The Sesh

Comedy #204

Welcome to The Sesh Podcast hosted by cousins and best friends, Kendall & Janelle! Kendall is a YouTube content creator focusing on True Crime and raising awareness for missing persons cases, and Janelle is a mental health professional with a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Our show is focused on a variety of topics including current events, pop culture, commentary, and a little true crime. Come hang out with us every Wednesday!

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Recent Reviews
  • gabagabaga
    This last episode was a tough listen. Usually love this but Janelle came off super judgmental about the guy in the Vegas story establishing simple boundaries
  • malona03
    Do better
    Do better
  • CailyDawn
    Has its funny moments…
    I have liked the sesh from the start. It used to be fun and a nice break from true crime. However, recently it’s mainly about their opinion on reality tv and even more one sided opinions on current events. Also, recently it seems like Janelle has gotten mean. Cutting people off and just making a point to be negative about everything. I wish I could continue to listen but it’s getting harder to tolerate the one sided opinions on everything.
  • Eggmuffinpepper
    Rap beef
    Ladies, this was so poorly researched and sloppily done. Also, why do yall continuing playing videos on a podcast 🤦🏼‍♀️ just seems like you pick whatever for content. I know it’s a pop culture show, but when it’s poorly done it’s so frustrating. Also Janelle is annoying and comes off as really immature. The games you guys play on here is also really dumb. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
  • IWG!
    My favorite podcast ❤️
    Kendall and Janelle are so funny, I always get a great laugh from watching the episodes!
  • TheByroms
    Love love love this show!!
  • ARMV4
    Great Show
    What a great change of pace podcast. My guilty pleasure has been watching Bravo and watching Honey Boo Boo grow up. The coverage of poor Alana’s grown up story was beautiful. And after hearing the excerpts on this podcast, she is growing into a fun and mature young lady, too smart for still being a teenager. These podcast ladies do such a great job recapping. Unlike so many, they give it their all and seem unafraid to give their own opinions. I’m so lucky to have stumbled into this podcast.
  • mseiz
    Please less drama content
    I love you guys, love the show. however, it has taken a turn towards a drama channel. The early days of the sesh were amazing!!!!! Please stop speaking so much during video clips, it makes it hard to undestand what you are trying to show up.
  • Fjffuddhgvvjjcvgdbg
    Show is going downhill fast
    I’ve been a fan of kendall since 2016. I’ve watched the sesh since the very first launch and I enjoyed it the first couple years but now it’s just them talking about old news and repeating things that have already been said. I can’t stand karely or whatever. She says “like” and “literally” every two seconds and she talks way too much for someone who isn’t the host (nobody cares that you have crappy taste in men that you found on tinder) . They used to be fun, funny, and laid back but now it’s just a drama Chanel with poor coverage of the topics they talk about.
  • Asdfgjwnjxbwjdbwkwj
    My faves
    I work a lot of solo shifts at work which can be mind numbing sometimes. I’ll listen to one of the mile higher media podcasts in my airpods all day, but The Sesh is definitely my fave. It just feels like I’m hanging out with the girls all day. Thank you Kendall, Janelle, Sydney, and Karelly for getting me through the day❤️
  • Arisaalzaasr
    Show isn’t bad but they really don’t do research Kendall or jenelle have the facts right but then one of there editors “corrects” them but they are wrong and it always ruins the show. That or they ALL don’t do there research
  • LEGO BOY56
    Janelle avoiding Taylor Swift
    I like this show but I get the sense that Janelle never wants to talk about anything going on with Taylor Swift even though she’s the biggest artist in the world and biggest celebrity. I would like to see this to be changed to be honest. She’s the most relevant artist and will be for a long time
  • aster2022
    Just here to say mammals have mammary glands and that’s our defining feature love you guys lol
  • 2026mfierro
    Way too political
    One of the producers constantly saying she’s offended by things and being so “woke” but with no actual research … they’ll say anything to seem as liberal as possible
  • mikasa243
    Out of touch sellouts
    You can go back to the first few episodes ever released and hear them say that they are not, nor do they want to be, a drama channel. And they didn’t used to be! A few “spicy topics” here and there. But a drama channel is exactly what they are now. All it takes is scrolling through podcast titles to see this. They also consistently have segments that are not listener friendly. Like reviewing award show outfits.. honestly. This cannot be the best you guys can come up with. Sellouts. Side note, I hate when Kendall ends the podcast talking about how she has to go quick, she needs to hurry home. This makes me feel anxious and rushed for no reason lol maybe just a me thing tho
  • BrandyRose333
    Not as good as it used to be…
    I’ve been following this show since pretty much the beginning and before that I was a huge fan of Kendall and Mile Higher. Unfortunately, the show is lacking the joy it brought me every week. Normally I don’t mind them catching up with one another but they take like 30 minutes doing it and add in a bunch of ads before actually getting to the topics. The sesh also posts so late during the week and late in the day, I feel like I’ve heard everything they’ve talked about from other podcasts. I also feel like Kendall is too busy for this show or just not that interested? She’s either gone or has no idea what they’re discussing in the episode and she’s always rushing through topics so she can go home. Good for her for being off social media but I feel like she should still at least do her research or ask ahead of time what’s being discussed instead of not having any idea. The sesh has also been doing a lot of games or taste testing lately and as someone that listens to the show, it’s actually really annoying. I always stop listening to the episode.
  • Sparkler288
    Best podcast ever
    First of all I never leave reviews and I struggle to find a podcast I actually enjoy listening to. I laugh at every episode and love the girls so much. They are so real & so funny. I wish i knew them in person 🖤 10/10 recommend
  • Krista1H2
    Not meant for people driving
    I usually share a lot of the same opinions with you girls so I love to catch up on all the latest things. My only downside, is that this is meant for listening. Half the segments you do, I can’t follow because I’m driving. I understand you do a video as well but the whole point is for it to be listened to, not watched. I’m not going to go back to a two hour episode to watch the segments on YouTube. Just my two cents but I still love the segments I can just listen to.
  • Pagiieee
    Less spicys!
    Love love love the show, been watching since the beginning. Miss the story times and how relaxed the show was. Please bring back more games, arts and crafts, and the easy bake oven! Just seems like spicy topics have completely overtaken the show.
  • Paige is a mermaid princess
    I like it!!
    I do like this podcast but I don’t love when they do taste tests/segments that involve so much video/visuals. I usually listen while driving and I cannot watch (which is why I’m listening to a podcast), I wish they’d make it more of a podcast versus a YouTube video. If you do that can you at least describe what is happening for non-video listeners. I also love all the girls but wish the producers wouldn’t chime in SOOOO much during the meat of the podcast - I want to hear the hosts more!!! No shade but its true!! Let the hosts, host pls! They also get very political sometimes and I’m not hating BUT I thought this podcast was supposed to be a distraction - free from all of that political stuff we are over saturated with! It’s very “woke” lately. What I used to love about these girls is they would come very neutral to topics which was SOOO refreshing nowadays. Now EVERYTHING is super woke and leftist. It’s sad.
  • Brin Brin Brin
    *ahem* I LOVE THIS PODCAST!!
    Y’all are the funniest most random, authentic, down to earth, people! All your personalities mesh so well! I don’t know why there’s only bad reviews? It’s supposed to be laid back and unserious! This podcast takes me away from reality for a moment and just makes me laugh and smile! I feel bad for the ppl that are probably 45+ that just don’t get the point lol Anyway! Currently going through y’all’s winter vacay drought and I already binged the old eps out! I find myself missing your weekly fresh Sesh episodes! No other comedy-cast does it like y’all! You guys never fail to make (at least me) me feel like I’m chilling with my friends or one of the girls! Keep doing what you’re doing! You guys ROCK!! 🪨🤘🏼🔥
  • Glam fev
    So many topics never gets boring!!
    I love the podcast they have so many topics they talk about. Pop culture , YouTube drama, world news, local news, shows, AITA, etc!! Good show and very funny. It’s more of a visual show, which I don’t mind at all!! I suggest watching them on YouTube or Spotify. Only thing I’m not the biggest fan of is the games they play, BUT still enjoy the show very much. I suggest you watch it first before just plainly listening to it. :D
  • linda67889
    Sell outs
    They hate on the Kardashians but then accept a sponsor from skims…
  • lexmarcella
    Hard to hear
    It is frustrating when they interrupt and talk over each other. Does not make for easy listening. Too bad. Otherwise I would like to listen.
  • Julh22
    Mean Girl energy
    The vibes are off between these girls. I feel like there’s tension. Like they’re the kind of girls to all talk bad about each other behind each other’s backs. Not for me. “Do We Know Them?” is so much better.
  • Laura Marilyn
    Unfortunately they just constantly delete comments along with their own past tweets etc instead of listening to valid criticism from longtime fans who really like their show.
  • Nobody 72303
    Not a podcast, a YouTube channel
    It’s an okay podcast. Sometimes a bit childish and done without much thought. I liked it a lot at first but it seems less like a podcast and more like the audio to a YouTube video. Frequently there are segments that are completely unable to be consumed by audio listeners and LOTS of dead air.
  • rockstarbubbles
    Usually love
    The intros are way too long :(
  • emsistv
    Used to be better - too much drama now
    I used to really like this show but now I end up either skipping episodes altogether or skimming around. It seems like they cover sooooo much internet/celebrity drama now. I liked when they used to deep dive a topic and have a few extra segments. Also taste testing isn’t really that interesting to me since I listen most of the time. I wouldn’t mind it once in awhile but it’s pretty often. That being said I do really like the csi segments and all the girl’s personalities. They mesh very well together.
  • Ms.Chris Brown
    Great! But-
    I've listened to all of mile higher media's YouTube channels and podcasts for a few years now and love them all, I've bought merch too and have loved it also! I like the sesh too but lately I feel they've become but disjointed and rambly. I often feel like a bystander while people around me talk about random things around me. This week it went on for 30 minutes about ices cream and candy. I think I'd like a liiiiitle bit of structure, I know they use this as a show to debrief from their other series topics from the other shows and I love that for them but more structured topics and interactions with listeners would be nice. All love.
  • uhhlayyknee
    This podcast is way too “woke” for me. And that’s coming from a Mexican woman. My fiancé is in the military so no I don’t appreciate Kendall saying things like America speaks “stupid” which is pretty rich while y’all sit there doing horribly annoying British accents. I’m sure British people don’t find it too funny but I forgot the left picks and chooses when people should be offended
  • RiA🌻
    Love this podcast!
    Feels like you’re just hanging with the girl’s gossiping every week! Makes me laugh when I need a pick me up! Keep up the great work ladies! 🫶
  • Sarah Sietta
    I love you guys, but do some research before spreading more lies. I understand the letter Ashton wrote was stupid, but those other things he said about Hilary Duff, etc WERE SKITS!!!! Fake!!!!!
  • emberb811
    Thursdays are my fav bc of the Sesh
    The highlight of my week!!
  • Ghost party rock
    Another drama channel
    I used to love listening. Now it’s all drama, “breaking news”, and smack talking. Last episode was more about getting tea rather than actually letting the guest speak her experience. Disappointing. I’m not even a Jacalyn fan and they talk about her a lot. It’s giving fan behavior. They love to talk smack about her. Got nothing better to talk about apparently.
  • HannahL1120
    Really disappointed
    I used to love this podcast, but it’s gone downhill. Listening to Kendall and Janelle cover internet drama every week is just really boring, and it’s hard to stay interested. I wish they would change it up.
  • _nina95_
    Too woke
    The recent Lizzo episode had me almost unsubscribing😬 I’m not even a lizzo fan, but there really is no evidence (at this time) to support their claims. “Always believe the victims” is such a woke statement these days😵‍💫 I think these 2 unknowingly perpetuate cancel culture, Janelle more so than Kendall. She is so obnoxious and very one sided and she rarely looks at things from the other perspective. It seems like she believes everything the leftist news spews at her, then she spews it right back at us with no research! Kinda cringey. I miss the old sesh episodes, things were more lighthearted and fun, it has become too political now. I’ll stick to MHP and TCKR.
  • KelKim2
    Obviously Biased
    I tuned out halfway thru their Lizzo take bc it became blatantly obvious they were just looking to tear the artist down for some clicks instead of looking at the situation from an unbiased view. I’m not victim shaming or siding with Lizzo but the info they discussed was purely she said, they said. Zero evidence was brought up to support the allegations and I’m not interested in listening to women tear other women/artists down without any actual supporting proof.
  • Sunshinegirly3
    Miss the old sesh
    This podcast started out great and I listened weekly! Once Kendall left for maternity and Janelle was left alone everything went downhill and has not gone back up since her return. Janelle talks over everyone now and “acts” very woke to tik tok and younger trends but often has no idea what she is talking about. She has been very rude the past few podcasts it’s hard to listen to. I love mile higher and lights out but this podcast has decreased in its value significantly unfortunately. No one cares about the celebrity gossip and how Janelle feels about every little thing. Go back to talking about astrology and real factual current events that can be life changing (environmental, educational, historical, futuristic, etc.) while cutting out the irrelevant parts of the podcast. Miss the old pod won’t be listening anymore if things don’t get better.
  • h3idimom3idi
    Women Supporting Women
    I am here leaving this five star review as a direct result of your support of Kalyn Nicholson and Marlena Stell. It is so good to see big influencers like you truly support women. Love your shows soo much!
  • Atassel
    New vocab needed.
    Janelle every other word doesn’t always need to be Fu$%. I get the random F-bomb here and there.. but when it’s every other word coming out of your mouth. I enjoy you ladies so much, but it’s grating to hear F this and F that, as often as it was said within the first 20 minutes of this latest episode. Learn some other adjectives for your descriptive banter.
  • Dancinqueen1998
    Good and Bad
    Some episodes are fun and interesting while others perpetuate cancel culture and are too political. I also agree with previous reviewers that the food tastings are very boring and that videos and images shouldn’t be a part of a podcast.
  • Tango Alpha Yankee
    Fun but better as a video
    I have only listened to a couple of episodes and they are fun to listen too. But a lot of their content refers to videos or images and they don’t explain them. It’s hard when your just listening to know what they are referring to. They also jump into topics that first time listeners don’t have any background in.
  • 2021may
    I love mike higher content
    Literally every channel you guys have, I watch. I love your podcasts!! Please never stop!! People probably think I’m crazy when I start cackling to myself in the car LOL
  • sll58
    i have been listening to the sesh since it started coming out and i LOVE it, however i feel myself listening to it a lot less frequently. the earlier episodes were much more lighthearted and fun while now it’s tons of current even topics that i already know about. this feels more like a pop culture news podcast than a fun, goofy show to listen to. i just wish they’d do more games, online tests, astrology, etc like they did back in the day..i almost feel stressed when i listen to the sesh now because of how many negative things they cover now :( i understand that they have to evolve their content but dang i just wanna have fun with them again
  • Jack_key
    Great Show
    I love Kendall’s content, thanks for making great shows here and on yt!
  • Judy12728282&282
    Kendall now supports victim shaming and misinformation
    Having Jennifer on is absolutely disgusting. I’m so disappointed in you Kendall. You were one of the ones I respected because of how you treat victims of all kinds. Less than 5 seconds of research would show Jennifer ruthlessly victim blaming the roommates/survivors of the Idaho 4 stabbing. You would also see or for that matter anyone with a basic understanding of the criminal Justice system would see that she spews misinformation like it is fact. She makes things harder for the rest of the true crime community especially the spaces that stick to morals and facts only. CLEARLY YOU HAVE LOST ALL YOURS. I hope you get a wake up call soon or go down in flames bc anyone with a platform like yours who allows victim shamers as experts deserves to make absolutely nothing off sharing the worst things that could happen to humans. I don’t even think Mila & Ashton would let jennifer touch anything to do with victims after scrolling her Twitter for less than a minute. Kendall you’re disgusting as jennifer now.
  • Xshopkick Addict
    Kendall is immature to be unbiased
    Typical one sided argument. Kendall is way too childish to make objective judgments.
  • madii bear
    Not Worth Your Time.
    These two gave zero reason for anyone listening to believe they look for facts in a serious situation. They “spoke” on the Colleen Ballinger drama just to basically say “yea we hate her now, and you should too.” Geez ladies, do you think you are perfect? You said you learned from last time, but your cancel culture behavior is only directed towards Colleen now. “aNimAl AbUsS” She was under 5 years of age! You really lost all respect when alluding to her doing something as serious like causing a dog to die, but then not give the full context to the matter. If you are not going to give actual facts in the feud, you have no place speaking on it.
  • CassWai
    I watch Kendall on all 3 of her shows/podcasts. This one is light and honestly gives me my news 😂 The way Janelle & Kendall interact is so relatable and makes you feel like you’re Easy Baking with them. I definitely suggest you take a listen.
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