Yellowjackets wtf?


Yellowjackets is dark, edgy, mysterious, well-written, well-acted, and crazy AF, and we're as obsessed about it as you are! Come join us for some fun, in-depth discussions about this incredible show.

We're Podcastica, and we've been doing episode-by-episode deep dives into amazing TV shows for over a decade now. Check out our other fare at Buzz buzz buzz!

(Podcast art by Ellie Duke.)

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  • Scarletminded
    Have you read Humankind: A Hopeful History?
    I am listening to the Lord of the Flies episode and I know there was a rebuttal book called, Humankind: A Hopeful History?. It is about a group of boys who lived for 15 months and made a commune instead of becoming savages. Plus, I am not sure if 13 year olds should be watching YJ since it has nudity and adult themes. Also, Misty has never officially killed anyone, but Shauna has. :) Humankind: A Hopeful History Humankind: A Hopeful History
  • Lokkish
    Jason man, shut up
    Had to stop listening at season 2 episode 1 because of Jason. If he could take some time to reflect on why it might be good to talk less and understand he does not have the correct answer all the time, this would be a great show. He needs to listen more and talk less as a man commenting about a feminist show and let his intelligent WOMEN co-host talk more. I understand Jason is the owner of the podcast network, but when he lets Penny, Daphne, and Wendy talk they have great takes, interesting insights, and funny to say. Jason let your co-host talk, and stop interrupting them.
  • NightCheeese
    Jason makes it unlistenable
    Others have described the issue more eloquently than I could. I had to turn off the last few episodes of the season because it was so frustrating to listen to someone be so willingly obtuse.
  • Oliveismydog
    Love love the Yellowjackets coverage!
    I’ve been late to discover the phenomenon that is Yellowjackets and am so glad I found this podcast when I was halfway through the first season! Now that I’ve finished the second, I’ve found myself listening to hours and hours of your extra episodes. Y’all are so thoughtful in your exploration of the show and I appreciate your kindness and curiosity. Buzz, buzz!
  • Madame van Ox
    Commercials are Loud
    Was listening to the Alive episode. The hosts’ voice levels were low and when there’d be a commercial/ad it was super loud compared to the hosts’ voices. Only reason I gave it 4 stars. Otherwise, I’ve enjoyed their Yellowjackets coverage. I like hearing different perspectives.
  • Tjlc
    The ads make me stop listening
    I like the show, but the ads (which are sometimes I sorted mid-sentence as a host is talking) make me want to throw myself into a pit of spikes. Other podcasts just have hosts read ads. Can’t this one take on a similar format?
  • ZapFatty
    Best Yellowjackets podcast
    This show had a 5 star rating. Then one day, the host suggested that there are characters that did worse things than Matt. Now it’s at 4.4. The poor host spent two episodes playing the upset voicemails and reading the negative email. He, many times over, showed his empathy and respect for these listeners and his fellow cohosts.
  • alicencgee
    Ugh constant bickering
    The non stop bickering back and forth! I pressed forward 3 times and when I came back still bickering about the same thing, and not in a constructive conversation way just a very whiny childlike way. This podcast sounds like it’s put on by a bunch of old boomer Karen’s lol. Bad takes on almost all the theories.
  • Mark Kirkman
    I love the show and the podcast is amazing! Love the hosts
    The podcast is a great companion to the show and the hosts are great. Very insightful from everyone involved. You can’t go wrong with Podcastica with the hosts that are provided by each podcast on the network.
  • TheWonderfulJess
    I loved it for a time…
    I initially loved this podcast because it went beyond a recap and actually dove deep into elements of the show. There is a lot of love and appreciation of Yellowjackets, and there is much to like about it. HOWEVER, I think I have to stop because of Jason’s lack of respect for his fellow hosts. Jason has had some moments where he does subtly talk down to them, but when discussing Matt and people’s negative reactions to his character, he refuses to truly listen to people’s thoughts, especially his fellow hosts. He doesn’t directly insult them but he doesn’t make attempts to compassionately or intellectually listen. He purposefully misinterprets people’s words and shuts the conversation down. For a podcast that is so aware, his lack of awareness of social issues, especially those involving a lack of trust in police or abuses of power makes the podcast very difficult to listen to. I thought about giving this podcast a three stars because there is a lot of good, but I can’t recommend this podcast to others knowing that a host is disrespectful to other hosts who make the effort to listen and engage with him.
  • SusanX1
    Mixed Feelings
    I have mixed feelings about this podcast. Pros: long fun-filled podcast about my current favorite tv show. I like the format with the most f’ed up moment etc. Jason has a great speaking voice and leads the podcast well. For the most part Jason has nice takes and remembers lots of details from the show. Alex was a nice addition, he is hilarious and I love his comments! Cons: 1. Jason’s excessive spit noises, lip smacking, sucking air through his teeth, burps etc. gross me out and are really tough to listen to especially since this is an audio medium. Many times I have had to just turn off the podcast mid episode and listen to something else. Not trying to sound like a hater but want to give actionable feedback; maybe Jason can sit further from the microphone or perhaps sip water so he doesn’t need to slurp his spit so often. 2. Daphne sometimes has an accent and sometimes doesn’t? Is it fake? Can I trust her? Is she the Antler Queen? 3. While I often agree with Jason’s viewpoints, he sometimes has an air of “I’m right and you’re wrong” and mansplains here and there. I appreciated his different take on Officer Matt but after caller Jodie so eloquently put into words why women (and YJ fans seem to be overwhelmingly women) felt so much dislike for men abusing their power, I’m not sure why he couldn’t say, “Huh, that’s interesting. I was seeing it from a man’s perspective, thank you for sharing your viewpoint.” Some men feel like they always have to be right about everything. And it also feels a little weird that a man is so strongly defending his opinion on Yellowjackets which is largely a feminist show. (Of course he is allowed to enjoy and criticize the show, but the way he insists his opinions are right feels a little like when some white people tell black people that racism doesn’t exist anymore.)
  • Naywhip
    Good stuff
    Had to give you a 4 because of Jason in the last few eps. I can see your point but it’s also a TV show let me hate who I want to hate when I want to hate them without belittling people. And then double downing on it over and over. Just a strange way to end a great season of recaps!
  • cowa2914
    Disappointed because I loved listening to this show prior to Jason’s bad takes and troubling defenses, followed by claims that he’s growing “bored of the conversation” that was revisited after a caller’s extremely heartfelt message. Was here for smart theorizing and dissecting of each episode, not Jason’s belittling of others’ arguments and suggestions that critiques of inappropriate behavior toward a minor automatically implies that we excuse all the other criminal activity that goes on on the show.
  • itsmecasey!
    There are a lot of Yellowjackets podcasts and this is by far the best! Thank you!
  • brunabla
    Good podcast when Jason isn’t mansplaining
  • LisaSper
    Love the pod, but…
    I have listened back to all of season one and followed along with season two. I love the pod, and often comment on FB-it’s fun hearing my feedback read out! Penny is my favorite-her voice sounds exactly like a friend of mine and I enjoy her insights. I have to be honest…I struggle with misophonia and Jason’s mouth noises make it hard to listen. Especially when he completes his thoughts, there’s like a yucky wet swallowing/gulping/lip smacking/breathing sound (not saying he should stop breathing, lol). If I didn’t enjoy the commentary and other hosts so much I would have to skip it. It seems petty, but for an audio medium that is often listened to in headphones, it really does affect the listening experience. Maybe it’s a matter of turning down the gain. On the bright side, I do like his laugh and speaking voice when he’s actually talking. I’m also not as much of a fan of Live Steve, but it’s worth the sacrifice, lol. Keep up the good work! Buzz buzz buzz.
  • emrem21719
    A great podcast when Jason isn’t actively triggering the audience
    I have loved and recommended this podcast but the last 2 episodes have been super triggering and hard to listen to. Honestly? Jason’s circular argument about how Matt isn’t that bad relative to other characters needs to be edited out or else you need to place a trigger warning and timestamps. Jason refused to actually listen to the women who wrote and called in on how their experiences colored the vast majority of the audience’s view of Matt. He essentially said sure but also he’s not that bad. I really think he should reflect on how tone deaf and entitled he has come off as.
  • Mrs.RLS
    Ugghh Daphne’s fake accent is so annoying
    Make up your mind, Daphne. Do you have the accent or don’t you. When you accentuate a certain part of a word then say the same word shortly after, without the accent, makes you sound like you’re trying too hard.
  • Davissonfamily
    Great podcast
    Interesting podcast but Jason rambling on and on is sometimes too much. Just skip through his lengthy discussions.
  • Becks&Nate
    My fave people talking about a great show!
    Feeling so lucky calling these people my friends! They’re so smart and insightful and I just love having them in my ears!
  • Laine Matolka
    I oftentimes find myself disagreeing with all of y’all’s theories but I keep coming back!!! Really love the breakdown of the episodes!
  • thefourthnipple
    It’s better when Jason isn’t there
    Jason’s voice is so hard to listen to on a good day, but then defending cops makes it so much worse!
  • pinacoloda
    Love it!
    Recently found this podcast and really enjoy all the hosts and the respectful opinions! Interesting insight; thank you !!
  • HeySuburban
    Glad I found this one!
    This isn’t my top-fave YellowJackets pod, but it’s up there. I neeeeeded more show discourse, and I’m having a lot of fun hearing from this rotating crew of hosts, who seem to get along pretty well and truly enjoy hosting together. My primary complaint is that I just don’t very often agree with their theories — but I guess that’s more my problem than theirs! I also don’t love the episodes without Jason; he provides a much-need sort of “chemistry glue” that guides the pod; I also think he’s there to rein in the other hosts’ sometimes weird/clearly wrong takes. Another note is that their references sometimes feel a little bit too insidery, geared to listeners of other Podcastica pods, but it’s usually not enough to bother me much. All that said, this is a good pod, and I’m glad to have found it. I’d like to know a little bit more about the hosts to help me feel more connected to them — maybe a mailbag or intro episode? Thanks for a great show!
  • Notajellydonut
    Well-researched, thought out, and delivered
    I really appreciate this podcast. The hosts do a great job of structuring the conversation around key points in each episode and unlike so many other recap podcasts, stay on point. I especially appreciate that the sensitivity with which they approach and capture the tone of the show. I look forward to it each week. It makes me like the show even more!
  • MruthAO
    I like you all but I agree w/NYTimes article. They are just a bunch of mean, selfish girls who do cruel things to each other and make excuses. There is nothing supernatural. I’m over it.
  • klsxoxoLOST
    Truly Great!
    These 3 are so insightful. I enjoy hearing the different perspectives on each episode. Thank you Wendy, Daphne and Jason! Keep up the good work :) Buzz buzz buzz!!!
  • Pippy H.
    You’re the best!
    This is by far my favorite Yellow Jackets podcast offering the most in-depth analytical recap. Thank you.
  • My Name is RoRo
    Pretty good
    I enjoy the discussion overall. The one person who talks the most has a very weird cadence and quick breaths in repeatedly, and it’s super distracting. I do enjoy the deep dive overall
  • Dr. Dres shreds
    Buzz, buzz, buzz!
    My favorite post-Yellowjackets pod. The hosts offer insightful commentary on each episode, sound relatable, and are occasionally funny without trying too hard. (They even have nice-sounding voices!) This podcast consistently enhances my appreciation of the warped and enigmatic world of the Yellowjackets TV show. Thanks 🙏🏽 for doing this pod, guys!
  • Kick n it
    Love it!
    Awesome job! Keep going its so fun to get into the show with others.
  • NightPrincess666
    Great for Yellowjackets fans
    One of my fave Yellowjackets podcast, probably my fave-fave. I really like the way they discuss the plot and themes of the show. I have trouble processing audio in general, so the way this podcast is structured with clear “bullet points” really helps me process their discussions, and I never get lost or confused.
  • TDog4494
    I’m as addicted to this podcast as I am to the show. As a somewhat, ahem, “older” listener, I especially appreciate the analysis of the music choices since I’m unfamiliar with many of the songs. Terrific discussions of the characters. This is the Yellowjackets podcast to listen to.
  • Almadcon
    I love tuning into this cast
    It took me a while to get into this show but the podcast hosts were so excited about it , that they finally convinced me to watch. Now , I’m loving tuning to both the feedback cast and the main cast. I really don’t think I could get through this crazy disturbing series without this podcast! Keep up the good work😘
  • kimlinl
    Male host constantly talking over female panelist…
    <title >
  • ReezaJane
    Love this podcast!
    One of my favorite Podcasts about Yellowjackets!
  • marathonjedi
    I love listening to the hosts chit chat about Yellowjackets. They have great personalities and respectful and intelligent discourse. The podcast features a nice balance of the hosts’ own take on the show versus Listener “Buzz” (feedback). It’s great to listen to other people speculate about the mysteries of the Yellowjackets series.
  • 1004RM
    It’s all about the Buzz
    My husband and I love diving deeper into each episode with this fun and engaging Pod cast. Great thoughts, and theories, you all make it so much interesting. When we are done with each podcast it makes us want to watch each episode again to see everything we missed! Keep it up!
  • Jlpi86
    Best show podcast!
    I LOVE Yellowjackets and LOVE this podcast. Hosts don’t miss anything between how closely they watch and listener feedback.
  • Lesstramp
    Love it!
    Love this podcast! Great discussion that is focused and informed about writing generally and the show in particular. Good theories too! Bonus: the hosts all have relaxing voices that keep me engaged but not annoyed at work, ha!
  • Monny 2
    So much fun!
    I eagerly await your fun and engaging insight each week!
  • makeupmaven
    Fave YJ Pod
    I started watching Yellowjackets because A Date With Dateline announced they were starting a YouTube show for Season 2. I was instantly obsessed and needed a podcast for Season 1. I chose this podcast from the list because I’d already really enjoyed their Poker Face episodes, and I’ve enjoyed this one just as much. I’ve tried other Yellowjackets podcasts, but found them all lacking in comparison. Each week I listen to only this podcast, and I watch ADWD, Podcastica’s After Show, and Ash Silver’s YouTube shows for my Yellowjackets buzz.
  • jpatag66
    Best of the best
    This podcast is the best at recapping and discussing the show. They can recap, digest and critique without taking shots at fans, other pods or the show creators. I so enjoy these hosts that I find myself listening to a bunch of their other shows that I don’t even watch. Once again the best YJ pod out there.
  • Bing422
    Awesome Yellowjackets Pod!
    If you’re looking for a great Yellowjackets podcast to enhance your viewing pleasure, this one is it! The four hosts are detailed, insightful and passionate about the show and are a pleasure to listen to. They deep dive into theories, articles, predictions, and all buzz related to the show. Organized, detailed and fun. Five stars to Wendy, Daphne, Jason and Penny! 🐝
  • **MB:)**
    So much appreciation
    You all put so much time and thought into your Yellowjacket podcast. Thank you— I truly appreciate listening to you and the many ways you dissect each episode. I look forward to your humor and collaboration each week!
  • Tmaltese
    Love it!
    You guys are great to listen to. There are so many moments when I’m shouting “Yes! Great catch!” Or something to that effect haha. The listener feedback is very funny as well. Thanks for creating these and keep them coming!
  • Tonjarellie
    The best!
    So glad I found this podcast. I have no one to geek out with about this show with! Love being able to come here each week with birds of a feather.
  • Binge a lot
    Love their feedback
    On this show, specifically, but also on the other shows I watch and listen to. They make you feel like part of a family!
  • Aubree4m
    Great Deep Dive for Yellowjackets
    Love this pod! Love hearing the hosts dissect and analyze every piece of each episode. Such great insights and theories. This might be a silly theory but maybe the note Travis left when he died that said "Tell Nat she was right" was about Nat intimating to the group back in the woods that Javi was dead or gone (even though she faked it by putting blood on a pair of Javi's pants), and when they later found Javi in the woods, he was sort of possessed and never himself again and Javi had something to do with Travis's death.
  • brilovesapod
    Season 2 ep 2
    Normally the guy on the podcast doesn’t annoy me but this episode ooooof he sounded so rude and condescending to the women and the “is it my turn now!?” Made me wanna turn it off. Maybe leave him out next time this is a female lead cast anyway.
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