Truth Over Tribe: Christian Takes on Culture, News & Politics

News #163News Commentary #38

Tired of the culture war? This is that podcast that’s too liberal for conservatives, too conservative for liberals. We seek to follow the lamb, not the donkey or elephant.

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  • Chozengurl
    Daniel Markovits
    While I used to enjoy this podcast and listened with an open mind / open heart to seek understanding… this interview was not, in my opinion, one that lends to an intelligent perspective nor anything that resembles a biblical worldview. When Mr. Markovits spoke to healthcare (NP vs MD specialists) I have to say that was the moment of my being “done” with this episode. I did listen all the way through hoping you’d respond sensibly… as a nurse in leadership I can assure you that lowering the standards is not the solution. As the nursing shortage has hit all facets of healthcare I have watched as nursing schools face the challenge of meeting the demand for more nursing staff by pushing students through school who would never have made it through in the past. The result has been very poorly performing nurses at the bedside of our elderly and sick, pediatrics and adult populations alike. A lower standard will never be the solution. It seems in an effort to “be open”, this podcast left behind the sensibility of a society that can sustain.
  • yvrrybvryuj
    Overall it’s Good, but…
    Of the ones I’ve heard most are really good and unbiased, but the last two I’ve listened to have very much biased guests. So much so that it made me question if it was really about “following the Lamb” or just under the guise in order to get more listeners. The host is great though!
  • Patrick2081
    Finally giving a review
    It took me some time to deliver but I feel confident to say this a great podcast! Patrick and Keith have put a wide spectrum of views, denominations, and subjects to engage. They also respond when messaging on questions. It’s a great range of views and will challenge you and cause you to engage the scriptures. Any podcast with Scot McKnight and Michael Bird cannot be missed! God bless.
  • mkm rhythms
    You bring up important topics that believers should discuss. Whether we agree or disagree with the guests and hosts, the discourse is valuable.
  • TigerJon
    Daniel Markovits Interview
    Not sure what the point of this interview was. Daniel Markovits is a hypocrite and a progressive socialist. I respect Keith’s open mindedness, but I don’t see how Mr. Markovits furthers the kingdom…regardless of his politics.
  • MarieEOB
    Grew as young adult in dispensationalism only to toss it ASAP
    My husband and I came out of the Reformed and Lutheran traditions and after marrying attended a fundamentalist General Baptist church for 9 years- great people and fellowship. But we weee bathed in dispensationalism and wondered why our previous traditions didn’t talk about eschatology. We had a visiting speaker over for dinner who was changing to a mid-Trob rapture and “stirring up all kinds of trouble.” We saw it he was realistic that the church is not exempt from “worldly” trials and tribulation and relying on the Rapture was a fever dream of escape. Within a couple of years of leaving we ditched dispensationalism wholly as we learned how new a teaching it is in light of church history. Can’t say we’ve found a replacement but we see the detritus dispensationalism has left in our culture and in right wing politics: you can call a liar and adulterer “your” president who’s been sent by God and let injustice rule as long as God picks you up to avoid the consequences of your willful blindness to how you are leaving the world. I personally still reject dispensationalism as a whole, but do believe in a literal return of Jesus Christ. Your discussion, especially the cultural effects and its distinct American flavor that not just lingers but invades everything. How white Christian nationalism with its postmillenialist view (and intended national policies in Project 2025 paper) fits with it is terribly unclear making a current eschatology inherently contradictory and messy. Thank you for a great thought provoking in discussion.
  • reepicheep07
    Reliably thought-provoking
    The conversations are always interesting.
  • Answered Prayer!
    Challenges us all to THINK and to KNOW why we believe what we believe!
    This podcast is a breath of fresh air. The topics are super challenging and I fear that those who are committed to one side and choose to keep blinders on will not benefit from these discussions because they’ll choose not to. BUT if you want to listen to conversations that may even challenge your own beliefs and opinions….. listen to this!! At the very least, you’ll have a stronger conviction for your current standings, and at the very best, you’ll open your eyes to some areas where your eyes need to be opened. This is how we should all agree/disagree. We should all really dig in and truly seek to understand why we believe what we believe….. and even if you disagree, it will lead you to disagree with grace and charity. This podcast helps us to live out Augustine’s (or whoever said it first) famous words….. “in essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”
  • Ellenmayjune
    This podcast is great because it challenges all of the cultural narratives that are going on and as a Christian I often feel called out (in a good way) for not having thought through the cultural current I am swimming in be that of the world or even more difficult - within Christian culture. I don’t always agree with the hosts or the guests but I enjoy that they challenge me to think through areas I have taken for granted or just gone along with. This work of pushing back against the tide of culture is tough - thanks guys!
  • DrewshC
    Thought Provoking
    I've been a believer for over 40 years, been a missionary, a pastor and a Bible teacher. Our often narrow American perspective on following Christ has a variety of blindspots that just become "the air we breathe". We don't even realize it and the people they interview and the thoughts they provide over the content is challenging. No, I don't always agree with them, but no one always agrees with me either! I appreciate the turning to Scripture w/o the dogmatism that they hold the corner on truth. Keep up the good work! Praying for you.
  • ttttpadtole
    Found a home
    Just a Christian grandma who was looking for a voice of reason in confusing times…. and not afraid to, with grace, challenge the purveyors of rage… found it.
  • Thin Blue Line 72
    NOT the Godly path I’d want to follow
    I’ve been listening to the show for awhile. I have listened through some tough episodes that really pushed what I believe, but I stayed with an open mind. Today, I listened to the beginning of a show where the host said he would NOT pledge allegiance to the flag or sing our national anthem, and he suggested other “Christians” do the same. This show is A LOT MORE LEFT, with approving of gay pastors, who aren’t “actively in a gay relationship” and other nonsense, than anyone other than a Leftist would want to hear. This show is a show to push REAL CHRISTIANS to a more “understanding” version, or should I say perversion, of the world and The Word. This IS NOT A SHOW FOR PEOPLE WHO TRULY WANT TO FOLLOW THE WORDS OF GOD.
  • Troutdale Mayor
    Great listen
    Love the podcast
  • Lizleman
    Great podcast
    I am so thankful my niece told me about this podcast! I was so discouraged and am so happy to find there are Jesus followers who are smarter and more knowledgeable than me bringing sanity to all that is happening in the world currently. I learned a lot from the Tim Alberta episode. I read his latest book but this was a good follow up. Thank you!
  • West Wichita
    Anti-Echo Chamber Christian Thinking
    Appreciate the thoughtful pursuit of challenging our way of thinking, and focusing on seeking truth with a “T”. Reminding us we need to be willing to change your mind in the pursuit of that truth.
  • Billy Goat 321
    Breath of fresh air
    In navigating the world of political involvement as a follower of Christ I find this podcast so helpful in learning how to avoid pitfalls that would be destructive to the people around me.
  • Gerald S. Cook
    Pot Stirring
    I’m a Christian, non-politically affiliated evangelical. I’ve listened to a few of these podcasts and cannot do it anymore. The conversations are loose and soft. They don’t challenge me or inspire me to turn to my Bible for answers. In fact, this podcast might push us further apart.
  • Rural Bookworm
    The 1,000-year kingdom
    I’m never disappointed with any of your podcasts. The interview with Dr. McKnight was insightful, inspiring, and helpful. I did think the whole episode begged the question “What are ways of understanding the 1,000-year kingdom?” If we should not be playing a predict-the-future code breaking game with Revelation, then what are we to think about the 1,000-year kingdom? But I suppose that is a good reason to read Revelation for the Rest of Us.
  • leslie36houston
    Love/Hate Relationship
    This is a very well done podcast bringing in viewpoints from all sides. It challenges my way of thinking in such a great way. I hate the intro because it pushes my political buttons, but the actual show is intriguing and the guests and thoughtful and peaceful.
  • steelemama
    Christian Nationalism
    I am a committed Christian who opposes Christian nationalism. I believe the definition of it is putting country above God and/or Christ and believing that America somehow has a higher blessing and calling. I would push back on the comment that Christians opposing abortion don’t do anything to prevent abortion in other ways or help the unwanted babies. It is typically the Christian world that reaches out to and provides for anyone needing and asking for help. I personally provide monthly support for an organization that provides medical care and support for women whether their pregnancy is wanted or unwanted. Thank you for your continued work on bringing truth over tribe. It is difficult when facing the other tribes! Really appreciated your podcast on Israel. Very informative! Interesting teaching on dispensationalism which I have always been taught. I am moving away from it and studying more. My son-in-law is a reformed pastor and his teaching on the Olivet discourse has been eye opening as well. Thanks again. I would love to visit the church sometime. I am in Newnan, Ga.
  • Sackcloth and Ashed
    Nov. 8 Podcast with Redeemed Zoomer
    There seemed to be such a lack of grace in Redeemed Zoomer’s discourse and rhetoric, it frankly subverted the purported purpose of this podcast. I don’t know about truth, but there was a whole lot of tribe here. The podcaster starts by making a distinction between liberal theology and liberal politics, but pretty quickly Zoomer flees from such distinction, and it becomes pretty clear that he sees them as one and the same. An equation between Christian orthodoxy and right wing politics is strongly suggested throughout the episode. I thought this show was supposed to be the opposite of that. Zoomer also spends a lot of time elevating issues on which sincere Christians can disagree to matters of first-order magnitude. A good rule of thumb is this: If it’s in the Apostle’s Creed, it’s an essential article of faith for Christians. Beyond that Christians of good will should be able to disagree. You vote for Trump or downplay matters of injustice in our world, I can disagree with you and still assume you’re a Christian of goodwill. Likewise, I expect you to show me the same decency if I question strict church rulings on matters of sexuality or that outlawing abortion is the best way to reduce abortion. Zoomer appears to want no part of that, and even attributes such differing beliefs to “demonic forces.” Especially disappointing was that the host enthusiastically agreed with Zoomer’s rhetoric. I thought this show was better than that, but I’m starting to wonder. Is this show serious about truth over tribe, or is this just the same old stuff I’ve been hearing my whole life repackaged in a more palatable way?
  • YishaiB
    Newest episode was great
    Came for the Redeemed Zoomer episode; it was excellent. I think I’ll check out some others.
  • Number Two.
    The church didn’t “cure” homosexuality anymore than it “cured”any other disordered affection. Greg needs to lean on Jesus for help instead of intentionally choosing to identify as a gay person. You or i may have broken desires towards all manner of things, women’s feet maybe but that doesn’t mean we should identify as such. I applaud his celibacy but he needs to man up and get over himself, imho. Not a helpful way r biblical paradigm.
  • David Awn
    Really like your 10/25 podcast on Israel
    I am conflicted given all the narrative on biblical theological basis to support current Israel aggressiveness and revengeful stance on Hamas and/or Gaza-ians. Hamas action was totally, absolutely evil, evil incarnate. But thank you for helping me sort through some of my conflicts. I thank the Lord for your podcast. I am an immigrant from Asia
  • Discovery of capital O
    The Great Dechurching
    I left the protestant world in 2011 for The Orthodox Church. I was never ‘comfortable’ with the Evangelical ‘one-time’ acceptance of Christ as Savior - the Campus Crusade for Christ Spiritual Laws - ‘eternal security’. I believed living for Christ was not emphasized enough. I find the number of times you guys use the word ‘orthodox’ VERY interesting.If it was only Capital O!🙏🏻 When we were raising our children, Sunday morning soccer was a huge issue. Had I been Orthodox (capital O), I HOPE /believe that I would have had them in Church without asking the Church to ‘change’. Being bold here: Capital “O” Orthodoxy Is true Christianity - Evangel are trusting in “once saved always saved “- a heresy….. which FOSTERS a “lack.a.daisical” attitude toward worship in community & partaking of the Eucharist. Sad that this attitude is being passed on to generation after generation. Humbly Submitted - Forgive me.🙏🏻
  • Bespectacled Ape
    As a non-Trumper Evangelical, the show on " Can a Christian Be an Environmentalist" is reassuring. I do wish Christians would be more concerned about worshipping mamonas (Mammon) than Jesus. Only 4 stars because I don't think they are going as far as needed. Christians are so far behind that this is a good start, but I believe the Bible much more clearly addresses these issues than the show admits. In other words, still a lot of Both-Sides-Ism.
  • efdsm
    I just found this podcast and decided to listen, and The Great Dechurching was such a timely and thought-provoking episode. I hit “Follow” and am looking forward to the next topics. Thank you for the Biblically sound, non-political truth.
  • jimnshar
    Sandy Richter-guest
    Great podcast!
  • Robert Lackie
    Love this!
    This podcast has quickly become my favorite and first “go-to” every week. The hosts are engaging and thoughtful AND thought-provoking. The one discussinga Christian’s public and private life was especially fantastic. Really needed among Christians in the era we are in right now in America. Thank you to you both! Robert L.
  • T Voros
    Exactly what the polarized church needs
    This podcast is on point. The church needs to take a biblical stance (whatever direction that leads us) rather than being co-opted by a particular political party. Partisan politics in the church does great harm to the cause of Christ and this podcast models a higher road for us and encourages us to lean into uncomfortable and complex thinking.
  • PraiseBandMan
    So well balanced!
    In every episode, I’m not only challenged in my thinking and opinions but I’m also encouraged to land back in the middle by being respectful of those that I disagree with and that I should always be open to learning from others by being a good listener, rather than always trying to defend my opinions. Outstanding work here guys! Truth Over Tribe is always my go-to to bring balance in my life.
  • jslattengren
    Great Podcast! Sell some Merch!
    Listening for awhile! I’d love to support the show and don’t have time to read a book Sell some merch!
  • C. R. Imes
    I’m always looking for Christian podcasts that discuss relevant topics from both sides of an issue. I believe that we can disagree without condemning each other. Thoroughly enjoyed this conversation! Thank you!
  • Emmy Jay Ji
    Relevant Truth Based Content
    I love how relevant the episodes are & how up to date they are with current events. I’m also amazed how the hosts continue to boldly speak the truth and helping others do so in light of culture.
  • chisaroku
    love it, but !
    love this podcast (esp the intro! the 'not the elephant or the donkey, but the lamb' line is too good). 2 concerns: if this podcast aims to promote Biblical truth over tribalist mentalities, how do non-believing guests contribute to this purpose? also the un-marriage episode on gay marriage in america was rly fascinating and thought provoking, but i just kept wincing every time there was a subtle jab at the podcaster being critiqued. i think we can humbly show grace towards ppl whose opinions frustrate us, knowing that the Truth will speak for itself 😎
  • Gurlzgottaeat
    Glory to God
    Simply beautiful, this has leveled me up in being a child of Father God and being a human being on this earth. Thank you for the thoughtful, honest, fruitful conversation. Tim Mackie is a special human being, as you all are. Love!
  • L00king for trüth
    Helpful perspective and challenging
    Love the podcast - it’s so needed to have voices that are reasonable and willing to challenge you to think beyond our cultural echo chambers and trends. In the end you’ll be sharper, and hopefully more Christike. Their episode on why America reads less ended up being personally challenging and illuminated some things I needed to consider in my development professionally and spiritually.
  • Ambeautiful
    I think we need the other half
    After listening to the Josh Butler episode, especially the second half, it really makes me want to hear Sheila Wray Gregoire‘s side of it since they quoted her and talked about her without her being able to respond.
  • Hurt & disappointed
    Tribe over Truth
    When it comes to doing the right thing, this podcast supports the men who abuse women, support heresy, and ignore the truth.
  • londoncalling797
    But this is a tribe
    I don’t understand how this is truth over tribe - they’re just picking their own truth and saying it’s fact which is what everyone is doing. The tribe is just a collection of that guy at your office who gets huffy when he overhears a convo on how a woman is being treated unfairly in a way a man would not be. These guys are just tired of hearing opinions they disagree with - that their dad’s generation didn’t have to deal with because other people didn’t have any voice then. They’re republicans, and they also represent the individualistic American Christianity that calls anything other than dad’s opinion a complaint and calls dad’s complaint a fact. It’s tiring.
  • krissyestelle
    Declining birth rates
    This episode is so full of great data and heart. Im having a full existential crisis. I believe my whole life has been a lie! The verse that comes to mind on this subject Revelation 18:4, speaking of Babalyon, “come out of her, my people”. Our call to come out of this world and be separate. As a woman I’m thankful for the truth you shared. It’s hard to hear but God is good and will forgive if we repent.
  • LynderD
    I absolutely loved this weeks show. Pantsuit Politics is now a must listen show like Truth Over Tribe. Also just finished your book. Great stuff! Keep it coming!
  • SCMomof3 73
    Oh Wow!!! I’ve found my people!!!
    Thank goodness! I’ve been feeling for years that I am too liberal to be conservative and too conservative to be liberal! I am personally conservative but choose to give love and grace to people that don’t act/believe/live the way I do. I have struggled to reconcile the beliefs I’ve been taught and surrounded by my entire life with what I believe the Bible is instructing me to do. It’s so nice to know I’m not the only one and to also get perspective on topics I haven’t even considered yet. Just THANK YOU! I pray God continue to bless and grow this ministry. In Jesus’ precious and holy name💙✝️💙
  • MaggieGrl
    Helps me THINK
    I have loved listening to this podcast so much. As a 61 year old conservative woman it is challenging me to take another look at long held ideas & stances. I always come away feeling challenged & refreshed- it’s so easy to fall back thoughtlessly to the things that make me feel comfortable and I’m pretty sure that getting too “comfortable” makes it easy to put God in a box that resembles me more than Him.
  • mshetler
    This podcast gives me hope in humanity! I’m glad I’m not the only follower of Jesus concerned about what is happening to the American church today. It is refreshing to hear Truth Over Tribe discussing my same concerns. I love how you have both sides of the aisle invited to the table. As someone who is more left of center, I enjoy being challenged in my ideas and thoughts. Thank you for this podcast!
  • Tom Coffman
    Enjoying Greatly
    I’d say algorithms aren’t all bad. I was steered by Apple’s suggestion and it was a good one. I’ve listened to several podcasts and the range of guests and topics is enjoyable. Anyone giving Yuval Levin airtime is worth it! I would suggest that following the Lamb does not mean that one’s chosen or rightful position is between Left/Right, Labour/Tory or Democrat/Republican. The Lamb transcends and could mean one political side is correct versus between the two poles.
  • Nanny Gram
    Thank you for speaking truth into the often chaotic world of politics today.
    After voting Republican for most of my life I am finding myself on a search for honesty and openness. I am so very disappointed in many of our political candidates’ motives for running for office. Your podcast is refreshing. Keep speaking truth into our world. Thanks!
  • Gavin T. Oldham
    Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
    Listener beware. This is not a podcast that seeks to ascertain truth and be apolitical, rather a tool of the establishment.
  • mollieee2023
    Great podcast!
    I really love this podcast and think that it’s so needed today in the Christian community. It’s so nice to listen to people who are so thoughtful on all of topics that come up daily in our society!
  • Belle.brittany
    Jackie Hill Perry Episode
    This episode was so encouraging! I wrote down some notes. You have to listen beginning to end so you don’t miss any of the excellent nuggets they share. Take notes!!
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