
When struggling journalist Sarah Simmons finds herself stranded in an idyllic New Hampshire town, her unexpected visit turns into a nightmare. 

Steeped in history and filled with legends, the residents of Danville soon learn that the past is not always meant to be forgotten. Their lives will be forever changed, while the hope of a future without terror rests on the shoulders of a stranger who may hold the keys to the past.

This is Consumed, a brand new story set in the same universe as the award-winning hit fiction podcast, Bridgewater.

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  • scrooge macduck
    The Nokia ringtone was a bit lazy as it was used as a device in Jurassic Park when the big bad dinosaur was near, other than that it’s an interesting listen
  • edith xue
    Poorly Written & Insufferable
    Just finished this series. Not sure why I subjected myself to its entirety. The premise is one you’ve seen in dozens of horror flicks, and though the path is well-trodden, it’s not the setup I take issue with. The execution is completely predictable, and things just sort of inexplicably happen - the writers didn’t even spend the time to establish any sort of weak contrivance to motivate the story along. The voice acting is perfectly fine, but the sound design is sparse, making most of the series feel rather ungrounded. The dialogue itself is some of the worst I’ve heard. Nearly every other line is a tiresome pop-culture quip, which solidifies both the characters and their writers as some of the most annoying people of all time. Characters literally say things like “erm, that was awkward,” and “he’s right behind me, isn’t he?” which I found really obnoxious. There’s also this peculiar dynamic where every character in the show, regardless of age, demographic, etc. makes out-of-place comments embodying gen-z/millennial neoliberal politics. I couldn’t care less what the politics of the show are, but the comments don’t feel true to its setting or characters. Just about the only likable one of the bunch is the sheriff, but she sees little air time. I spent most of the listen-through hoping the two protagonists would shut up. The ending is sloppy and nonsensical. The last two episodes feel hastily pulled together and completely unsatisfying. Overall, there’s little here to redeem its faults. I’d say, skip this one.
  • Ga Dixie Princess
    That was amazing, I am on the edge of my seat waiting for the next podcast!!!!
  • Dangel23!
    Ending was unsatisfactory
    Story was predictable and the ending was unsatisfying.
  • Finding Normal
    I was really excited about this new story set in the Bridgewater universe, but it was disappointing in several ways. The very limited tie-in to Bridgewater was the most frustrating - was definitely hoping for more there. The story was very difficult to follow and hard to picture because of the lack of description. It was often hard to follow who the characters were and who was speaking - like listening to a TV show without being able to see what’s going on. (Radio dramas are supposed to fill in those gaps.) I felt like a lot of time was wasted on the romance without actually moving the plot along. There was also some of “the rest of the world dislikes Americans” self-loathing, as well as modern vernacular such as “colonizers” used by an older character who wouldn’t be using that terminology. And yeah, I don’t speak Spanish so I missed some of the story. (Do the writers know that many people speak Spanish because of colonization as well?) They only seem to have a problem with “white,” English-speaking colonizers. If you want to do a production in Spanish go for it! But if it’s an English production, don’t throw in a ton of another language (any language) without translation.
  • Luster99
    Boring and Annoying
    As a Supernatural and Bridgewater fan, I had to try this because of Ruth Connell and Genevieve Padalecki - and, of course, Misha Collins. I really, really wanted to like it, but it’s no Bridgewater - the story is boring and the majority of the characters are unlikable. Sarah is shrill and annoying and I actually cringed every time I heard her voice. Some of the other characters also routinely switch from English to Spanish and no translation is provided - listeners are just supposed to know Spanish and if they don’t they just have to miss part of the story for being ignorant (according to the show’s creators). There’s also an emphasis on social justice that is SO heavy handed that it makes the “story” unpalatable for those who just want to relax without being preached to - it starts in the first two minutes and just keeps on being beaten into you. Basically, despite the beloved actors from Supernatural the other actors and The Message bring this show down and make it a huge disappointment. It’s not fun or enjoyable and it’s a genuine slog to get to the incredibly unsatisfying end.
  • MaverickAbundance
    Good listen
  • mjuplate
    Any actors available?
    Or writers.
  • Agni Kai Martínez
    Misha as the guy telling them about the supernatural creatures. Y’all are funny
  • Starry eyed 44
    Overall I enjoy the podcast- I don’t understand the Gordon dislike, he’s fine. The main character is a bit shrill and some of the dialogue is a bit… sitcom-y one liners and little jokes that i could do without bc it’s meaningless banter. Like 5-6 lines to convey something that could be conveyed in 1 -2 lines. But it’s fine. The setting is cool - Id like more description somehow and less banter but not sure how that could work in an audio drama without a narrator? Anyway it’s creative and clearly a lot of work went into it. I appreciate the bridge water crossover. I do agree with another reviewer that felt uncomfortable with the use of Native American myth. Coulda used something else….thats a bit dated and used and has some valid criticisms. But I’d definitely listen to another season or a cross over/ spin off. (Oh and if any producers are reading : the variation in voice is super helpful for a generation raised on tv and internet! The sheriff was instantly recognizable of course but other secondary characters like Avery’s parents took a second- especially since episodes are short and spread out. )
  • BravesAndBirds
    I really enjoyed the Bridgewater series, but the quality of writing and acting in this one took a massive nosedive. I kept listening, kind of like you might keep eating something awful in the hopes the next bite will taste better…but it just never does.
  • asia.82
    Wonderfully creepy mystery
    Loved the story, acting, music and mystery’s resolution. If there’s a second season in the future, count me in as a fan and listener.
  • Not-fun
    Aaron decides his own rules
    Ignoring decades of native ppl saying not to use this thing? With typical form, aaron picks and chooses his own little reality. He never corrected factual errors in Lore when they got in the way of making a quick salacious buck. He cant listen to anyone but himself. Why would his fiction be any different?
  • Ninja master 1000
    Almost good.
    Gordon might be the most annoying character on any podcast. It starts out interesting then spirals into a sea of mediocrity.
  • Kline was taken
    Extremely promising
    It’s extremely promising and has a really strong start, but by the end of it, it’s jumping around so much that it’s hard to almost piece it together
  • lizrhodes80
    One issue
    I only took a star off cus of the use of the something from native mythos. The W@;&:o is not something that anyone should be using their stories
  • shampoobananahammock
    A great story so far
    And a cameo from Bridgewater Triangle 😍 Thanks for keeping me entertained!
  • JR🔝
    So goood!
    Very engaging story! Sarah and Gordon are stupid cute! I just wish the episodes were longer! Very good at leaving you hanging for a week! Keep up the great work!
  • JamiesTruth
    Surprisingly great cast! Great storyline. Wish the episodes were longer. I hope it keeps going. Overall it’s awesome. Give it a listen.
  • Ajbuda
    Same ole men are evil trip
    Took less than an episode for the writers bias agains men to show. Disappointing, seems like it had a little potential.
  • snow wkwlans
    Hidden Wealth?
    Far- right ads are not my thing. Avoiding taxes ? I do not understand the hidden wealth ads and I’m tuning out.
  • C friggin S
    Needs to be longer….
    I am semi enjoying this podcast, as soon as it begins it’s over…. And to be honest, not sure what is going on, accept a relationship is blooming and people are being killed…… but by what or who? Hoping future episodes will draw me in more…
  • Particular_Duckary
    Consuming my every thought
    I noticed the negative reviews and wanted to give some love back to the creators. This podcast is my new favorite and I wait each week for a new episode to come out to see how the story progresses. The characters are so much fun to listen to and the banter between our main leads makes me smile with how adorable they are with each other. I’m really excited to see where the story goes and how it connects into the Bridgewater universe. Great job creators on an engaging and funny show!
  • Max5f
    Woke trope filled garbage
    Apparently the show’s characters believe white can’t appreciate books ACAB gets thrown around and “patriarchy “ based oppression narratives… all in the same episode
  • KellF13
    Entertaining? Yes, but…
    Overall, I am enjoying the podcast. However, at times, the sheriff’s character seems too close minded. I wish the episodes could be a bit longer- they go too fast. I do agree that a child actor would be better for voice over. At times the character’s motivation is questionable. But I will definitely finish because overall, it’s good.
  • TDY Guy
    Not G&M’s Best Work
    I usually like G&M but this one went way over the top on quippy woke comments. Very forced with no value. The two main characters are completely irrelevant to the story untill the 7th episode. Their dialouge adds nothing to advancing the story and their banter is so insufferable that I kept hoping the Chief would put the reporter on a bus out of town. I pay more attention to the secondary characters because they actually let you know what is going on.
  • Jjeellyy
    Unrealistic characters, unrealistic reactions
    The challenges offered by the crazy wife and the sheriff are so unrealistic. The human response to them is also excessively unrealistic even considering the scope of the setting. Made it to ep. 5 - Too painful to continue.
  • JenYurAlxKat
    I need more. Love the fun cheesy main character. Plus I love hearing some of my favorite Supernatural characters!
  • (Walter55)
    Lovin it!
    Finally, a horror/drama with a solid story line, can’t wait for each episode. Keep up the great story !
  • ecascer
    Longer episodes please
    We need longer episodes. The 20 minute episodes once a week are not cutting it. I need more!
  • Vic2224568
    Dialogue and voice acting is rough
    Whoever wrote this needs to work on their writing skills. Dialogue is so cringe with the stupid quips in every sentence, and the two lead actors (almost all of the actors) are pretty bad at voice acting.
  • Standbyit
    Wanted to love
    The voice acting was too much- over acted hard on my ears
  • ILissaJ
    I really wanted to like this, but I just can’t listen to the overly dramatic, Kardashian-esque way of speaking and the unnecessary use of profanity. It doesn’t add anything. I prefer podcasts that are not so scripted and acted.
  • Hmmmmm….
    Lost interest
    The Sheriff’s office is a joke and the conversation between Sarah and Gordon after she accuses him of murder is ridiculous. I kind of wanted to know what’s happening but the more I learn, the less interested I get in the characters.
  • friendlyneighborhoodjustin
    Hey listen, I love Aaron Mahnke and his work, but this one I couldn’t finish. It’s really, really slow moving, and the voice acting between the two leads is distractingly bad. Disappointed.
  • btykodi
    Expected a lot more
    Ok……. I understand that this is a fictional dramatization, but it’s completely cringey- so so cringey
  • suz deirdre
    What a bummer!
    I really wanted to like this as much as “Bridgewater” !like others have mentioned it’s a bit over acted - which I think is more about the writing being a little weak - the characters are a bit one dimensional and cliched. Maybe it’ll get better … I hope
  • Soapbox diva
    Mostly entertaining and enjoyable
    I really like the storyline. Episode 6 almost lost me. The voice acting got real cheesy. Hire a child actor for child roles. Chill out on the creepy old person overacting. Up to now I have looked forward to each week’s ep. I love just about everything from Grim & Mild.
  • MrsPantsakl
    Acting not great
    It’s ok, I’ll probably keep listening. But the acting is not very authentic. Episode 6 almost made me unsubscribe. Starts with too much terrible singing and some bad ‘child’ acting. The story is good, but they need to work on making the dialogue more realistic.
  • FoneBone2019
    A small bump in the road
    I usually love everything out out by Grim & Mild but this is not it. I’m caught up & just don’t understand how nothing has happened 5 episodes in. Everyone feels like copies of characters from Bridgewater & no one is likable & the sheriff is beyond annoying. I’m hoping S3 of Bridgewater comes out soon & we straighten this ghost ship!
  • My First Game
    The amount of foul language is really overdone
    I get the stressed out high intensity character idea, but I think that can be achieved without that quantity and level of foul language. Hard to even get the to story. It’s distracting. And I LOVE Mahnke & Grim & Mild. I have really enjoyed every other story series. Bummer.
  • Jerry Cunningham
    Not good
    This is not good. Very bad voice acting. Not any close to the quality I have come to expect from Aaron Manke’s company. I have to unsubscribe after 5 and suffered through that many hoping it would get better.
  • francis savage
    I live on the danville nh line so ima give this a listen
    I live 5 min from the area so im going to give this a listen hope it’s like bridgewater really want season 3 of that
  • I love anmals
    Enjoying it but have a question
    Don’t read below if you don’t want a spoiler! I am enjoying the story so far, but there’s one part I am confused about — I just started episode 4 and why is she back in Danville? Did she miss the bus? I listened twice and it just sounds like they say last call and she goes to the bus and leaves. Or did she change her mind? Will they clarify this later at some point?
  • Archaoman
    New England Horror
    Loving the New England horror!
  • Create a nickname I
    Just started. Enjoying it!
    I just started this podcast and I’m enjoying it very much! Seems like an intriguing story that they can definitely build on. Looking forward to new episodes.
  • Chiwinger
    Chilling Drama, favorite actors!
    Absolutely love the whole cast! Great writing and acting. Storyline compelling…I’m consumed!!
  • Moonbeti
    Hope this gets better. The main character is too pitchy, unrealistic and overacted. I think it may be how it is written. There are lots of puns and sarcastic attempts at wit that seem odd in conversation both in placement and nature. I’m unsure if maybe this is aimed at teens or younger. There are some good character voice actors but a very unlikeable main character. I think I’ll unsubscribe and pass on this one. Sorry!
  • Rlarson589
    Not good
    I just want to listen to a story not an agenda. Thank you
  • Initium73
    Wonderful show
    This is a well scripted show and highly recommended
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