Clearer Thinking with Spencer Greenberg


Clearer Thinking is a podcast about ideas that truly matter. If you enjoy learning about powerful, practical concepts and frameworks, wish you had more deep, intellectual conversations in your life, or are looking for non-BS self-improvement, then we think you'll love this podcast! Each week we invite a brilliant guest to bring four important ideas to discuss for an in-depth conversation. Topics include psychology, society, behavior change, philosophy, science, artificial intelligence, math, economics, self-help, mental health, and technology. We focus on ideas that can be applied right now to make your life better or to help you better understand yourself and the world, aiming to teach you the best mental tools to enhance your learning, self-improvement efforts, and decision-making. • We take on important, thorny questions like: • What's the best way to help a friend or loved one going through a difficult time? How can we make our worldviews more accurate? How can we hone the accuracy of our thinking? What are the advantages of using our "gut" to make decisions? And when should we expect careful, analytical reflection to be more effective? Why do societies sometimes collapse? And what can we do to reduce the chance that ours collapses? Why is the world today so much worse than it could be? And what can we do to make it better? What are the good and bad parts of tradition? And are there more meaningful and ethical ways of carrying out important rituals, such as honoring the dead? How can we move beyond zero-sum, adversarial negotiations and create more positive-sum interactions?

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Recent Reviews
  • FitlilB
    Genius podcast
    I’ve constantly found myself absorbing something new each time I listen to Spencer’s pod - it has become one of my favorites. He is transparent about how he has learned to be a deeper conversationalist and those lessons have even taught me how to branch my own conversations better so that I can learn more in my interactions with others. Thank you, Spencer - please keep producing!
  • doitlikepruett
    Interesting and practical
    This show has lots of practical advice and a balanced, humble worldview that is actually helpful and not wimpy or full of logic fallacies. The guest are always interesting and Spencer’s approach to finding what matters in life and how to get there is refreshing. Thanks for the great content!
  • Niles67437
    Top tier podcast!!!
    Always learning something new after listening to the Clearer Thinking podcast. The questions and topics are engaging and thought provoking. 10/10
  • Pooswine
    Great podcast all around!
    Spencer asks the best questions and they cover a wide range of important topic
  • Stamos101
    Elevated Podcast
    Spencer is the real deal. This podcast will help you think about the world in new ways.
  • pm63123
    Interesting guests, but…
    I do like this podcast and its interesting guests and topics. But I do wish Spencer would drop the word “like” from his vocabulary. Like, once I begin, like, hearing him, like, overuse it I cannot, like, stop hearing it. Otherwise, I enjoy the shows.
  • sebadf h
    My favorite podcast by a significant amount. Brilliant, funny, and life-improving.
  • Nickname1792804
    Thoughtful and Entertaining
    Spencer’s curiosity and introspection are infectious. If you’re interested in meta-cognition, thinking about thinking, you won’t find a better podcast.
  • aagnello
    Worth your time!
    Spencer’s interview style is clear and friendly. While the specific topic varies, the mix is refreshing and thought provoking. You’ll come out learning something new every episode. I value this podcast greatly and encourage you to give it a try.
  • Celtic_fan90
    Interesting and useful
    This podcast is incredibly interesting and above all useful. The guests are often singular people with great points of view that I wouldn't be able to find on other podcasts. I've repeatedly found myself taking notes and incorporating strategies and worldviews that I first heard about on this podcast into my everyday life, something that can't be said for most other audio content I listen to!
  • Monkeynex
    So good!
    Love this podcast. It’s what the world needs. Thoughtful, coherent, and every episode is so interesting. All substance, no fluff. Spencer for president!
  • JDC002
    Wildly interesting and highly satisfying
    I’m obsessed with this podcast. It’s substantial, provocative and actionable. Greenberg is one of the better interviewers I’ve come across, and his show balances clearly communicating complex ideas with real depth from his guest.
  • Gusbehid
    Amazing Podcast!
    Spencer is hands down one of the best interviewers I’ve ever heard. He regularly has insights that make me pause the podcast to take notes. The fact that he has remarkably intelligent and interesting guests too makes Clearer Thinking one of my favorite podcasts!
  • Skruber
    Best Podcast Ever ★★☆☆☆
    Spencer’s podcast never fails to be insightful and interesting. Spencer makes his guests ideas more elucidated and provides his own nuance. The ideas are clear and profound, with plenty of additional examples and applications. I always look forward to this coming out in my feed, knowing every episode is valuable. Overall: 2/5 stars ★★☆☆☆ (just kidding. I just want to be the second best 2 star review)
  • SimoneHSmith
    All time favorite podcast
    I love this podcast and have become super addicted to it. Spencer ditches all tedious small talk and gets right to fascinating dialogue with his guests. Guests are interesting people from a broad range of backgrounds who bring unique insights to the table as opposed to the token successful-on-paper folks most podcasts feature. I have gained so many wonderful insights and new, nuanced views from this podcast. Josh and Spencer, I salute you!
  • carl cervone
    Wonderful podcast
    I love listening to this podcast. It is well produced and the speakers always have such interesting perspectives and knowledge to share. Spencer is a great interviewer and I have gained so much from his show! I especially enjoyed episodes with Julia Carvalho and Cassandra Xia.
  • Jlbvio123
    One of the best of its kind
    Spencer Greenberg is among my favorite thinkers and interviewers. He approaches the conversations with his guests from a place of knowledge and humility and the conversations are both enjoyable and illuminating. Great explorations of ideas that matter. Highly recommended!
  • clareaka
    Some of the best conversations on the internet
    I get the impression these podcasts are often the highlight of Spencer’s day, he’s so genuinely curious and interested in what the guests have to say. He can skillfully restate a point a guest has made to check his own understanding, which is useful to me as a listener.
  • Eric the Red 7
    Excellent podcast for ideas
    Spencer Greenberg is a polymath who has deep understanding of a wide set of fields but he lets his guests shine. He brings on fascinating guests for conversations about intellectual ideas but also loved experience and life lessons. Highly recommended!!
  • mossbacon
    Excellent podcast
    Spencer is a brilliant guy and fantastic interviewer. The podcast name is entirely appropriate. Clear thinking shines through.
  • Gdshxsgueitwuotwt4733
    One of my favorites
    Great podcast! An amazing host and fantastic guests. Give it a try, it’s well worth your time!
  • A.J. Jacobs
    Highly highly highly recommended
    This is one of my favorite podcasts. I feel smarter after every episode. Great guests and great conversations. Spencer is a masterful interviewer.
  • Invesperas
    An absolutely wonderful avenue for learning so much and hearing from so many fascinating people! Really a privilege to tune in to.
  • TaxWize
    Interesting and diverse
    Lots of different subjects explored in depth. Enjoy this podcast tremendously!
  • wafty_tyg
    Less Wrong Derivative
    I found this podcast from being a member of the community and I think Spencer does a fantastic job at interviewing his guests to get to the heart of a topic. Each episode is a pure shot of knowledge concentrate, taken right to the dome. The title of the show matches the intent that Spencer brings to each conversation, to clarify his (and the listeners) thinking. It’s not condescending enough to tell you what to think, but more demonstrates modes of thinking and in doing so, puts the responsibility on the listener to evaluate what constitutes “clearer thinking” for themselves.
  • Steve randomletters
    My Favorite Podcast
    I came across this podcast late last year and it quickly became my favorite. I haven’t found a better source of thoughtful conversation across a wide variety of issues that are relevant to the human experience. The podcast makes me think more than any other and has provides lots of ways that I can improve my thinking in all aspects of my life. Keep the interesting episodes coming!
  • EmptyEm
    Brilliant interviewing
    I really love this podcast for many reasons, but here are two. First, this podcast is very very idea oriented with a nice scientific/inquisitive/skeptical cocktail of feedback from Greenberg. The rationalist in me loves it. Second, Greenberg has internalized tons of great communication practices, and it shows in his language as he interviews guests. Greenberg’s a great example of a practiced NVC conversationalist - listening, summarizing, and encouraging flow. Well done.
  • Dglass212121
    Spencer is a Wizard Interviewer
    Clearer Thinking is legit my favorite podcast. Spencer cuts straight to the point from the start of the interview. He asks thoughtful questions and participates in the conversation a perfect amount for a interviewer that is highly knowledgeable. Plus they bring on great guests that expose me to new worlds that aren’t the same guests I see on other podcasts.
  • aaronb50
    Fascinating show
    Genuinely interesting conversations. One of the best podcasts out there.
  • AvatarAustin
    Deep thought provoking content without the fluff
    I like that the episodes are about really intellectually stimulating topics and the episodes don’t mess around getting started. They usually jump right into the the main issue on the opening dialogue. I particularly enjoy when the episodes touch on mental models, big ideas from various disciplines, and some of our biases. I have learned a lot from the show and it is one of the few podcasts I try to stay up to date on.
  • Peteydog7
    Don’t miss out on ideas that matter
    Great podcast with a wide variety of useful insights
  • Allows you to do it all
    consistently threatening to expand your mind
    Most or all episodes of the podcast will present you with viewpoints that are novel to you and will likely entice you to integrate them into your own thinking and perhaps your own life. It’s just about my favorite podcast.
  • Anjayf
    Super-informative, insightful, applicable
    I love this podcast. Spencer is a great interviewer that asks extremely perceptive questions. The incredible variety of topics and guests guarantees that there will be many episodes that are directly applicable to your life and what you care about.
  • Zarapex
    Thoughtful, informative, and diverse
    One of my favorite podcasts, every episode is quality. Presents a ton of great object-level information and views, plus acts as a great example of how to conduct friendly conversation for the purpose of learning from the people you’re talking to.
  • MrLucchese
    A Brilliant, Challenging, and Thought-Provoking Podcast
    Clearer Thinking is a long-form, interview-/conversation-based podcast that takes complicated issues and explores them in-depth. Whether you’re familiar with the episode subject or not, the podcast does a brilliant job of challenging your base understanding, leaving you eager for broader and deeper knowledge on the discussions therein. The seamless integration of research with casual conversation makes even the most complex issue more approachable. In a time abundant with the pursuit of instant gratification and headline reading, Clearer Thinking is a welcome and thoughtful reprieve.
  • Akiva J
    Feels like the kinds of conversations I would love to have
    What a blast!
  • Nicholas Bernstein
    Prepare for the interview
    His first question revealed he hadn’t read his guest’s book. Dude - do you not prepare for your interviews? Rude to the guest. Rude to the listener.
  • Hunter37parkour
    Keep it comin
    Spencer is intelligent and does a good job of digging without causing tension. I love the questions and depth of these interesting guests.
  • J_____N
    Latest (Dec 2020) episode...
    ....which is the first I’ve listened to, seems incredibly slanted to one worldview. Hardly what I’d consider as an exercise in objectivity, let alone an example of ‘clear thinking.’
  • biakku
    Very enjoyable podcast
    Spencer's a great host. He's genuinely curious and seems to ask the questions I'd like to ask the guests in the moment
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