Druidcast - The Druid Podcast


A podcast brought to you by the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. Your host is Damh the Bard and each episode he will feature poetry, story and song offered by Bards throughout the world. There will also be interviews with people from the Druid tradition, seasonal thoughts, explorations of Celtic mythology and history, reviews, and competitions. Please send contributions for the podcast to: podcast@druidry.org, or through the post to: OBOD DruidCast, PO Box 1333, Lewes, E. Sussex, BN7 1DX.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jess.m.irwin
    Absolutely delightful.
    I look forward to this every month! Always learn something new.
  • Daivi
    A Journey each Episode
    Clearly, I’m a terrible Bard because I can’t write a review that truly describes how wonderful this Podcast is to me. Transformative! I was listening on Spotify until Episode 8 when Damh said to write a review on iTunes. TBH iTunes is the site to listen because the release dates sort and is easier to track your episode progress. As a new Bard, between your Gwersi, listen to this Podcast while you ponder the lessons. /|\
  • MazzyBee
    I so appreciate this podcast. It has given me such joy and wonder during this challenging time. It connects me to my inner child and my true nature. Such a gift to be present with a compassionate community. Thank you for the music, the messages, the mysteries, and the magic.
  • Northfalke
    A great way to learn about Druidry
    I’ve enjoyed dozens of episodes of this entertaining and informative podcast. Thank you to all who have made it happen and I look forward to listening to many more episodes!
  • Norm of Lancaster
    New to the Druidcast
    Love the interviews, music and stories. Only on the 10th episode. Listening to 2-3 a day so far. Half way through my Bard courses. This podcast is an awesome supplement to it. Thank you! Bless it be!!
  • dandylion29
    Love it!
    Such a great podcast…. Fun, informative and relaxed… truly look forward to it every month. Music and good conversation to be found.
  • CrutchesDan
    Druid cast
    I’ve listened for years. Luv it. Never wrote a review for any other podcast. Opening music theme is so satisfying. The blend of ancient traditions and modern interpretation is super interesting. The host seems super genuine and peaceful. They spotlight music that is unique. I’m not a Druid but I love it.
  • walle6f
    Informative and inspirational
    I love listening to Druidcast! The topics are informative and thought provoking, and I enjoy the great variety of speakers and content that I probably wouldn’t have heard of or known how to find before tuning in— plus the music is fantastic.
  • Trav Hunter
    Thank you!!
    Thank you, Damh and all the folks in the OBOD office who make this available. I joined the order in December of 2018 and one of my joys is listening to all of the podcasts from day one. The trove of information contained herein is truly a treasure. Thank you all so very much!
  • JenPenny098
    The Best!
    What a beautiful way to explore this topic! I’ve just started listening and bounce back to the beginning of the podcast interspersed with more recent offerings. A whole world has opened up and it’s like coming home. The music, the presenters, the stories...it’s pure deliciousness! Thanks you Dahm for putting this together and OBOD for sponsoring this!
  • Thom "Mormhran" Potter
    Good Nwyvre
    I love your PODcast, looking forward to each. You have sent this pilgrim down into glens and fields I might not have thought about. I even load them up on my tablet to play them at work (drive a taxi, have captive audience).
  • Bozzmu
    Fantastic Podcast
    I have started with the first of the Druidcasts and am living the past working my way to the present. Fantastic variety so well put together. When you can’t be at a grove it’s a great way to go to a peaceful calm place for an hour.
  • VicManocchio
    Brilliant podcast
    Found this podcast on accident while Looking for something to listen to as an alternative spiritual source. I do not know anything about Druidry before hand. I listened to a few (mid-2018) and now I’m hooked. I’ve gone back and started from the beginning. All Of them are such good quality. Highly recommended! Keep up the great work! Thank you so much.
  • Kat145
    This podcast is a real treat. The music, the talks, and Damh’s great voice brings me such joy every month. This show is great for Druids, and non-Druids alike.
  • Danielle QC
    Love this show!
    The combination of music and education is wonderful. And wow the consistency going all the way back to 2007 is amazing! I highly recommend this podcast for all interested in paganism, druidry, Wicca, and/or nature based philosophy.
  • DruidicHart
    Love this Podcast
    I've spent almost two years catching up to this podcast, since I really only got to listen during my half hour commute to and from college, and that wasn't even a daily occurence. Now that I am caught up I felt I could finally leave my review. Damh has an awesome voice, and is a great host, and this podcast is filled to the brim with great music and interviews. It has really helped me to solidify that Druidry is indeed the spiritual path that I want to walk, and when I have the money for it I plan on starting the bardic grade! Thank you Damh, and everyone at the Order for a great listening experience and I look forward to listening to this podcast and talking about druidry for many years to come!
  • abmccull
    A breath of fresh air - thank you!
    Thank you very much for producing this podcast. I rarely write reviews, but I felt like I should let you know how much I appreciate listening to your episodes. They are a great mix of music, interviews, and stories. I love putting an episode on, going for a walk, and just letting my mind slow down and really think and absorb the topics you address. It is a great inspiration and reminder to me to focus on what really matters, absorb and digest ideas rather than just letting them wash over me along with the rest of the daily deluge. Please keep up the good work, and thank you again!
  • Gnome of the Water
    Informative and Interesting
    My husband found this podcast and recommended it to me after I mentioned I’d found the OBOD website. I’ve been curious about my Celtic roots and have always loved nature and felt most connected to myself and spirituality when in nature. Thank you for an informative podcast that has allowed me to explore new ideas and learn a great deal. I have been listening for only a few months, but have caught up to Episode 51. This winter and spring I’ve been much more observant of how nature moves through the seasons and therefore much more present with myself. It has helped me cope with anxiety and I find myself more energetic and generally happier. Thank you for being part of my journey.
  • LucJes05110
    Wonderfuly uplifting
    I started listening to DruidCast just last week, and began with the first episode. I wish I had known about it years ago. Several of the interviews have been thought provoking. The interview with 2 men from The British Pilgrimage was like an epiphany, and their songs were beautiful and still in my heart. Fiona Davidson has a new fan in me as well. I thank Damh the Bard for leading the journey through each episode.
  • staciInseattle
    wonderful discovery
    Great music, great philosophy, and amazing guests. Can't believe I didn't discover this sooner.
  • nghart
    Fabulous, Fun, and Informative
    Well done with wonderful music, interviews, and talks by an amazing array of people. Thank you Damh the Bard for this fantastic show.
  • JT-moo
    Love This!!
    I recently discovered this podcast and started with episode 1 and have been loving it. I'm new to druidry and not yet interested in exploring with others so this offers a great way to learn and experience new concepts and music. Thanks so much for doing this podcast and keeping so many episodes available. I'm going to be listening for awhile. If you're new to druidry, give it a shot. There are some interviews early on and I don't really know the people but it's still interesting and informative and I always find I'm in a better mood when a podcast is over.
  • PatchworkCrow
    Always an Inspiration
    I've just recently joined the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids, but have been listening to Damh and the Druidcast for a long while. It is always a source of inspiration and never fails to align in some way with wherever my pagan practice might be taking me that month. It's truly one of my favorite parts of each month.
  • Lowgod
    Well done.
    The audio quality and well-sourced content is very good. I really enjoy the content, the discussion pieces and the presentation pieces are very well done and effort has been put into finding experienced and knowledgeable speakers versus having random people aired with their current opinions on the subject matter. The bard does a great intro to the pieces without constantly repeating himself. I find some of the silliest stuff when I search for anything dealing druidry and paganism for podcasts and channels on YouTube and it has been so great to find this podcast. Thank you guys.
  • DharmaDruid
    Bask in Awen with Druidcast
    Druidcast has been an edutaining and inspiring addition to my spiritual life since its inception. The music, interviews, listener comments, seasonal specials, and of course, the joyful spirit of show host Damh the Bard, continue to delight and warm my heart and mind with each new episode. Keep the awen flowing!
  • gnarlycat
    My favorite podcast
    I love this podcast. It has introduced me to some really excellent music, and has been an invaluable resource for information on Druidry. It has a really interesting variety of content and I've found a great deal of the guests and lectures fascinating. I really look forward to each new epidose. Damh the Bard is an excellent host too.
  • Currywuerst
    Love it!
    Always a great show, changes up a lot and good music to boot
  • Blackpippincat
    This is my favorite podcast to take running. The beautiful music, poems, sermons, and commentaries are so inspiring. Damh the Bard's music actually brought me to tears one morning while I was out in nature jogging. Thank you. Louisville, KY USA
  • onnolee
    Amazing podcast
    This has the most fascinating guests, as well as amazing musical talent and a wide variety of topics that have taught me more about modern druidry and paganism as a whole than almost anything else. Thank you, Damh the Bard for putting this on!
  • TalisDances
    I found this podcast in early September and have been intensely, perhaps a wee bit obsessively, listening ever since! So interesting, inspiring, and thought-provoking.
  • faerynsaga
    This podcast is educational and fun to listen to. I enjoy each new episode, and I have been listening since before the tenth one was released. I learn so much and almost always enjoy the topics presented.
  • Juniper2018
    Love, Love, Love
    Entertaining and informative. I always look forward to my time listening and learning.
  • Abrecan Elfed
    I've loved this podcast since it came out.
    Damh always shares some great stuff with each and every podcast. There's always something new. I love when listeners submit their own work to be played on the show. The best episode to date, at least for me, is when Damh introduced us to Robin Williamson. Five Denials on Merlin's Grave is an awe inspiring piece of work. Thank you Damh. Please don't ever stop.
  • Tod Benton Jones
    This is probably my favorite podcast. Damh the bard is an unfailingly affable host, and the show is by turns beautiful, inspiring and charming. Never fails to lift my spirits!
  • Sq'urrl
    Sunday Walk
    I just love listening to Damh during my Sunday walk. Keep up the good work!
  • BardCaptain
    Absolutely Wonderful
    I've just recently joined OBOD and I have to say that this podcast has not only given me valuable insight about Druidry, it has done so in an entertaining way that leaves me begging for more once an episode has ended. 10/10
  • batgirl1066
    Wonderful & Enlightening
    Absolutely love this podcast. Found it about a month or so ago, and am downloading and listening year by year. The host is fantastic, the speakers make you think and the music is very, very cool. Highly recommend this to anyone who likes to think, is into good music and/or alternative ways of viewing and living in the world. Yeah OBOD!
  • Greenman19
    I'm glad that neo-paganism/druidism is finally getting the recognition it deserves; that it is not a fad or culture, but a way of living. And on a less serious note, I love Damh's hearty laugh!
  • wolfsfox
    Great podcast
    This is a great podcast filled with great information for practicing Druids and it keeps you up to date with new music and books. The speakers are all informational and relevant and the host is wonderful as well. This pocast gives its readers a sense of connection to the Druid community.
  • Hendo370
    Something Clicked
    I've never felt comfortable with the "We are the ONLY true followers" religiions. I've listened to Druidcast from the beginning to present day and feel comfortable with the teachings of nature that are presented. I ordered the introductory Gwers from OBOD and look forward to registering and becoming a member. Thank You for helping me find a place that I belong!
  • manowarfan1
    Simply the best
    Best sounding and most informative and fun podcast on the subject, hands down.
  • Rucorbett
    Awesome Druid Enlightenment
    Dahm the Bard is a terrific host of this wonderful podcast and a great musician. The selections of music are broad ranged and a sampling of the most talented musicians committed to the Druid and or Pagan ways. Dahm always selects meaningful topics and arranges interviews with fascinating people. Being new to the world of Druidry and Pagan ideology, this podcast is a fabulous & entertaining resource! Thank Dahm and thank you OBOD!
  • Rinkelle
    Nothing short of Incredible!
    I discovered this podcast about a month ago while poking through the OBOD website (considering joining once I have the spare money to pay for materials) and as soon as I played the first episode I fell head-over-heels in love with it. I listened to every single episode in about a month and my favorite thing thus far was the Talky Bit about dragons and their origins, really fascinating stuff. I can't wait for the next episode, this podcast has such a fantastic amount of druid and pagan things and the music is AMAZING. And not only that, every time I listen to an episode I learn something new and that's something I absolutely love about Druidcast. Keep up the fantastic work, Damh, you've gained a hardcore fan and devoted listener. <3
  • Marakau
    Everything I’ve been looking for and more.
    I have come to this pod-cast fairly late in the game, but I’ve gone through and listened to the majority of them. I have to tell you it exceeds all of my expectations. A mere curiosity in Druidry inspired me to give it a listen— and I was sincerely blown away by the depth, diversity and exposure to culture I found in this delightful podcast. It’s composed of (but not limited to): lectures, talks, interviews (of all sorts), poetry and music. The host has an amazing energy that is contagious and an absolutely pleasure to listen to. Since I’ve started listening to this show I’ve joined OBOD (although there is no solicitation to do so, whatsoever within this show), it has just inspired me that much. It’s broadened my horizons as far as exposing me to ideas, concepts, literature, music and poetry I might not have come across in my own explorations. Give it a listen—no matter your walk of life and you will not be disappointed. It’s the highlight of my month. Thank you so much!
  • J3mston3
    I just love the OBOD podcast. So informative, fun, and everything in between. I look forward to future podcast.
  • Hip-iPodamus
    So Good I had to have them ALL!!!
    I just got my first iPod and the first thing I did: download each and every single DruidCast! I love all the music and all the stories and interviews... Thanks so much to Damh and OBOD!
  • Vera Lucia in NY
    I adore this Podcast. I am catching up from past shows to the present day. I love the interviews, music, lectures and story tellers... it really is endless. Thank you for all the hard work and planning this must take. Please keep it up.
  • elizabeth04041990
    This podcast is great fun to listen to! I have only listened to the first 10 so far, but I am looking forward to commuting and cleaning now!
  • Sara in MI
    Love this podcast
    This is an amazing podcast. The music and interviews are inspiring, insightful, and very informative. It's nice to have a podcast that speaks directly to the spiritual path i'm on. Thank you.
  • Kholan95
    I've been listening for about two years now and it gets better and better :Ꭰ
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