowned dog trainer Victoria Stilwell (It’s Me or the Dog) talks pet topics, answers fan questions, and gives dog training and behavior advice.

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Recent Reviews
  • RNBren13
    Not a lot of training
    Seems to be mostly chatting between the hosts, sometimes they talk about their dogs. Not a lot of valuable information.
  • Zak George
    Miss information
    I hear a lot of false information spewing from this lady. But I guess in this day and age, anyone can be an over night certified dog trainer. Even if you are spreading falsities, someone will listen.
  • Wow in the World rules!!
    Info 😝
    This is an amazing podcast compared to others and has so much great info my dog who recently passed away because of old age had some problems with so many different things and in just a few days of listening I to this podcast me and my husband had enough info to start training and treating our dog correctly for his personal needs
  • chance1914
    Extremely misleading to most people
    Most people who have certain with real issues dogs won’t be able to truly get the “dog” they want with her training.
  • Dobemom1
    Missing Holly
    I’ve been listening to the podcast for the past few months from the beginning. Truly missing Holly it’s not the same if it’s not the 2 of you. Hopefully that is changing for the next episodes to come. I’d give 5 stars but only with Holly in it.
  • Liberty Belle Sachez Torrez
    I don’t like it because:
    It is annoying
  • bendelg
    Audio cuts off and restarts randomly
    Am I the only one that is experiencing this? Sometimes I’ll pause the podcast and then when I hit play, it’ll start at the very beginning. Or out of nowhere the recording will go back to the beginning or some other random place. Sometimes it’s even gone back to an older recording. I like Victoria’s information and the guests she has are great. We have French bulldog, Ezri is just over a year, I’ve learned a ton of stuff from Victoria- I hope that if it’s not just me that somehow this glitchyness can be resolved. Thanks!🐶
  • Artenvy
    Something is wrong with the audio
    This has now happened on 2 episodes where it resets almost 10min in. It’s as if it’s on a loop. Very strange!
  • Jbwt234
    Annoying it keeps starting over
    I might have enjoyed listening to this if it didn’t continually start over and play the intro. I tried two different episodes and it was the same.
  • unicornlol🦄
    Don’t like
    She starts talking about random stuff : (
  • d2mo
    Is this a podcast, or a game show in the 1970s?? The intro is over-the-top weird and way too shouty!! The first episode I tried to listen to cut out out and went back to the intro—twice! Quit listening because this podcast has serious editing problems. Glitchy and unlistenable.
  • run happy
    I don’t get it
    All the episodes repeat after a few minutes , I’ve yet to hear any tips about dog training.
  • RKonke
    All episodes restart after about 4 mins.
  • Jaime Lundeby
    Celebrity dog trainer
    Willing to put a dog to sleep before using physical punishment correction. Not everything can be fixed with a cookie. Punishment is a part of training.
  • ciaradawn
    Get to the point
    40 minutes of random chatter before getting into actual tips? I don’t have time for that!
    Was looking forward to this, but
    I can't download any of the podcasts.
  • Redwench
    I can not download anything
    My iPad is up to date along with my podcast software. Help!
  • quinnlover31
    Very fun, entertaining, and family friendly
  • Kathy Cornelius
    I love listening to these podcasts but I cannot download all the new ones on 2011 to my iPod how can I get them
  • lcjawhit
    good trainer
    victoria is a good trainer but when she trains dogs at the part where she sees how it s how does she see it.
  • dontpugme
    Keep on!
    Love these podcasts, especially the sneak peeks from season 3! They make me look forward even more for the new episodes! Please keep 'em coming!
  • Sashazeus101
    What was da episode that u were in was called
  • atlantagurl
    So Excited! Our family was on It' Me or The Dog and love Victoria! I can't wait for more podcasts!
  • Redoubt Ridge
    About time! How fun to listen to and another format for people to get to know about Victoria's work. Like to hear the laughing in the background too.
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