Are You Menstrual?


Welcome to the Are You Menstrual Podcast with your host, Amanda, a women’s health dietitian. In this podcast, Amanda helps you navigate the confusing world of women’s hormones and teach you how to have healthy periods. Each week will be diving into a different topic on women’s health and sharing our perspective using nutrition, female physiology, and metabolic health. The goal is to help you wade through conflicting health information and empower you on your healing journey. We hope you enjoy it! Website:

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Recent Reviews
  • Life of da party
    Thank you!
    I just found this podcast, and I’m feeling so hopeful about getting really healthy. You take random things I already knew and put them all together to make sense.
    I learned how to support my body
    I was on my last and 3rd pregnancy and struggling with low thyroid issues and this podcast was so revealing and helped me so much! My prior babies were both born on 37 weeks; I think stress and lack of knowledge of how to support my body had create that environment. After listening to a good amount of episodes and trying to implement some changes I not only did not have to worry about my thyroid but my baby was born full term, on her due date. 2 years later my very irregular periods have become very regular basically always starting on the same day of the month, I don’t have pain while on it and I just feel like a have so much more energy. I am still learning but I am so grateful for this podcast and all the info and health she has brought me. I keep sharing with friends and family (in Brazil) because I think this info here is gold and we don’t see much of it around. Thank you!
  • Rfoz23
    Such good information!
    Hey Amanda! Im so thankful my SIL introduced me to your work. I’ve learned more from you than any doctor I’ve ever seen. Would love for you to do am episode on thyroid nodules if possible! Thanks!
  • samcarroll44
    Case study
    I’ve been listening to your podcast for a few weeks now but I love the case study ones the most! Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge, we are all on our own unique healing journeys and this info encourages me so much. It can be so overwhelming.
  • Hinrichs3
    A bit overwhelming and not straight forward
    I am generally a healthy person and I do think some of the information in these podcasts is helpful but I don’t walk away from listening to these with any mind boggling information. As a mom of 3 kids- I don’t have the time to digest all of this natural path information or make it apply in a meaningful way. A lot of it goes over my head or takes it a little far. She gives a lot of advice that may or may not work for others and gives a lot of information on supplements/mineral drinks/brands that she uses and I’m just not going to spend the money on.
  • Jess Sea
    Favorite Podcast
    I love listening to Amanda talk minerals and have learned so much from these podcasts! Very grateful for all of the information- it’s been life changing- Thank you Amanda! I’m excited for the reflux episode coming up and also I have a request for an episode topic : Epstein-Barr Virus 🙏
  • Momma4ever!
    Every episode is packed with great info...
    I listen to every episode but I was especially thankful for your focus on menopause/perimenopause on your last episode. Thank you for the action points to focus on. I look forward to the second episode on minerals. I hope 30 something's don't pass up these episodes, it'll be here before you blink twice! This podcast is quality every time!!
  • Delight67
    Thank you!
    Love this episode on menopause! Thank you for including this season of life in your teaching. I hope you consider more shows on this topic.
  • Fertility Coach
    Wealth of Knowledge!
    I am a Reproductive Health Fertility Coach, and I have learned SO much from AYM! We use so much of what we’ve learned from Amanda to support our clients and I am so thankful for this resource, both professionally and personally. Information is shared in such an easy to understand/ relatable way, and I really appreciate how rooted in facts and science this show is. THANK YOU Amanda for sharing your knowledge with us.
  • Marley F
    A new world!
    This podcast has opened a new world to me in the best way. Amanda has a gift for making things so digestible and easy to action. I trust her. She never uses fear based tactics, which I really appreciate.
  • CleaAlexandra
    Unethical Sharing of Client Information
    The recent episode with Brendan Vermeire was all well and good until he disclosed the identity of three of his former and current clients and then proceeded to share private and sensitive mental health/health information about one of them. If he was going to share that, he needed to have explicit consent from the aforementioned parties, and if he did indeed have that consent he should have shared that with the audience so we weren’t left reeling and horrified at the blatant disregard for the ethics surrounding his work with his clients. He shouldn’t have shared this information, let alone shared it and made clear exactly who he was speaking about, and because he did, Amanda should not have posted this part of the episode. I feel totally grossed out after listening to this podcast episode and I hope Amanda edits this disclosure out, or verifies the consent of the relevant parties and makes that consent clear to her listeners.
  • molovesbo
    Amazing Resource
    I have been listening for over a year now and find the info Amanda shares to be very accurate, well tempered, and reliable. It has personally helped me improve my physical, mental, and hormonal health without using extreme measures. She often cites research, as well as client and personal experiences. I have just listened to the podcast and am not a paying client of hers, but still was very helped by the info. Please do a water episode. Thank you!
  • AnnaARC
    Great resource
    I have long since stopped going to doctors for information. I don’t trust them and they never seem to have real answers. I know I could get an infection cured by traditional medicine if it came to it, but I have been in search of so much more than reactive medicine. I’m looking to be proactive with my health and that of my family’s. I have been in many “camps” in the past and often find myself becoming a collector of knowledge from many different sources. I appreciate Weston A. Price, Jessica Ash, Jason Hommel, Ray Peat, and other like-minded experts in holistic health. I haven’t listened to even half of these episodes (bc too much info can be overwhelming) but I appreciate how Amanda combines many of the experts I love and makes the applications simplified and practical. I especially appreciate the mineral deep dives. Minerals are all the rage and I had begun taking some irresponsibly, without testing first or even understanding the RDA. Thank you for teaching me! I look forward to learning more about the female body now that I’m past my years of having babies but not yet to menopause, and gaining knowledge so I can teach my daughters.
  • Linenandlace
    The GOAT of women’s health
    I’m so thankful I found this podcast! Amanda is so informative, takes the time to truly go in depth and explain and serve the listener, and make it applicable. If I could only listen to one health podcast, this would be it!
  • FitnessPro6520
    So educational and empowering!
    Words cannot describe how much these ladies have positivity impacted my life and overall Health. I’m fortunate to be a client of theirs, and a long time follower on their social media accounts, and still learning so much for each episode! And so many great quote-able nuggets that stick with me! As a fitness coach, I share this podcast with all my clients as well because it improves our weekly check-ins, the information we discuss, relates to what you two talk about often. So thank you 🙏
  • midwestgal2
    Season 5!
    I’ve listen to almost all the episodes over the last year, but I love that season 5 is getting back to the basics! It’s helpful for me and a great resource to share!
  • rowyoirboat
    I am learning so much!
  • Buttons49Luv
    A wealth of information
    This podcast has been absolutely wonderful and so informative, I’ve paid thousands of dollars for an education in alternative health but still find this podcast enriching and engaging! Thank you girls for taking the time to make this information available! I love sharing this with my clients, friends and family. What a blessing!
  • Laurvor
    This podcast gave me anxiety
    I’m sure some people find this helpful and that’s great. But I feel like for majority of people, being healthy shouldn’t be this hard or this complicated. I felt so much anxiety feeling like I have to learn about all the minerals, interactions, nutrients etc just to be healthy. And then on the podcast always talking about how “complex” it all is. Just feel like this approach is not accessible
  • RosieVitt95
    My favorite podcast
    I really didn’t know how nerdy I was until I started listening to my podcast and I don’t care who knows it. It’s so interesting and practically very useful. I feel so much more knowledgeable about my own health now and I love needing out every week when a new episode comes out!
  • emaheg
    Interesting but some of it is really inaccurate crap that will freak the heck out of you if you go along with it and pretend it’s real. After casually listening to a couple of episodes I had to take several days of researching and talking through something with a more informed friend. We are taught so little about our bodies and how they work that people can very easily take bits and pieces of information, shove that up against other pieces of information and make it sound true. Re the Robbins dude stuff: if you were perspective on health comes from one dude and no one else has been able to back that up or support it, you need to take another look at it. Go listen to Erin Holt or Aviva Romm instead.
  • hol bade helTH
    What I have been looking for
    A few years ago I was trained in HTMA by someone else and I felt inadequately trained. Since then I have been looking for more information. I finally found it. Love this podcast so much.
  • Kendramarie30
    Educational but then what?
    I am so thankful for the education but I don’t have the money to buy the mineral content to actually apply this information. All the doctors I see refuse to do the testing that is recommended by Amanda. I feel confused and want to get my health back.
  • eslgirl
    Thank you
    This podcast is phenomenal. So informative and life changing. I can tell the team really cares about getting the information out there to help improve health. Thank you!!!
  • Olyav333
    So good
    So much good resources and information. So generous of them to share all of this for free. Love the foundations break down, great to understand. Thank you girls !
  • Kyface5347
    Life changing
    I’ve a long ways to go but since season 1 I’ve been tracking along with the podcast and got her course. So so helpful! Every episode, even if it seems not applicable to me, has some sort of relevant golden nugget. Love it.
  • Lurpsky
    Loving the mineral deep dives!
    Such valuable information! Absolutely love this podcast.
  • The Felicity Collective
    I’ve learned so much from this podcast!
    I’m a mama to five and so thankful I came across this podcast (via Freely Rooted interview episode!) and wish I had this information during my first pregnancy! Dealing with thyroid issues (again!) during this fifth postpartum and learning loads about how to approach this holistically; I feel like I’m starting to be able to connect the dots with my symptoms. Thank you so much for all the work and effort you put into each episode!
  • ranacaro
    Good info. Presented well. No rambling. Never confusing
    I’m in my 40s and never paid attention to hormonal stuff 🤦🏻‍♀️. Amanda’s podcast is very clear, she doesn’t ramble. This podcast made me want to learn more and more about my body and hormones. Love listening to it, she is knowledgeable and never feels like a waste of time.
  • 12234747gdidiekwysaj252748
    Literally my favorite podcast
    I love this podcast ESPECIALLY the deep dives! Amazing information that everyone should know. I share with all my friends
  • CandyStee
    Information = power!
    There’s a ton of information in each episode but it’s always made so easy to understand. I love the approach to health that Amanda has, it’s so freeing!
  • Surrcass
    Histamine 101
    This is probably the most helpful and enjoyable podcast I’ve listened to on histamines. I enjoy the whole podcast but love the way you break things down here! No pun intended 😂
  • hpoore
    Life Changing Information for free
    I am so incredibly thankful for this podcast and all the free content. I love how scientific it is and yet how simple resolutions are! It’s going back to the basics through a scientific deep dive where we rediscover what we once knew through lots of research. God designed the body mind body and spirit to interweave in a way I couldn’t have ever predicted. Walked in the the pro metabolic space after having my second son and trying to figure out what was going on with his colic and how horrible I was feeling after giving birth to my second child in 17 months. With my first daughter I had HG during pregnancy but after Delivery felt better than when I was a teenager —-hair and skin started growing again, libido up, and mood up. Then after my second Child I hit rock bottom and I didn’t understand what was wrong. After implementing simple steps over time feeling better and better and excited to walk into my next pregnancy fully nourished and prepared for the postpartum journey. Thank you for all your deep dives and time in research to prepare each episode and provide resources for someone that, like me, has limited resources to get test after test to find root causes and get better. You provide a resource for the average women to become healthy through information first and then testing absolutely necessary. Health isn’t for the elite and you make that possible through information sharing. 10 out of 10 recommend!
  • mattie.mattie
    Love the Nuance
    I feel like copper and iron have been a hot topic on Instagram the last few months and Amanda broke it down so well! She addressed the two camps but then addressed the reality that you have to look at the individual and the nuance of the situation! I love the deep dives she gives and her nuanced perspective! Thanks Amanda!
  • Mads_r
    Hands down the best podcast out there!
    As a dietitian, this is the MOST informative podcast I have ever listened to. Week after week Amanda comes out with so much valuable knowledge that helps us practitioners, as well as anyone wanting to dig deeper into their own health and start to understand what their body is telling them. I look forward to her podcast every week and so excited for what’s to come ❤️
  • LoveApps!
    I love this podcast. I went in thinking I wouldn’t learn much but I was so wrong, it’s captivating but I also love the topics. 10/10
  • stersway
    My favorite podcast
    I have shared this with so many of my friends. Opening my eyes to so many things every episode. I also love how the listener can tell how much you have prepared for each episode and how u then break it down on your stories on insta. So helpful 🙏🏼🙌🏼👍
  • elissa4812
    So informative!
    Wow this podcast has opened my eyes. I am no longer eating to lose weight, I’m eating to aid my body. When I go to the grocery store, it’s fun for me to pick foods that have been talked about on this podcast (bone broth).
  • JY893
    Love this podcast!
    Amanda does a great job with explaining things so the average person can understand. I've learned so much from my HTMA! I always look forward to her podcast!
  • KatKru4512
    Life changing podcast!
    I have multiple autoimmune diseases and struggled to get and keep a pregnancy for years. My pregnancy was extremely high risk and difficult. My daughter is almost 2 now and we are having secondary infertility issues. This podcast has changed my life and my focus when it comes to my health. I share it with everyone! Thank you guys! 🤍
  • I quit listening
    I think this podcast is very interesting and informative. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I do think the hosts could benefit from improving their communication skills. Some of the information they present is confusing and unclear what the research is behind their claims. Like I said, I do enjoy the podcast, I just think the presentation and communication could be improved.
  • CEBrewer
    Episode with Nicole on autoimmune thyroid was amazing!!!
    I loved this episode so much!! It had been so hard to find quality and knowledgeable information on this topic. I have been struggling for years with Hashimoto's. I am usually asking doctors for tests or medication they don’t know about which is defeating at times. This episode gives so much insight into the condition and made me feel seen and heard and not crazy for some of the other symptoms I deal with! I also have PCOS and don’t feel like that’s really ever been put together in my treatment plans. Thank you so much for putting this information out there and sharing your knowledge with us!!
  • Bessy1111
    Life changing!
    I am 19 years old and 21 weeks pregnant (happily married to the father :)) so finding this podcast was truly a blessing! I feel like right now is such a crucial time for me to get my health in a good place for the sake of my baby and myself. I was very intolerant to dairy most of my life and would never of dreamed that I would be able to tolerate it one day! I now consume raw dairy every day and eat a variety of meats, fish and whole foods. Drinking adrenal cocktails every day has vastly improved my energy and I sleep so much better as well. I went to having two bowel movements a week to two a day! I take beef liver and vitamin e and my acne is almost nonexistent. I’m slowly making changes to remove toxins from my life and each improvement is such a good feeling! So I can not thank you enough Amanda!
  • JD Living Well
    Best Resource for Women’s Health
    This podcast has been one of the most helpful, informative sources I have ever stumbled across. I’ve been on a health journey for years, and even after working with functional medicine doctors, I still wasn’t seeing the results I wanted. The information I’ve learned from listening has helped me take charge of my health, have more informed conversations with my doctors, and feel confident saying no to things that aren’t right for me.
  • Traveling blossom
    I thought I knew
    I thought I knew nutrition but I still have had healthy issues. This podcast is filling in ALL the holes! My period has been pain free and medium flow and my PMS symptoms are fading each month. EVERY WOMAN should listen to this podcast.
  • Madelin Davis
    So good!
    I love this podcast! Amanda does such a great job at explaining things and asking the people she is interviewing the questions I am typically thinking. I am always looking forward to the next episode. I feels like a friend just sitting in my kitchen with me chatting about all the good health things. Love it! Thanks for creating this!
  • busymomlyfe
    Lighthearted heavy topics
    This past year I decided to take my health back. I was told to take a Dutch test. I didn’t know what it was and searched the podcasts and found one she discussed. I love this podcast and Amanda’s approach to hard topics. While I may not understand the medical lingo, she does a great job making me understand more, and provokes me to think with a wholistic mindset. I love she helps women understand our cycles so much better! Thank you for talking about it!! Also, I think of Wayne’s World when Wayne said “are you mental?!” And that’s a happy memory.
  • Jjguvdycjjsk
    This podcast has been a lifesaver !! I’ve struggled SO long with SIBO/SIFO, Lyme disease, co infections and so much more. I felt so lost and confused and knew nothing about hormones, periods, thyroid, minerals, and metabolism. I didn’t realize how much I was struggling with hormone health and minerals. Not one doctor has ever mentioned the negative affects of birth control or how your period isn’t supposed to be excruciating with tons of symptoms. I’ve been focusing on balancing my minerals, reducing stress, and healing my body!!!!! I have come a long way since getting off birth control a year ago and this podcast has helped me so much. I recommend this for everyone—regardless if they’re struggling with hormones/autoimmune diseases/PCOS or not!!!! I love the knowledge this podcasts gives me because it allows me to be my own advocate and master of my health.
  • buckleyboo
    Real women’s health wisdom
    This show should be mandatory listening for all women who want to optimize their health! Amanda and Emily (+ guests) provide so much depth and detail with their content combined with their real world personal and client experiences. As cliched as it sounds, they really do try to cut through all the diet dogma and guide us back to understanding how our bodies communicate through signs and symptoms. Keep up the fantastic work, ladies!
  • Not The Voice performance
    Can’t recommend enough
    I have learned so much about my own body and why it doesn’t respond to ALL the things I’ve tried over the years. I am post menopausal, obese, and suffer from fibromyalgia and depression. I’ve applied simple principles I’ve learned in this nutritional healing space and feel better than I have in a DECADE. Amanda is knowledgeable, thorough, and lays it out perfectly in an understandable way!
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