Former Federal Prosecutor Ron Filipkowski and British journalist Anthony Davis expose the litany of lies pushing Republicans to the extreme far-right. A new episode every Wednesday.

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  • goodvsevil
    I laugh when
    Trump exclaims he sweats like a dog- like through the pads on his feet, or excreting a fatty liquid (under stressful/sexual situations) that break down into a smell !!!!!!! It's like he completely misunderstands what dogs are.
  • NotTheRealBatman
    A Podcast in Stride
    I wrote a semi-critical review months back, with the expectations that it would never be seen let alone taken seriously. But, whether they saw it or not, every issue I had with the dynamic between the two hosts has been addressed. Ron and Anthony are able to discuss their differences in a constructive manner without relying as much on generalizations and hyperbole. As a result, I’ve really come to enjoy the two of them for having two vastly difference perspectives from which to observe the maga world. Ron is still the driving force behind the great content this podcast produces with his internet presence alone being so feared by the right that they often show their true colors while trying to deter him from simply observing them. Anthony on the other hand, has taken a more solidified host role and keeps the conversation and podcast moving without feeling like anything is being cut short or drawn out. The only thing now that I’d wish they’d consider is expanding the podcast out. It would be nice to have an extra episode a week, or at least a special episode for big events like Trump’s conviction, CPAC, Project 25, and other issues in the maga world that need to be placed under a microscope rather than just given a segment of an episode.
  • martinschroman21
    Ok Ron
    I enjoy listening to your podcast audio. No problem Ron’s camera is non functioning. I listen to audio podcasts while doing other things around the house.
  • Novella55
    Thanks for exposing the hypocrisy of Trump & his entire cult!
  • maria tenta
    I love it but...
    I get really disillusioned when i hear Anthony Davis, whose integrity i would otherwise admire, use his own voice to do commercials. I understand having to put commercials in the show, but in your own voice? Seamlessly going from the serious subject you were talking about into some silly things you really want us to buy?? This is the end of civilization!!! Why do these companies have SO MUCH POWER? Why even Anthony Davis cannot stand up to them?
  • Jggerdv
    Ron needs a better cohost
    Five stars for Ron, zero for Anthony. Anthony is an insufferable gasbag who can’t go one episode without complaining about the USA in comparison to Europe.
  • Calculatorless
    A Great Team
    Factual, eye opening nuggets of truths, delivered in a civilized manner..!! Thank you, gentlemen.
  • beselice
    Bonkers, love that….RFK. Such a good, informative Podcast!
  • Ricky Niner
    My Favorite Podcast
    Ron and Anthony make a great team. There is so much going on in the MAGA world and because of this it is very hard to keep up. I look forward to this podcast and appreciate the hard work both of you do to keep us informed.
  • rollamichael
    Love these guys together!!
    The more I listen to this pod, the more I appreciate. Ron’s depth of knowledge and clarity is refreshing. The U.K. influence keeps it balanced. More more!
  • Real Fuzz
    I love this podcast!
    I look forward to it each week! Thank you for sharing your knowledge/research!
  • Rich via21876
    MAGA explainer
    If you want to understand the current political battle that Republicans want to have, or are having, this is the podcast. All the things CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS don’t cover these guys cover in depth! Anthony not being an American exposes how crazy American politics is
  • Zed_55
    A favorite podcast.
    I really like this podcast for its depth and being continuously engaged, interesting, and entertaining. First class. Brilliant and very interesting, and extremely pleasant!
  • BaldysFJR
    Great Pod with 2 solid hosts
    Love your pod. Listened to the 3/13 episode and heard Ron bemoaning mainsteam journalism outfits not willing to promote or use meidas touch material and had to laugh. I wouldn't use it either if my only exposure was the drama that the cofounder ben meiselas produces. He takes a 2 minute story and turns it into a 30 minute pod. Total waste of time. MAGA Uncovered, by contrast, is a great pod. Love the chemistry between Ron and Anthony and Anthony limits the drama and keeps it all clicking along; no wasted time here. Lots of great content. Thanks guys!! Btw, Anthony I heard you commenting on your lack of followers on Threads, as compared to Ron a while back. I follow you both, but Ron is a content machine. Not seeing too much from you, Anthony. Get threading 😉
  • History for All
    Easily My Favorite Podcast
    This is the most valuable podcast around in understanding the civic effects of propaganda in present-day America. Well-sourced with measurable data and evidence, it shines a bright spotlight on everything the legacy media is not focusing on but needs to — relentlessly and every day.
  • RobCalifornia01
    Cold Hard Facts.
    Ron and Antony do an amazing job providing the truth. Ron is evidence that republicans can see the light and not be brainwashed by the maga movement. Love the show!!!
  • Petunia903
    Warms my heart…
    I always get a kick out of Ron telling about the republican events he attends, God bless him. I’ve been a Anthony fan from day one and when he mentioned that his wife is a sister, boy that warmed my heart. I always feel that Anthony’s responses and perspectives have flava,’ and now I know why.
  • Sadiesandy
    Love the podcast!
    I look forward to it . I love the dedication they have to making sure we are given accurate information. This is a great podcast
  • sfncar
    That’s it, another pod bites the dust. I’m so tired of “former” Republicans telling Democrats what to do and how to run things. Ron saying Sec. Mayorkas doesn’t fight back is disgusting. Some years ago a Dem said of Republicans “they’re not nice people” and every day they prove it. Ron isn’t a Democrat of any kind. Find someone else to talk to — someone with a heart and manners.
  • ImagineAgape
    Yep, 1000% on the media. It’s not even -close-to reality anymore. Can’t figure out if it’s unskilled, inexperienced “journalists” (term used very loosely), or if it’s just a battle of billionaires to shape our history into a non-Democratic version of the United States. Horrible thought, but what else explains the utter incompetence of these hosts to report what is actually occurring?? Or, maybe the media companies are just all-in on the profits, and Info-Tainment, as opposed to real information, and Info-Tainment is ruling the day…. I frankly can’t watch it anymore. I have become extremely selective on whom I watch/listen-to in this time of Information Warfare, both from forces outside of our cherished Democracy, and now unfortunately —inside— our cherished Democracy….
  • Aldo Hoff
    The BEST
    Jjust the best political pod out there. Two really smart, connected guys telling the truth behind the headlines every week. I look forward to every episode. Needs to be more than 1x /week!
  • Wisscrabbler
    Great Podcast- one IMPORTANT SUGGESTION!
    Love your show. I highly recommend we STOP saying “threat to DEMOCRACY” & instead say “threat to constitution” or to “the republic”. A LOT of people directly associate ‘democracy’ with the Democratic Party. I know it’s hard to believe but it’s very, very true. Iowa is such an example. When someone says “threat to democracy”…a lot of ppl think that means the democrats!!!
  • DrDK2
    Love this Show (also a critique)
    I find the discussions between Ron and Anthony helpful and interesting since you don’t automatically echo each other, but each add your own perspective. In todays’s episode, your discussion on immigration was refreshing to hear a difference of opinion discussed respectively. However, I was shocked to hear Ron cite videos of “male caravans” on Fox and Newsmax as his evidence. There are plenty of legitimate sites with stats showing record numbers of immigrants last year (post pandemic) and this. But Ron relying on those faux news sites for information is ridiculous. During the George Floyd protests, Fox “News” aired the exact same footage of cars on fire day after day after day. They implied these were ongoing problems even though it was a lie. They played the same fire footage for more than a month without ever admitting it was month-old video. So Ron, you need to verify before using right wing videos for your source of “facts.” Very disappointing.
  • Young MI 01
    Term: pro Life is really Anti Choice
    Interesting show except they keep referring to pro life when the movement is actually anti-choice Use actual terms to describe the movement, not some wishy-washy, positive pro life
  • fnfjrigg
    Maga cult
    Great show .
  • LL203236
    At least get the law right
    The NY governor does not appoint a replacement for Santos. Basic fact
  • Jennifer & Tommy
    Love your brain!! I had no idea about Elon Musk. America needs its own Doomsday Clock. 🕛 The second hand is at the six.
  • Mr. Keto
    Intelligence squared
    Two intelligent men discussing the latest political developments with sanity and perspective. Every episode is interesting from beginning to end.
  • gildedteig
    One of my favorite podcasts
    I look forward to listening to Anthony and Ron dive deep into the political developments of the past days, months, years. They call all the bad actors OUT. Thank you both so much for your collaboration. You help keep me going in these scary times.
  • LeeNePenko
    Excellent, informative
    Great show. One quibble: I’d rather Anthony ask more questions of Ron rather than share his opinion. I think that would be a better format. Thanks!
  • Fl dem
    My new favorite podcast!
    Great addition to Meidas Network! I live in your neck of the woods Ron and it’s a bummer that you are leaving the state. I’m glad that Anthony did not say he felt sorry for Melanie this latest episode. She’s as rotten to the core as he is.
  • JennyMdUsa
    Good show
    Great show, really original. Never skip an episode!
  • Paphuahua mom
    You're Going To Have To Come Here For The Truth
    I'm a big fan of most of the MeidasTouch podcasts and, as others have mentioned, I've always loved Ron's TWEETS. This is a very smart program and the name change is a great idea. The flow between the hosts is very balanced, they're obviously similarly matched, they don't talk over each other or spend a lot of time pimping Patreon, which I appreciate. Each of these podcasts has its own personality and that keeps it interesting too! The more of these podcasts, the better because President Biden is knocking it out of the park yet getting a VERY raw deal from the media-it makes you wonder if the mainstream media WANTS a dictatorship because if not for these programs, we'd have very little information about the many accomplishments of our current President-all we would be hearing is a passel of jabberwocky about how big Orange Geezus's ** crowd size supposedly was, how much younger and more fit this 6'10" 175# strawberry blonde dynamo is than our President, whose long overseas trips that involve a lot of very legit work and then, returning home, decides to do what a freaking 20 year old would do and get some rest! All you hear is that he went to bed. We hear about him stumbling while getting off of his bike following a 10 mile ride, while the orange hog is hard pressed to waddle on and off of a golf cart to play a game where, by all accounts but his, he shamelessly lies and cheats, pretending to win tournaments 20+ years in a row, to beat Tiger Woods, and to score well under Michelson. We hear about anything that even might be a stutter, but we never hear about the straight up stupidity and lies of the guy who tried to overthrow our government because he's a sore loser and who is currently controlling the Senate remotely via imaginary impeachments of our capable and experienced President with no real reason, they're hoping to find something as they go along, which is not how that works-and while the #HeinousProgeny all held government positions with no security clearance and absconded with fistfuls of cash from foreign entities-but it's Hunter Biden who these geniuses, led by Cheeto Hitler**, who has NEVER held a government position, that the QMAGAts want to "impeach ". The whole thing is insane, the world is laughing at us, and if not for these podcasts, we'd never hear about their depths of derangement because the mainstream is hanging on every inarticulate word Orange AdonisInHisOwnTwistedMind babbles, hoping for higher ratings instead of, gee IDK, maybe the TRUTH? You'll find that here and a few other good places-I just wish the networks cared a little more about the people they're informing and a little less about their ratings, and some of us pay attention to who advertises with the truth hiders. Does anyone else find it strange that a grown "man" makes electronic trading cards of himself ridiculously photoshopped as a cowboy, fireman, astronaut, etc? Then sells them for ninety gazillion dollars to people who can't pay their lot rent? Who makes a bobble head of himself humping the flag and another one of him pouting like a crap filled diaper baby during his most recent MUGSHOT, and selling them for $49.95? Who is a "billionaire " begging for money more than an actual panhandler?
  • Houston formerly LA
    This is different!
    Tried it b/c of knowing Ron’s tweets and am now a loyal fan of this podcast. I learn things on this podcast that I hear nowhere else. The story behind the story and also explanations for the incomprehensible. I appreciate you guys!
  • Jules in Phoenix, Arizona
    New Title
    I think you chose a fantastic new name for this podcast. I believe this is important for people to hear. It would have been nice if the folks on the right upheld their oath to the Constitution!!! Listening to what the heck they are saying is difficult and necessary for us to hear. It is upside down craziness! Trump is not religious and he doesn’t care about abortions. He just says whatever his people want to hear and they believe him. It’s pathetic! All the lies they say everyday is hurting our beautiful country. Thank you for your podcast and please keep it coming!!!
  • me and my GICU
    America Uncovered
    Really clear and well presented information.
  • kathy_gh
    Now my favorite pod
    Avid pod listener. This is now the pod I wait for n click on first. Love how it explains how MAGA works to those who just don’t get it.
  • Riley1958
    Can’t say enough
    Favorite podcast..Love Ron’s articles on Meidastouch.com I instantly know who wrote it because Iove his humor
  • robi 3744
    Informative and entertaining
    I learn so much from this podcast. It is all presented in a positive and entertaining way. The hosts are knowledgeable and stick to facts. I look forward to each new episode.
  • Witkneeo
    Here for Ron
    Thank you Ron for explaining the perspectives of MAGA folks from the trenches - just wish your cohost was Dr Steven Hassan or Jessica Denson for a little more depth.
  • Poopy sidd
    Good stuff guys
    Love you two together..
  • rynan463755
    MAGA Uncovered
    This new podcast has quickly become one of my favorites! Very much enjoy the informed analysis by objective political observers.
  • diana 1229
    very helpful
    i can’t possibly watch fox or ben shapiro or any fake right wing news outlets on the other hand, i feel like i’m also getting heavily biased info from the left wing media outlets and podcasts you guys provide a better and less skewed perspective that i really appreciate
  • lizmeister7
    Terrific new podcast!
    Thank you! I really enjoy listening to you both. I also really like it when Anthony cracks up with a darling giggle. Seriously.
  • fojy
    Good show
    Informative, wry commentary. Good match-up. Gets down with a light touch. Keep it up.
  • NYTreview
    Who are the ppl who matter?
    Interesting, insightful, honest discussion by two ppl who appear to be unaffected by other ppl’s real or imagined laughter and derision. If you dig in, cultivate your authenticity, you will likely do well. Thank you for launching an important service to country via podcast.
  • pasdebourree
    Great insights
    Important questions, intelligent answers, thanks guys. The GOP has become a “Full-On Fascist First” enterprise. Sad and disgusted to see swastika flags and AR-15s unleashed cross-country, like those things are “patriotic”. It’s a lot of heartache for those of us who remember WWII.
  • YUsucksobad
    The people who matter laugh at you.
    Embarrassingly impotent. What do you imagine yourself to be accomplishing here?
  • Beau’s Buddy
    TY MU & MTN!!!
    Tremendously helpful contextual dialogue!!! The flow was wonderful and the insights into De Santis and his prospective organization will be super helpful as POS44.5 trends toward prison.
  • gyhst74
    Very insightful
    Found this in my MT feed and subscribed while still listening to the first episode. Really helpful in understanding hope and why the MAGA movement is with us and doing the weird/crazy things they do.
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