The Survival Podcast


Helping you live a better life, if times get tough or even if they don't

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Recent Reviews
  • None537
    This is a man who understands Liberty!
  • 222faszi
    Unpleasant Rant
    On episode on FS Key bridge. So unpleasant that I couldn't hang in to absorb the good info on this episode. Like listening to a nasty lecture from an angry parent. Someone was confrontational in the chat? You started the podcast confrontationally. Why not just leave the people you consider dummies alone? Don't give them attention or fuel their drama. Don't contribute to the free for all that is often on social media.
  • trianing
    It’s been a rough decade for me, I have been able to see how unstable my country is and jack brings solutions to the table not fear. Hope is priceless.
  • tlkelly53
    Life Changing
    Completely changed my life and my families life from eating, to home schooling, to supplements and economics… Mr Spirko has never led me wrong about changes that we needed to make so we could be prepared for when things get tough or even if they don’t.. I can’t thank Jack enough for what he does daily..
  • The Odd Couple
    Flashback Fridays
    Hey Jack, I am really enjoying the Flashback Fridays. I started listening to you in 2018 so I missed these podcasts when they first aired. Happy Holidays.
  • plasma1010
    Just talks too much
    It’s just a guy mostly talking, sometimes there’s good info, half the shows are just him talking about Bitcoin and stuff
  • Abookwriter2
    Today's Show Made Me a Paid Member!
    'The Coming Decentralization' pulled together all the ways we can choose to not participate in the controlled chaos playing out today. I listened to it again hiking this morning because Jack' 15 years of organizing everything from home schooling to successful home farming and building an energy-free home made me feel free and hopeful. Won't happen here in So. California but the plan has been made! What a useful show.
  • gcmmmtb
    The best
    The most well rounded show you'll ever find!
  • Hewsedi
    Listening a couple years
    Jack is an awesome source of information. Chanced the way my family lives and 110% for the better.
  • dont be a troll
    Episode 3274
    Thank you guys! I remember the episode you mentioned last spring that you built this program off of. And remember thinking yes! for all of these, for my children my nephew and nieces and even some young adults who simply never had good role models. I am so excited to add this into the raising of my littles!
  • Mustanger65
    Best prepared knowledge ever!
    There’s no other source of information that comes close to Jack. He is a knowledgeable homesteader that is informed in financials, world events & defense. Highly recommended!
  • Iow@ Steve
    AMA (Ask Me Anything) 5 Star Segment
    Have you ever thought of doing a AMA segment for listeners that leave you a 5 Star rating then leave a question for you in the comments. Steve Deace (Steve Deace Show) does this. Seems to work well for him. Great Show!! Listen almost every day. Steve K. NW Iowa
  • aulacrimosa
  • Ed2Utah
    Bitcoin Pimp
    Over and over and over
  • Uncle Buddy Bones
    Always inspired.
    No one doesn’t like Jack.Infinite world issues would be solved if we all had the philosophy of Jack. He’s not afraid to tackle any topic and To speak his mind. I especially love his Permaculture culture episodes.
  • Herew117
    Great podcast!
    Jack is amazing! His information retention is off the charts and his ability to breakdown complex ideas into digestible pieces make him an excellent teacher. He is straight forward, and some may find that intimidating. He does occasionally go on rants, but at times, they are needed. No matter what, the show is always educational and entertaining.
  • Livindebtfree
    Glad I’m a lifetime member
    Thanks for doing episode 3022. Jack is a voice of sanity in this crazy world.
  • LazVillamil
    Long time on and off listener; always provides great information
    Very diverse topics, interesting guests, overalls great show. If you have thin skin you will be probably want to pass.
  • MilitoMama
    Long time listener and still am
  • tristen ludlow
    Good entry to preparedness
    Good info most of the time
  • mrbrsman
    Amazing Perspective
    I love Jack’s perspective on life and events. Truly value add for my life and should be for everyone else too!
  • cfltwd
    Listen and Learn
    I listen to every word even when I think I don’t care about the subject or don’t appreciate the presentation (there are occasional rants and F-bombs) because I always end up learning something I didn’t know before or seeing something in a new way. I try and keep current and also have been listening to the archived episodes from the beginning - shocking sometimes that those early topics feel so relevant for today that I have to check the dates! I love that I don’t always agree with Jack - otherwise it would just be hero worship. Thank you, Jack!
  • Noldor858
    Good info, and some rants
    Overall this is a great show. Jack seems very knowledgable about permaculture and farming on your own property. About once a week he devotes an episode to his obsession with cryptocurrency. And another to ranting about how your kids are going to be indoctrinated by our horrible modern education system. I agree, but the rants are tiresome.
  • MoeRuss
    knowledge and truth
    I think he speaks a lot of truth and gives a lot of evidence for what he discusses which I appreciate. Giving evidence for a topic is something we need in media. He gives perspectives that I cannot hear anywhere else. I have learned a ton of practical skills and important info about current events. Sometimes I don’t agree with his opinion or generalizations or he gets on a rant or discusses some topics I am not interested in. I might even agree with what he is ranting about I just don’t want to hear an angry rant so I fast forward through those parts and some subjects. Overall this podcast is very worth my time to listen to and I have gained a lot of knowledge that has improved my life.
  • jaskoff1926
    Very useful tips on being self reliant and building resilience in your life.
  • Aphexwolf
    Hard Pass
    This podcast is about 5% useful information and 95% listening to him worship himself. Not worth the listen.
  • Andrewjsdj
    Listened on and off for years
    I’ve listened on and off for years. He’s a solid and reliable source of wisdom. He’s the grandfathers voice I had missed. Don’t agree with everything and I roll my eyes sometimes, but I enjoy the show and keep coming back. He strives to make you a better person.
  • Rambo JoBo
    Loving Miyage Mornings Saturday Compilation
    Although miss seeing Iacks lovely mug on the daily YouTube Miyagi Mornings, I am loving the Saturday Myiagi Morning Compilations to get all Jack’s great advise and wisdom all at once! Keep up the great work Sensai Jack!!! 🙇🏽‍♂️
  • Aylavue
    Wisdom, Insight and Information
    Jack inspires me to think and consider things in a way that expands my world. Moreover, he spurs me into action. I’ve been a longtime fan and he only gets better and better at providing a podcast that is worth my time. So much so, that I am a TSP member. Listen and learn. Dig through the archive, it’s filled with hidden gems.
  • farmer jerry
    Fav Podcast
    Hands down the best podcast I’ve stumbled across. Thank you for the plethora of good info, guests, spirited honesty, and genuine authenticity.
  • Perma Link
    Gave a few a listen, God, is he related to Alex Jones? Whine, whine. Too full of himself.
  • Benja455
    Mostly Conspiracy Theories
    He’s a former corporate marketing Ponzi scheme artist. That’s how he makes money on this show. I skipped around a lot - some of the content was viable but now he’s claiming the election was stolen? Please. Miss me on that nonsense.
  • Tom Enos
    Good informative podcast
    Like the podcast, but you spend way too much time on bitcoin. There’s more to prepping and surviving them digital money that in a true shtf won’t be worth anything.
  • RVinSoul
    Turned to more and more off topic junk
    Host has turned into basically a idiot that spent too much in his own echo chamber and it’s been sad to hear. Overall was pretty good for years but it’s been getting off track more with some bad advice, politics and useless rants from host that don’t fit the show theme. The council parts and interviews can still be helpful. Wish more of those people would do their own shows. Keep a finger around the skip ahead button.
  • Scramblin
    Best show for when things go wrong- and better for when they don’t.
    Really practical advice on surviving. And thriving in the current turmoil. Guns Farming and Crypyo. What not to love.
    Good Show
    I am a recent subscriber and was just wanting to request more episodes about Linux and other open source programs
  • Sara of the prairie
    Thanks for all the info
    I bought a generator
  • johannesliem
    Great show learning a lot
  • RoronoaZero
    Love the show
    I’ve been listening to the show for a year now since I’ve been working at a local organic vegetable farm. I love the show and look forward to listening to it every day. His expertise in gardening and permaculture is awesome to hear about, and I listen to all the other topics as well just because I love to learn. He is a very opinionated person but always goes about it in the right way in my opinion. Gives the facts as HE (as he says in the show intro this is just one man’s opinion) understands them and is bullish on helping his listeners live a better life. Does a great job with educational content. Don’t always agree with him but guess what you shouldn’t. Do your own research and form your own opinion if you don’t agree. He always admits when he’s wrong just have to prove it to him first. Great job with the show. Looking forward to many more years.
  • Making the best of it all
    This is rare gem in the desert of chaos
    I encourage you to let Jack into your bubble. He is a voice of reason. He puts life back into perspective.
  • podqueen
    Moves slowly
    He does a podcast every day, so has to repeat himself a lot to fill up the time, as he doesn’t have enough to say for a daily podcast. I found his personality annoying, He comes off as a know it all. But, it is an important topic.
  • Jpipercub
    Huge value
    I’ve listened to Jack’s show for a few years now. Discovered it when he was interviewed on Radical Personal Finance. I’ve found so many nuggets of wisdom to improve my life. He brings on other interesting people who also think outside the box and are making things happen in their lives I’d highly recommend you give it a try.
  • fullnelson90
    Nah I’m good
    Science denying, easily triggered duck farmer. I feel sorry for those who have to work around him as he obviously is a hard headed dictator with a short fuse.
  • OwenITGuy
    Practical, not Fancifully
    This show covers a wide variety of topics, and focuses on practical topics for preparedness in our modern world, rather than focusing on extremely rare doomsday events with low likelihood of occurrence. Whether it’s an episode with just Jack, a guest interview, or an expert counsel session, you’re bound to walk away with some new ideas.
  • ReaderOZ
    Dishonest and stupid
    Idiot- to tell his listeners that COVID-19 is like a cold or flu is plain wrong, patently false. I unsubscribed as I see this is just a stupid person spouting out garbage. I am a respiratory therapist in a hospital, and I witnessed death of both young and old patients. Others survived but are permanently debilitated. Lucky for him that he had mild symptoms, but that does not give you the right to mislead others with lies.
  • Poetic-Science
    I’ve been listening for years
    It’s ideal that there’s so many episodes so I can pick and choice what pertains to my questions at hand. Always informative, always thought provoking. Live long and prosper 🏕
  • Justice777890
    Thought provoking
    It doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat or a Republican or anywhere on the spectrum. He makes you question your belief system and e state system at large.
  • samuelsycamore
    Thanks but no thanks
    TSP was the first podcast I found 5 or 6 years ago that was related to homesteading, permaculture etc. I thought I was learning a lot, and I found Jack to be entertaining most of the time even if I didn’t always agree with him. Then I gained some practical experience and met real professionals in this realm and discovered that Jack really doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about 9 times out of 10. With almost 3000 episodes out there now — do the math and you’ll find there is very little that’s salvageable here. And he’s a bona fide science denier. Good luck approaching the dude with facts and logic and incontrovertible truth. I give two stars because Jack did teach me one very valuable lesson: that the most obnoxious loudmouths usually don’t have much to say.
  • Ms. Albatross
    Life skills
    Common sense and excellent advice.
  • ACT10MA
    Great info
    Jacks a knowledgeable guy and shares quality useful info. He can be a little opinionated and intense at times but I feel this is just a result of his passion for the subject matter. Been a loyal listener since I moved 70 minutes from work in 2010 and needed something to listen to on my commute. I’ve employed many of the techniques he’s taught in my gardens and small backyard orchard. Thanks Jack and guests!
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