Paul Giamatti’s CHINWAG with Stephen Asma

All Genres #154History #8

chin-wag: to have a chat, a friendly conversation.Actor Paul Giamatti and Stephen Asma, author and philosopher, join forces for a freewheeling series of conversations that dive deep (like, really, really deep) into the wilderness of the mind.Featuring prominent guests from diverse fields, Chinwag is esoteric in the best way possible, as Paul and Stephen delve into anything and everything: Are we living in a simulation? What’s the most perfect sentence in literature? Is Bigfoot interdimensional? Science, the occult, philosophy, magic mushrooms… it’s all fair game!Unexpected, hilarious, and maybe even profound — Chinwag is all about having a really, really good chat.Send your stories, Qs, or thoughts to 📧 questions [at] chinwagpod [dot] fm=========Make sure to follow us @chinwagpod 👉🏼YT:

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Recent Reviews
  • MajesticLobster
    Magnetic and charming hosts create a hugely fun podcast.
    A hugely fun podcast with the incredibly charming Paul Giamatti explores a variety of fantastical and absurd topics while providing entertaining banter. Always a fun listen, I’m a big fan! Edit: Chinwag Plus was a bad idea.
  • alan Lomax
    I learned a ton while I was laughing! Great partnership.
    I paid for the subscription but I’m still getting ads! Please fix this. These chinwags are super smart but also hilarious and non-pretentious. It’s nice to hear celebs and experts discussing topics instead of discussing themselves. I look forward to these!
  • He cdryuj
    Good podcast or a good swim
    I just found you guys today. I’m so happy. Because I needed THIS!! I’m not sure if I’m so happy because of the podcast or because I had the most wonderful hour long swim. But I love you anyway. Thanks
  • sambo3001
    Love the show!
    Great podcast, love the cryptoid episodes and especially the conspiracy themed episodes. Would also love to have a podcast featuring Paul, Stephen, and Bill Hader. That episode was amazing, I could listen to the 3 of you all day!
  • Mental pod
    Sad we can longer listen to a bonus episode like the Bill Hader one without a subscription. I feel like this is no longer a free and easy friendly podcast. Not inviting or something. But I loved you guys.
  • NCtrekfan
    Addictively interesting. .
    My favorite Podcast by far
  • Laurenmac808
    Love. This. Show.
    This show is….oddly cozy? The voices are pleasing. The laughs come easy. The topics are all over. I learn and I always come back for more! The combo of A-list actor and professor just works. No notes at all. Fascinating topics and love the chinwag asides. Wag on! I’ll be devastated if this show ends.
  • SirNotAppearingHere
    This is the hollow Earth of podcastdom!
    Tune in! You will not regret the time and you’ll look forward to the next show with giddy anticipation, as I do. OK, maybe not giddy. Who does giddy these days? I love the guests, and sometimes even more the banter between the hosts at the start of each episode. They could do guest-less shows and it would be as good (and indeed often have done just that).
  • App user 5/2015
    Keeping me sane in a lonely place
    Next best thing to having funny, interesting, witty friends available to converse with.
  • DHPforest
    Radio Ventriloquism
    I love this show for exactly what it is. All of the little random side conversations hence the name of the show. I listen to so many podcasts and this is the first one I have reviewed. You guys always bring a smile to my face and uplift my day. Wag on!!!
  • ClaudioRamirez
    Fun Show
    This show covers a variety of topics. They aren’t afraid to show if they are skeptical. The show is all over the place, and I love it!
  • nailpunch1
    The best
    So funny and entertaining. Never know what to expect.
  • CoMakJosh
    Do you like ventriloquism?
    Random thoughts with thoughtful people. Occasional deep dives into traditions of the finger lakes and borscht belt comedy.
  • box299
    Love the show
    I am a true sceptic. If anything paranormal was real, corporations or the military would have found a way to exploit it by now.
  • Cager Clabaugh
    I love cryptozoology!
    So much fun listening to all these shows, I love the fringe! Fun to listen to on dark stormy nights!
  • Jim Wizzman
    Always interesting!
    Interesting topics covered by a couple of likable and engaging guys!
  • teenagerdog
    Top podcast but please
    Favorite podcast. But. My thoughts: keep it pertinent and real with some hint at supernatural. Too many obvious fraudsters on the past two episodes. Time and existing for a long time are not data. Word of mouth is not data. Having a tv show is not evidence. You both are doubting these people so don’t even bring them on. Talk about them. Analyze their theories and statements. It’s fun. But don’t give them airtime. Bring some real scientists (with some open minds) back on! No quacks!
  • RomyinLA
    Proud Weirdo
    This podcast reminds me of late night conversations I used to have with my dad on camping trips when I was a kid. Topics like UFOs, big foot, ghosts, the Bermuda Triangle, the existence of god, who really built the pyramids, etc. My father was a aerospace scientist, who was highly intellectual and had a curious mind on all topics. As a little girl my father fostered my curiosity about the world and all things seen and unseen. This podcast is a continuation these types of conversations, which I rarely have anymore since my dad passed. Paul and Stephen would have fit right in sitting around the campfire and having a good chinwag with us. Love you both.
  • RebeccaMG13
    Wag on weirdos!!!
    All hail King Paul of Neptune!!!!
  • mollyblue
    Lively, intelligent, and engaging! Love it!
    I’ll be listening to Chinwag from now on! It’s like being in a lively conversation with good friends who are all curious, open-minded, and witty.
  • jklmeow
    Wagoner trip to Chernobyl. I’m in.
  • Moo-moo mama
    What?! Chuck Bryant !! Love
    Best of both worlds, Chinwag and Stuff you should know !! Love the colab!
  • MartyJPro
    A proper wag
    What a great idea, two minds, two heads and two chins talking about the stuff that I already have curiosity for. Paul and Steve you guys did it
  • DFES Teacher
    I get lost in this show…in a good way.
    Just when I think I won’t find a topic relevant or interesting, these gentlemen make each topic they discuss both things! The time flies as I attentively listen. Thanks for this podcast!
  • Denofthedead
    My happy place in the podcast world
    This podcast scratches an itch that hasn’t been scratched so well since the late 80’s/early 90’s Time Life Book series, “Mysteries of the Unknown”. It’s not locked into to a specific genre like true crime, etc. It’s open to anything and everything from ghosts to UFO’s to Bigfoot to Buddha to Baseball. This is the podcast equivalent of ‘Must See TV’. If you don’t listen you’re probably a lizard person or live inside the moon.
  • BradPDX
    Giamatti exceeds
    I’ve always loved Giamatti’s screen work, but had no idea what a curious, funny and slightly profane man he is. He and Steven Asma dig into odd little corners that have little to do with acting and it’s smart, witty and captivating. Listeners who like this should also check out the Omnibus podcast with Ken Jennings and John Roderick.
  • yoyolabelle
    All I can say is thank you. ❤️
  • Sofie hatter
    Love the show!!!
    It’s so awesome that they invite different guests from different aspects. Some gets technical, some are just hangin out, chilling, chinwagging. The energy is always awesome. It’s information, funny and entertaining. Love it. Thank you, Team Chinwag.
  • ciinnamongiirl
    New favorite podcast!!
    Love Paul Giamatti! This show is the best and I’m so delighted to have found my new fave podcast!
  • SLC1957
    My Favorite Podcast!!
    This is one of the best and my most favorite Podcasts I’ve found! Touches on all the subjects I’m interested in and love to hear and talk about! The problem is my friends don’t get me! So Chinwag is my new best friend …Thank you Paul and Steve for being great hosts, for your interesting and funny presentations and keeping it witty and very entertaining! Keep on wagging! See you live in Portland OR!
  • Elow20
    Elizabeth Banks extraordinary
    Enjoyed the Chinwag episode with Elizabeth Banks. Very interesting life experiences and outlook. Great flow with guest!
  • K.Lofton
    Love this podcast!!!
    Paul and Steve cover all the things I love to learn more about!!! I listen almost everyday as I just found you guys!!
  • Camino Norte
    King of Uranus
    King of Uranus might have better swag options!
  • Special C!
    Wag On and thanks for the sci-fi book recs!
    One of my new favorites though I think I have listened since day one (or two). Thank you for the sci-fi book recommendations in a recent mini episode. I hit a few of the used book stores in the Harrisburg, Pa area and found a few. You should do an episode which touches on the Kecksburg UFO incident which is near Pittsburgh. Been to the site many times where the replica of the craft made and left behind by Unsolved Mysteries is proudly displayed. My wife grew up a few miles from there. Wag On!
  • Denver Buzz
    Chinwag Rules
    There aren’t any, which makes this stellar podcast well worth listening to. The seemingly unparalleled gravitas these guys have and the mystical topics they explore finally get the proper exposure they deserve. And they have great guest as well. Thanks Chinwag! #wagon #waggers #magical
  • Ben WK
    A great paranormal podcast, frequently funny and self-aware
    A podcast I didn’t know I needed, delving into topics I’ve always been interested in, like the occult, cryptids, ghosts, UFOs, and other esoterica in an unapologetic, endearing fashion. One of my favorite actors is the co-host, Paul Giamatti. It’s a nice surprise that he’s so interested in this stuff. I’m a bit skeptical, more of a “I want to believe” kind of person. I think the secret sauce is that Chinwag isn’t hosted by tinfoil hat wearing nutjobs, but two curious, thoughtful, artistic people with a relatable approach. The back-and-forth with co-host Steven Asma reminds me of my interactions with friends, family, and some past educators. It’s funny, self-aware, and laid back. I highly recommend this excellent podcast, my favorite right now. Maybe the astral plane for a future topic. Please get Guillermo del Toro as a guest some time!
  • naghoji
    The Sideways effect
    I came to this podcast because of the audio commentary on the Sideways DVD, the back and forth between Mr Giamatti and Mr Church was like sweet sweet lovemaking. The most amazing commentary I have ever heard. It made the movie even better. This Podcast does not disappoint…. Sweet sweet lovemaking lol
  • Kerrishp
    Such a fun show
    I’m from NY and my boyfriend is from the UK. We split our time and we listen to you guys wherever we are. Thanks for the constant laughs and for being so “down to earth” outlandish! Love it! Keep it coming!
  • 🧘🏼‍♀️🎶📕
    Love the wags!
  • Jill satran
    Super fun!
    Guilty pleasure topics. And how much fun to explore them with these two guys.
  • Chazperanto
    Love the pod! Paul is great and it’s nice to learn more about Sir Asthma of Stephen!
  • Tony the Snitch
    Intriguing and lighthearted fun
    I heard Paul speak about this while listening to his interview on Howard Stern. Being a fan of all things that ask questions and straddle the natural and supernatural world, I gave it a try. I thoroughly enjoy the humor, use of real language and deep dive into some interesting facts that emerge from the underbelly of the human experience. As an archaeologist/anthropologist, and a part time member of academia, I too am intrigued with the stories, legends, tall tales and folk stories discussed. keep up the great work and keep asking those odd questions! And Paul, the site who’s name you always butcher is Göbekli Tepe in Turkey.
  • YankeeWolverine
    “Stop me before I bring up snuff films”
    If that line intrigues you (and I know it does), then listen to the Patton Oswalt episode. If that episode is to your liking, then you may have found your new favorite podcast. If it is not to your liking, well, l’m sorry for you.
  • Rickdb2001
    Unapologetically Intelligent
    Thanks so much for conversation that is funny, irreverent, and smart. I wish my friends were this intelligent! I look forward to every episode!
  • robert e g black
    Love this show…
    Recent alien talk got to a point about misunderstood gadgets that reminded me of this but from J G Ballard: “I firmly believe that only science fiction is fully equipped to become the literature of tomorrow, and that it is the only medium with an adequate vocabulary of ideas and situations. By and large, the standards it sets for itself are higher than those of any other specialist literary genre, and from now on, I think, most of the hard work will fall, not on the writer and editor, but on the readers. The onus is on them to accept a more oblique narrative style, understated themes, private symbols and vocabularies. The first true s-f story, and one I intend to write myself if no one else will, is about a man with amnesia lying on a beach and looking at a rusty bicycle wheel, trying to work out the absolute essence of the relationship between them. If this sounds off-beat and abstract, so much the better, for science fiction could use a big dose of the experimental; and if it sounds boring, well at least it will be a new kind of boredom.”
  • Billy Ray
    Up my alley!
    I love this show! The hosts have great chemistry and explore the offbeat topics that have always fascinated me.
  • Dill1Dom2
    Just lovely
    I’m currently in the Peace Corps in Uganda and, naturally, it gets real lonely sometimes. That said, this podcast helps me so much. P&S are lovely, kind and fun. Life can be so scary, strange and sad, but the pod reminds me that life can be silly, fun and genuine. I’m always stoked when a new episode comes out. <3
  • Jim Ohio1
    The Abbott and Costello of High Strangeness
    I’m not sure who is Lou and who is Bud but this is a fantastic podcast. If I could have listened to this podcast in the 80s when I was in college, I would have occasionally spilled bong water on myself in amusement/fascination. Chinwag present an informed and interesting discussion of ghosts, aliens, the meaning of consciousness and monkeys. Paul and Stephen’s episode with Errol Morris about Nub City, Ed Gein and 1000 pound sisters might be one of the best interviews ever. I will also never look at calamari the same.
  • jps in austin
    I heard Paul say in an interview that he was involved in a podcast. He is one of my favorite actors, and it was not surprising to hear him speak of so many interesting topics. Along with Stephen, the duo provide a wonderful atmosphere of exploration, interest and nerdy fun. Because I enjoy listening to history based podcasts, I wish P and S would discuss a historical subject sometime. But for now, thank you gentlemen.
  • Bzsamsp
    Love the Chinwag. These two are a great combination. Goofy, yet super interesting. Great topics. And really enjoy the bonus of paul reading the classics stories. And a great drinking game… - 1 drink when paul says “interesting “ - 2 drinks when paul says “fascinating “
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