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praxis78At least....this feed doesn’t have the low-IQ snide political commentary.
loveofcrimeLove love loveThis is perfect for listening to when you’re winding down to fall asleep. I fall asleep before the end of every episode but I always go back and finish the second half the next night. I am a subscriber to Scale and Scale because I love Mike’s voice, storytelling and most of all, his funny and sarcastic remarks to all the idiots and morons in the world who think they deserve to take someone’s life and then get away with it.
KelshypFan hereI love all of mikes podcasts
WildriverrunLove loveI love the short ones. My husband and I listen to them while eating dinner. Thanks Mike for the excellent podcasting. I’ve been following you since the beginning
dd1768904567Best True CrimeNo other True Crime podcast comes close to Sword & Scale and Boudet’s commentary! Far from boring!
MimleryMikey SnowflakeHey Mikey are you going to ever make any new eps.? We want podcasts not tv dude🙄
Hike On 84Great show!!The way he delivers a story has me hooked from beginning to end. The show covers stories that are lesser known but equally important and fascinating as the big ones that every other podcast has covered a hundred times. I have recommended this show to multiple friends and co workers who are now avid listeners as well.
ZaprviserStop 💀💀To scary I am a crybaby I’m sorry 😭😭😭😭😭
skjxksndkdksndjAmazingIm having a hard time not bingeing all of them !! I listen at work as I am a truck driver and I’ve always loved how you tell these cases but nightmares is possibly my favorite
Mtalley79ExcellentVery well done! I am not sure which format I like better. Both excellent. Can’t stop listening. Definitely recommend
hrhrnfjfjjfjfjfEnjoyReally enjoy the podcast, wish it was longer but overall I enjoy them!!! Keep them coming!
MarkMarkMark5You will definitely fall asleep fastThere’s nothing really scary or nightmarish about this podcast. It’s actually pretty boring and you will find yourself knocking out after a few minutes. I’ve heard stories about the host that are even scarier.
JpisatowskiExcellentI am so glad you are not woke
itwasntmesir45Love Mike!Love the show and love how Mike doesn't give a F&&CK what haters say or think. It's so refreshing in a cesspool of overly sensitive and over offended nutters. Love this!
yodabostonMy favorite podcastLove the narrator, his voice is so believable.
Ceanne 11Kimberly Cargaylethat episode is just great. a few comments the podcaster makes about family court is so true. he knows it well. i simply love his podcasts. he’s the best. Family Court……. how does the system still operate so unfair and unjust? yikes. C Pater.
JayzeppsTop tier true crime storytellingAs good as sword and scale with a better intro. Each episode is organized, detailed, and recorded/edited well so that I can listen in the car and the road noise doesn’t take away from it. I like that most episodes include the actual recordings from the case’s evidence, it’s why I will always listen to this guy’s podcasts.
YankiJHOST IS MAGAOverall podcast is good but host continues to add his POV on all things MAGA and how happy he is trump is back in office. Let’s focus on the podcasts and keep quiet on your beliefs.
Just A Common ManGreat political rant podcastMike Boudet is a little man with a lot of anger. He’s a great spokesperson for lgbt community
BNH_Sigh ..we asked for a story not your political opinion.During the last episode, Mike made some very republican remarks about the state of California adding his opinion that no one asked for. Yeah I’m good..unsubscribing.
BMZ2832The best podcast!Mike is an incredible story teller! The best true crime podcast out there! Also love his wit through out the shows. Keep up the great work !
skylargraman99Be careful about subscribingI used to be a huge fan of Sword and Scale, but found that I was listening to more audio from interrogations/interviews/media/etc., than the actual narrator, so I decided to end my subscription and deleted the app. It is personally my biggest pet peeve to listen to a podcast and hear more crappy audio from other sources than the narrator. Despite ending the subscription in my Apple account, I was shocked to receive a $19.99 charge from PAYPAL (never used PayPal in my life) at the end of the month for a "super supporter" subscription to Sword and Scale. Now, I'm not at all blaming the host or show for this, I know I was probably being negligent to some terms and conditions, but I was infuriated to be charged this as it was quite literally the last $20 I had in my account. Because it was a debit card, I couldn't even dispute it, and the bank would not accept it as a "fraudulent transaction." So just be careful when subscribing, and make sure you are aware of where and what your payment method is being stored.
Rinner428Simply the bestNo one tells a better story - best podcast out there
freefun1212great!love how you voice your opinions with no fear of crazy leftist mobs. keep up the good work!
asucenabBedtime podcast?2 stars bc of the loud ads scattered thru the podcast. This is supposedly a bedtime podcast but the ads will sometimes keep you awake. Other bedtime podcast will include ads but in a quiet smooth tone that don’t interrupt trying to go to sleep because they are mindful. The stories are good and short. Some of his side commentary make him sound like a bitter old man who’s been thru a nasty divorce but I can get past that. I just can’t get past the loud ads when I’m going to sleep. Do with this information what you will. If you don’t sleep to podcast then it’s worth a try.
rockymtn girlLove it!One of the best shows! Love Mike!
SF YvonneTrump loving racistYour a pig you want women silenced and your a racist! Go away
Frank The tank 305Very right wing - MAGA viewsThe host seems to love bashing women and minorities basically pushing anti immigrant sentiment to listeners. He also has a huge problem with women and has a really sarcastic way of discussing them. He’s basically a Florida man. Hates women, immigrants, and California. Hahahah. He must get his personality from Fox.
trb3,e1Mike is the best in the business. Hands down!!TB
mmcw1226Sword & Scale is, by far, the best.S & S snd S & S Nightmares are the best in its genre. There is no comparison, Mike Boudet Reigns Supreme 👑👑‼️‼️
Rugged SissyFinally doneI’ve given this guy a lot of time… used be just annoying side jokes without the benefit of good humor or wit, unfortunately the neuroplasticity that fails us all as we age, seems to have finally settled into concretion for Mr. Mike. He’s doing black and white(mostly the latter) thinking on the greyest area of the entire political system, the judiciary. The JC case was tragic and in all likelihood the murderer has escaped justice. But to pin it on a certain sector in the community( which was done tacitly,)and then label them as crazy ignores a whole lot of context. Maybe shallow dives into cases are his strong suit, unfortunately that also means that knee jerk racist coding can get introduced and passed off as a common decency. Pity.
Gulag 69Sword & Scale/NightmaresBest podcast out there, great writing and intense, captivating narration. There are a few podcasts that are close, but this is in a league of its own.
Cinnamon cjThis is awesomeAwesome podcast!!! Love it
elyelyuhohLove your openness!Not only is this an awesome podcast with a great storyteller. I love how your personal feelings are so openly said. Great great podcast!!!
AndNiqueSaysThankful for the alternative but please leave out the extraAppreciate this show better then Sword and Scale. The music is better and it’s straight to the story. Please keep the side banter and opinions out as that’s what makes S&S so impossible these days. Nightmares is perfect as is. Just tell the story ❤️
Benz18merci love ☕️🍿🤯i love this podcast so much! the sound effects, your voice and most of all honesty!! thank you for getting upset with us! some times you add the small quote with an fbomb i just can't help but gasp! i am in utah, have you heard of the Susan Powell Case? she's still missing, with your twist maybe we can revive her case. keep the awesome work!
SoberlunaticBOB AND TOMLove the show, but I think you’ve upset many people in Indiana. You incorrectly referenced the bob and tom Syndicated radio show is originally from Ohio. Actually Indiana. There’s more than corn in Indiana.
Kradie RNo thanks, I’m goodI thought the story was interesting until the host started commenting on a racial aspect of the case- it’s clear he doesn’t have understanding of how racism could possibly affect people’s bias. It’s quite possible it didn’t influence the case he was talking about but he dismissed with no further discussion as to why he thought it didn’t when people involved in the case made that claim. He started to go into the current ‘political atmosphere of the country’ and that’s where I tuned out. I don’t need to waste my free time listening to people who aren’t open minded enough to present multiple sides of a case in a mature way.
TruRVOver MikeHis podcast used to be so good. I thoroughly enjoyed and raved about S&S to everyone. The stories are boring now and his side commentaries about politics, women etc. I would typically roll my eyes and wait until he was done…but now I’m over it. I know he couldn’t care less about losing a listener.. but I was loyal for years and was a paying subscriber and supporter. I miss the days when politics and opinions were left out of entertainment. Goodbye S&S.
Anastasia Beaverhausen01Overly dramatizedWhy is there so much unnecessary filler in the dialogue? It takes forever to get to the point to make the story longer. I want to like this podcast but I can’t listen to more than two back to back episodes due to the overly dramatic pauses. It’s just unnecessary and annoying. I’m shocked this podcast has such high ratings. The script is assumptions. Were you there during the suicide pact with the daughter and her parents? This podcast is telling fictional tales, not reporting truth.
t3l5j5I THOUGHT I found my new thrill…Update: The host had me until he let his racial biases show. Of all the horrible cases he’s told us about, I’ve never heard him rage on someone so much until the perpetrator was a Black man who, no matter what we think, (I think he is guilty, btw) was found not guilty twice. Judging by the previous comments, your audience would rather hear just the facts sir, and not your racist and sexist opinions. Btw, I see what you did with the cover art of this episode (No Justice)…will definitely be unsubscribing.
nucky numesBest true crime podcast. Ever.Great cases that aren’t covered by other podcasts and Mike is hilarious. Contrary to some people’s opinion, he doesn’t hate women. The guy has common sense, a brain and is hilarious. And yes, I’m a woman.
BAR#907EpisodesThe skillful telling of these unthinkable crimes is captivating. Decades ago I became interested in true crime because of my teenage children, maybe I’d learn something to help protect them now it’s more about awareness for my own safety. Good stuff. I became a subscriber today!
kikianne666Hard Pass!!The digs and comments against women and constant insertion of political opinions is a turn off. Also the delivery is GOD freaking awful! No one wants to listen up anyone pausing every 2-3 words for some sort of dramatic effect.
jaronj21Great stories poor personal commentaryI have listened to your podcast and look forward to the stories but the side commentary that are based purely on personal preference makes me reluctant to tune in. I think your podcast would be so kc better if you left it out. I’m a sucker for a humor and sarcasm but comments have an undertone of racism, misogyny, and are divisive. The content is great and your voice is made for podcasting. I enjoy the stories a lot. The side commentary not so much
YaarieeeUghhhLoved listening to Sword and Scale so I was super excited about this new podcast but unfortunately the host has lost my attention. He is always making condescending comments about sex, race and politics. WE DO NOT CARE. So frustrating because the stories are unique unlike other podcast but I cannot continue.
internetbridgetIgnorant*Most* battered women don’t know they’re battered? This guy is a moron.
IndonesiajjjdNoAnyone wanting to check out this pod or Sword and Scale, the host hates women a lot, is pro Trump, thinks jurors are stupid and thinks everyone should have guns. FYI.
kckckckckkckckckckcDude who hurt you????
JrockG14The best podcastI love this podcast. There is always great content. Voted #1 of all times.
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