Giant Bombcast

Leisure #57Video Games #12

The Giant Bomb discusses the latest video game news and new releases, answers listener questions, and sometimes gets wildly off-topic in this weekly podcast. Featuring Jan Ochoa, Jeff Grubb, and Jeff Bakalar.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jmoney mike
    Not good
    Show is uninteresting and their “hot takes” are about as mainstream as you can get. Don’t waste your time
  • Madckn
    It's OK
    They're OK now.
  • Fiddle Buckets Jr.
    Just not insightful or interesting enough
    I’m still waiting for a good interesting and nuanced gaming podcast. The bombcast used to be that. Even the glory days of 1up. Now it’s just the most surface level discussion of gaming you can find. Somehow it takes twenty minutes to say absolutely nothing about a game, no unusual or nuanced takes, nothing insightful or useful. If you’re lucky, they MIGHT manage to get around to describing the game. If they’re not too busy dictating a pointlessly narrow minded perspective that overwhelms conversation, again, like every episode. “Well I don’t like games like this” or “ oh this game is just what I like” wow riveting! It’s not bad if you want to just put it on for some noise, but if you want something genuinely thoughtful, this won’t do that for you. Your roommate or coworker probably has more interesting things to say about games than this podcast does, and they’ll do it in under two hours.
  • Slam Sza
    GB is dead, long live GB
    Jeff is not JEFF
  • stoney101z
    Best gaming pod
    Been a fan pretty much since the beginning so I’ll never turn my back on GB. Altho it’s sad to see so many new people come and go after a couple years. Update: everyone is gone and they can’t make a good podcast to save their lives. It’s as bad as it used to be good. Ryan is rolling in his grave. Get rid of Jan, he acts like a child and doesn’t manage a thing
  • devour11
    New adds ruin old episodes
  • nate ahoy
    Listening to the old days, 08-12 era. Edit: it’s 2023 and all the old podcasts are riddled with ads. Every 10-15 minutes there is an ad break. I stopped listening after Jeff left and the original crew was officially all gone. I suppose they don’t even want old content to be worth listening to, good job to animated corpse of GiantBomb, I’ll pretend like the Canon ended in early 2022.
  • JediMaster Daddy
    When did Jan & others become so intolerant...
    Decided to give new cast a chance and gave up after a few episodes. Jan & Bakalar are the worst about this but others don't help. Has become less about games and more about virtue signaling.
  • carloy
  • ada djohariah
    This show is not good.
    I'm not a bitter old fan from 10+ years ago. I'm just someone who likes game discussions that are insightful and entertaining. This show very rarely provides that. The first half hour is unlistenable. The current crew is a charisma black hole, which is why adding a single normal person like Minotti or Bailey turns them into an instant fan favorite. Grubb is alright, but Jan, Bakalar, and even Dan Ryckert are just not fun to listen to. The game discussions are pretty bad. Jan and Bakalar are just not good at talking about games. Grubb is generally good at it, but doesn't play more than an hour of most games. He also insists on playing everything on a handheld PC like the Steamdeck, which is like a film critic watching every movie on their phone. Dan can be good at it, but has very little structure imposed on him here, which usually leads him to be an active hinderance to real game discussion. Once again, the crew's general lack of interest in games is highlighted when actual gamers like Bailey or Minotti show up as guests. The contrast is stark. It's just beyond obvious that adding a guest makes the regulars on the show look bad, across several different metrics. That should be evidence enough that the show is not in a great place.
  • KFillinger
    God’s favorite podcast
    The GB crew is always loads of fun to listen to. I look forward to it each week.
  • Baltazaire
    Not Your Father’s Giant Bomb
    Been listening since around 2014 and really enjoy the current crew. I really enjoy the current podcast crew plus Minotti and Bailey as regulars in the rotating chair. The only reason this isn’t getting 6 stars is there isn’t enough Tamoor on the cast. I get the man is busy but he had me as a regular listener of KFGD while Greg was on leave.
  • DJkkkifiyyckycy
    What happened???
    What happened???
  • MakeRussSayFarty
    Bada bing bada boom
    Yo what is up with these reviews. Seems like each of these peeps have been personally offended by every member of the crew or something. I love the bombcast, I catch it every week and have for several years. The core crew right now of the Grubb, Bakalar, Jan is great and the rotating 4th (or 5th) guest is always such a fun time. I generally don’t listen to long podcasts, but this (and Waypoint RIP) is the exception.
  • writtenfromtoilet
    Rest in Peace Giant Bomb
    Giant Bomb no longer exists, and "they" insist on deleting Ryan and Jeff's legacy. The actual bombcast episodes exist on the internet. Download them and preserve it for posterity.
  • wutreviews33
    Irreverent clowns
    I’m 20 minutes in, waiting for some semblance of a discussion of video games to begin.
  • ActorGuy123
    Good crew but too long
    I like this crew and their dynamic together, but there is no one on this earth I want to listen to for 2.5 hours. With a show that long it’s inevitable that half will be filler and rambling. Give me a tight 30mins or 1hr focused on the game content and I’ll be back for sure.
  • rtfeasel
    Missing Episodes
    Many older episodes are missing
  • Chris Hashemi
    It’s sad now
    Jeff Bakalar needs to go. I just can’t take listening to him any longer. He adds nothing, is so smug, wastes so much time with his self-fellating rants - dude loves to hear himself talk, is STILL quoting I Think You Should Leave… what a coincidence. Dude is awful, don’t even get me started on the constant hockey time wasting stuff. Jeff Grubb, Dan, and even occasionally Jan are great. Overall, the show is aimless. There’s no cohesive vibe. I really wish everyone the best, but until Bakalar is gone, so am I.
  • Ricktor Johnson
    Bummed at what GB had become
    ^ sad
  • Joe La Zanya
    For Jan
    You gotta get outta here man
  • Nukatronic
    Great back catalogue and good hosts but lacking in comparison to earlier versions
    I have a deep and enduring love for the history of this show and a lot of the cast that has been alongside it through the years. This iteration is no exception, but I just can’t help to compare it to how strong the show has been in the past. I love the hosts and the conversation but I have a great admiration for past times around the podcast table more. Keep up the good work. Wish I could rate it higher..
  • emojesus69
    Show has become terrible
    I was a fan for many years, once jeff gerstmann left it was over. Jeff bakalar is annoying, dan is fun but in small doses. Jeff grub is amazing and needs to distance himself from the failing giant bomb. Jan is also awesome and needs to leave also and do his own thing. Everyone else good was fired or left leaving botton of the barrel boring content.
  • Johnanomous
    My how the mighty have fallen…
  • Blake898
    Don’t waste your time
    If you aren’t interested in west coast social and political hot takes mixed in with your video game news dont listen to these guys. They were good years ago and have completely alienated a huge part of the gaming demographic.
  • CharlieKf
    I’m done (RIP Giantbomb)
    This feels less like a familiar community and more like some new ownership’s unloved asset I can accept when people move on, but when people are let go, it is impossible to invest in Giantbomb when some faceless entity could terminate a content creator at a moment’s notice. I tried to stick with giantbomb after Jeff Gerstmann was let go ….now there is a new owner, and new layoffs. I wish Giantbomb could just be owned by people creating its content, but that is obviously a fantasy. Meanwhile, Nextlander and Jeff Gerstmann’s podcast are killing it… if you want to experience some semblance of Giantbomb, go there instead.
  • Frakovski
    Sad to see GB come to this
    Considering how influential Giantbomb has been and what a blast the show used to be, listening to it now is just depressing. I don’t know if it was the poor corporate decisions or just the old staff wanting to try different things (a lot of the old podcast crew can be found on other, independent podcasts/streams), but the show lacks the cohesion and direction it used to have.
  • Gay man g
    Rest in Peace GiantBomb. Cause of death = Woke Mind Virus.
  • Zeke90000
    Boring irrelevant banter
    30 minutes into a typical episode and they’re discussing things like what they ate that week or buying a new toilet. I suppose this would be bearable if they were funny, but it’s just typical irrelevant banter you would hear in a workplace break room. No idea why this is popular, listen to ACG if you actually want to hear people talking about video games.
  • fjkjvbj
    Run GFB
    I still enjoy the podcast for the most part but it has definitely fallen a long way from what it used to be and the recent events and layoffs really doesn’t give me hope it’ll get better. Hopefully everyone stays employed.
  • Sublimer968
    Don’t miss this one!
    This is a fantastic podcast for you! The cast is full of intellectual content creators that are extremely passionate about their art. They speak to so many different audiences and have a great community of listeners going back to 2008. They are known for discussing games media, but you will find that it is so much more than games being covered. This is not another IGN or GameSpot, for better or worse (you decide). They contribute to charities to help children in need and they truly care about their audience, not just ad revenue. You can become a premium member on their website if you want to support them (I have no affiliation with their company, I’ve just listened and watched for more than 10 years). Even as some of the cast members move on to other things, like Patreon, the GiantBomb podcast and crew are still amazing (and so are the original founders, Brad and Jeff). They often go off on tangents, some cast members more so than others (Thank you Dan and Paul!). They are what I would call a family. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I do! Cheers! *Don’t forget to check out their Voicemail Dump Truck (EXIT FLU).
  • Look An Alien
    Giant Bomb is dead
    I only started listening to GB in 2014 or 2015 so I’m definitely not an OG but this show has gone down hill so far in recent years and it’s definitely not the same show it once was. Jeff, Alex, Brad and Vinny all leaving was the nail in the coffin for me. RIP Giant Bomb.
  • CpnHowdy11
    No chemistry = slog
    It all feels so forced now, rip. Great back catalogue
  • FarrisTheWheel
    Lost its Luster
    While I still like everyone on the show, most episodes have no rudder and feels more “fly on the wall” of loose conversations instead of a full show. Jan’s great, but a non-existent host, which causes endless cross-talk and non-sequeters. I can’t focus on what is being discussed for most episodes, so I just bail.
  • UpUpDownDown81
    Love it
    My favorite podcast
  • JakeO85
    Was a good podcast
    Used to love this podcast then they shed all the good members and finally Jeff leaving (being fired) was the last straw. RIP to Giant Bomb it was alot of fun.
  • digitaldemigod
    All good things come to an end
    4 minutes of ads before a super long musical intro… they actually start speaking at about 5min in. Jeff gone. Brad and Vinny gone for a while now. It was already hard enough losing Ryan. Now, I just don’t see what reason there is for this podcast to exist. Clean. CLEAN?! Why? I came for the personalities. They are now gone. Unsubbed.
  • FeelsMid
    Still pretty good. Jess is insufferable but I throw no shade. All people aren’t for everyone and 1 out of 7 ain’t bad. Recommend.
  • Cateraaade
    Show used to be my favorite
    10 years of my favorite show. This is not the same. Everyone scraping for time on air and repeating themselves. This show has become a clone of Kinda Funny content. Sad. Jan, stop pointing out segues. That is bad radio.
  • Lyudmila Pavlichenko
    Gosh, this used to be a really great podcast
    GB has had its time in the sun, but now its really just a shell of what it used to be.
  • jnb58
    No longer good
    No humor. They hate the games, gamers and game creators. I’m not into their political ideologies or the other nonsense. What’s the point of listening? My old review: The show is amazing. Funny. Smart. Intelligent. Best interviews. Jeff is the smartest & funniest man in games podcasting. Drew the kind tech genius. Brad the beautiful voice with a heart of stone. The rest of the crew is great. Dan creeps me out. He is the grown up version of the movie big, a 12 year old in an adult body. (He's disabled, so be nice) If you like adults with adult opinions that talk video games, this is it.
  • Bresnahan 1775
    Verbal diarrhea
    Meaningless chatter with no talk of video games
  • RickySB
    Solid pod
    The video version is even better! The conservative trolls review bombing don’t even really listen to this show.
  • Sydenhamspaniel
    (keep) rollin’
    The apple has rolled too far away from the tree. Back up, back up, tell me what ya gonna do now
  • What's inside?
    Remember when they spoke about games?
    Couldn’t stop listening to the podcast because we wanted to see how long before they actually talk about games. Seems like it took over an hour. Feels like without Jeff this podcast has no one keeping the podcast moving. Just going to listen to nextlanders as it’s old school giant bomb
  • TEEK5
    Disgusting leftist trash!!
    I have listened to Giant bomb for over 10 years and loved every minute. However Jeff has become a bitter old man and everyone else they have on spouts leftist garbage all podcast. His new podcast he started it with a 15 min diatribe on Covid and how he wears a mask and his kid cannot get vax’d… Good Lord will he ever learn? I listen to a gaming podcast to get away from the world and politics. It’s no wonder every GOOD personality left. So now the powers that be ring on recycled Gamespot backup hitters. Of course the start talking about being muslim and not being able to fly and how now there are two Women at giant bomb!! Who cares????!!!! Ryan would be rolling in his grave if he knew what had happened to his beloved site! RIP giant bomb it was a good run!! I’m off to listen to Nextlander!
  • AlexLOVESrdio
    Everything video games
    the back catalogue of this podcast is amazing
  • Jef (Honk Honk)
    This is not Giant Bomb
    It is now just a collection of posers and idiots who don’t know what they are talking about.
  • Rub311
    If you’re not leftist…
    They don’t want you listening. They think you’re a domestic terrorist. Show is usually great, but virtue signaling was too much. Made me vote Orange. Unborn babies have their own heartbeat detectable with current technology as early as 5 1/2 weeks. That’s only going to move earlier and earlier along with advancements. The baby also has its own unique DNA 🧬 Science yo Mark wahlberg is a national treasure
    Ben Pack
    Ben Pack This is a tribute To Ben Pack
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