After Dark Photography Podcast


The amount of detail modern digital cameras can capture of the night sky is AMAZING. But what exactly goes into creating nightscape images? Listen in as Kristine Richer, artist, mother, educator, and CEO takes you on a journey into the dark with your camera. As a new mom Kristine found herself without a creative outlet, gone were the laid-back weekends of chasing waterfalls and sunsets with her dog and camera. So she did what any totally sane new mom would do and stayed up all night photographing the stars instead of sleeping. Now Kristine has taught over ten thousand students how to photograph the Milky Way and has created a dedicated community of slightly crazy, night-obsessed photographers just like her. In the After Dark Photography podcast Kristine brings together the artistic right brain and technical left brain by exploring creativity, art, and inspiration in photography, as well as the technique, gear, and strategy necessary to elevate your craft and get started in night photography. Step into the dark with her and find a world filled with awe and wonder just waiting for your camera to capture it.

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Recent Reviews
  • Charles in Annapolis
    Great Life/Career Advice Beyond Night Photography
    I found this podcast after I signed up for Kristine’s Milky Way Magic Master Class. Since I am taking a respite from political new here in the United States as we approach the 2024 Presidential Election, I was looking for a distraction — a podcast that aligned with my interests. The After Dark podcast is much more than a simple distraction. Kristine bravely shares a piece of herself as she describes in detail (technical and emotional) her path to success. Although I am not looking to start a new career as I approach retirement, her honesty, insight, self-reflection, and self-awareness are truly inspirational.
  • Cathy Warner Creative
    Invitational and Inspiring — I Found My Mentor
    I love this podcast and all the information and encouragement Kristine offers in her free trainings and paid classes. It is so refreshing to have a wise woman’s voice and the domestic perspective in the conversation about night photography. Kristine’s content is accessible to everyone, and she exemplifies that one needn’t travel to exotic locations or buy top-of-the line gear to undertake the creative journey of making images after dark. She’s an expert in all things night sky, but down to earth in her delivery, drawing the listener in with anecdotes from her own experience. Listen in and you’ll be mesmerized.
  • Louisiana Nightscaper
    Fantastic Info
    A great way to plan each month. Kristine keeps it simple and chock full of nuggets!
  • nc_djdennis
    A superb introduction to astrophotography!
    In this podcast, Kristine introduces listeners to all of the concepts needed to get started with Milky Way photography, in her usual clear, accessible, and upbeat style. Both artistic and technical concepts are covered. I'm an alum of Kristine's Milky Way Masterclass and have followed her since 2020. She is an outstanding photography teacher! Her instruction has greatly improved not only my astrophotography, but countless other aspects of my photography. Highly recommended!
  • Queenlily13
    Art and technique combined!
    Love hearing Kristine share her wealth of knowledge about night sky photography! Milky Way photography has always been especially magical to me. There is so much emotion in each shot, but you also have to know what you are doing, technique-wise. Thanks to Kristine for your fun, friendly, and information podcast for all of us night sky lovers!
  • KSFHigdon
    Great ideas and presentation
    I thoroughly enjoy listening to Kristine teach. I have taken several of her Masterclasses and learned so much! Her teaching style is so down to earth, you feel like she is talking just to you. Her podcast is the same. There is so much to learn about night photography and Kristine makes you feel like you CAN do it and not be overwhelmed. I am so glad this podcast has been created by Kristine.
  • Bel7708
    Great Teacher
    Kristen is a very informative Teacher and person. She is so easy to listen to, and makes each podcast full of information. I have learned so much more about photography that I never knew. You will be glad you listened to Kristen's podcast. You will be a much Better photographer for doing so.
  • gt2lvem
    LOVE After Dark Photography podcast!
    This is such an amazing way to share your work, story and craft Kristine! I have loved being in your photography classes and this is such a great next step to sharing with the world. Thank you and can’t wait to listen to each podcast.
  • The EffortLESS Life®
    A wealth of knowledge!!
    This show is a must-listen for photographers and aspiring photographers who want to explore and capture the wonders of the dark and build a fulfilling career as a nightscape photographer. Kristine shares from her own experience in such a real and down to earth way. Hit the follow button and add this show to your rotation — you won’t be disappointed!
  • shirleymcswayne
    After Dark Photography Podcast- Kristine Richer
    I love this!! Kristine’s podcast is loaded with so much valuable information and delivered in such a way that I wanted to hear more and more! In fact she captivated my attention and I was completely consumed with all the material she presented, that I listened to each podcast back to back! I learned so much in each presentation and can’t wait to hear more!
  • Daphni A
    Why I Shoot and my Story Themes Resonate
    After listening to the first couple of episodes, Kristine’s ability to have me stop and think about my story truly resonated! Then on to Ep. 2 as to why night photography is different hit home! Yep I will drive to the middle of nowhere to get the shot. I plan my vacations around the new moon and then where can I get set up to take my shots. Kristine’s ability to weave a tale is truly wonderful!
  • Kethrys/Trudy
    photography enthusiast
    Kristine is an excellent instructor. She explains things very clearly in a way that's easy to understand. I am looking forward to more of her podcasts.
  • mommylater
    Educational, Reflective, Engaging and Entertaining
    Just binged all 8 of the episodes currently available on a road trip with my family. Part way through the first or second episode, my husband said, “She really is amazing!” We made a stop and when we got back in the car, my ten year-old said, “Mom, can we listen to more of that photography thing? I really like it!” And my 7 year-old daughter chimed in with, “Yea, me too!” Needless to say, it was a hit all around. I am a student of Kristine’s, and I learned even more while getting a nice refresher on other topics. I feel like many of the topics will help me to grow not just in nightscape, but in all photography. Kristine is an excellent teacher. Her sharing is vulnerable, making her incredibly relatable. Listen and enjoy!
  • SLC Starter
    Improving My Photos
    The episodes of the podcast I have listened to so far have reminded me to return to the basics and to not overthink things. Kristine presents information in a straightforward and accessible way.
  • Night Photography
    Awesome Podcast
    I have taken seveIrial of Kristine's classes and was thrilled to find out that she was starting a podcast. I am going to be up all night listening.
  • nnhojj
    Whole brain art therapy
    Kristine provides a unique blend of inspiration, artistic expression and technical expertise in an enjoyable experience.
  • Jose Benjamin @ Lacey
    The podcast is inspiring and motivating. Christine is a great teacher. I have always been a photography enthusiast but just renewed my passion for learning new techniques a few years ago. I’m glad I discovered Kristine Rose’s workshops and now her podcast provide another avenue for learning. I would highly recommend her podcast to all who are very interested in astrophotography.
  • Sagepicklesmom
    Wonderful teacher
    This lady knows her stuff.. She is a wonderful teacher and explains things so you can learn and understand.. she doesn't talk above you and is just a nice person and cares that you learn something and you will if you want to...listen and judge for yourself,, you won't be sorry..
  • Freefall0703
    Fabulous Educator
    Kristine has the ability to talk to you and not sound like she is lecturing you in a course. Her method of teaching is easy to understand and comprehend. I have learned more about photography in a few months with her as a mentor than 40 years of self teaching and reading books on a subject. Kristine is very throurogh and fun to listen to.
  • nnelsj
    So helpful
    I took my first Milky Way class from Kristine in 2020-I knew nothing of night photography and very little about my camera. It was just something to do during COVID. Now I am hooked. These podcasts are adding to my understanding of the what and the why. Loving it!!
  • ShaunaM9
    Loving After Dark Photography!
    I've listened to the first couple of Kristine's podcasts and am loving all she has to share with us! Encouraging and inspiring us in our night photography pursuits, while teaching not just technical photography details but also leading us to dig into our own artistic journey. Thank you Kristine, and I'm looking forward to learning so much more!
  • NightCat57
    A wonderful podcast that will inspire you!
    This podcast speaks to your heart and to your brain. It is geared for those of us slightly crazy nightscape photographers who stay up at night to craft beautiful images of the night sky and wish to grow, develop and explore. Kristine is a fabulous mentor and exceptional teacher. She is a professional photographer who holds degrees in photography. She has the knowledge and understands the theoretical as well as the technical aspects of night photography. She is the “real thing” She generously shares her knowledge in a relaxed and comfortable manner. It’s like learning from your best friend. Kristine always strives to help us understand the “why”
  • Lifes.Single.Moments
    Want to take night pictures?
    If you want to learn how to take night photos, Kristine is one stop shopping! I took her free boot camp and Milky Way class, which resulted in my first Milky Way picture. Looking forward to hearing more words of wisdom from a great teacher during her new pod cast!
  • Julie Botts
    Critique episode
    This episode really resonates with me. I took an online photography class a few years ago in which we were supposed to peer review our classmates work and most of the critiques were not much more than one word. The art of helping others grow in a skill as a peer or mentor should be taken seriously as you so well explained. I will look at how I comment on other’s photos and I feel I have a blueprint on how to be helpful when I do. Thank you for a frank discussion on this aspect of photography.
  • kitchenmann
    I loved the first episode on stories! I tend to ramble on myself. You are so good at keeping the attention of your listeners! Jeff
  • Carpe317
    What a great podcast. Kristine just pulls you in and has so much knowlege to share. You feel like you are sitting in her living room. Learning has never been so enjoyable. I feel like we are friends already...looking forward to more episodes.
  • VTlover123
    After Dark Photography Podcast
    I have been a student of Kristine’s for well over a year now, having taken her Milky Way, her Photoshop and her Star Tracker classes. She is as knowledgeable, well articulated and wonderful storyteller on her podcasts as she is with her online courses. Kristine is, frankly, a beautiful soul who invites us to be a part of her creative journey and who shares her knowledge and love of what she does selflessly with her followers. Enjoy!
  • Beachcrew
    Learning so much!
    I went from using my camera in auto mode to taking pictures of the Milky Way under Kristine’s free courses - I’m hooked and it is a fun hobby to do with my son! I am grateful for Kristine’s teaching style and her generosity in sharing her know how. I have a lot more to learn so I greatly appreciate her podcasts!
  • diannavh
    Listen to learn, listen to enjoy
    I‘ve been a fan of Kristine’s for several years and every time I watch one of her training sessions I learn something new. You’d think that with photography as the guiding theme you’d have to see something to learn something, right? All it takes is one listen to discover that the right person can guide us in learning how to see, how to visualize, how to plan, how to create images that will bring us back to the scene, to the memory, every time we look at our photo. Kristine is the right person to guide us in creating what we envisioned. Kristine’s podcast combines a passion for photography with an almost zen way of seeing the world around us. With this combination we’re able to relax, learn and simply enjoy listening to being guided through the topic at hand. So whether you’re listening as you sit at your computer, at the beach, or on your porch, you’re sure to learn and enjoy each podcast.
  • adarene
    Wonderful Podcast
    I love Kristine’s podcast as it is filled with invaluable information, yet entertaining. She is a great story teller, teacher, and artist. You will not regret listening to Kristine’s podcast because she’ll take you to the stars! Go ahead, give it a try!
  • jwright...
    Kristine Rose Photography
    I also took a free online class on Milkyway Photography that Kristine offered. It was definely worthwhile
  • julietravelphoto
    gear info
    great info! well thought out enjoyed info
  • RJFreitas
    Much More Than Photography
    Kristine is not just a photographer; she is an interesting, articulate, engaging speaker whose examples and analogies go so much deeper than just taking pictures. While I can't really identify with her comments relating to childbirth, most of her comments apply to all branches of life. She has a very easy and casual way of transmitting her technical knowledge so you sometimes don't even realize that you're being educated by her.
  • JimmyGFunk
    Learning Made Easy
    Kristine is an excellent teacher. Do yourself a big favor and follow and learn. You will be amazed at the results.
  • Fred Palombi
    After Dark Podcast #1
    it was great after much trial and error of trying to find it a actually listen to it.
  • Sharondraeger
    Kristine is a gem
    You don’t want to miss a word of The After Dark Photography Podcasts. Kristine is a great teacher and very easy to understand Really knows the technical side and creative side. However she’s really down to earth and personable. She shows and shares her life as she brings us along on the journey! Sharondraeger
  • Sue ABHO
    Excellent Podcast
    Easy to follow /understand and is well organized. Segments are broken down to approximately 30 minutes which makes it more digestible. Kristine is a great story teller. I find myself keep coming back to her classes (several times) and pulling out the notes I have taken. So excited to learn more. Excellent job!
  • wolfgirl9204
    Love it!!!
    This is so good! Thank you for sharing your stories and experiences Kristine! Can’t wait to hear more
  • TechGuy951
    Lots of good information
    Lots of good information, you won't be disappointed.
  • llthomas830
    Best Night Photography Podcast Ever!
    Kristine is one of the best teachers I've ever come across. She's great at breaking down the complex into easily digestible pieces. And... her storytelling is fantastic! Excited for many more great podcasts!!
  • MWgazer
    All for the love of Stars!
    Kristine has a way of pulling the listener/student in with her storytelling that keeps you coming back for more. You’ll soon be addicted to night photography and being under the stars!
  • AP1_AP1
    Awesome podcast from an awesome instructor
    Kristine is a fantastic instructor. It's so great to be able to now listen to her chat about night photography outside of teaching. She's super easy to listen to and so obviously passionate about the topic and sharing everything about it with others. Can't wait to hear what future episodes will bring!
  • RP Inspiration
    Inspirational at it's finist
    I have listened to many prople speak about photography. They all have info to provide and the basic knowledge of the techical aspects of taking and processing images. What sets Kristina apart is her ability to connect with the artist within people and inspire them to, not only want to learn, but "WHY" you want to learn and take pictures. This podcast is of a whole different vibe to look at the art of photography. From the beginner to the Pro Kristine has somthing for everyone to inspire new energy into "WHY' we feel drawn to capture the world and universe in ways that reflect our personal connect to it. I took her free class online this spring and was hooked,on not only the information, but her tone and personality. That blend is something, for me at least, is the spark that inspires. We all have a story to tell, be it verbal or through artistic inspiration. Her first episode is the starting point for her story of this podcast. I would implore everyone that seeks to take pictures to join her and see what she can inpire in you.
  • momset
    Great new series
    After watching the first of Kristine’s free Milky Way Introduction series I was hooked. Her teaching style, voice quality and humor made learning fun and addictive. The way she presents the information is straight forward but in the flow of storytelling. I highly recommend her courses. I am so excited for this new podcast series.
  • MGilley1
    I love how she teaches. It seems like she is the only person that can teach me something and it clicks to where I understand it. She is just awesome!
  • Javajack2
    Story Weaver
    Earlier this year, I participated in a 3 session webinar series by Kristine on Milky Way photography. I found her style to be intriguing and engaging. To drive home significant points/ concepts, Kristine will not tell a story but weave a story that keeps one listening and engaged. Sometimes these stories makes one perform some self-reflection. Kristine continues this style in these podcasts which makes one want to listen to the next episode.
  • WendyBeeg
    Can't wait to hear the rest!
    I've followed Kristine for some time now as I pursue night photography. She has such great information, always presented clearly and in a way that's both understandable and relatable. She's an EPIC storyteller! I've listened to two of her podcasts so far; both were as great as I expected, and I can't wait to finish the whole series (and probably listen to each several more times).
  • mis65
    After dark photography makes me a better photographer
    Amazingly, Kristine is able to talk about an art that is usually only Visual. Great presentation and very helpful
  • bdc2005
    Another medium to learn
    I have attended 3 of Kristine’s online courses and the education and teaching style are always spot on. I am thrilled that she is moving to education through podcasts also.
  • rteixeir
    Great value to continue growing as a photographer!
    I love the simplicity and down-to-earth language to help me grow as a photographer!
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