The Running Explained Podcast

Running #4

New episodes now on THURSDAYS! Welcome to Running Explained, where ALL your running questions are answered! For new AND experienced runners, from training to racing, nutrition, recovery, gear, AND MORE, there's always something new to learn about running!

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Recent Reviews
  • DJsBD12345
    Love this podcast!
    Coach Elisabeth is an excellent teacher and the perfect person to learn about running from. As a discerning podcast listener, I find this podcast to be well-produced, featuring great guests. Even when there aren’t guests, it’s still a fantastic listen! I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to know more about all things running.
  • APiddy24
    One of my favorite running podcasts!
    Very informative info from an experienced runner and coach.
  • Michaelb171
    Good content but can’t hear host
    Love the content and the guests are great, but the host is consistently so low volume that I find myself switching to other podcasts halfway through.
  • DaniColby
    I’ve tried listening to this podcast a few times but can never make it through an episode. She seems to have a lot of good information but rambles on too long in order to make a point. I know it’s called Running Explained but when you over-explain things it becomes redundant and your message is lost. Just make your point and move along.
  • R Melco
    Running Treasure Trove
    Coach Elisabeth does a great job hosting this podcast. There are episodes on so many different running topics, and I’ve learned so much from her and the guests on her podcast.
  • AMax622
    A favorite
    A TON of great information about training, nutrition for runners, race strategies, and marathoning in general. Thanks for the chance to learn.
  • HelmutVonKaiserSchmudt
    The best running podcast I’ve found yet
    Episode after episode is great. Even though I’ve been an experienced competitive runner, cyclist, and triathlete for about 3 decades, Elisabeth and her guests refresh or teach me something new almost every episode. All her guests are great, which also makes this podcast a good resource for leads to other great running information sources.
  • dear running
    The practical sensible podcast
    Coach Elisabeth has no fear in challenging the muck of running myths and knocking down beliefs that can lead to elitist attitude or thoughts about running that foster unhealthy training practices. Her podcast shifts through the generalizations regarding training, bringing running back to what works best for the individual. Practical, sensible, and improved running economy / performance are hallmarks of her podcasting.
  • BMoraczewski
    Hard to hear
    Great subject matter. Likable host. Just really hard to hear so I have to turn my car or AirPods up as high and possible and try not to get blasted when I switch back over to listening to something else. This has been going on for a long time. I take breaks from this podcast for this reason, come back to it occasionally and it’s still the same issue.
  • TrishS0216
    So helpful!
    I have had so many lightbulb moments while listening to this podcast!!! Highly recommend!!
  • AngxlCorgii
    Love it
    This is my go-to running podcast! Elisabeth is very knowledgeable and I appreciate her clear delivery and great guests. I have been running for 20+ years, but I've gotten tons of useful nuggets from this podcast. Thank you for the great information. Keep it up!!
  • ShaRun3
    Thanks for the good insight.
  • Dr Cox1
    Speaks too fast
    One of the hosts speaks way too fast with no pauses between words and sentences at all. Doesn't allow the listener time to process the information.
  • mccoymom52
    Please please please improve sound
    Good info but can barely hear it.
  • Boondoggleman
    Every runner can benefit from this podcast
    I’ve been an athlete for most of my life and a runner since 2010. I look forward to the variety of topics that Elisabeth covers on this podcast. From nutrition to cross training to help with injuries it’s all here. My favorite recent episode is with Dr Whitt talking about prehab vs rehab. As a trainer I’ve been trying for years to get through to some clients about the need to train so we can prevent injuries. I learned so much from this episode not just for my clients but for myself. Thank you Coach Elisabeth! Can’t wait for next Thursday’s episode :)
  • leoleoniii
    Awesome Podcast!
    This is by far one of my favorite podcast! I appreciate the truth and the encouragement shared in this podcast. Always keeping it 💯
  • AmandaxCuteFace
    This is one of my favorite running related podcasts, full of amazing information and I appreciate how the host always allows the guest to respond fully. Thank you for another great listen.
  • monkeypanda23
    Great listen
    Super informative. Great topics.
  • JS Veg Runner
    Love pod - sound quality poor
    I love this podcast but the sound is so poor for such a popular show. It’s mostly the sound from Lis’ mic and the intro. I wish this would be fixed - surely I’m not the only one who notices
  • otakutie
    Great Info, but sound production need work
    Love listening to running-related podcasts during my runs. This is one of the top three I listen to regularly and find it really informative. I did give up on listening to this podcasts during runs due to the volume between interviewer and interviewee as well as the podcast audio in general fluctuating too much (got sick of having to fiddle with my headphone volume controls throughout my run.). Other than the audio production issues/quality, this is a really great, informative podcast.
  • Mississippi shopper
    Great information
    Great information on training and entertaining.
  • Kaatiee111
    One of the Best
    As a new runner, I’ve through a lot of different running podcasts in order to learn but I keep coming back to this one. Topics are interesting and Elizabeth is a great interviewer. Very pleasant to listen to as well.
  • Acboston
    Recommend to runners of all abilities
    Just finished the Chicago Marathon recap.. I ran Chicago in 2021 in the heat and didn’t have my best day.. this episode spoke to me on a bunch of levels.. I too finished and didn’t have my best race, but I’m pretty sure I learned more from that race then my marathons that went perfectly. Elisabeth really captured the vibe of Chicago and it was nice to relisten and reflect on my race last year that I memory holed. Keep up the strong content!
  • LoloListens11
    content great, interviewing skills could be improved
    It feels like the host’s style is to disparage people who say or do the wrong things in order to share what’s “right” and there’s a way to strike a balance between correcting misinformation and being condescending and judgmental. also she really doesn’t ask her guests questions as much as she should - instead, she states her opinions and waits for her guest speakers to tell her they agree. it’s disappointing because the content is very much needed.
  • cck_ohio
    My favorite podcast
    Always interesting episodes. Real life advice for all levels of the sport. Love it!
  • Cindy Mateus
    Very informative!
    I appreciate all the context so much. It has made me a much better runner
  • epl1126
    Great info!
    Thoroughly researched and evidence based information for every level of runner. Love this podcast!
  • boolulu86
    Favorite Running Podcast
    Elisabeth is easy to listen to, clear and reasonable. The show feels judgment free and I always feel excited to run after an episode.
  • Erinridenrunlv
    Listen to them all!
    Hands down the best running podcast around. I have been a runner my entire life and I didn't know what I didn't know until listening to Running Explained. It's a total game changer!
  • nicholejru
    Informative on so many topics
    So many different topics covered and different styles of episodes (different guest and some solo episodes too)- often very science based but always informative and easy to listen too. I’ve leaned so much by listening to Coach Elisabeth
  • Idk20092009
    All the answers you didn’t know you needed!
    So many great topics that work for brand new beginners and intermediate runners. Runners with coaches and without will benefit from these diverse episodes and guests.
  • Run831
    Excellent information!
    Thank you for relaying important information to all types of runners! You’re a great resource and have helped me tremendously in improving my running training. After a long treatment process and a successful surgery…I’m back running woo! Thanks for helping me along the way! Keep up the excellent job!
  • Ksherie
    So Helpful and Interesting
    As a self-taught runner who never ran in school, I’m learning so much from these podcasts! I’ve found myself going back and listening to the previous episodes. I’m looking forward to implementing what I’ve learned in my next marathon!
  • 949sims
    Highly Recommend!
    I love this podcast for both content and length during my workouts. The information shared here is easy to understand and relates to both running and general health. This is perfect for both new and experienced runners alike. Really, anyone looking for some of the why behind your training, regardless of fitness level!
  • Wanderer7
    Essential for any new runner!
    I started running at the age of 35 - just a few months ago - and as a complete novice I have had SO MANY QUESTIONS. I cannot emphasize enough how much this podcast has taught me, inspired me, and made me feel like I’m not alone as a slightly directionless new runner. From fueling to race prep to running shoes to iron deficiency - everything I’ve been curious or unsure about - I feel like there is an episode I can listen to with an easy-to-understand, health-conscious, and informed host and expert guests! Elisabeth is wonderful and I can’t recommend this podcast enough!
  • UltraN8vDad
    Thank You for this!
    This is a great Pod for runners! I get re-invigorated with certain episodes.
  • Kal_Avery
    LOVE this podcast!
    This has been a new favorite and makes me love running so much more! Specifically today, I listened to the hormone episode with Kirsten Screen and WOAH. I thought I was decently versed in this topic but this was truly fascinating—I kept rewinding to make sure the info really stuck. I’m training for my first half marathon in nearly a decade and was about to go out on my morning run without any food (which I usually do because I don’t like eating early), but this made me rethink everything about the way I’m fueling and more importantly the WHY behind it with simple science. Just had some delicious carbs and now I’m off for that run, fueled up, excited to have a couple more episodes queued up while I’m galavanting the neighborhood! Thank you!
  • Michaelyn1111
    Ok but slow down and cut it shorter
    Some good info but she talks wayyy too fast! I actually had to check that I didn’t have it on 2x speed. Also, like others have mentioned, host can be redundant and repetitive.
  • Gray Wolf 3
    Among The Best Running Podcasts
    The Running Explained Podcast is great. Elisabeth dives deep into every running topic imaginable with great guests. Keep it up!
  • _chelz_belz
    Game changer
    I recently started running again after signing up for a Turkey Trot. This podcast has changed my perception immensely, especially in the nutrition arena. This sounds silly, but after listening to one of her podcasts, I started eating something small before my 3.5 mile runs. WHOA. Game changer. I’ve always gone running with an empty tank and this simple suggestion changed a lot for me. Thank you!
  • BethFWTX
    Excellent excellent excellent
    I’ve listened to pretty much every running podcast out there (at least the ones in English) so can say with authority that Elizabeth’s content, style & guests put her in the front of the pack. Go Elizabeth go! We’re right there with you!
  • Spunge24
    Very informative
    Elisabeth does not leave out any detail. Great podcast for those wanting to improve in all aspects of running.
  • J&Rmom
    One of the best
    This podcast is a must! Such great information!
  • Look dis
    Can’t recommend
    Has potential but tends to answer every question with “it depends”. Save your time and do some google searches for answers to your running questions. Also guilty of repeating the same information over and over in a tedious manner.
  • Shallen68
    Subscribe now!!!
    This is the best running podcast I have ever listened to. The guests are legit and every episode is full of important and interesting information. I learn something from every episode. Highly recommend!! 🙌🏼
  • The Ruyle's
    Amazing Podcast
    I have never written a podcast review before but I love this one so much I felt it was a necessity. I learn so much and the host is so gently and kind in her explanations. I have listened and skipped through sooooo many running podcasts and I always come back to this one. So informative and keeps me engaged the whole time. Not littered with ads and promos. Just all around a GREAT podcast.
  • Amy Haas
    Love it!
    Extremely well done, clean, focused, and informative!
  • BrazlDazl
    She answers questions I didn’t know I had!
    Absolutely love this podcast! She has an upbeat and cheery personality and voice, but not one of the phony sounding ones that make you grit your teeth. She has a wide variety of guest speakers, who help keep things fresh with different perspectives and solid, trustworthy information. She has answered many questions I didn’t know I had, helped me to better understand certain aspects of my Garmin watch (though I don’t think that was her intention!), and really opened my eyes to finding my true easy pace and how to use that to my benefit. I’ve ran off and on since high school (I’m 31 now) but have never been intentional about training. This podcast has really encouraged me to start being more mindful about training, strength training, and rest days in a more structural and intentional way. Give her a listen! You won’t regret it!
  • Eillatfohk
    New Follower/Listener!
    Just came across your Instagram account a few weeks ago. Thought I would give the podcast to try to. As someone who’s been running for almost 6 years now pretty competitively, you’re answering so many of the questions that I was too scared to ask for fear of seeming like I had no clue what I was doing. Thank you so much for your explanations!!
  • Three.14159
    Great Information
    I enjoy all the information provided in the episodes and the variety of guests that are brought on the show. Very informative episodes. However, sometimes things can be repetitive and the episodes can feel unnecessarily long. The host will often repeat back a guest’s answer and discuss how she already knew that and has her clients doing xyz also. Just be careful to make it informative and engaging for listeners, not redundant.
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