Fun and Gains


Fun & Gains will fuel your love for sweaty workouts, loving yourself through the process, and creating the strongest version of yourself mentally and physically. The Fun and Gains podcast is your weekly reminder that you aren't alone on your fitness journey & your motivation to keep going. Let the gains begin.

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Recent Reviews
  • Johnluke Sabile
    I Love Fun & Gains SO MUCH šŸ’ž! Words canā€™t describe how much Brittany Lupton means to me!
    I started listening to Fun & Gains just a few weeks ago. I began listening to 1-2 episodes while going for long runs. Dear Brittany Lupton, Thank You SO MUCH for making my day with your podcast! Your Fun & Gains Podcast is the CUTEST!šŸ’žšŸ’žListening to any episode of your podcast makes me feel like Iā€™m home, living in such a heartwarming community. Your podcast is ranked my NUMBER 1 FAVORITE podcast EVER! Many other podcasts Iā€™ve tried listening to before (most of the time, anything about NBA Basketball ā€“ including my team, the San Antonio Spurs ā€“ and my NFL team, the New York Jets) are flooded with mostly negative comments about players and even heated arguments among the hosts themselves. Alternatively, I also listen to my local Eyewitness News. Similar to the other mentioned podcasts, this show also shows mostly negative content, very little positives if any. Consequently, listening to either of these does nothing but drain my day even if I successfully finish run or workout at the time I give a listen. Fun & Gains is and will continue to be never known for any of these. Brittany Lupton always brings so much inspiration, motivation, and joy to me and to EVERYONE who listens to even just one episode of her podcast. At times, I will feel like canā€™t complete a workout or I wonā€™t even be in the mood to bother even trying but by listening to everything Brittany says, my heart is poured with extra motivation and best of all, LOVE. I wind up running or working out even longer because of all the positive energy and love I can feel from her. Upon completion of any run or workout while listening to Fun & Gains, my heart is always made FULL. Other times, I donā€™t necessarily have to be in workout; I could even listen to Fun & Gains while riding mass transit systems like New Jersey Transit (Cancellations ā€“ COUGH COUGH). All the love and positive energy will make me forget about the commute stress, no matter how bad the situation may get. Brittany, I am strongly recommending your Fun & Gains Podcast to some friends who studied or are currently studying at the university I attended. One of my friends likes to work out in spite of a very busy schedule behind his Electrical Engineering Major; he is scheduled to graduate by the end of this week. I am hoping he will try giving your podcast a listen and find it just as inspiring and loving as I do. Brittany, thank you so much again for dedicating every week to making and releasing new episodes where you spread nothing but inspiration, motivation, love, community, and so much more positive vibes to name. Keep inspiring me. Keep inspiring everyone among your whole community. I am so excited for you to continue releasing episodes every Wednesday of the week! I LOVE you SO MUCH! Your son Vinny and your husband Darian are just as adorable! Tell Darian I said congratulations on finally finishing his studies! May God continue to Bless you, your whole family, and the community you are growing! Much Love, Johnluke Sabile Stony Brook University Alumni
  • livfiit fan
    Such a beautiful soul
    I have been listening to your podcasts for a while nowā€¦ also love your YouTube content!!! I am so grateful for all the time you put into teaching me so much about the gym and health. You put a smile on my face and I relate to so many of your topics. šŸ«¶ā¤ļø
  • Gym Girlie
    Love your podcast!
    Love your Podcast!! Iā€™ve been listening for years. They are so fun and inspiring! I loved the R.E.P.O.R.T episode! Please do more šŸ’•
  • lexila13
    What podcast should I listen to? FUN & GAINS
    If youā€™re a gym girl or not, this podcast is a MUST. Britt is such a light and it feels like Iā€™m catching up with a friend about all things gym, nutrition and life when Iā€™m listening. She chats about so many things and has some of the BEST guests on ever! An all time favorite guest is Darian BUT every guest is a great one. She talks about important things fitness related and gives some great tips and can help steer you if youā€™re still learning with her knowledge. I suggest this podcast to everyone who asks me what podcasts to listen to.
  • Tina Melendez
    So happy for you!!
    Britt! Iā€™ve been following your journey for years! Youā€™re such an inspiration of strength! Todays podcast was so wonderful. I am so happy for you to be on your beach bum journey!! Good for you!! Keep being genuine and amazing!!
  • Hannah_AllOurNamesAreTaken
    Best Girly Pop Pod
    Fun & Gains is one of the very best girly pop podcasts that I have been tuning into since the beginning. Brit & her guests cover an array of topics perfect for any health and fitness girly, whether sheā€™s a beginner or a gym rat like myself. The epā€™s tend to be lighthearted and fun, though I respect so much our hosts ability to balance both being vulnerable and her private life, for her family. I am a stepmom to four and this transition happened after I was already an avid listener of F&G. I always have made it a point to not lose myself or my passions while becoming a mom, and Britā€™s takes on motherhood have only been an encouragement in that. There are only a handful of fitness ā€œinfluencersā€ that are moms, and it is clear that Brit is fantastic at both! Epā€™s are consistently uploaded on Wednesday each week and everyone should give it a listen and Brit a follow! ps. Iā€™m pretty confident that your fam is moving close-by to my town. Iā€™m also a 20-something year old woman with a couple of toddlers (and hopefully more soon-ish), studying to take my CPT test, and work from home! If you need a new friend and it isnā€™t too weird, Iā€™d love to hang:)
  • Naomigee109
    Best Podcast. Nuff Said.
    Hi Britt and Darian(cause we know you love the reviews)! I just want to let you know ho much I enjoy your podcast and how it has impacted my life! I stumbled across Britt on YouTube one day when looking up ā€œhow to get motivated to workoutā€ or something along those linesšŸ˜…. Saw she had insta, saw she had a podcast and immediately went to listen, this was back in Sep23. I loved it so much I went back and binged every. Single. Episode and I finally caught up! Iā€™m a mama in my late 20s, we live away from all of our family and I WFH full time while taking care of my little. So as you know motivation is hard to come by, but Britt really does give you all the motivation you need, I started slow with daily walks and after 3months of all of your advice and encouragement I finally signed up at a gym, and Iā€™ve been going for 3 months strong. I always start my workout with a quick treadmill warmup while listening to my favorite podcast, and Iā€™m sure I look silly at 5AM giggling at all the things Darian saysšŸ˜‚ But also thank you for being so vulnerable with us, I know as a content creator it can be hard. And thank you for all the guests especially your most recent talk with Lauren about mama hood, I literally got teary eyed listening and remembering my first 2weeks pp. Iā€™m just saying, if you need a good podcast, itā€™s this one, Britt has a way of making you feel like sheā€™s talking to YOU, like sheā€™s cheering you on. And sometimes we just need to feel like we have someone in our corner. Love you guys so much and Iā€™m so excited for this next chapter in your lives!šŸ«¶šŸ¼
  • SmallTownLiver
    Fav Pod Ever
    This is for real my favorite podcast of all time! Brittany is such an inspiration not only in the gym but as a mom. As a mom in her late 20s who also is a gym lover, I relate to Brittany in so many ways. This podcast is so down to earth and had just a great energy thanks to Brittany and her amazing guests. Itā€™s truly like listening to advice from a friend and I look forward to it every week. As a side note: awhile back Darian half jokingly gave advice about always looking for toilet paper in a public bathroom and for whatever reason it stuck with me. Let me tell you, itā€™s saved me many times, so you never know what kinda of golden advice youā€™re going to get with this podcast. 10/10 recommend every time!
  • juli0182883993
    Feels like I know Brittany
    Brittany has been open and honest about her difficulties and her good times! I feel like I know her because of the way she speaks. I love when she has Darian on, too. They talk about real life and real, everyday fitness. I recommend this show to anyone who has even a slight interest in health and/or fitness.
  • Zoey dog5
    Lifting the bar on fitness podcasts
    This review is long overdue since Iā€™ve been listening for a little over a year now BUT I love fun & gains & the Lupton family! Brittany brings an incredibly real and inclusive feeling to the fitness community which is something that can feel rare in a world of perfection. She always reminds us that where we are is the perfect place to start. Thankful for this podcast & the tips, laughs, and chats I feel apart of. Wishing you the best year ahead Britt xoxo
  • Dani T94
    Love your podcasts!
    Hi my name is Dani and I did 5 push ups! Thanks Derrian!
  • Dannaoldham
    Thank you for the company
    Iā€™m in early postpartum with my second and was feeling lonely any you have saved me from it! I have you playing throughout the day! When I donā€™t want to workout you get me to the gym and through my workout. As someone that has always been active this time has been so unknown Iā€™m so lucky I just pop my headphones on and feel like I can do anything. Thank you seriously šŸ’•šŸ’•
  • My Byte is @ morganrussell
    Thank you for the love
    Brit you have been such an inspiration to me for the past year and iā€™m so grateful for your positive energyšŸ„ŗ. I tear up when you talk about Darien getting through school because you have literally carried me through my freshman year of college, walking around all of the time; and now as a sophomore you are still there with me and I will always remember you<3. You are incredibly strong and disciplined and I keep you in my mind whenever I am afraid.
  • Livvvvygirl
    Just started listening :)
    Just recently found Britt & this podcast. I love it! Listening from Metro Detroit!
  • Danigirly16
    My name is Dani and I did 5 pushupssss
    Letā€™s go šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»
  • dazam24
    So much Fun and so many Gains!!!
    Hi, my name is actually Dani and I did five push-ups! (Darianā€™s request from the 2024 ins and outs episode lol). But seriously this podcast is one of my top favs and go-toā€™s for gym and regular life motivation. I especially love the hilarious gym stories episodes!! Sending hugs to Brit, Darian and Vinny!!
  • EmilyK716
    Top 2024 Podcast!
    If you are looking to get into podcasts this year you need to start with this one!!! Not only does Britt cover all things gym and fitness but also health and wellness as a whole. There is no other pod I am consistently listening to, this is the BEST hands down! So excited for this season. Thank you Britt and family!
  • Gltrbug
    Great Motivator
    I used to lift years ago but had slowly gotten away from it. Iā€™ve been wanting to get back but have been struggling with motivation and gym confidence. I just started listening to this podcast at work and it has definitely helped! Sheā€™s so happy & easy to listen to with great information and tips. It has made me excited to get back into the gym and work back towards a healthy lifestyle.
  • yuhhitslilly
    I canā€™t thank you all enough
    i just found this podcast last week and i have been binging episodes !! i listen to them when iā€™m getting ready for my workouts and recovering from my workouts, and let me tell you, life changing!! i followed Brit on Youtube and watched her vids and when i found out she had a PODCAST i was literally ecstatic! Brit (and Darian) are so inspiring and have really taught me so much so far, and iā€™ve only been listening for a week. theyā€™ve helped me realize that resting is important, that leveling up in my workouts is something that i can do, and fueling my body with healthy foods is so important. iā€™m so thankful for how much they have taught me. canā€™t wait for wednesday!!
  • marshallmegan34
    Thank you for EVERYTHING
    I know that you guys have a lot of people tell you how amazing you all are, but truly from the bottom of my heart and everyone elseā€™s your family is AMAZING! You provide joy to everyoneā€™s day! Keep up the hard amazing work! Also Darien keep up the hard work in healthcare!! šŸ¤©
  • SamanthaWester
    100th Episode!
    I am CACKLING and I mean dying after this episode. First I canā€™t believe itā€™s the 100th episode, but two it was one of the funniest! I loved listening to both of you bounce off each other and hear all the laughs that made me laugh too! I definitely related to some of the gym confessions as well šŸ˜… Love your podcast and am so grateful you do this, thank you!
  • Bradyis_fit
    Hey Brit, I love listening to to your podcasts on my walks/runs and even when Iā€™m lifting. I love how you spread so much positive energy and how you keep it real all the time. I just wanted to say keep up the great work. I am trying to getter my wife to start listening to you because i think you would be a great female in the fitness industry for her, and even a life influencer. Keep up the great work.
  • AnaWithOneN
    Love the content but not the appropriation
    Brittany is a wholesome girl who puts out great content, but the AFV is just cringey. Not only because sheā€™ll say things like ā€œno capā€ and ā€œreal talkā€ but because she then proceeds to say that she ā€œhas no idea where they even come fromā€. In one episode, even, her husband goes on to say how he ā€œhates itā€ when people talk that way. Iā€™d recommend finding other ā€œhipā€ terminology thatā€™s not AFV, or at least acknowledge it and respect it.
  • Megan Hemmer
    Literally fun and gains
    Fun and games by Britney is great for both entertainment and personal growth. Brittany is energetic and thereā€™s always an abundance of fun little tidbits making every episode enjoyable and educational. Whether itā€™s learning something new or gaining insights to enhance my well-being this podcast delivers on all fronts!
  • Clur Rose
    Brit I love you and your family
    Thank you for your vulnerability in the July episode ! Itā€™s a season of learning to slow down and reprioritizing for me, and I love to hear your chit chats about your challenges in those areas as well, and practical things that have helped you through. I love listening every week at the gym or at home, I think about you and your family often and am inspired by your and Darienā€™s hard work and willingness to prioritize your family even when itā€™s counter-cultural. ā€œByeeee , uv uuuuā€ šŸ’•
  • Lindsayd1687
    What I needed to Hear
    Iā€™m listening to the episode with Paige and itā€™s exactly what I need to hear. I real story that talks about the ups and downs of her fitness journey. Thanks for the podcast and having real conversations! Saving this episode for the hard days!
  • RyleeReady
    Best Podcast Ever!!!
    I have been listening to Brittanyā€™s podcast for over a year now and have never found one I love more!! Wednesdays are definitely my favorite day of the week now, haha! She is such an inspiration in the health and fitness space and has definitely changed my perspective when it comes to managing a healthy lifestyle! Also shoutout to Darian for being the best guest on the podcast and always making me laugh! My long walks and gym sessions would not be as entertaining and uplifting without this podcast!
  • Jessy Girl 1122
    Love Love Love
    This podcast is an absolutely must! Brittany takes true passion in helping others live life to the fullest in all aspects! Not only does she talk about fitness and nutrition she also focuses a lot on mental toughness, building self esteem, building a business and having a family as well as being a mom. Brittany is a role model in so many ways but also keeps it real which I love. I have been following you since the beginning and I feel like a proud mom watching your business grow!
  • jjessicaking
    This podcast has brought my fitness journey back to life. Brittā€” I started following you in 2019 and loved following alongside the workouts you shared on Instagram/YouTube as well as yours and Darianā€™s wonderful personalities in your stories. I appreciated watching your fitness journey while you were pregnant because I was starting to think about growing my own family and I hadnā€™t seen many moms in the fitness world, so it was so cool to watch! The comeback?!? How freaking inspiring. Anyway, I fell off on my own fitness journey once I became pregnant due to having HG and feeling like I was gonna die, which was unfortunately right around the time this podcast came outā€¦ so while I continued to watch on YouTube as I sat my butt at home, I wasnā€™t fully *here.* Then after waiting to get back into the gym, I immediately started listening to the pod while I worked out. Something that Britt says that I really affirmed in my brain is that it took 9 months to grow my sweet baby, so I gotta give myself 9 months AT LEAST before being too hard on myselfā€¦ that mindset actually probably saved my life, my mental health and my breastfeeding journey. I love the gym so much and I love being a mom and itā€™s SO SO SO cool and inspiring to follow someone who also loves BOTH of those things. I also genuinely appreciate what a great relationship with food you have and promote Britt.. As someone with a disordered eating history, I used to really struggle with following people who didnā€™t necessarily promote the best habits and I didnā€™t even realize it until I started following someone who promotes good healthy eating. THANK YOU for showing me different ways that I can not only be the best version of myself, but also the best role model for my son. :) Thank you for sharing your life and your journey with us. And a final thank you to Darian for your openness about your school journey on the pod! I decided to go back to school towards being a PA shortly before getting back into the gym, so listening to your CRNA journey and hearing how someone balances it all has been great. You guys are so wonderful and inspirational. I feel like Iā€™m just hanging out at the gym with my friends when I listen to your pod and itā€™s a feeling like no other.. THANK YOU for your friendship yā€™all.
  • Qttheh75
    Hi girlie! I cannot thank you enough for all your gym and fitness content. This podcast is like the PUMP to my fitness journey. Iā€™m a recent law school graduate in Houston, TX and struggled for the past 3-4 years with prioritizing both my mental and physical health. Then one day I stumbled upon your YT channel, then Instagram, fitness app, and finally this podcast. You have completely changed my perspective on the gym and Iā€™m now a proud gym girlie. Youā€™ve also helped me through depression, anxiety, and even marriage by sharing your own struggles with Darian in grad school. Iā€™ve told you this through DM on the gram but I want to reiterate that youā€™re just a GENUINELY GOOD PERSON. Youā€™ve helped me and so many others like myself develop a healthy relationship with the gym and with all that life throws at us. People like you are hard to come by and I cannot thank you enough for all your guidance, tips, and insight into this space and life in general. Lastly, huge thanks to Darian and Vinny for making your content even more amazing! Janette P.
  • swifty24
    For Britt and Darian
    Thank you, for so many reasons. Brittany is the ONLY influencer/sports girlie I follow because she is real and thatā€™s what keeps me coming back. I was new to Arizona and saw she lived here at that time so I started listening to this podcast after following Brittanyā€™s YouTube videos for awhile and was instantly hooked. She keeps it real, raw, hilarious and is realistically helpful! This podcasts has helped me through a difficult chapter of my life full of loss, depression and infertility. During this time, I lost a lot of myself, this podcast becoming a part of my routine has helped me get back to my new and improved self. Her episode on post partum depression really hit home for me and made me feel seen. Itā€™s really refreshing to have found someone who pours their heart out so genuinely. Also, I want to thank Darian. I too am a nurse and went back for my NP last fall after hearing you talk about taking the jump to go back. If Darian can do with his crazy life, I can work on chipping away at it also. Although you didnā€™t know it, you inspired me to take that jump and make it a reality to practice functional medicine. So although this is technically a review, itā€™s more of a thank you for being vulnerable to share your life with us! Together we are healing and growing!
  • AshleyMarie0627
    Britt you are amazing, absolutely love fun and gains!
    Seriously havenā€™t been listing to podcast long and just started this year and I love your content so much! Iā€™m new to the whole gym world as I was always scared to go not being comfortable in my own skin and you being so much inspiration and give me the motivation to love myself through the process!!! I just got you app and I canā€™t wait to start next week!!! Listening to fun and gains has been a game changer for me and I canā€™t wait to keep binging and get caught up to real time!!! Thank you for all you do for me and everyone else!! Ps just got my first gymshark order and it is fire!!! ā¤ļøšŸ„°šŸ”„šŸ’•
  • Makayla0531
    Britt is inspiring!!šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»
    I started listening to this podcast over a year ago, and believe me that I went back and listened to what I missed. Britt you are an absolute inspiration to me and everyone that listens. You changed my workouts into actually wanting to get better and stronger versus how I would always run to get smaller. I have so much more confidence and you absolutely have fueled that fire!! šŸ”„ Now, I no longer look at the numbers on the scale, nor do I even care!! :) The gym is now my second home and where I can destress while also getting rippedšŸ˜‰ To anyone that is thinking about starting this podcast, DO IT! Britt will literally become your big sister. Hi to Darian and Vinny as well! Thanks for changing lives Britt, love you!!
  • Jasmyn :)
    Motivating, Entertaining, and Inspiring!!
    Brittany, I am a huge fan of this podcast! I listen to it during my workouts in the morning and I go through my workouts laughing at the things you and Darian say and leave the gym more and more motivated every day. I love following your journey and seeing all the new things you are doing. Following you throughout my own journey has allowed me to keep myself accountable with my fitness and nutrition journey and i have never felt better about myself. Thank you for being you! šŸ’›
  • alianbanana
    Love it
    I was looking for podcast help listen to while I work out. I absolutely love yours. It inspired me go gym not just do cardio. I decided start at beginning of your podcast. I listen all day help get caught up. This awesome and inspiring.
  • B. Bronco6
    Seriously, this is the most incredible podcast!
    BRITTANY!! I love your podcast with my whole heart. Every podcast makes me feel like I am having a conversation with a big sister, and I love listening to you and the guests you have on. You inspire me every single day on all social media platforms, and I strive to be as strong as you. Thank you for all the hard work you have put into making this such an amazing podcastā€¦ you are appreciated beyond words.šŸ©· P.S. I think you should get Sydney Adams on the podcastā€¦ it would be such an awesome episode hearing from two of my favorite fitness influencers!
  • Antonia Giglio
    Meet Your New Bestie
    I just started listening to Brittanyā€™s podcast and you know how much I love it? I went ALL THE WAY back to episode #1 to get caught up on all the episodes. I learn something new from every single one including the crazy gym stories. Brittany keeps it fun and encouraging while educating us on how to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Iā€™m going to be sad when I get all caught up because I wonā€™t be able to listen to 4 episodes a day anymore. If I could rate this podcast more than 5 stars then I would. Also, hi, Darian! You guys are my faves!
  • Madeline627
    Heyyyyyyy, Britt!!! This is Madeline! I absolutely love your podcast! Even tho I am only in high school right now, I take your advice and I try to do some form of workout when I get a chance to. I love all of your tips, and everything that u say. I often listen to your podcast when I go on my everyday mile walk. U r the best Britt!!!
  • hannah lowell
    Dear Brittany (and Darian), Thank you for creating this podcast. I discovered this podcast in the beginning of 2023 and have listened to almost all of them (still working on it). My favorite time to listen to your positive, uplifting, and true words is in the car or on my runs. The end of 2022 I decided I was going to run my first ever marathon (I never ran before aside from sports in high school and college). I was nervous of course, but once I started listening to you I felt heard and encouraged on my training journey a lot of my motivation comes from this podcast. I related to so much of what you and your guests have gone through. Fast forward I am about to run my marathon in less than 2 weeks at 20 years old. Since listening to this podcast I have healed my relationship with food, exercise, and let go of past coach trauma. You are so real and raw but also motivating and inspiring to me. I wanted to say thank you for all you have done! (I also so badly want to meet you so I am looking forward to one day going to an event you host or appear in!) - Hannah <3
  • Sarandavis
    MUST LISTEN TO PODCAST! Such an empowering, honest, entertaining, and moving podcast. This is the first ever podcast I listened to. I instantly feel in love. Thank you Brit & your whole family to such an amazing podcast.
  • Commiebear101
    So Inspiring and Fun
    Britā€™s podcast is so enjoyable to listen to when Iā€™m getting ready in the morning, going for a walk, working out, etc. She is so positive and yet real and true to her feelings and lifeā€™s ups and downs. Being married, in college and being a corporate girly is tough, and Iā€™ve been struggling with the motivation to get back into working out and lifting heavy. And listening to her every Wednesday just brightens my week and makes me want to go be active. And ofc we love Darian and Vinny. Everyone should listen to this!
  • Sophieasteiger
    brittany! you are literally my fav!! you are so honest, real, and such an inspiration to me. thank you so much for being so so sweet! i feel like your my bestie! šŸ«¶you!!
  • Elizabeth Harden
    New direction
    I love your YouTube videos and your podcast. Youā€™ve helped me grow and change the way I think about health and fitness and just my life and bettering myself overall. Iā€™m starting a new path in life and not entirely sure what Iā€™m going to do. I love photography and editing videos, but Iā€™m also thinking of maybe starting a podcast. Just wanted to say keep doing what youā€™re doing, youā€™re making such a positive impact on so many people!
  • @michann_22
    Wednesday Staple!!!
    I look forward to every single Wednesday because of this podcast! I listen to this podcast at the gym, when Iā€™m on a walk, when Iā€™m cleaning, doing laundry, and itā€™s amazzzing. This podcast is truly life changing. The episodes are so relatable to the reality of life. I recommend this podcast to EVERYONE! Britt and her fam are true role models and real people. It is so amazing to learn new things each week. Britt gives me hope for when Iā€™m ready to be a fitness mom too! This podcast is a staple in my life!
  • ut. ijvhjobhdb
    Grateful for YOU
    Brittany, I have followed you only for a short while but to say you have changed my fitness life is an understatement! I will be finishing your beginner program this week, which is something I NEVER would have accomplished without your humble inclusive spirit and gym guidance! I hear you in my head DAILY- ā€œ you belong here as much as anyone elseā€! I feel stronger than Iā€™ve Ever been! As an avid runner I have always felt like the gym just wasnā€™t ā€œfor meā€- describing myself as wimpy. The gym can be so intimidating and I felt so lost! I am a 40 year old mom of two boys and the fact that you are a mother- a present, invested mother no less, is another reason you are so relatable. Proving that as mothers we CAN have it all-even on days when we are our WORST critic. I just watched your Gymshark YouTube video and your genuine compassion, interest and passion for helping people is written all over your face when you light up! I was in tears when you weā€™re feeling so much gratitude! I just wanted to share with you how important your motivation is to me! I listen to your podcast every day as I drive to the gym. Listening to your old and new episodes makes me feel less alone as I used to struggle with seasonal depression as well as the complicated emotions that can come with motherhood. Congratulations on your new gym and I canā€™t wait to see your beautiful life continue to unfold! Thankyou for continuing to put yourself out there and never stop! We love you so much and god bless you for this podcast!
  • tayren314
    Gentle Parent of Fitness
    Brittany is such a gem of a person. I love how she is so realistic about health and fitness, and how she gets vulnerable and talks about anxiety and bad days and general challenges of life. I love her interviews with guests and hearing her interact with other fitness influencers and friends, but her solo episodes or ones with her hubby are where itā€™s at! I adore her energy and positivity; it makes me so motivated to try to eat a more balanced diet and get in the gym. When Im feeling unmotivated, I either listen to an episode or watch one of her workout videos on YouTube! She is so kind, and never tries to shame you or make you feel like youā€™re not doing enough- itā€™s all baby steps and making small realistic changes! Even though weā€™re pretty much the same age, she is the gentle parent of the fitness community I always wanted. Love you and the pod!
  • MacKennaCheer
    My Go-to Pre-workout Podcast
    In last weekā€™s episode, Britt and Darian talked about how getting in the right headspace is so important. I just had to come on here to say that I watch Brittā€™s YouTube videos before I leave for my tumbling class and listen to this podcast on the way there to get myself into the right headspace. This podcast is so encouraging and inspires me to give tumbling my all that night and treat my body right after. Thank you!
  • Briauna V
    Wednesdays are the best day
    Britt and her family make my day! I love the content and how inspirational she is! I want to move to Michigan just to go to her gym! Love you guys!
  • R. Haslett
    A beautiful touching podcast!
    Iā€™ve discovered Brittany on here & binged this whole podcast in the last two weeks, while driving as a local truck driver. Being a young woman w/ long hours on the road and still participating in getting workouts in is really tough on the mind. However, Britt, her family, and her friends have truly helped me recognize negative thought patterns in myself and has given me ways to help me overcome many anxieties and restore my confidence and motivation in and out of the gym. I really feel touched and changed after listening and Iā€™ll be looking forward to Wednesdays and all the other days after even more. I have gotten choked up and laughed many times while listening. Britt really highlights the human experience when comes to leading a healthy lifestyle. I live by the quote ā€œcanā€™t have a rainbow without a little rainā€ from the queen Dolly Parton and this podcast was the grandest rainbow after many months of rainā¤ļøšŸ„¹. Thank you guys above all and to anyone reading thisā€¦ just listen, listen hard. šŸ«¶šŸ¼
  • taylor shceodle
    Inspiring & relatable
    I love Brit and her family! I love this podcast and everything it stands for! Iā€™m in nursing school and it is so hard for me to make time for the gym and Iā€™ve gained weight being in school and stressed; but listening to this podcast truly lights that flame again to get back at it. Brit seems like such a sweet and genuine person who truly cares about her audience. I have been listening from the beginning and will continue listening. I feel like brit always knows what to say and if she doesnā€™t Darien does. Vinny makes my heart so happy OMG! I love this fam and this podcast. HIGHLY SUGGEST, for people of any age at any stage of life.
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