Takeaways with Kirk Cameron


Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today this week and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.Do you want more Takeaways with Kirk Cameron? Start watching now for free on TBN+https://linktr.ee/kirkcamerontbn

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Recent Reviews
  • Doulos Christou
    Well Worth the Time
    Kirk is faithful, energetic, knowledgeable, and insightful,but he asks ground level questions to help all of us know God better, enjoy God more, and to share the great news of Jesus with others. Thank you, Kirk, for blessing us through your serving!
  • Carrie Lahaie
    Keep it up
    Kirk, I love your podcast, I listen to it every morning before I go to work. It is such a great way to get a positive start of the day and learn Biblically. Thank you for everything you do!
  • 233amg
    Kirk, I listen to every single one of your podcasts. I love the guests, content and interview…very thought provoking. I even listen to Candace’s podcast. I can’t begin to tell you how many people I have forwarded your interviews to esp to my 3 young adult children. You and the Lord are always with me on my travels and workouts. Thanks for my keeping me company. You are the Lord’s conduit. Well done Kirk
  • Bruinpride19
    Making a difference
    Hi Kirk, I will keep this really brief and to the point. You are making such a difference in so many lives with your work. Thank you, thank you !!! Please keep the amazing and inspiring content coming. God bless you brother, Bill
  • LJBoucher
    This is loving Jesus wisdom 101
    Hey Cameron, thank you for the conviction to seek ye first the kingdom of God. Every guest is inspiring to me with their love for God evident, thank you for your dedication to spread the truth. Any chance for more content (more frequently)?
  • s rusick
    Such a blessing for my heart. Thank you!
  • Ravage Ryan
    I just started listening to this podcast and I love it already. It is ver inspiring and keeps me going in a positive direction. I really like that even when talking about some of the terrible things that are happening in the world, he doesn’t turn it into a hateful conversation.
  • #followerinfaith
    Great podcast
    I love the length of this podcast and get a lot out of the material covered. A quick listen that gives my faith a boost every time! Love the energy Kirk has during his interviews and towards his faith.
  • Future Momma
    Talk about REFRESHING!
    If you want a huge range of guests with God glorifying conversations this is it! It’s so refreshing to hear so many different parts of Gods body coming together and sharing their faith and perspectives of their niches. This podcast is amazing- so glad I found it from TBN! Give it a listen today!
  • Amyree75
    Great stuff
    Kirk Cameron is a Warrior! My son and I love to listen to his stuff. I’m a single mom. My son and I have watched a lot Kirk’s stuff from Fireproof to Take Aways we’ve had really good conversations. Kirk is helping me raise my son to be a Warrior as well. We are huge fans.
  • Mufasa32
    Pleasantly surprised!
    I was hesitant to start listening to a podcast about religion. I’m very religious myself but sometimes the world wield’s faith and obedience like a sword. I am so happy that I’ve started listening to Kirk and his guests! They are always sharing their perspectives and knowledge from a place that is non-judgemental and never with an agenda of political or controversy. Not that they don’t address tough subjects, but the intention is pure and informative. Love it!!
  • Atlantis freak
    Really great to listen to
    I love listening to the way that Kirk Cameron asks the detailed questions and digs in. He really knows how to bring forth the best and most relevant information from his guests.
  • Sandrare
    WOW 🤩
    What great guests and topics! Much needed and appreciated 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
  • by chad farewell
    Great podcast. Very uplifting, encouraging and informative. Appreciate the truthfulness and honesty of your messages.
  • GoGo Loves You
    So Uplifting
    These were EXACTLY the words I needed to hear. I feel validated & humble after listening to only 2 of your episodes. THANK YOU, I appreciate that you take the time to do this…
  • Kc-Juan-Kenobi
    Thanks be to God
    Listening to the episode with the Robertson family 15:29🥹thanks be to God
  • sPankyAce
    Love your Podcast!
    Thank you Kirk for your podcast and inspirational words!
  • JonesFarmFam
    Why you should consider homeschooling
    Kirk desires to encourage families to raise children to know the Lord and shared conversations with others who have the same desire. Great reminder of why to homeschool!
  • Adriana*Nani*
    Enjoying the talks
    I really enjoy the conversations. Thank you for sharing your love for Christ.
  • soultry
    Fired up for the Truth!
    Wow…the first episode I listened to was Kirk’s interview with the Duck Dynasty guys…so refreshing to hear them talk unashamedly about the truth of Jesus Christ. I’m so fired up!! Thanks for the great podcast!
  • stevejen96
    It is so refreshing to hear from someone who used to work in Hollywood praise the one true God! Thankful for Kirk and all his guests coming on and sharing their stories! Also Looove anything Mark Lowery!!!
  • peebsie1966
    Kirk Cameron is a Christian influencer I am grateful he is living in such times as this. His Bible teachings are solid ! And kirk believes in our freedoms in America because God institutes freedom .
  • ahdbdjcn
    Your ads are invading my listening space
    All of your ads are in my favorite podcasts and im sick of listening to your ads. Im not interested in your podcast, stop it.
  • Markatekt
    Awesome podcast
    Kirk is an exceptional Christian who uses his voice & influence for judeo-Christian & American values. Bravo. Nick Vujicic is a bold, global voice for Christian values and absolutely inspirational in this episode. God bless his ministry.
  • Donna Andrews
    Enjoying It
    Just discovered this podcast and am really enjoying it. I’ve only listened to 3 episodes so far; I appreciate the variety of guests and messages. Keep them coming.
  • Whose your momma
    Informative & interesting!
    I really enjoy this. I love the guests Kurt has on and that he doesn’t draw it out forever. He gets to the meat quickly and thoroughly of every subject. I love that he is educating us Americans and encouraging us how to make a difference. Keep up the good work!
  • RandiMD
    So Refreshing!
    Very informative, with trending and up-to-date information! Keep fighting the good fight!
  • JKS2323
    Love this podcast!
    Kirk is a great interviewer. Filled with awesome conversations about faith, the gospel, history, etc. Highly recommend!
  • disappointed in Jim
    Great show!!
    Love this show! Great stuff!
  • Dominiquemarie30
    One of the greatest podcasts!
    I absolutely love the conversations Kirk is having with his guests! It’s great hearing the different opinions and understanding that everyday you open the Bible you gain new understanding and learning limitless lessons on who God is and who He calls us to be. You can read the same passages in Scripture over and over again and take away something new every time.
  • Patriotess777
    Found so much value
    I just started listening and with the first episode, I already feel so much value added. Highly recommend!
  • Mckenzie lynn Israel
    Overflowing wisdom!
    I love listening to the variety of topics Kirk and his guests tackle. I appreciate them taking challenging topics head on and sharing helpful advice as we navigate the challenges of this world. Thank you!!
  • Sarah from the PNW
    Uplifting & Real
    Thank you for being a light in the darkness. Touching on real issues, real stories and food for the soul. Appreciate you. God Bless.
  • SaratogaGuy
    Great Podcast
    I look forward to listening to this podcast. Each guest has something to offer. It’s such an uplifting broadcast in a world full of negativity and division.
  • Trevor 's mom
    Uplifting and great advice & insights
    I just discovered this podcast and love it!! The guests are so interesting and share such valuable advice from a Christian viewpoint. This is exactly what I need to listen to, it’s a light in the darkness of the current news channels and social/political climate. Truly a breath of fresh air!!!
  • Bexaida
    Dave Ramsey’s daughter Rachel Cruze was brilliant!
    What a great episode such a great example of training a child in the way they should go! Rachel was brilliant inter examples and how she reference scripture to back up what she was saying. And Kirk lead the conversation so well with questions and meaningful comments, so many great takeaways! Bex Buzzie
  • jessicaspear
    I’m feeling greatly blessed to have been guided to this podcast, hosted by Kirk Cameron. Of course, I watched him as a kid on Growing Pains and loved watching him and the show. Fast forward to today…. I am incredibly grateful for Kirk’s voice and sharing of his faith. The interviews are informational and enlightening. The guests he interviews are truth seekers and people who believe in God and know the importance of speaking out for God, family and Country.
  • hopper5m
    Great show…but the pro-abortion sponsor?!?!
    I really enjoy this podcast, but I don’t have a clue as to why a sponsor of a Christian network is “All above all” a pro-abortion site? Can you shed some light on this?
  • Texas girly on vacation
    Great interviews!
    I enjoy listening to all the amazing people Kirk interviews. And reminding us the importance of following scripture with discernment and wisdom:). God Bless:) ☺️
  • cdslady
    Excellent information!
    Well presented, thorough and concise, clearly explained details, current topics of concern analyzed from a Christian mindset. Recommended!
  • Joshua 24.15
    Very inspiring for believers. My only complaint is I wish they would put out episodes faster we need more inspiration.
  • TJMurph21
    Incredibly well done. Uplifting and informative.
  • LpdforChrist
    I’ve needed this podcast in my life
    Thank you so much for all the great information you share through this podcast. All the resources have been so influential in my life. Again, thank you!
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