Gone Medieval

History #31

From long-lost Viking ships to kings buried in unexpected places; from murders and power politics, to myths, religion, the lives of ordinary people: Gone Medieval is History Hit’s podcast dedicated to the middle ages, in Europe and far beyond.

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Recent Reviews
  • jjp8732
    The host changes everything.
    Oof. I truly loved this podcast and there is still a lot to continue loving, with the exception of Eleanor Janega. I find episodes with her to be an auditory assault and I appear to not be the only one.
  • SPF76
    Great podcast but Franklin was not a President :-)
    Love this show and have been listening to many of History Hits programs. I was just listening to the recent “St Barts” episode and just wanted to mention that Benjamin Franklin was not a President of the US. Thanks!
  • Peter Ahl
    Your anti catholic comments and clear bias don’t belong here
  • Kgdee
    Great show!
    I enjoy this show so much… And the host is fine. She’s great. I would like to say, though I just listen to the episode about Pope Joan. I was astonished that no one pointed out that male popes spawned many illegitimate children. So what is the real issue? That would be an interesting discussion. And if it is, in fact, all made up, and there was never a female pope, then why the cautionary tale? that women can’t hold power because they are undone by lust, and their luscious bodies??? This is absurd, and yet probably true ha ha ha. it is so obvious that men more likely than not get away with being undone by our luscious bodies, and succumbing to lust, and until very recently, were encouraged to do so.
  • ghcfjihddjj
    Dr Janega is awesome
    To be honest it seems like all of you just hate women. I’ve seen reviews nitpicking anything and everything about her. And almost nothing about the other hosts, positive or negative. Chill out and think before you try to tell someone to talk less on a podcast that they in fact are a host of and bully someone for their accent. If you don’t like her accessible and casual approach maybe you should read a book instead of listening to a bite sized podcast made for people’s entertainment and casual listeners
  • scottD125
    Dr Janega is unlistenable
    A bad host. Her shows largely consist of her saying things and then trying to get the guest to agree with her.
  • RBDC111
    Dr. Janega is bad
    This series is like two different podcasts. The one that comes out on Thursdays with Matt. Louis is usually awesome. The one that comes out the other day of the week, with Eleanor Janega, is bad. The topics are interesting, and the guests are interesting, but her presentation and tone and voice are just so annoying that I can hardly stand to listen to it. She is obviously intelligent, but just really does not present well at all.
  • PinkyL'Amour
    Great subject, great hosts
    Really interesting topics and love both hosts
  • Friends with Pods
    Great show, thanks!
    Great show on Richard I!
  • charlottejlk
    Great show
    For those criticizing Eleanore’s accent…This is the result of her living in England for years now! Over time many people develop an accent of some kind. She’s not faking it. It’s a natural result of living abroad.
  • Txstar2k
    Enjoyable History Lessons
    This podcasts presents information that may be new to some or old info presented in new context. The time spent listening has been worth it. The episodes confirm that human beings have always been human beings and always will be …… and yet we are still here! Thank you.
  • AhjZjenjin
    Have to stop listening
    I love the topics on this show but I can’t listen to the co-host say “Fronce” repeatedly and stay focused on the content. It’s so bizarre and the fake Brit words seem to be getting worse each time!
  • Anita - R
    Quitting this pod because of stupid music track. Not even real music. Annoying electronic blips and bleeps - what purpose does it serve? What purpose?
  • adios00
    Where did you learn this?
    Does Eleanor just insist on inventing her own pronunciations? It doesn’t seem to matter whether it’s French or English, she’s got this infuriating habit of unnecessarily butchering words. It’s like listening to an American trying to sound English trying to speak French.
  • Mlles_E
    I’ve Left Gone Medieval
    I wish Dr. Janega’s presentation style matched her obvious intelligence and originality of contribution to the field of medieval studies. Unfortunately, her style comes off more as dying-comic-at-open-mic-night, and I’ve skipped some very intriguing episodes as a result. I was formerly a consistent listener. ** Updating my review to express my disappointment in having to avoid interesting topics when I read that Dr Janega is hosting. Producers, please consider retiring her from the podcast. Unlistenable.
  • you ruined the app
    Metallic audio
    The Zoom audio quality makes the interviews sound like a workplace meeting. The episode topics look interesting but I’m not gonna listen to that.
  • Epi guy
    Medieval sex workers
    I listened to this episode with interest, but as an epidemiologist, there was one glaring omission: STDs and their consequences (particularly gonorrhea and syphilis), including neonatal transmission. There was no effective treatment or antibiotics back in those days. Given the potential for very widespread transmission, facilitated in large part by sex workers, what was the impact on society, including morbidity and mortality? As academics, I would have expected you to have researched this, as there is some literature out there. Sorry to spoil the fun!
  • hectoroonie
    Dr Eleanor Janega
    I love this pod. i always learn and I’m always entertained. One criticism: Dr Eleanor Janega, PLEASE —you’re 🦅 AMERICAN 🇺🇸 for gods sake. When we Americans try to use “shag” and “fancy” as verbs, it just…doesn’t work. The A in “rather” is short A, as is the one in the word “France.” Please Professor, I’m begging u BEGGING YOU. it’s giving both pretentious and TS Eliot style wannabe Brit 😬 love love the pod otherwise, thank you for ur work!
  • rafegoldberg
    Good guests
    Decent content most of the time. But wildly overproduced. And hosts randomly talking about video games without mentioning sponsorship? Yeah, no.
  • Chagall
    Interesting topics…what’s up with the sound?
    Just started listening - love the topics. However, the Black Death one had some odd sound issues. There was a bird cawing in background that was super distracting - I think it was on purpose - very odd. And do they edit or speed up all the normal gaps in conversation? It almost sounded like they sped up the voices and ended up sounding clipped and unnatural. And PS - did the earth cool due to folks dying during the plague?? Didn’t sound right lol. I’m bummed! Was hoping that I found my new podcast - but the audio & editing that is distracting away from content is not for me. Check out how Lindsey Graham uses sound effects in a way that enhances the show. Too bad.
  • DeedleChulaShella
    The Real Braveheart
    Eleanor please… it’s HANGED not hung -pictures are hung people are HANGED thank you I couldn’t listen to to entire episode for this very reason
  • Cbperks919
    Love the show, love Dr. Eleanor!
    I look forward to every podcast episode and new documentary on the app! The hosts are incredible, the guests are wonderful, and I always leave learning something new and end up sharing what I’ve learned with friends or family - or go down to the library and get a book on a topic covered in an episode! I also really love Dr. Eleanor Janega and I’m so excited she’s hosting more episodes! Her energy is so much fun and her enthusiasm for history matches mine. I saw a couple reviews that seem to disagree, and to each their own, but my girl Dr. J is an absolute GEM! Check out the sister podcast Betwixt the Sheets too where she’s a regular guest. So glad I found history hit!
  • suzd62
    Emma Stone goes medieval and it rocks!!!
    This is my favorite history podcast — it is academic with cutting edge research but presented in a way that is not pretentious. Okay now I’m going to comment on accents because I’m fascinated by the wide variety of global English accents and dialects and how they affect the listening experience. Eleanor Janega’s voice is uncannily like American actor Emma Stone’s. It is also like my own accent — and it is nice for me to hear another academic woman with a Chicago Area Midwestern accent. It is not uncommon in the US but it is distinctive. (Joan Cusack is another actor with this accent.) Sadly, women all too often have their voices criticized and reading the complaints of Janega’s accent shows this. It may take getting used to after all the Oxbridge speakers but to me it is charming, disarming, and along with her sense of humor it is very entertaining to listen to. I like all the hosts and most guests (when they are not pompous in a way that is off-putting to me) but Janega’s voice (what she says and how she says it) is, to me, a refreshing balance to all the Queen’s English.
  • Dane1940
    Sociological axe-grinding disguised as history
    This is really just regarding the recent Eleanor of Aquitaine episode, but it signifies a larger problem: I don’t know in what world Henry II of England was a “bad king” and Eleanor somehow eclipses his ability and cleverness, but it’s certainly not the real one. I suppose it’s the world where we gush over the wrongly forgotten sTroNG WOmeN of history and think the remedy to that imbalance is to shoehorn them, and place them on a pedestal above crucially important male figures. Male figures like oh, for instance, THE FATHER OF THE COMMON LAW. Eleanor was incomparable it’s true but Henry II is arguably the greatest Medieval English monarch—and the only reason, really, why Eleanor is so splendidly famous. Focusing on the former with no regard to the latter is a good marker, in one episode, that this podcast is more sociological axe-grinder than well-rounded, truly balanced historical reality. Balanced would be having an episode to put Eleanor in context of the larger Angevin world and remind us of Henry II’s remarkable kingship or his centrality to English medieval history, and beyond. Wisdom advises that experts like Nicholas Vincent, David Carpenter, Robert Bartlett, or the inimitable John Gillingham might appear. With the shabby parameters of this episode, I’d be surprised if that even occurred to them. I’m loathed to admit that I miss a Ricardian, but I miss Matt Lewis. Give approaches like this episode’s another generation, and history as a field simply won’t be worth its toil—we’ll all be sitting through grubby, moralizing lectures about the patriarchy and squalid sociological rants disguised as supposedly “good” medieval history.
  • angrylf
    Should be good but ….
    Often they yap a LOT without telling you anything at all and when the info comes it isn’t anything you haven’t heard many times before on other podcasts or the history channel - not very well researched - just not very interesting.
  • Clairescollectibles
    Super interesting topics and guests that are rendered unlistenable by the eps hosted by Eleanor Janega . What IS that Valley Girl/ anglophile accent? Reminds of Madonna when she was living in the England in the early aughts. Cringe. And she doesn’t let the guests speak. I have to turn it off.
  • Cynnane
    Historian Enjoying History
    I have enjoyed this podcast for nearly two years, and am validated and challenged in history I feel confident in. I will admit, I miss Dr. Cat Jarman as the cohost, so my preferred episodes are early. Dr. Eleanor Janaga is knowledgeable but talks over/more than the guests she’s supposed to be interviewing as if she needs to prove she knows the information as well or better than the guest. The point of the guest is to allow their expertise to shine through, no need to prove anything. In a more petty vein, she uses hedging terminology too much. I could play a drinking game and be drunk at the end of a 30 min episode if I drank each time she said “rather” or “quite.”
  • 8976A15
    How to cook like a medivle chef
    I haven’t even finished the episode and I ordered the book . I can’t wait to read these recipies . This may be my favorite episode yet. Thank you !
  • Kitty_Blue
    I was catching up on past episodes and had to stop. Permanently. For Janega to suggest or imply that the medieval world cooled because of the Black Plague would be laughable except for the fact that too many people will believe a sparse, widely-dispersed, non-industrialized species could so impact the entire world that significant population loss in one landmass could change the climate. It is as absurd as the current fallacy of destruction bandied about by pseudo-scientists and actors.
  • Lindz smith
    I love this podcast but I don't like how you are mocking the Bible in the recent episode. It's fine to have an opinion but there are Christian's that listen to this. Just a thought
  • Jeabyrd
    Ignore the Misogynists - Great Show
    This is a wonderful show and I appreciate both hosts’ knowledge and passion on the subject. While I agree with some reviewers that I wish Eleanor would let her guests take the lead more (she gets excited about the topics and I get it), a lot of what has come out since she came on is straight up misogynistic and xenophobic (referencing these extremely common criticisms of women who dare to speak: “talks too much”, “sounds uneducated/stupid”, “Valley Girl American”, “not serious”, etc, etc.). It’s fine for someone’s presentation style to not be your cup of tea, but maybe examine where these criticisms actually come from.
  • GWRankine
    Gone Medieval
    Matt Lewis is terrific. He provides limited editorial back ground, has real experts as guests, asks great questions….and then gets out of the way of the guest in showing their expertise. Could Eleanor start following this model or I’ll have to stop listening to her episodes.
  • scheißgeyser
    Two bangers this week!
    The lead up to Hastings series has been terrific thus far. Both hosts deliver strong examinations of their subject and adroitly illuminate their guests.
  • Stat_Nerd
    Great history podcast
    I’ve been listening for a while and always enjoy these episodes. Great for serious and armchair historians alike!
  • KSD2124
    Great Hosts!
    I really enjoy this show! All the hosts are wonderful at making history an approachable and enjoyable topic for an average person. So many historians fail at this. This is especially true for Dr. Eleanor Janega, who has been a joy to listen to since she joined the show.
  • user789!!
    I like the variety of topics, but the sound/recording of the current episode is so awful that I feel like I’m listening to a recorded phone call from the 1950s, covered by a pillow. It’s absolutely terrible, and couldn’t stand more then 5 minutes of it.
  • cee1188
    Reawakening the medieval history junkie in me
    Absolutely love this podcast, I’m tearing through the full back catalog and I really appreciate how geographically varied the topics are.
  • APro
    Disappointed in Dr Janega
    Please, please consider replacing Dr Janega. I can only suppose she was brought in as host to make the podcast more “accessible”. However she comes across as glib and unserious. Further, she talks too much. I don’t tune in to a Medieval podcast to have it distilled into comedic American colloquialism.
  • jlm188
    Cat Jarman is missed
    I enjoyed the show more when Cat Jarman was cohost. Matt is good, but should not host anything related to Richard III due to his admitted bias. I do not understand why people identify with and become so personally invested in kings who died over 500 years ago. The mystery is intriguing but it’s not a sporting event - so why root for one side?
  • Franklin801
    Is that the normal host!?
    I started the St. Nicholas episode and felt like a high school teacher wincing through a student’s in-class report. ‘Like’ I ‘kind of’ wish you didn’t dismiss some potentially interesting topics as boring. Unlistenable if you’re not 14 and on social media all day. My first experience with these producers or whatever history hit is as well. Yikes no thanks!
  • Yummy food lover
    The show that lost its soul. This used to be an insightful and interesting podcast. Tragically, it seems to have lost its way. Not to mention, who is this dreadful American woman that now hosts? She represents everything I loathe about America — being loud, obnoxious, opinionated, and not nearly as humorous as she seems to think she is — and I am an American, if that tells you anything about the dreadful extremes of this woman.
  • hekate1313
    I love the subjects but it’d be nice to actually let the “guests” talk.
  • Maude The Third
    Rachel Maddow of Dark Ages News
    Rachel Maddow if she talked about the Diet of Wurms instead of current politics. So, super, super good.
  • Carl Tart's Party Farts
    Eleanor of Aquataine
    Typically a good show but some truly shocking incorrect mentions on this episode. Maybe take another crack on this topic. Eleanor deserves better (RIP)
  • dbrrv
    Just finished listening to the Saint Nicholas episode. I am wondering why you have a guest on the podcast if you don’t let them talk? The host did 90% of the talking. I didn’t care for that.
  • sad archivist
    Used to love
    I used to listen to EVERY single episode. Dr. Janega’s attempt to deliver history in a quirky/comical way is painful, and makes me skip a lot of content as a result. I was really disappointed by the recent Saint Nicholas episode, where she refers to certain things as “boring”. I’m not religious, but it was honestly a lazy way of describing something. I’ve spent my entire career in the history field, and I hate that people might think she represents women in our field.
  • 9021155405
    Host talks too much
    I’ve twice turned off an episode well before it ended because the host just talks nonstop and does not let the guest speak. It seems like the host is trying to prove what she knows. Let the experts be experts.
  • Phoenixgrl
    Great podcast
    I’ve been listening for a while and always enjoy the topics, the guests, the enthusiasm everyone has for the discussions. But the recent episode on the princes in the tower blew me away! Who would have thought breaking news would be found on this history podcast!?
  • Cwcv
    Love it
    I just found this podcast and I’m 4 episodes in. I love both presenters and the research is impressive.
  • nojbav
    Entertaining and thoughtful
    These shows are well-produced, thoughtful and non-frivolous. I’m an Eleanor Janega fan as well! I found the podcast after watching YouTube videos she features in.
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