It’s Become a Whole Thing

TV & Film #235After Shows #37

A look at the best and worst moments of unscripted TV history, from cult documentaries to trashy early 2000s reality tv. High-brow analysis of the low-brow trash we love.

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Recent Reviews
  • poemflower
    I look forward to the podcast, but the sound mixing is always so off. It’s so low for Emily and the guest is higher volume. Please fix this
  • Harvey Butthole
    Super excited for the pivot!!
    Loved the show before and will always support you Emily Rose!! You’re an icon in this house. When I heard the jersey shore announcement I ran to the bedroom to scream with my girlfriend in excitement to rewatch season one with our number one queen! #nohatersinthereviews #youcandmyourtrashtakes Update: I love you guys sooo much but can you guys say one nice thing about men ever? The way you speak about men vs women contestants is grossly hateful… you’ll go on a rant about how it’s mean to comment on Chelsea about her looks, then call jimmy a mediocre farm boy who looks ten years older than he is. Do you not see the double standard here? Update update: just listened to your season finale recap on Summer House. You clearly have an agenda against men. You never have anything positive to say about any man unless they happen to be gay. We are all automatically evil in your eyes, and women can NEVER do anything wrong. Your guest on this episode was extremely hateful, it’s disgusting that this is what you’ve turned into. Men have feelings too, and you’re just a bigot. Good luck with your podcast.
  • perfeft123456789
    Please please please do more episodes about past VPR episodes that inadvertently changed the fabric of society.
  • KansasCityMissouri
    I love this pod
    Sammy and Emily are hilarious. I loved your takes on LIB season 6. Some people don’t understand the concept of punching up when being funny or analyzing a show like LIB. You give me my weekly dopamine and I love it. Keep it up!
  • teligirl
    That was a take…
    The podcast is okay, sometimes I’m not convinced that the hosts actually like each other. Outside of that the love is blind episode was filled with bad takes, I get it’s subjective but they completely refused to have a critical analysis on Chelsea because she’s received so much backlash for her comment about looking like Megan fox.. eh I get it but also be critical of a persons behavior doesn’t have to be hateful there’s a way to do it. I also didn’t love the commentary on cheating because you didn’t like the person who got cheated on, I think Laura isn’t the best person on this show but to imply she deserved to be cheated on because you don’t like her is a take.. and not a good one. Especially by a woman who calls herself a patriot and is probably aligned with the ideal that women should have less rights and autonomy than men. WEIRD!!! Idk it’s okay if you love vanderpump but outside of that interest I don’t think they handle other topics well. Sorry
  • allvariationsofmynameweretaken
    Great Rapport!
    I came for the Gaylor content, but ended up staying for Emily and Sammy; even after the podcast pivoted to mostly reality TV content, which is not something I personally watch. They have better chemistry than any other podcast duo I’ve ever listened to. It’s become my routine to listen to episodes every Sunday when cleaning my apartment, and it feels like the two of them are keeping me company. I laugh out loud alongside them nearly every episode. After subscribing + listening to the patreon (which is definitely worth it if you’re a main pod listener) for a couple years, the two feel like my favorite older cousins, and I find myself constantly thinking: ooo, wonder what Emily and Sammy think of [x,y,z pop culture event].
  • Kay19998
    Love it
    Please talk more about teen mom & jersey shore
  • dfitz234
    Interesting takes on reality
    I love listening each week especially when it’s shows I remember from the past!!
  • MOKell
    The highlight of my week
    This podcast brings me so much joy!
  • themarinebiologist
    Emily and Sammy are my best friends
    14/10 recommend! These two are HILARIOUS together. Incredible talent. Some of the best one liners you’ll ever hear. If you like it you NEED to sign up for the Patreon!
  • Lcmb
    Delightfully Eclectic, Intelligent, and Fun
    I look forward to this podcast every week. Emily and Sammy P have such great banter— even, or maybe especially, when they are “fighting” over who did/didn’t thumbs up alleged boomer memes that were sent (side note- if there was a Patreon level that meant I could get included on that text chain, I’d upgrade to it). I have also enjoyed the other cohosts, but these two have such great back and forth. I’ll be honest, I originally started listening to this podcast when I was looking for chill vibes to fall asleep to, but it’s just too good and I actually listen to this now when it’s light outside. That’s how much I enjoy it. OH— my one gripe— the Sonar network message at the end is so much louder than the rest of the podcast! I’d be forever grateful if that could be quieter so I could mainline (typo, but I’m keeping it) the good, chill feeling I have at the end of each episode. Thank you for creating such great content! Signed, A 40-year-old mom who is on the periphery of what’s cool, but is still somewhat trying to keep up with the current zeitgeist
  • vokalized
    Hilarious and charming
    Such a delight to listen to. We contain multitudes
  • EmilyMaynard_thx
    Chill & Hilarious
    I don’t even watch any of the shows they talk about but this is so chill and funny? Like, idk I think you’ll love it. The Saltburn episode sold me (not on actually watching Saltburn). Why listen to 2 men talking when you could listen to WOMEN riffing? Tell everything to me, Emily & Sammy! 🩷🩷
  • Chloe eee
    I don’t know if any other podcasts have made me laugh out loud as much as the episodes with Emily + Sammy. They hit me right in the funny bone and listening to them discuss anything is a delight.
  • angelsrolltheireyes
    Empathy and intelligence!!!
    I love Emily and Sammy. This is one of the only podcasts where I know the hosts will always have an empathetic and intelligent take on pop culture.
  • krfdvff go d
  • Snowceed
    One of my favorites
    Love the podcast, the content is exactly the brand of pop culture and/or trash that I like. There are some shows and topics that I don’t normally care about (RHO franchise and Vanderpump) but that doesn’t keep me from listening because the takes are hilarious. Random thought: why isn’t Sammy P a series regular at this point? 😂
  • kmichajlov
    Edit to add: I really wish the posting of episodes was more consistent. I thought it was supposed to be posted on tuesdays but some weeks just seem to skip all together and others on days later with no update. I really enjoy this podcast and Emily! I love her personality and her take on topics I enjoy. I feel like I would get along with her in person. My one recommendation would be to see if there is a way to adjust sound with guests. The last episode I found Emily’s sound very quiet and the guest’s loud, so I kept having to adjust the volume between each person speaking.
  • apecaper
    love this poddy but….
    on the last episode with Shannon from fluently forward, Shannon asks why it’s okay to make fun of christians when it’s not okay to poke fun at other religions…. it’s very much giving, “reverse racism” vibes. love this podcast so much but i wish Shannon wasn’t given such a platform when she continues to play moderate at a time where christo-fascism is on the rise!
  • allendoucet
    Feels like friends!
    Listening to this pod feels like catching up with friends, I wish I had an ep every day!
  • MissCarly26
    Just stumbled upon this podcast and thoroughly enjoyed!
  • EB_91
    love this show & they take feedback!
    love this pod so much! have been a longtime listener and am truly addicted to the vibes. also i gave some fdbk a few months ago about the ad structure and they listened! love love love when hosts are open to / take input 💕💕💕
  • kvant0000
    Eh, disappointing
    Wild! This host shamed the My Favorite Murder hosts for going to therapy together. 🤢While I agree true crime has its issues, unfortunately the episode about it has hater/bandwagon energy. Not well researched, and the host’s harsh critique of MFM is thr reason people are afraid to make things and put themselves out there.
  • byealec
    Girl(s) that have been here for 5 minutes that think they know it all 😂
  • keeeamadams
    What did I just listen to
    You lose all credibility when you base your personality and opinions on astrology.
  • 31133V
    I was really excited to listen to the my favorite murder podcast. I was a huge fan in the beginning of them but then slowly stopped listening once they became bigger. The episode this podcast did about MFM was…horrible honestly. Not to be somewhat of a gatekeeper, but this is the kind of thing that you needed to be a fan of to understand. There are a lot of issues w the show but not the ones mentioned. This seemed like a bit of a bandwagon episode, just chiming in to chime in but not really adding anything to the conversation.
  • abeautifulparty
    Fun and Nostalgic
    I’m thrilled to have recently discovered this podcast. It touches on all my favorite pop culture topics. The host and guests are great!
  • grace elizabeth sophia
    A cathartic, hilarious, & joyful listen every single time
    Sooo grateful I found Emily & this pod! Shoutout to her patreon & Sammy P as well 😝
  • NaomiBurton
    Just discovered her on so bad it’s good
    So happy I found her!
  • JenniferChrista
    Like a warm cup of spiked tea
    I usually go for true crime podcasts but this one is such a comfort. A warm blanket. A cozy corner seat on the couch. I don’t follow pop culture myself but anytime I’ve seen Emily on TT, I stop and listen. I admittedly listen to select episodes bc I am less interested in some celebs, but there are so many episodes to choose from. Those annoyed at the laughs and “filler” words have never had a gal pal hang. This is how we talk and I feel like I’m there with them. The deep dive eps into older millennial culture are my favs and Emily has such a soothing way of talking about things, it’s like pop culture ASMR. Love this pod, hope you can keep doing this forever, or at least be the last voice speaking into the apocalypse until humanity ceases to exist.
  • The Sauvignon Blonde
    Love the new format/content style
    Love this new content/style/format Emily! 10 of 10 recommend Mon Amour
    Love Emily and Sammy P ❤️
    One of my favorite pop culture podcasts!! Great topics, I always look forward to new episodes
  • latherapyuser
    Omg I love this show
    It’s like listening to 2 friends talk about the hot mess that is in Hollywood. I live in Hollywood and it’s surprisingly accurate. If you want light feel good hilarious - listen to this!
  • LindaYogaGirl
    and appreciate the new direction of the podcast. When you said Jersey Shore, I felt both glee and concern at the same time, so we’ll see! Could be absolute genius pod. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the Judy Garland/Walt Disney episode. Thanks for your content and take care.
  • DanielleMarieGale2
    Stop laughing pls. Thx
    Topics are interesting but the constant laughing is annoying and distracting. It causes me to skip through and miss a lot of the storyline. Wish she’d stop so I could actually listen and take it seriously.
  • LadySwampwitch
    Superior podcast
    Great nuanced podcast. Emily and Sammy are smart , lovely, & funny, and I love the troll stroll! Trolls forever!
  • Herpita
    Entertaining but
    Turned it off when Shannon from FF said pizzagate is not a qanon conspiracy and received no pushback
  • heatherrina
    The conspiracy theory episodes are terrible.
  • BirdieLee18
    What did you say
    I like the topic but the laughing and talking at the same time makes it really hard to understand what was said.
  • CarleyPrice522
    My new obsession
    I found Emily Rose on TikTok and left TikTok for my mental health, but stayed for the podcast! Love the thoughtful discussion that stimulates my brain while indulging my love for celebrity gossip. Love love love!
  • JessBlk2
    I’m “like” on the fence
    I’m going to listen to another couple of episodes and see what I end up thinking, but right now, if I hear the word “like” used as a filler word one more time, I may lose my mind.
  • ghooooulia
    So great
    I love Emily’s hot takes. More celebrity birth charts please 🙏🏽🙏🏽
  • Lisa Marie1967
    “Like? Like? Like?”
    This could be a really good podcast, but the one host cannot stop using “ like” 3x every sentence and up-talking.
  • Aozkan
    Easy & enjoyable listen
    I found It’s Become A Whole Thing on tik tok and immediately started following the podcast. I’m currently binge listening to all the episodes and I love it! Emily Rose is a great host, the topics are interesting and so is she. I love when she does episodes with fluently forward, they’d make a great podcast together!
  • imfeelingsublime
    Good show
    I’m a very recent listener and I’ve been liking the podcast a lot. Sorry, but I took a star off for entertaining the Britney conspiracies. Don’t forget, there was actual proof (court docs, whistleblowers) of various abuses/abuse of power with the conservatorship. Currently, there’s no proof anything like that is going on. You asked something like “am I just watching too many b-anon videos & getting sucked in?” I think yes, definitely. I think a lot of b-anon is a case of confirmation bias. Some are expecting to see something nefarious, so that’s what they end up seeing. Maybe they had their wedding at that house so they’d know for sure paparazzi wouldn’t be there. Why was there a car seat/toys in an ig photo? A few days before, she talked about her cousin who just had a baby & that they came over to visit. There are reasonable answers to what some people think is suspicious. Anywho, I’ll stop rambling. Love the pod!
  • AB5679
    I have to start off by saying I love the content and love the host personality… however, the amount of “likes” in every episode makes me have to take breaks in order to finish out one complete hour. It’s literally ever other word at times, it’s like really hard like to listen like to 😫
  • aoadams
    The best!
    Literally the only podcast that I religiously listen to as soon as an episode is released. The only podcast I even know the release schedule for now that I think about it.
  • Kelsey Riddle
    My favorite podcast
    I love to keep up with pop culture & the zeitgeist through Emily’s POV
  • Kat Wand
    My favorite podcast and tiktoker
    I love this podcast and the TikTok account. Emily Rose is the best and so interesting. I could listen to her talk all day!
  • kloulouf
    Like a Dinner Party
    I absolutely love this podcast! She explained on episode 35 that’s the intent of the podcast for the public. I feel like I’m at the best kind of dinner party where everyone is just as into celebrity gossip as me! The best part is that she’s not just into the mainstream celebrity gossip, she knows the underground blind item-type of gossip and I love it!
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