The Game Informer Show

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The Game Informer Show

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Recent Reviews
  • fulltilted
    Constant virtual signaling
    How has this show gone so downhill. Uninformed political driven drivel. Complain incessantly about Twitter. You would think people in the media would appreciate free speech. Stop constantly whining as it is embarrassingly drab.
  • Crash Chords
    Long time reader, brand new listener.
    Love the show so much! I’ve only been listening for the last 3 or 4 months but I love the energy and even thou there is a lot of change I’m a long time fan of Alex Van Aken and I know the show is in good hands. Keep up the excellent work! Love the articles and videos from the team too! Cheers! -Matt aka Stormageddon
  • tbond22
    Game Informer Physical Subscription
    Thank you for offering a physical subscription of the magazine outside of GS. Can’t stand that company and their horrible customer service. Signed up for a two year subscription as soon as I heard about it on the podcast. Was disappointed when I could only get digital through the GS subscription I had. Glad I am finally done with that and GS. Now I can get a physical copy directly from GI and never have to deal with GS again. It’s obvious they will be out of business soon. Good riddance when that day comes. Also like the gift subscription option. Will be getting that for some people I know.
  • TigerJordan
    Florida man fan
    Love the show. Marcus (my favorite), Alex, Kyle and Charles are all delightful, genuinely funny and fun to listen to. Can’t say it enough, great show all around.
  • Corvus Anduril
    Childish Console Wars
    These guys still buy into the console wars between xbox and playstation. So childish.
  • Jdkscore
    Love love love this show, but the podcast so quiet!
    I’ve been a reader for almost 20 years and a listener since like 2010. Safe to say I love GI. But the podcast is so quiet! I feel like I need to blast the volume to hear it in the car, and when a different show comes on it basically blows my ear drums. I don’t know if the GI folks are just quiet, or if they need to work on the audio editing.
  • Guy1897
    The show has suffered such a decline since all of the layoffs, and it still has not rebounded. I will keep checking in periodically.
  • oKEVLARo
    Great but Voices need leveled.
    Great podcast. The only issue is everyone is on a different type of mic, different ranges from the mic, some are muffled, some trail off, some dont speak up, some suddenly LAUGH VERY LOUDLY or go up and down in volume constantly. If you tune your volume to hear the most quiet person, the loudest person’s voice will be incredibly uncomfortable to listen to. The mix is all peaks and valleys. Just needs leveled. Thats all. Cheers!
  • DanR.Doran
    Still Great
    Hey, I recently wrote a review, but if I can get Spider man 2 for free….that would be awesome. It’s the #1 podcast I listen to every week. Discord: DanDoran#5671
    Great video game podcast
    Great video game podcast that keeps you up the date on the latest news along with some great reviews.
  • Hardrock345677
    Lack experience
    As a listener of the show for several years, I can say the current staff (June 2023) is simply to young. None of them seem to have enough experience with older games for good comparisons and the overall show lacks insight into games beyond basic descriptions. I recommend MinnMax or IGNs podcast instead.
  • jonFrias
    Low volume
    Turn your audio up please!
  • SantasPants
    I have listened to this show for a long time and have never been disappointed, and with me being a massive Nintendo/Zelda and with tears of the kingdom coming out I have been extra exited for these new episodes. Although I have a question I play smash bros more that any other game so I was wondering what everyone’s smash main was and why they like them. Sincerely-The_Reaper
  • repossed
    Out of touch
    Seems like the current staff is out of touch with the market. From recent comments about the “scarcity” of PS5s in the industry to other trends they seem to have missed. Maybe they’d benefit from interacting more with consumers and less with industry people.
  • Surfsup5
    Thanks for the great show
    Been listening since the end of the Andy era. I really enjoy listening every week. It’s cool hearing from the guests and the various GI editors who roll through. You guys help me get through some boring times while I work.
  • Appstorenickb
    Love the hidden agendas
  • Games4Gamers
    Focus on Games
    Loved the show with Andy and Ben but the show has taken a pretty far left turn away from games. There is a clear agenda with some of the latest guests and it has nothing to do with video games. Not unsubscribed yet but getting close.
  • Fohawking
    Amazing show
    I listen to the show every week at my boring job. You guys do a great job of entertaining me while I drown out my coworker who always talks my ear off. Thankyou guys for making my work day go by much faster and I’m hoping to see you guys a PAX East this year!
  • Yzjamie
    This podcast has perfect timing, comedy, great news, and all of this combine to make the best podcast of all time. 7/5
  • CheesyChungus04
    This is a great show to keep up with if you’re poor and cant afford the magazine
    GameStop publishes GameInformer every month for $19.99 a year. If you're poor like me, this a great show to listen to. On top of that, they cover a lot of great topics EVERY WEEK! I love it! Keep it up, guys 😁
  • Nightfall UT
    Misinformation galore
    Decided to unsubscribe when they said that all dead cells dlc has been free. You guys shouldn’t be this misinformed working there.
  • ConManOfYprk
    The comedy and time they put into this incredible podcast in impeccable. I would rate higher, but it won’t allow me. 6/5, I would nominate 100%
  • bowhunter1514
    Too political
    Why do you need to talk politics on a gaming podcast? It’s a gaming podcast not a political one if I wanted to hear politics I’d listen to a political podcast. Also Blake isn’t a very good speaker on the podcast he says some very controversial click baity stuff. Because if everyone likes a game but I don’t that makes a game bad. Trying way too hard to be a hipster. It was really good podcast but they have had so much change in this podcast they keep changing the host almost every other month it makes me wonder if something’s going on behind the scenes to make everyone leave.
  • jbjsekhf;aef'kaw
    Just saw an ad on your website for a rifle manufacturer. Unsubscribed. I’m sure I won’t be missed.
  • forrest romibe
    Always Chill, with Reliable Reporting
    The GI crew is one of the most consistent in gaming news. I always count on them for accurate reporting. Their podcast serves as an extension of this, while also giving us a very chill show with a lax atmosphere that’s perfect for background listening. The show gives insight into the personalities of the various writers and editors, all of whom bring a balanced well rounded take to the proverbial table.
  • kingsman-116
    Always Look Forward to TGIS
    Thank you guys for always providing authentic journalism in the field of gaming. I always look forward to the professionalism that GI brings to the industry’s reporting. Alex Van Aken has been killing it as host, and I especially love the “Play-List” segment of the show each week. Keep up the good work! -Andrew
  • Davey_Allen
    Max appreciation!
    Starting, this podcast is amazing and helps me with my long days at work driving. You guys make me appreciate gaming more than what i already thought i knew. You guys playing certain games back to life! Keep the content coming! By the way my favorite owned OG fortnite skin would be The Black Knight 🤘🏽 Classic Fortnite seasons! Miss the original map but appreciate what the game is doing. Davey Allen is my name!
  • John B., Esq.
    This guy Blake is awful
    What’s the deal with this edgelord Blake? The “this well liked thing is Actually Bad!” types are just the absolute worse kind of guy. Ugh.
  • FIF780
    Staple of the industry
    The GI show podcast is such a staple in the video game industry that anyone who enjoys this hobby would be sorely missing out if you haven’t been listening. Not only are they still pumping out shows despite GameStop’s absolute ineptitude that they call “management”, Alex Van Aken’s ability to step into the lead hosting role has been phenomenal and he deserves all the praise in the world when anyone else may have just up and quit with everything going on around him. The format and structure of the podcast are great, so you know what you’re getting each episode, and the time stamps on YouTube make it easy to jump around and find exactly what you’re looking for. Although AVA said he would read the next review on the show, I’m honestly not even looking for that kind of recognition; I just want everyone to know how absolutely amazing the people working at GI are, past and present, and that EVERYONE who enjoys video games should be consuming as much of their content as possible. That way, hopefully someday, a company with actual morals can purchase them and they can make even more awesome content!
  • iantclark
    The show that can’t be stopped
    I’ve been a big fan of the GI show and it’s various iterations for many years. Based on Alex Van Aken’s pedigree, we’re in good hands for the future. 11 out of 10.
  • Stay At Home Gamer (Mike)
    Listening to the latest episode of the Game Informer show encouraged me to write a review. Alex Van Aken and I go a little ways back when I was streaming and he was at OK Beast. Been following the Game Informer show for YEARS and when AVA came to GI I knew things were just going to get better. The cast and crew have been so awesome for the past couple years, taking the changes with heart, and this change is not going to be any different. The GI Show will always be a source of great personalities, laughs, and fun no matter who is hosting or on the panel. Sad to see so many people that I have been reading and listening to for a long time, but this will still be a staple to my podcast listening each and every week. You're gonna to a great job hosting AVA, and all of your coworkers are going to be the best support you could ask for.
  • Dr.salsa1214
    Excited for the future
    Really excited for the future of the game informer pod. The first episode of the Van Aken era was great. It feels a bit more informal than when Stadnik was host and just feels like a bunch of friends sitting around cracking jokes and talking games, which I love. Also shoutout Blake, he’s the best.
  • Drewcifer1985
    Still One Of The Best
    The personalities and chemistry of the GI Podcast has always been the best part of Game Informer by a mile. My favorite part of Game Informer for over a decade has always been the podcast. Legends have come and gone and I hear new ones being formed. Thank you for being an easy choice for a weekly show to count on. Keep it up - great work guys!
  • Kidfiasco30
    5 star review
    I’m just here for the $2 left over Walmart gift card 😂 but this podcast is really good for video game conversation you guys switch up more than others and keep up the good work!
  • whitespear777
    THE podcast for everything gaming related
    Been listening to the gi show for a few months and honestly is the best podcast for gaming. It has gaming news, questions, games to try out, question and answers. Everything you can ask for in a podcast. Special shoutout to the episode Drafting the best games of 2017, where Marcus mentioned doki doki literature club. I started playing it this past few days and wow, expectations were blown away.
  • fasty
    Edit: dropped from 3 to 2
    I want to like this. Fellow Minnesota gamer, pulling for new guys to leave their mark. It’s just awful. Begging for positive reviews. Referencing much better podcasts. Doing a review show just to dunk and be negative (like who is gonna listen to the review 4 weeks in other than people still watching? Audience and purpose. Basics of writing.) I tried. I’m out. No more “big man swag”. 🤮
  • OfficialPragerU
    There is no sexual anarchy and no athletes with opinions. If you hated the halftime show and understand that this new generation is too lazy to tuck in their shirts; never mind hold a job, then this podcast is for you.
  • Billy_Solo
    One of the best Video Game Podcasts!
    I have tried many, and this is one of the best video game podcasts out there. Been listening since the Ben Hanson days, and stuck around through Andy Mac, Ben Reeves, and now the Alexes. Each host has brought their own flavor and style to the show, and I have enjoyed each one. The GI Editor guests are all fantastic; Dan Tack is wonderful anytime he is on, as are Jill, Kimberly, Marcus, And John Carson. It’s great to hear their varied takes on different genres and releases. Keep up the great work everyone, and keep up the Big Man Swag energy!
  • Spicy Cyndaquil Sandwich
    Love the show
    Listening to the show feels familiar, like hanging with my friends. The hosts are fun, charismatic, and have great energy.
  • itneededtobesaid
    Blake Hester should not be on this podcast.
    Blake Hester makes this podcast a very frustrating experience. He seems uninspired. He prides himself on being an Edge lord. He is rude, and after listening to him he seems to not like 90% of the games he plays. Which makes me wonder. Why is he a games journalist? Seems like a bad pick on game informers part to keep this man in the undeserved limelight he is given. The rest of the cast and crew are gems. Blake should work on creating a more positive listen instead of being a curmudgeon about literally everything. He has an attitude that everything and everyone is beneath him. He is insufferable, and clearly needs therapy.
  • Person who enhoys podcats
    But at what cost?
  • A-Kell
    Truly I was at a loss for a gaming podcast to get me through the day. Then I found this show. Everyone here is fun and informative. I had the magazine as a kid into my late teen years and always got excited to see when it got to the house. The podcast is the same way, I am always excited for The next podcast to come out. Keep up the good work Everyone!
  • Joodonkadonk
    Legacy continued
    I have been listening since the helgeson days and each iteration has brought something different to the show. Honoring the importance of gaming while highlighting the humanity of each host and guest has been preserved including the current duo. Alex and Alex bring the swag with their joy and excitement, talking about gaming and exhibiting friendliness with whoever is in the discussion. They love to banter and bring laughter, while striving to ensure the GI legacy lives on under their stewardship.
  • Brandon J. L.
    Great gaming podcast
    I love the show. It’s one of my favorite weekly listens and I can’t wait for it to post each Thursday. I love the Alex and Alex era… not to take anything away from prior hosts. One minor piece of constructive feedback would be to tone down the usage of “Baby!” as that comes off a bit cringe to me. But that doesn’t detract from my 5 out of 5 review, Baby!
  • dude1235428
    Great Show, doesn’t ramble
    I love listening to gaming podcasts, to stay current on all the news, and these guys have a great balance of talking about the games, but not just rambling on different tangents that some other game podcasts do. I’m just grateful these guys are providing content like this to listen to.
  • Buckeye_Monster
    Corporate woke garbage
    So, to be clear, it’s bad (in Forspoken preview) to project a black woman protagonist to have nails that give powers and a urban demeanor? Why, because of stereotypes? Give me a break. I gave this a shot again after the Bens left, but this activist corporate journalism is so cringe. Maybe if GI spent less time on Twitter their magazine wouldn’t be suffocating on its own constraints of laughable unoriginal content.
  • DeweyValley
    Always Good
    I always listen to the newest episode as it is released and helps get through my work day. The “Alex’s” banter and chemistry makes a rich dialog to listen to. I happen to find my next favorite game by listening to them. Keep up the good work!
  • tdwp<3
    One of the best
    The Game Informer Podcast is easily one of the best, most entertaining and informative podcasts in its space. I’ve been listening for years and every week it’s a delight to see a new episode has posted. The hosts and guests on the show are fun, relatable, opinionated ( in the best of ways ) and their chemistry is a joy to listen to. The shows frequently has in depth conversations about upcoming games which makes for a compelling listen when you’re anticipating a new game release. The show has continued to be strong since it’s changed hands and I very much enjoy its current iteration. I love this show and refuse to miss an episode.
  • RickyWintrbrn
    Dawn of a new Swag era
    I listen to a lot of video game podcasts, but I think the GI show is consistently the best. I actually laugh out loud many times an episode due to the chemistry and podcasting skills of the editors on the show. Alex and Alex did a great job subtly reformatting the show and continue to be super fun hosts. Also the music is fresh, I always fist pump to that first bass drop. Keep up the SWAG!
  • Jose Josue
    My favorite video game podcast
    I've listened to this show since 2014, and have both hated and loved the transitions from one host to another, as change is hard, but all brought their own sensibilities and personalities to the show and the discussions. This latest iteration, with the Alexes is phenomenal! I particularly love the enthusiasm that Alex Studnik brings to the coverage, and I aspire to love my work as much as he clearly loves his. The traditional GI staff are also great, and I particularly would like to call out Kim, Jill, Marcus, Reeves and Tack for what they all bring to the show from week to week (which is not to say anything bad about the other guests, as this is just my subjective list). Finally, I have to say that I loved and greatly respected how the latest episode discussing the Activision acquisition BEGAN with a clear acknowledgment of the abusive and toxic culture reported at ABK, instead of leaving it as an afterthought. Almost every single other outlet that covered this mentioned it in passing, but this show put it front and center, and took the LONG view of what this acquistion does, and how it may ultimately impact gamers, both for the good or the bad, rather than turning it into a dumb horserace discussion about Sony and MS.
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