The Town Whispers


The Town Whispers is a narrative horror podcast, that will tell the many stories hidden behind the fog and the trees and the rain of a town called The Fort - Where Eldritch Terror and Folk Horrors meet. If you’ve found yourself here, you should have taken a left, instead of a right, or looked up, when shadows crept from wells that stretch deep down into the underground of our town. For business inquiries please email:

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Recent Reviews
  • A. Maguire
    50% ads
    24 minute episode only 12 are actually story that’s unreasonable
  • ya bish is bad
    Absolutely amazing podcast.
    I found this podcast after the magnus protocol began making episodes and cole wrote the most recent one. I absolutely loved the episode and really have only found the magnus archive that I was brave enough to put in the time and commitment into. But having lost that binge, I tried the town whispers. I was reluctant at first seconds, but so quickly I got completely pulling into the show. I listened to the whole first season within a week and love the changes in the second season so far. If you come into this podcast ready to hear a great story and immerse yourself then you’ll love this podcast. Other reviews seem to pic apart each and every line of the podcast, but regardless of that, the story has never done anything but keep my full attention!! Keep it up Cole ❤️❤️
  • Fortunamia
    Terrible writing
    This well produced podcast suffers from the need for better writing. I wanted to like it but just could not wrap my head around some of the descriptions.
  • MorrSett
    Interesting, should have hired someone to narrate
    Bland delivery
  • james bowie
    Disjointed first episode
    I’m all for starting a story in the middle of an event. But if you’re going to do that add some back story and content. You go into the story blind and give up because the story is just confusing and makes no sense.
  • Jaxx9976
    Creepy characters / creep story
    So, this was my first horror podcast I’ve ever listened to, and I got into it pretty quick. Unfortunately I started season 2 before starting season 1 on accident, not paying attention. So I was confused a little bit of course. But I went back and started the podcast correctly, with season 1. The characters keep me on edge and are interesting. JACOB IS TERRIFYING but sooooo interesting. This podcast gave me goosebumps a lot, and has made me shed a few tears here and there. The only thing that kept it from 5 stars, was the voice acting. It is amazing how many voices one person can do, for so many different characters and it’s appreciated because I know it’s gotta be hard, but I wish I couldn’t tell so easily that most characters share the same voice actor. Other than that, the sound effects are realistic, which adds to the goosebumps at times. But overall, this podcast is pretty good, and I personally think worth investing in.
  • tristaannmarie
    I loved this pod!! I’m a horror fan and am always looking for good narrative audio in the genre and this hits the spot. Excited for season 2?? Please? Ha
  • Me x 7
    It is trying
    This is well produced, and pretty well acted, but my god is it tedious. I tried with season one and gave up after 3 episodes. I saw on Reddit that season two was better so I gave that a go. I have listened to hundreds of podcasts so maybe I am tough to please but I am forwarding through huge chunks of episodes and will be calling it quits at episode 15 or so. I don’t give a single hoot about any character or story line in the slightest. This falls into the category of trying too hard to be edgy and cool that it comes off as boring, will be deleting it from my feed as soon as I finish this. I am giving 4* instead of my gut 2-3 because I am sure the right audience could enjoy it…I tried, really.
  • samnie69
    Wonderful story
    I love it so interesting
  • Cojomojo42
    Lots of promise, a few highs, but mostly average
    There’s a lot of great potential for characters, plot lines, and horror, and when the moments hit right, you see the real potential of the show shine through. Some amazing character writing and sound scaping. However, these moments are far between, and the episodes feel like a slog to get through. Each episode seems to only progress the plot/character growth in small nuggets, and a lot of time seems to be spent on just describing emotions and memories that only lead to more, uninteresting questions.
  • ackpach
    Interesting story but
    Story is engaging enough but the theme song gets old pretty quick and the villain’s voice is terrible, presentation Leaves a bit to be desired but a good story overall, I would recommend it
  • Zoedawg20048
    Hi I’m am Zoe
    Love you and your story’s!
  • JinxDelareMaora
    I love this show :)
    I don’t listen to a lot of narrative horror but this felt like a great introduction. The characters are so awesomely portrayed and it feels amazing being able to make the connections between them with each episode.
  • Lolita186
    Found you!
    I just found you from a review on your other show which I wish you’d do more episodes for! 🥺😭 please! Tales by Cole is sooooo good! Can’t wait to get into this! ❤️
  • Kitty_Blue
    Episode 1 Dropout after Prequel Promise
    I listened to the three prequel episodes for Season 2. Intrigued and enjoying the premise — in part because it’s comfortable and I’ve heard variations of it quite a bit — I decided to play it safe and go one at a time on the downloads. Well, they managed to lose me half way through the first official episode. Why? The jazzy, 19th century player piano music was non-freaking-stop. Initially, it sets the tone and environment well. But, for crying out loud, shut it off so it doesn’t interfere with the actors’ lines. It became so difficult to focus on the dialogue because the music was too loud and too invasive. So, I give up.
  • Holualoa Girl
    The town whispers
    This is one of my favorite podcasts very well done amazing talent by Cole and keeps me coming back for more! I enjoy it so much thanks for everything and some chicken skin to boot!
  • 20,000
    Just keep listening
    This show seemed somewhat derivative at first, but if you stay with it, you’ll see that there’s more than meets the eye… or ear, or whatever. Just listen. Great horror for horror people.
  • Djdjdndjdiddkj
    Content is worth a listen but absolutely obnoxious format. Episode length is a bit short and the intro, Patreon pitch, and music eats up to much of my time so I quit listening.
  • bbb292
    Beyond spooky
    This podcast is legitimately scary—madness, dark religion, cracking bones. I can’t listen to it at night or with headphones, but I am fascinated with the story.
  • Mamaofjz
    Hard to understand what’s said
    I was only able to get halfway through episode two before I got frustrated. The storyline seems very interesting but if you are even a bit hard of hearing, the demons or whispers or whatever they are seem quite unintelligible. As the people these entities are conversing with don’t actually repeat what was said, I could not follow the plot. I am hard of hearing and I listen to podcasts on a good speaker but I could not understand enough to keep with it.
  • Lilmama_513
    Great Show… BUT
    The show is GREAT! Love the story, actors (could use more to give a richer experience, vs the same actor “slightly” changing voice). PLEASE give us longer episodes! 30 min/episode really helps, especially if… (keep reading) You are listening to the theme song incessantly, twice per 20-min episode. Now, onto my beef. The theme song. It is OVERPLAYED! ARG! Play the whole song in the beginning and instrumental for the end credits, but NOT BOTH! It’s annoying and it eats up the 20-min/episode. I give credit to the singer, but the heavy rotation makes me roll my eyes every time I hear the guitar strum! PLEASE consider using the instrumental @ the end for future seasons… Besides… we know “he’s already dead” *smh*
  • Rockisdead25
    I’m hooked
    I randomly chose this podcast to listen to and since then I haven’t been able to stop listening. Definitely an awesome and unique horror narrative.
  • alook92
    Would recommend
    Great listen
  • Talks through movies
    Worth checking out
    It’s a really interesting story. I didn’t read any reviews or even the description before checking it out and I was hooked within the first few episodes. It’s a similar story telling style as The Storage Papers, Gods of Appalachia and Alice isn’t dead. It has a similar feel and horror level. The reason I only gave it 3 stars is roughly around the 20th episode or so the story gets kind of drawn out. They take a lot of time to artistically and poetically describe emotions and events in a way that it dragged for me. Some may really enjoy and love that but for me it started to take over most of the episodes and I wanted more forward progression of the story. Overall, if your a fan of the podcasts I mentioned above or enjoy the horror genre it’s worth checking out.
  • alinmyhead
    This is a great podcast I have been restarting because I cannot get enough I listen while driving to and from work and when I’m getting ready for bed
  • Upset@this app
    Worth a listen
    Love the story. There are a couple of voices I don’t care for
  • MGP Terps
    Great Job Cole
    Great concept. Great writing. Great narration and voices. My favorite is Mother Ciprian. Great overall production by all involved. This is well rounded talent and hardwork combined. Well done Cole.
  • Artistwithpaint
    Great story line that’s completely engaging and original. I listen to a lot of fictional horror, and this podcast is at the top of my list. I look forward to every new episode with a new look into this twisted little town. The theme song is great. Don’t listen to reviews that say it’s too long. 20 seconds? Are you kidding me? These people who complain about it clearly know very little about anything. And if you don’t like the ads, then try supporting creatives with your money so they don’t have to put ads in!!! Artists have bills too and they deserve to be compensated for their work.
  • Some Day Writer
    Don’t listen to the one star reviews
    Found this podcast after finishing old gods of Appalachia it’s within similar themes and I kind of like this old Timey way of storytelling.Also listen any of those one stars they all sound like douches, not liking the podcast for stuff like advertisements and theme music. They’re super pathetic
  • Swimekhe
    Poor Writing
    Not a particularly well-written storyline or engaging narrative. Similar tropes appear throughout the podcast. There’s little reason to keep listening after the first episode unless you really enjoy that style of narration and plot point.
  • eward316
    Good Show But…
    Found this while searching for something to listen to while waiting for Old Gods of Appalachia to return. Just started but so far I am enjoying the stories. HOWEVER, I like the theme song BUT wish that it was a little shorter. It has a good feel to it and all but it’s just so long. Other than that I am enjoying the podcast.
  • Keirasmommy1
    Good Story so far
    The story is very interesting and I like how everyone is intertwined with one another. I have seen reviews about ad placement but I didn’t hear any ads in the middle of the show? Also 🙄🙄 Please, leaving one star reviews because you don’t like the theme song how petty. There are plenty of of amazing pod casts out there with god awful theme songs. Doesn’t affect the content of story.
  • Yikes on Several Bikes
    Excellently done, keeps me interested
    I’ve been looking for a podcast to fill the Magnus shaped void and I think between this podcast and OGoA, it’s more than satisfied. Love the story, the family aspect of it makes it delightfully horrifying in its implications.
  • bme1965
    Hooked on this
    I found this while listening to OGoA and glad I became a Patreon member of both! Keep up the great work - waiting for what comes next in the Town!
  • #kingnerd
    Great show!
  • Hellcatkelly
    A whole creepy town! Sign me up!
    Love how intricately the town is set up. This has been a wild ride and can’t wait to hear where it keeps going!
  • Ounrg kundve
    Holy adverts in the middle!
    People need to make money, I get that, but reasonable podcasters put the adverts at the front and the back, the last episode of this that I listened to had multiple ads in the middle, why even bother with the production value if the immersion is broken every 3 minutes? I suppose that some people may find the story good enough to Patreon to get rid of the ads but the theme song is honestly the best part as far as I'm concerned. I will be taking the unsubscribe option instead of paying monthly. Sorry Cole.
  • jalbright9023
    Ads are understandable but a big issue
    I skip music regardless theme songs are great but it’s overdone here. I get podcasts need ads but a story based one like this needs either ads at the start, the end, or placed in between thoughts not randomly thrown in.
  • ididucan
    Nearly unbearable
    The theme song. Please. Make it stop. I cannot tell you how much enjoyment it leaches from the show to have to hear that song for so long at the beginning and end of each episode. Especially when I’m trying to binge this podcast.
  • Groksocket
    Ads inserted awkwardly degrades listening experience
    Good story and sound work are marred by frequent ads (understandable) with zero transition or padding jammed into the middle of scenes - just a sudden jarring jump from creepy narrative to advertisement. Even just an extra quiet second or two before the ads would be a big improvement to listening experience.
  • Aehsir
    Lousy Listener experience
    Way to many ads that are poorly placed. This is a less entertaining Tanis or Rabbits. Complete knock off! I had to unsubscribe🤷🏾‍♂️
  • LSUhillary
    Love the story but the opening song is terrible
    Please for the love of God get rid of the song! Or if you insist on keeping it, make it about half as long. I haven’t been a consistent listener because if I am listening while driving or my hands are occupied, I can’t skip it. Please make it stop. From the other comments you can see that I am not alone in this opinion. You are losing listeners. Other than this issue I really enjoy the stories. Thank you for making them.
  • mimi990608
    Love it!
    I enjoy this podcast. I love listening while I’m cleaning.
  • ecollins509
    Going downhill fast...
    More and more ads, which is understandable to a point, but why are they placed at literally the worst and most abrupt interruptions in the storylines. Also the story started out so strong but like it’s just losing steam and becoming meandering and confusing.
  • yermom82
    Great potential
    The story got me hooked right away. As it goes on it’s slowed down a lot. There are a lot of branches that need connecting. Each episode is wayy to short considering how many ads there are and that the song plays at the beginning and end of each episode plus podcast update news and info. I joined the Patreon at the lowest tier because I believe in the potential of the story and would be willing to increase it if they make some changes.
  • asianone13
    Subscribe and listen!!!!!
    So I heard about this podcast through “Otis Jiry scary stories told him dark” but also through “chilling tales for dark nights” and “let’s not meet”. I’m extremely happy that I took a chance on this podcast cause WOW!!!! I’ve binge listening for 10 episodes now and I can’t get enough!! Definitely recommend y’all subscribe and listen!!
  • Margo 79
    I love this story!
    The story is great but the ads are really really annoying
  • Rob Hugs
    Great story... not so great ads
    I have been an avid listener and binged all of the episodes until I got caught up around episode 15. The story is gripping and keeps you thinking about it for days after you listen. Reminds me of amazing The Westside Fairytales by Tyler Bell. The only issue is the more popular the show has gotten the more ads there are. I understand this happens to all successful podcasts eventually and is the how they make money but the way they stick the ads in the middle of sentences and gripping parts of the narrative is getting out of hand. The latest episode had four ad breaks and two of them were during intricate story lines. It makes the show hard to track and throws off the feel of the story. It’s difficult to get immersed in the story when I’m suddenly thrust into a loud, singsong voice telling me about the new Nissan Rouge.
  • Coach Quack
    Get Rid Of The Song
    He’s already dead does not need to play all the way through or at the beginning and end it is overkill. A couple seconds is MORE than enough. It is a great podcast. You DESERVE at least 4 stars but I cannot tolerate all the commercials and that song. Complete turn off. I’ll start back listening after you guys make modifications.
  • Lisa Maria66
    I have enjoyed it , but knocked off 2 stars the opening song makes no sense and is annoying for every opening for each chapter. Once is enough dump it.
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