The Confused Breakfast

TV & Film #179Film Reviews #16

A nostalgic journey back to the movie rental store era and the amazing movies from our childhood that we all know and love. With the benefit of 20+ years of hindsight, we revisit and dissect these classic movies to see if they still move us the way they did as kids. Full movie review episode released every Wednesday. Bonus Brunch episode every Monday.

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Recent Reviews
  • Don Brasco
    Good Podcast About Movies
    I usually watch this podcast on YouTube and really enjoy it for some light hearted entertainment. I don’t always agree with their reviews but fun to watch nonetheless. Defending the movie Crocodile Dundee motivated me to write a review!
  • Brother Man 420
    Best pod ever
    Best pod ever. Changing some of the wording from “see if it holds up” to “see if they move us the way they did as kids” might be why CB is like having a warm blanket from my 90’s childhood. Please don’t ever stop!!
  • LydiaMonster
    Always a fun time!
    I don’t always agree with these gentlemen (?) in their ratings and analysis but I always appreciate and respect their reasoning. And I ALWAYS appreciate the laughs they deliver. These are FUNNY dudes. Also thoughtful and insightful. I love features like Favorite Prop, Most Punchable Face and recent addition, What’s The Porn Version? These dudes care about their listeners and what they put out for listening. I’d like to think that if I lived in their area we’d be friends (they are already my weekly ear hole pals) and if they do a live show in Denver I’ll be there (film pending?) If you like movies and laughing, check out The Confused Breakfast.
  • N8_ps
    Love this podcast
    I still love this podcast even though they don’t talk as much about 90s movies. Guys, please come to St. Louis and do a show!
  • disregard all
    Worst episode ever
    Not mention of Jon Williams?
  • Blocker61
    Would you rather?
    Love the Podcast! It is laugh out loud funny almost every show with hot takes from our childhood memories. Been a fan since Washed Up Walk-on appearance by Mike. Just finished Teen Wolf episode and have a would you rather: Party at the Moon Tower, party at Stifler’s house or Party with Styles? Keep up the content men!
  • Clumsy girl purple 82629
    You are wrong about 3 ninjas! But your opinions are hilarious
    Love the podcast don’t always agree but you guys are so funny you get me through my workday as I secretly listen to you everyday during work. I hope you will cover the other movies in the 3 ninjas Franchise I’m sure you will hate those too but want to hear your thoughts anyway!! Look forward to future episodes!
  • ButterFunkMcChunk
    This podcast is terrible…NOT!
    In a world consumed by podcasts covering all topics I find solace listening to these three “gentlemen” as they pick apart movies down to the finest detail. It’s premise is simple: review movies, but it too often leads to engaging banter and a complexity of discussion where you might actually learn something new about a film you swear you’ve seen a hundred times. They may not know it yet, but these guys have created a form of modern art through open and honest observation of our nostalgic values as children, and then wonderfully manage to paint it against our change into adulthood. Five freakin stars. PS: Do 1995’s classic Heat already. Sincerely, Nic Mad, esquire, and proud member of the Little Lewbowski Urban Achievers.
  • ThatOtherJett
    Price is Right
    I don’t think I’ve laughed as hard as I did at work listening to last couple of minutes of this mini episode. I’ve been a fan for a while and just recently started to listen from the very beginning. Thank you guys so much for making my work day and drive so much more enjoyable. Keep up the great work
  • Joeyn250
    Love it
    I work construction and completely stopped to laugh when i heard, “turned me into a tripod” during this weeks Dirty Dancing review. Perfect timing and delivery. Love the show, keep it up!
  • Frank the Slacker
    My Favorite Podcast
    I used to hate the treadmill - I would struggle to get thirty minutes in. Then I ran across The Confused Breakfast podcast. Now I jump on the treadmill, start an episode, and when it stops automatically after sixty-five minutes, I’m like, “Wait a second! What just happened?” Mike, Sean, & AJ have great chemistry. They are so funny - I find myself literally laughing out loud as I listen to them. Also, being an info junkie, I really appreciate the research they obviously conduct in preparation for each episode - I always learn something about the backstory and production of the movies I grew up watching. The Confused Breakfast is a great, great podcast!
  • JAC320
    A Real Treat
    Recently discovered your podcast and as a 90’s kid I’m loving it! The brunch episodes are especially fun. Couple ideas for that. Maybe you could do your top animated or Disney characters. Thanks for all the entertainment 💛
  • isaiah_e
    The Best Movie Review Podcast
    I just recently discovered this podcast a couple months ago. I’m about 30 episodes in so far and just having a blast listening to all the childhood classics. It’s funny and entertaining. It’s fun to hear all the deep drive fun facts that you never knew. But mostly, it completely destroys how you thought movies were when you were growing up (in a funny way). Only complaint so far going through the catalog: You guys harsh on the PC and woke culture from movies made 20-30 years ago. Come on. Ha. We already know things are dated. No need to defend yourself for what you watched from an Adam Sandler movie back in the day. But overall, thank you for making this Podcast. I’m hooked on listen to your movie reviews and breakdowns. I’ve been telling a bunch of friends to try this Podcast out.
  • kenny snider
    Great show
    Needs: Cabin boy Dirty work Screwed Braveheart. Just finished surf ninjas and all I want to do is show it to my kids. Thank you for mindlessness in the mess of a world we are in.
  • ItsAllUnderstood
    Sad bassist
    Every time they make fun of cover bands I hide in the corner and cry for hours. Other then that… 5 star. Would do again.
  • Bo Chilla
    They can’t stop cracking stale jokes to save their lives. They’re here to amuse themselves not entertain you.
  • TomChan87
    Decent show
    The concept is really solid and I love how they deep dive into movies, but the hosts are sometimes borderline insufferable. It feels like you’re listening to a cheap morning radio show about 30% of each episode because of their style of humor and the way they communicate with each other and the audience.
  • B-Gip
    I love the nostalgia these friends bring and it makes me miss Blockbuster!
  • Ainslovey
    Where has this pod been my whole life?
    I think I accidentally stumbled upon this podcast (possibly on TikTok?) but any podcast that reviews my favorite movie of all time (Stand By Me) I’m immediately a fan. I find comfort in so many of these episodes. I can’t get enough! I’m so glad I found this!
  • Ramon707
    Epic podcast
    My sister in law gave me the heads up on your guys podcast and I’ve been binge listening to you guys ever since. You’ve guys have done so many of my favorite movies and I enjoy listening to you guys. I’ve been searching for a great podcast that does what you guys do and you guys haven’t disappointed. Keep it up and I look forward to listening to future episodes.
  • flagfan2
    Awesome Movie Podcast
    This is one of the best (or THE best) movie review podcasts. It has it all: great choice of movies, humor, fun facts, good analysis of the movie and its stars, and even a bit of those-were-the-days nostalgic memories of the times the movies were released. Best of all, they do summaries of each part of the movie before the analysis so you don’t have to re-watch the movie (which you may have last seen 10-20 years ago) to know what is going on. Good job guys—keep it up!
  • mwar28
    Great podcast
    Love the podcast. It’s funny and informative. Just listened to the pcu brunch episode.I’m sure it’s been said by others, but Jeremy piven was the lead in “the goods: love hard sell hard”. Hilarious movie with an awesome cast: ving rhames, Craig Robinson, David Kochner, Ed helms, will Farrell, rob riggle, ken jeong, Kathryn Hahn, etc
  • Nikki1162015
    Best part of my morning
    I came upon this podcast after listening to the Brotherly Love podcast and I’ve been obsessed ever since. I listen to it every morning when driving to work. I love all the movies being reviewed because it takes me back to my childhood. Well done guys! Keep it going! :)
  • Greg Booyah
    Fantastic Show
    I stumbled upon this show looking for podcasts based on Dumb And Dumber and I couldn’t have found a funnier pop culture nostalgia show. These guys have mirrored my sense of humor to a T and I look forward to every new episode.
  • deshaned
    Great choice!
    Been listening for a few months now. Only listen to episodes right after watching/rewatching that particular movie. For the most part, I only watch movies that have an episode done about them. However, I was literally gonna watch Role Models today just because it’s hilarious. And you guys go and drop the episode on Role Models. Love it!
  • ThisbeTroy
    Can’t get enough!
    Awesome podcast! It feels like I’m chilling on the couch with friends, talking about our favorite movies every time I listen! Keep up the great stuff! Been listening since episode 1! The most recent episode on St. Elmo’s Fire had me laughing so much! Thank you guys for all the laughs
  • JustListening.00
    It’s okay to laugh, just get on with it
    Honestly the constant laughing at their own jokes didn’t used to bother me until they started mentioning people don’t like it. Now they double down on it and spend even more time making that dumb voice they use to imitate reviewers, and laugh at their own jokes, then continue to talk about how people don’t like when they do that, then do the dumb voice again. Its okay to be loose and have a laugh, but now they talk about it way too much about that and they often lose me before the podcast gets into anything of substance. It’s almost like it’s own segment on the show “Let’s laugh about how people don’t like that we laugh and then let’s imitate them in this dumb voice”. Maybe time stamp where that is so the rest of us can skip it?
  • Russ Sully
    These guys are awesome
    I’m a newer fan. Found you guys from the clips on tik tok and was hooked. I’ve been going back and listening to each episode one by one and it’s been great. You guys are just doing it the right way. Keep it up, I’m gonna keep listening. Gotta go listen to the Pete and Pete episode now. Later. Update - still a huge fan feels like I wrote this review a long long time ago. Just listened to the scream episode and these boys get better and better. Wish I could give it 6 stars.
  • Uberveej
    Love these scary movie eps
    Great episode today! (Blair Witch) So excited for Scream, thank you AJ for embracing the spooky!
  • Hawkfan432
    The best
    A joy every time I see a new episode out. Love the topics and the boys kill me. 10/10
  • A Lesser Known Fighter
    Worth every minute
    I love everything about this podcast.
  • Deidre701
    This Podcast is everything I’ve been looking for!
    Came across a TikTok of “The Confused Breakfast” in March of 2023. As of today I am basically caught up with their catalog of podcasts. At my job I’m constantly driving around, so I am always listening to their podcast. I get home from work around 3pm I usually pour myself a glass of bourbon (which I started drinking because they made it sound so good…which it really is!) I then put on the movies that they talked about on the podcasts I was able to listen to throughout and just binge them. I’ve always been very into movies but a lot of 80s movies fell through the cracks so this has been just a very fun ride. I highly recommend these guys! Thanks boys!!!
  • Natalietrichtinger
    5 Stars
    Just a delightful program.
  • Mattsthename
    Nostalgia at its peak
    You guys are awesome! I stumbled upon your podcast from tiktok and love your reviews The explanations , theories, and “I never realized“ moments. It makes me feel exactly how I felt of my favorite movies growing up and rewatching them in my adult years. as a good and nostalgia feelings it puts a smile on my face first thing in the morning on my way to work. You guys have also helped me to discover a lot of 70-90s movies I’ve. Ever seen that I watch for the first time thanks to your episodes. I’m military stationed overseas in Korea and you have made my drives to work so enjoyable and I look forward to every new episode that releases Keep it up guys P.S. if you could do one of my favorite movies as a kid “Small Soldiers” you’d make a very very happy fan
  • WesGtaz
    Cynical Breakfast
    These guys don’t seem old enough to review many of these movies. They’re also very nitpicky and cynical about the dumbest, minute things. I’m also over the forced laughter podcast trope. Not every joke is the funniest thing you’ve ever heard.
  • doctor of radio
    “Uh oh social commentary” “80/100” any one following my math?
    So… everything about this pod is great - especially the topics & conversations. The production is top notch. The structure flows nicely and the extra episodes revolving around side topics besides “cinema” are well thought and researched which is a +. In fact, one might say they are almost better because talking about movies does get a little stale every now and then. The breakup is necessary, and I’m glad to see more brunch (mini bytes) coming back. Lastly, I get the social commentary that comes up every now and then, but only addressing from one side of the aisle and believing that side of the aisle is always correct is not good political commentary at all. 80/100 or 3/5.
  • Pfady112
    Unlocked a memory
    I just found your podcast and am staring from the beginning and the references to Adventureland Video and the warehouse mini golf course and arcade was the best place in MP!! Keep Up the great Work guys
  • ARP1285
    The Price Is Right
    Hey guys I’m a new listener to your podcast, and I’m not sure if you found this or not, but Vanna White was a contestant in 1980!
  • Ghakshe
    Hey hey, Ho Ho, This Penis Party’s got to go!
    Just discovered the pod and listened to the PCU and Over the Top podcasts. Exciting back catalog! Thanks for a fun nostalgia machine to get me through the doldrum of adult chores. The pod makes me feel like giving you something deep inside me through Mike Hawke.
  • hector and oats
    Great content
    Movies are well researched, sounds like everyone’s having fun. Getting tired of the cedar ridge plugs, also someone’s voice is cracking CONSTANTLTY. Other than that, great listen.
  • Makutatisayut
    You’re the inspiration!
    Single-handedly motivated my friends and I to take the plunge into the podcast world. Thank you guys for being major motivation for what a podcast with passionate friends who just enjoy each others company can be!
  • SchmidttyUW
    This show has me cry laughing emoji every episode
    My cousin in-law hosts the Scotch and Splenda podcast, but honestly I don’t love The Office enough to listen to a podcast about it. However he also told me about this show and I have loved every minute of it. It’s right up my lost highway. Please do a Brunch episode about The Final Season, I finally got around to watching that train wreck on Prime last night. They somehow found some decent B-list actors to star in it, spouting out some of the lamest sports platitudes on film. Wikipedia says that movie only grossed $1.1mil at the box office but doesn’t say what the production cost. It must have cost $10mil to produce, (not including the $2mil helicopter they crashed). I need you guys to investigate this one because it must have been one of the biggest box office flops of all time. #PostedOnTheSouthEastSide
  • Tenacious Deek
    Are you not entertained?!
    The nostalgia Mike, Sean, and AJ provide throughout the show makes me want to instantly rewatch these movies I grew up with. As a child of the 80’s the days of Blockbuster were the absolute best. The way they review the movie from what they remember as kids compared to the rewatch is an excellent feature of the podcast. Keep up the good work fellas! P.S. AJ’s impersonation of Beetlejuice’s Michael Keaton had me rolling.
  • MrSinister79
    Story about discovering your podcast and teen Wolf the movie
    Outstanding great to listen 5 stars. Wonderful, nostalgia trip, I just discovered this podcast a couple weeks ago. My name is Sir William from Georgia. I love the fact that it’s just three friends talking about movies. I even called the Voicemail line I jumped into the podcast with the movie airborne. After that, I went to the movie teen Wolf, which is a favorite of my childhood ironically, this past weekend at a convention a chance meeting I had an opportunity to meet the widow of the dad from teen wolf. We had a wonderful discussion she was absolutely delightful, and she told me some behind-the-scenes stories and we actually got to talking about the confused breakfast podcast. And I was telling her how I just discovered it and listen to the teen wolf episode wonderful experience made a little bit more fun bye able to discuss the podcast. Look forward to listening to all of the great shows including the mini bites about pop-culture this is an outstanding podcast for anybody that grew up in the 80s, 90s and early 2000’s
  • Bflow
    Love it!
    Where are the parents?!?? Please make coozies!!! I need a Steve Koozer and Mitchell Goosen coozie!
  • RVos400
    These dudes are hilarious!
    As stated hilarious. As important as that is they are really good at what they do. Their reviews are thorough, and they try to cut through the nostalgia and see if the movie holds up. They do extensive background into the making of, the actors that could of been, and all the crazy stories that led to the movies of my childhood. Amazing show, and a bright spot in my day. My 13 year old son and I do wish they weren’t such wusses when it comes to horror movie.
  • Aaddaammm
    Came for the witty banter and sensible reviews
    Stayed for THE TOMATOMETER
  • Yellow dinosaur
    Love the show
    Keep up the great work 👍
  • Fix please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love it!
    I listen to several podcasts about movies, and I just found this one about 2 months ago. It has quickly become one of my favorites. Give it 5 stars everybody, these guys deserve it!
  • db_adv
    Review for the ages.
    I hate these guys so much.
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