The Game Football Podcast


The Game is the premier football podcast from The Times, with the finest writers previewing and reviewing all the action throughout the 2023/24 season. Twice a week, Gregor Robertson and Tom Clarke speak to the leading football writers from The Times and The Sunday Times, offering unparalleled analysis of the latest results and commentary on emerging issues. 

On Mondays, Alyson Rudd, Tom Roddy and Tony Cascarino review the weekend's action and on Thursdays Martin Samuel tackles the biggest issues of the week alongside the likes of Jonathan Northcroft and Ian Hawkey.

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Recent Reviews
  • cjhermanns
    Stopped my regular listening
    I started listening again after the blowhard Hugh Woozencroft moved on. Unfortunately now we have blowhard Martin Samuel. A man who rambles interminably, while simultaneously being inaudible half the time as he growls under his breath for some attempt at dramatic effect. A man who thinks nothing of interrupting others. A man completely at peace jumping in and answering questions directed at other panelists. Robertson is great, as are Clarke and Roddy. Unfortunately, Samuel has made this pod unlistenable. So again I unsubscribe.
  • Socceratic Method
    Liverpool love in
    This should be changed to a Liverpool podcast because the bias and love in for Liverpool is a bit much at this point.
  • BLK_Russian!
    Football asmr
    You can barely hear them and what little you do hear will put you to sleep!
  • SpartanDE
    Get the volume fixed. You’re recording at too low of a level.
  • Vexblne
    I love the new lineup on the podcast, and I don’t know enough about audio production to help, but the current sound quality makes the podcast sound cheap - I know the Times is upper, upper class - just doesn’t sound like it. Thanks. Love the show from heart of the heartland in America.
  • Nancy from Texas
    Love the pod!
    I think the new rules against goalkeepers are very harsh. The referees seem to expect keepers to stop their bodies in motion to avoid contact with the field player.
  • Case Uteinberger
    Alyson Rudd is unbearable
    Not sure how that person is a paid journalist. Absolutely unbearable in her Liverpool bias and hate for e.g. Arsenal. Just unreal!
  • Doddy4
    Monday April 17th 2023 will be the last time I listen to this pod. Alyson Rudd is the most biased “pundit” I have ever listened to and this week Hugh also stopped to a new low. I will miss listening to Hugh and the fascinating Tony Cascarino.
  • NorCalStickyIcky
    Allyson is too smart
    I think she just tries to say the most ridiculous thing possible and then tries to use words to back it up. I don’t actually think she believes half of what she says. I really think it’s just a sign of intelligence or at the very least boredom that she does it. But I swear that’s what she does.
  • Tom Conwell
    My favorite football pod
    And I listen to them all.
  • Bennyboldodns
    Hugh Woozencroft Out
    I’m done with this podcast. Hugh Woozencroft is nasty and negative, often combative with his fellow hosts and speaks as though he — a podcast host! — has more insight and knowledge about playing football than the professionals. I’m done. And if anyone is looking for a more intelligent, less petulant football podcast, The Guardian’s Football Weekly is terrific as is the BBC’s. Woozencroft out, please!
  • 80'sVillager
    Awful Moaners
    Good God is Argentina really that bad? By the way Tom, England did not win the World Cup. In fact they got the crap kicked out of them as they always do.
  • SJCB1957
    Alyson Rudd
    I usually rate the podcast as 5 star but Alyson Rudd’s obvious Liverpool bias is unprofessional & annoying. I subscribe to The Times because it is known for factual & objective journalism but her reporting is anything but and is damaging the reputation of The Times. It’s a shame because she is clearly an excellent journalist but she is putting her love for Liverpool first.
  • AbelSouthall
    Middle of the road…
    To be labeled as average is the worst of all reviews imo. This is what this pod has become. Pretty much the same in house carousel of pundits/journalists pedaling the same partisans nonsense. I listen to all the broadsheet pods and this is by far the worst. Needs a bog shake up.
  • Alex&D
    The Thinking Fan’s Football Podcast
    I consider this “must listening” every week. Insightful & witty, with its heart in the right place.
  • SalvadorConnor
    What happened to Gregor?
    good pod but misses him.
  • pgcayman
    Red Bias
    If you’re a fan of MUFC or Liverpool you’ll like this podcast. They spend a lot of time discussing the two and the host never lets you forget he’s a United fan. Alyson Rudd should not be on a general football podcast, she can’t help herself when it comes to discussing LFC and is so biased it’s embarrassing. The others enable her by chuckling along at her more blatant fawning. Other than that the other contributors are generally very good. It’s just a shame about Rudd.
  • EmmyP11
    I’m out
    I can no longer listen to Alyson Rudd’s snide and pointless commentary about games she hasn’t even watched. She has absolutely nothing to say, and will always find a negative spin for every discussion. At times she’s just plain horrible. Unsubscribed.
  • UKNYC1
    Anti-Tottenham bias even more ramped up this season ..
    Never miss an opportunity to sneer at Spurs .. but despite that its still the best football podcast
  • petebrit
    Good value
    Looks like I am in a minority but I really enjoy the current version of The Game. I actually like the host, Hugh, having a point of view; it helps get the sparks flying. Gregor’s insider view of life on the pitch is brilliant and funny. Allison Rudd seems to try too hard to be clever, which she doesn’t need to do as she knows her stuff. Maybe I am just easy to please...
  • sunrays7
    Hugh, Gregor, and team are part of my week
    I really appreciate Hugh, Gregor, and the rotating team discussing the current topics of English football. Starting with Hugh's insistence on high energy responses to "how are you" to the lighthearted question/topic at the end, the conversation keeps moving. I also appreciate that Hugh is willing to bring forward the person of color experience to the rest of the team.
  • Forty Acres
    Trend reversal—update since this written
    Love Hugh’s energy and ramrodding the broadcast. Obviously ( see below), i am a fan. Having said it, if this podcast insists on more commercials featuring taking our Creator’s name in vane, i will drop it like a hot potato and leave you to explain your actions —- in that day! George clark Listened to this pod for years. Very entertaining. Gab’s departure coincided with the decision to be headquarters for stuff-it-down-your- throat campaign. Pretty risky decision when one has multiple, interesting Cup competitions in progress. A new low reached when pod hostess asks Female english commentator why WWC attendance is so low and pre-provides her two choices—- both imply it is someone (fifa, etc...) else’s fault ? Classic! Enough is enough. Passing on podcast till WWC / stuff it-down your throat campaign concludes. Otherwise, Natalie is fantastic hostess. UPDATE: woozencroft a HUGE, positive add. Back on board! Thank you!
  • hschanel
    Great show!
    Informative and amusing summary of EPL, European and World footy.
  • Caldarella2
    Let them boo
    People come to watch sports not political statements.
  • One drop beat
    Excellent Host
    The host, Hugh Woozencroft, is really good and makes the podcast enjoyable. The sound quality from the other guests needs improvement, though.
  • C. Thomas Mitchell
    Matt Lawton’s an English major?
    Since he can’t use correct grammar (apparently doesn’t know the difference between”less” and “fewer” for example) I wonder. And that’s before we get to his lack of understanding of the difference between men’s and women’s football. I used to love Gab as the main host. Having a nagging psycho-moralist now makes this a definite unsubscribe. For real insight, humor, and fun check out The Telegraph’s Audio Football Club! P.s. if Gregor was the main host it might be better, but I would be equally happy if Mina R were the host of the Telegraph podcast.
  • gxv5
    Dominated by Boring VAR Complaints
    This used to be a great show—up to season 2019–20. Now it’s a twice-weekly tiresome tirade against VAR. Predictably insipid and unbalanced “debates”.
    Any chance we can get some men to comment on men’s football!?!?!?!
  • JDnJo
    Where’s Gab?
    Just not the same since Gab left. The hosts try & do a good job, but Gab’s commentary was outstanding.
  • cnayala87
    I miss Gab
    This just seems bland now without Gab stoking the coals. Also can’t stand hearing contributors mouth breathing into the mic the entire episode. There are better pods out there.
  • Bop65533
    I just listened to you rather uncritically evaluating Sean Dyche’s comments about the state of diving. Comments from one of the presenters “ foreign players dive. We don’t like diving here in England.” What’s a load of bollocks. I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but there is a lot of very high-quality football content out there right now. I will go elsewhere.
  • TkToadie5
    Solid Pod
    It largely depends on what you’re looking for in a football podcast, but for an American like me who likes 2x a week with insightful analysis, this a perfect choice. NBC Sports is so top 6 heavy, and the other pods are dailys that just get to be too much. Natalie is a charming, knowledgeable host and I think Gregor will serve as an improvement over Gab (who is fulfilling his destiny as a obnoxious talking head on ESPN). Only football, no gimmicks, with a talented array of guests. Looking forward to the season!
  • DaveHuck1984
    If you listen, you’ll know why it’s 2*
    To preface this, let me say that I really enjoy Gab’s writing and technical analysis, and generally he’s alright as a guest on shows or podcasts. As a host of a show however, he is absolutely insufferable, constantly whining, cutting off and arguing with guests any time they try to say literally anything he doesn’t agree with, and displaying absolute contempt for certain teams, coaches, and players, so the point where he is actively hostile towards them when they are brought up even when they do something right. Alyson Rudd and Natalie Sawyer are both good, and if they were cohosts of the show, I would likely give the show 4*. Gab however makes it impossible to enjoy anything they say because whenever they aren’t praising his every word, he denigrates their opinions or takes. Not to mention that I’ve noticed on this show and others that he is much more combative and dismissive of female hosts and guests than their male counterparts. Please stick to the writing Gab, you are so painfully and clearly the weak link of the show, to the point that one has to suffer to make it through. The Times, you might want to consider looking for a different host and having Gab (at most) be a periodic guest on the show. I would definitely even approve of just having Rudd and Sawyer cohost.
  • Pghfan
    What? Huh?
    This pod is pretty good, but imagine if you could hear anything anyone besides Gab is saying, it would be great. He’s next to the mic screaming and there’s 5 other old British doods 20 meters away whispering incomprehensible east london nonsense.
  • whocares2553
    Bad audio, dull podcast
    Audio is poor, very low volume then a loud laugh that ruins the enjoying experience. One of the duller football podcasts as well
  • thatrealgee
    Only listen after exhausting my other football pods
    Marcotti is the weak link here. He is not a good host (good writer though), he is not objective enough. And the show needs some wit. I listen to pods during my daily long commute, the last thing I need is a boring show, so I only listen to this when I have exhausted all my other football podcast.
  • pauld59
    should be better
    Talent and knowledge is there... Marcotti is a good provocative host who does interrupt a bit too much - the journalists are excellent except the dreadful Alyson Rudd who doesn't appear to have watched any of the games she talks about and talks a lot without saying anything - former players are good - Scowcroft and Robson especially - some discussions on the major games could have a bit more structure PD
  • Kb47537426
    Marcotti is a joke.
    This podcast creates such inner turmoil within me that I cannot continue to listen, at least as long as Gabe Marcotti is hosting. He is a self promoting, interrupting, flow-killing monster. If I had a penny for every time Alyson Rudd was about to argue a good point only to have Marcotti cut her off to make an idiotic comment, I might actually be able to pay my rent. Seriously, try listening to one podcast without Marcotti cutting off Rudd mid sentence. I wouldn't go as far as saying he disregards her because she is female, but I truly would not rule it out. Someone let me know when Marcotti gets fired and I'll be back on this podcast for sure.
  • stochastic
    Could use a reboot
    I've enjoyed this pod for a few years, but the lack of chemistry seems to indicate this could use a reboot. Marcotti is a smart guy, and I enjoy his written articles, but his hosting is painful these days. He seems to delight in arguing, being told he is correct, and lording over his panelists. The old pros recite tired cliches, noncommittal safe opinions, and the occasional boring rant. I enjoy Allison and Julien most of the time. The focus on predicting games and arbitrary "best lists in the league" are basically crappy click bait fodder in aural form. Thankfully, Rory's dry analysis is absent these days. Again, I want to like this podcast, and I still listen to it on long commutes, but please do try to improve it.
  • clare howell
    Gabe's Bludgeon Approach
    I'm a regular listener here and to Guardian Football Weekly. Gabe is one of the best football writers working today, and Allison and Julien are consistently good here. But I wish Gabe would ocassionally take an aggression suppressant. He's not the best host, as he regularly talks over guests when he disagrees with points they're trying to make after he asks for their opinions. Still, an entertaining pod and essential for behind the scenes scoops.
  • Tudy01
    A must have in your football lover list of podcasts.
    Informative, argumentative, condensed and funny. Very good host and even better guests.
  • Sugar badger
    Enjoyable Listen!
    I enjoy listening to Gabe and the crew discuss football. Allison Rudd is awesome and the other panelists are also fun. Different than other football podcasts which makes it a nice change.
  • noidonotexist
    Takes itself way too seriously while citing a joke of a journalist like Duncan Castles as a source of information. Try Football Weekly.
  • mar-bear.
    Good Round Table
    Look forward to every Monday so I can download this podcast. The primarily focus on the premier league but touch base on other leagues and competition. The moderator is sharp and quick witted along with his counterparts. Usually the same crew each week. They give honest opinions and surprisingly they make sense! Shocker!
  • Goonersince70
    Agree it needs a new host!
    Since I'm no longer in the UK, these podcasts keep me up to date with UK football, but The Game is the poorest of the bunch. They definately need a new host, Gabriel Marcotti runs roughshod over the other presenters, and doesn't seem to have a feel for the flow of the episodes. I'm unsubscribing as it doesn't provide a meaningful update on the weeks news...
  • woodside4life
    Would be great except…
    The biggest problem with this podcast is the host. The other contributors range from good to excellent, especially Rudd and Cascarino. But Marcotti constantly interrupts everyone else's comments and opinions while bluntly promoting his own. Anyone who seems to disagree with his point of view is immediately shouted down. I don't know how the others can stand being rudely interrupted every time they open their mouths. If the host was actually hosting instead of dominating the conversation it would run so much more smoothly.
  • Donkeyfan
    Very nice
    Very nice podcast. Aren’t very many reasonable BPL pods. Sid Lowe only covers La Liga and Grant Wahl has a more general focus.
  • AustinLong1974
    Great perspective
    I enjoy the writing of Gabriele Marcotti so when I stumbled across this podcast, which he hosts, I hit subscribe. Little more serious than Football Weekly, and Gab or one of this guests always has an angle on a story I had not considered.
  • Dinojong
    Marcotti the ABU
    This guy is constantly knocking United, nothing we do is good. I hope at the end of season when United has won the league he enjoys his words and hat as he eats them. Most unbalanced commentary as far as United goes.
  • lairdofoceanpark
    Time for a new host
    I stopped listening to this show because Gabrielle Marcotti has just become intolerable. He seems a very likeable man as a TV pundit but he's terribly poor as a podcast host….. argumentative for no reason, gratuitously contrarian and occasionally infantile. Cascarino, Evans, Culkin and especially Rudd all do creditable work but this podcast never really shines, sings or makes you laugh. The brand needs to be refreshed.
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