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Daisymayhem812TDSIt’s fun to come here to listen to UK/European Trump Derangement . WINNING💪🇺🇸
another RJFUkrainian Army Shortage of Replacement CombatantsThe Ukrainian Army should be training its new Ukrainian recruits as combatant replacements instead of raising inexperienced new units. At the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian Army’s foreign battalions were turning away foreign volunteers without combat experience. Maybe it’s time for the Ukrainian Army’s foreign battalions to accept foreign military veterans without combat experience; and eventually any foreign volunteer willing to fight. The Ukrainian Army should standardize its foreign volunteer training by using the French Foreign Legion as a template - intensive military & language training.
lilburne1645Episode 217This episode was terrible. Joe Lindsay is a Fox-trained journalist with a minimal understanding of current Republican national security thinking. Wishful thinking is not expert analysis. Hope is not a strategy to save Ukraine from Russian aggression. Hosts please challenge such vapid commentary.
CheckpointCPatrick Bishop is a childish leftistPatrick, your thinking about American politics is so childish and so TV driven . The leftist are not going to save Ukraine. Please, grow-up. Thank you, Joe
HistoryNickEpisodesLong time listener of the Ukraine episodes - great content. I never listen to the midweek WWII episodes, there are much more engaging WWII shows out there. I would rather the midweek show give an update on the Middle East conflicts, Israel, Palestine, Iran, Lebanon, proxy’s etc - there is so much to cover there even if it’s not a “traditional war” like Ukraine/Russia. Great job, this pod keeps me informed
jdadsslcJust a bunch of war hawksJust just two Warhawks that like to hear the sound of their own voices that mix history with current events so yeah if you like War, do you wanna listen something better go to Real Dictators or this is history way better than this garbage
gabfanaticoExcellent!Superb!! Especially about Ukraine war snd Russian propaganda. Wow
JB KleberTrump PropagandaDisappointing to hear downplaying of Trump’s threat to Ukraine global democracy on this podcast. Trump is not to be trusted nor are his lieutenants. He is not a Republican or a defender of liberty he is only interested in money, power, and avoiding accountability at any cost.
nick- name is takenWonderful podcastTogether with efforts from the Telegraph, this fantastic show keeps you close and up to date on the happenings in Ukraine. This has become especially important as the Middle East has sucked so much attention away from this terrible terrible conflict. Many thanks to Saul and Patrick for all they are doing.
Artbellfan1Anti-AmericanTwo clowns criticize America because Europe failed to make weapons. Somehow this is all Trumps fault even though he warned Europe that they were not spending 2% of gdp on defense after they agreed to it in NATO. Seems like European problem to me.
spintrongalaxyWorthwhile andNecessary. Smart. Genuine. Human.
Gil742Fantastic POD CastIntelligent and so interesting!
Okpta763Great Pod.Stellar Pod with diverse coverage. 5⭐️Pod all day. 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙💛🇺🇦
Lord NewcombSaul’s BaisI had to unfollow this show due to Saul’s anti-Israel bais, and the anti-Israel bais of their female reporter on the ground in Israel. Saul accepts what Hamas’ so called civilian casualty reports at face value without question. He thus gives aid and comfort to mass murderers and antisemitic bigots! I’v had my fill of him and can stand it no more!
robdfgl1212ApologistOther than the constant and false leftist tripe, sprinkled with the occasional denials of antisemitism by the left, it’s pretty good. They offer some reasoned and well researched information regarding the current conflict and military capabilities.
el Gato noirFunding Ukrainian WarThere is an important point concerning the US funding for the Ukrainian war that you keep omitting. Please consider it: Until the Biden administration does something to improve the security at the US southern border, which is in chaos and disarray, the US House of Representatives is not going to send billions of dollars to secure the borders of foreign countries when its own borders are insecure. The political situation here is that there isn’t necessarily as much an unwillingness to fund Ukraine as the need to force Biden to secure an open southern border which to date he has been unwilling to do. Do that, and the war gets funded.
TallyswInformative and balanced podcastThis is one of the most reliable sources of information on the war in Ukraine. Highly recommended!
candyrocksShameful!Is a disgrace that this podcast and its authors have sold out Ukraine in order to chase headlines on a completely unrelated conflict (and please don’t try to come up with some convoluted argument to convince me that they are related, because they are not). Saul David has revealed himself to be a paparazzi, not a “historian.” So very disappointing. And sad!
Bojado72Very hypocritical and inconsistentCannot recommend this podcast for anybody who has even a little sympathy for what israel was going through. On the most recent show while the Israeli military took one negative insight after another from the hosts of the show there was not a single mention of the horrific ordeal elderly women and children hostages in Gaza are going through now. The fact the hostages were not mentioned truly shows a lack of humanity on the part of the hosts and made me no longer subscribe to the show.
Auron RenouillePoorly researched :(.They read a lot but it feels like they’re basically restating what they’ve read in various blogs and newspapers. I noped out when they tried to equate the Russian invasion of Ukraine with Israeli action seeking to rescue kidnapping victims & kneecap and/or eliminate Hamas in Gaza. The only useful thing that one of the presenters had to say was that he said those words with “the luxury of not living [in Israel].” The conflict there is extraordinarily complex and reductive claims such as that are counterproductive. The two situations are so vastly different that any comparison simply insults the listener. Sadly most of the good podcasts about Ukraine are self-immolating in recent months. :(
RedSkyBurnsNo masI put up with the playful galavanting tones in which they speak about the war in Ukraine, as if they themselves were on some fun boyish adventure. Now hearing their wildly simplified summing up of Palestines history with Israel along with justifications of the wide scale massacres of young civilians in Gaza with condescending tones and hyper simplified justifications. I'm out.
pmfmfgMeh, could do better.They support Ukraine, which is great. But they mis-speak, have lazy lines of reasoning, and throw numbers around without any justification. Overall, probably not worth your time, and not a great source of factual information (I mean… directionally right, but not precise).
chile100Top Notch ReportingExcellent job guys!
AmericaWon'tSaveYouAmerican Funding by a Dishonest PresidentRussians are an enemy, but they do not bang a drum in public view for an American Presidential candidate. No foreign power should be advocating for a candidate in America. People 65 and older cannot retire or and have 80% healthcare coverage, but some allies advocate more debt for Americans to support Ukraine. European nations once again let down their guard and want Americans to save them. See to your own defense. You talk a big show.
jakwauginGreat PodcastOne of the best podcasts on the Ukrainian conflict, with occasional historical references.
acesid2AwesomeThese gentlemen are great
nickname69wastakenExcellent - keep it up pleaseStumbled upon this. Please keep it up. Listening from Texas.
Prsopect Farmslucid informationInformative and entertaining narrative
Corey DochartaighExtremely biasedNot a remotely reliable source of accurate information on the Russo-Ukrainian war. The hosts cringe at even the mention of opposing views on the war or realities on the battlefield that might favor Russia. It’s the mainstream news narrative converted into podcast form. It’s unfortunate because they’ve had some great guests and I’ve listened to about 20 episodes. I saw the bias early on. I called it quits when the hosts outright dismissed Professor John Mearsheimer as an “idiot” and Russian propagandist. It was an eye opener on the unprofessionalism, lack of integrity, and laziness. A simple google search would pull up his credentials and a laundry list of videos.
bcitsmeDecent content but the incessant chortling is odd and distracting..If you can get past the cattiness and the oddly inappropriate and incessant chortling, not bad. This is a decent supplemental source of chit chat and low-mid level insight. For those that are consuming a lot of information about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, The Telegraph’s ‘Ukraine: The Latest’ should be at the top of every podcast list. If your interest is piqued and want supplemental and significantly inciteful podcasts, there are better choices than Battlefield Ukraine. I’d recommend ’Ukraine Without Hype’, ‘In Moscows Shadows’ and ‘Explaining Ukraine’. All three are exceptional you want to dig deeper than the headlines.
John VerValenWhat a waste of timeThe host is showing his left leaning politics. He bashes America’s right without understanding US politics at all and goes on to lionize Biden as some political god. Please stick to British politics and don’t delve into political systems you don’t understand and have no education in. In fact we gave up caring what the British think about us back in 1776 !!!!
in the gloamingDismissiveI’m going back and catching up on past episodes. January 12th references Prince Harry’s service in Afghanistan stating that the theater wasn’t that dangerous and helicopter pilots weren’t in much danger. Really? Tell that to the thousands maimed with PTSD. Also wonder if either host read the full book or even more than an isolated quote featured in a tabloid headline. We can do with less dismissive pontificating.
Darkhorse75One of the best…My favorite podcast at the moment. Great insight and fascinating guests. I highly recommend.
pab54pab54Great PodWonderful Pod with great analysis and great guests. Russians should listen to this and learn and thing or two about their evil government and incompetent military.
vvizz@rddBattlegroundWonderful Podcast!
VietSchlongIt’s December 2022If you’re still Shilling for Ukraine at this point you’re willfully ignorant. We staged the 2014 coup, and we’d never let Russia back a coup like that in Ottawa. Russia’s security concerns are completely valid, they were beyond patient, and everyone in the dark in Ukraine tonight has the US intelligence community to thank for their plight.
Crowell iTunesGreat analysis & insightTerrific podcast. Insightful analysis, often interesting guests- have learned more about the war than from all other sources combined. I listen to each one as soon as it shows up.
MoHeffReal politikSmart and concise discussions provide a range of thoughts on what is happening, history and thoughts about future in a fascinating, real politic chess game of a podcast. MoHeff
mcleighukThe sharpest military podcast out thereFrom the Falklands series to the war in Ukraine this podcast gives a perspective not matched !
RobMajorDeep diveLove this pod. The hosts are great. They talk to a lot of people who were there when the whole event was happening.
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