Down to Birth


Join Cynthia Overgard and Trisha Ludwig once per week for evidence-based straight talk on having a safe and informed birth, which starts with determining if you've hired the right provider. If we had to boil it down to a single premise, it's this: A healthy mom and baby isn't all that matters. We have more than 30 years' experience between us in midwifery, informed rights advocacy, publishing, childbirth education, postpartum support and breastfeeding, and we've personally served thousands of women and couples. Listen to the birth stories of our clients, listeners and celebrities, catch our expert-interviews, and submit your questions for our monthly Q&A episodes by calling us at 802-GET-DOWN. We're on Instagram at @downtobirthshow and also at, where we offer live ongoing events multiple times per month, so be sure to join our worldwide community. We are a Top .5% podcast globally with listeners in more than 80 countries every week. Become informed, empowered, and have a great time in the process. Join us and reach out any time - we love to hear from you. And as always, hear everyone, listen to yourself.

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Recent Reviews
  • That_girl98
    Good information, difficult delivery at times
    I think this podcast is full of great factual information. I also think it’s a great resource for women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant. However, I’m knocking it down a star because some of the episodes are so difficult to listen to when the hosts are constantly jumping in and interrupting the stories. I listened to one episode where a dad was telling his story and he was constantly interrupted. I understand they want to clarify and add in their two cents but I wish they would wait a little and actually let people get their stories in. They also come off like know it all’s even when it comes to people’s opinions which again is just kind of annoying.
  • CCenzer
    This podcast gives you the facts but inspires you to trust your intuition!
    I found this podcast at about 20 weeks with my second and knew I desperately wanted a VBAC but wasn’t sure it would happen. They were talking about how important your provider is to your experience, and it inspired me to leave my OB, hire a midwife and start planning a home birth. I listened to almost every episode and at about 36 weeks stopped taking in any new information on birth, labor, etc. and I tuned into myself and my intuition for making the last decisions in my pregnancy and during labor. After some easy prodromal labor, I was in active labor for about 5.5 hours, 30 minutes pushing, and baby girl was born into my arms at home. There’s no greater feeling. I share this podcast with any pregnant women I know!
  • Acadavid91
    Amazing, empowering, and educational podcast
    Thank you for giving back the power to women to make their own educated decisions around their births. I was told my baby had IUGR with only one ultrasound on my third trimester. Because of this podcast I now t have the tools to defend my case and ask for more time and more data on this diagnosis.
  • Deana Kustyukov
    Amazing podcast!
    I had an amazing HBAC a few months ago and listened to DTB throughout my whole first and second pregnancy. I wouldn’t have had the confidence or knowledge to do so without this podcast and all that it has to offer!
  • MontanaMountains
    Everything you need to know for pregnancy
    This is a great tool for women to utilize before, during, and after pregnancy. Cannot recommend enough.
  • Birth educator
    Women Need to Listen
    Cynthia and Trisha provide great evidence-based information about birth and women’s choices. They go into the research and discuss ways that women can make decisions to have the births they want. There’s also information that is important to know about navigating the hospital system.
  • jasjonte
    A Must-Listen!!!
    There are no words to express my gratitude for Cynthia and Trisha for teaching me all-things-empowering-birth. Their radical candor and no-nonsense approach is exactly what I needed to take more responsibility for this area of life!
  • amandaroark
    Only wish I started listening sooner!
    Absolutely love Cynthia and Trisha for their down to Earth, straightforward, evidence based (and a lot of the times really funny) takes on all things pregnancy and birth. Such a variety of amazing guests and topics. Love that they share so many women’s different stories to help parents prepare for their best birth. Highlyyy recommend this podcast!
  • amandaber23
    No Sugar Coating Here: Down to Birth Delivers the Meat!
    The Down to Birth podcast is an essential resource for women at every stage of pregnancy – from planning to expecting and beyond. Cynthia and Trisha provide an empowering and refreshingly honest approach to discussing the science of birth, avoiding any hint of patronizing their audience. In a culture where physiological birth is often misunderstood or distrusted, this podcast serves as a much-needed reprogramming of our perceptions. Once you start listening, you'll find it difficult to turn back. It's a powerful reminder to trust in your body and in yourself.
  • Lindsey147
    A must listen for every expecting mom
    I listened to the Down to Birth podcast throughout my pregnancy and it was such an incredible resource. The information Cynthia and Trisha provide is invaluable, encouraging, and empowering. I would recommend this podcast to all pregnant women!!
  • Ellie Squirek
    Successful Breech Birth
    Couldn’t have done my intervention free, home birth turned surprise breech without the knowledge and wisdom this podcast brought me throughout my pregnancy!
  • mamasarah16
    This show is the BEST!
    This is my favorite podcast! Pregnant or not, I listen every week without fail! These women do such a phenomenal job of stating the facts, and helping women understand their rights, and their bodies! I’m having my 3rd soon, and feel so confident and at ease knowing exactly what I want, and how to best advocate for myself. Highly recommend to everyone I know who’s remotely interested in birth.
  • Lilapeed
    Great resource for expecting mothers!
    I listened to this podcast through both of my pregnancies. The information is fact-based, ubiased, and family-centric. I credit my successful VBAC in large part to the information I gleaned from them! Thank you to Tricia, Cynthia, and their AWESOME guests!
  • Knitting_Librarian
    Fantastic podcast
    Loving this podcast as I get ready to have my 2nd. Love the stories, the interviews, the awesome information provided. I’m inspired, encouraged and left feeling more confident in my birth choices!
  • Jes Vic
    Best Birth Podcast
    Cynthia and Trisha are knowledgeable, calm, and wise voices for any woman to have in their ear! I listened to Down to Birth my whole pregnancy and continue to postpartum. I have truly learned so much from these wonderful women and am beyond thankful for the sensibility and nuance that they bring to the multi-faceted topics surrounding all things birth! They are truly a gift to women, providing excellent research and empowering information to help women advocate for themselves in a system and society that often doesn’t provide true informed consent. I have grown to love and appreciate Cynthia and Trisha for their wisdom, bravery, and excellent taste in podcast guests. I recommend this podcast to all my pregnant mom friends!
  • Sydellen!!
    My favorite podcast!
    This podcast is so amazing. Tricia and Cynthia are extremely knowledgeable and give such sound and accurate advice. Their experience speaks volumes! I’m a Registered Nurse who has worked in a birth center and I’m going to have my 4th baby and 3rd home birth this year and I still learn things from them every episode. Their instagram is also great and they provide even more knowledge and support to their followers. It’s very refreshing in this day and age to also find women who aren’t afraid to stand up for what they believe in and actually support REAL women, REAL mothers and REAL breast feeders! I recommend this podcast to everyone I know that’s pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant! Keep up the good work ladies!
  • embiz1012
    10/10 recommend — a must listen for all women!
    Down To Birth has changed my LIFE -- and the lives of my husband, son, and our new baby on the way! I found Down To Birth when I was pregnant with my first baby in 2022, and I quickly binged every episode because I simply could not get enough of the incredible knowledge that Cynthia and Trisha present through their stories, guests and personal anecdotes to help all women and their babies have safer, more satisfying, and all around better outcomes for their pregnancies, births and postpartum. This show was essential preparation for my body, mind and spirit prior to my son's birth, and has continued to bless me and my family (and everyone who will listen to me talk about birth 🤗) over and over and over again. I recommend this show to EVERYONE -- pregnant or not! Cynthia and Trisha -- to say you are changing lives is an understatement. Thank you for your dedication to women and babies and daddies and partners. Thank you for teaching us mamas how to advocate for ourselves, how to see right through rhetoric, and how to trust our instincts that are ever-present if we could just quiet the noise from the outside world. Thank you for your knowledge, wisdom, tenacity and commitment to truth and helping women have every bit of information they need to make the safest choices for their births. All the love in the world -- Emily Woodward ❤️
  • Jane Bouet
    Empowering and entertaining
    Trisha and Cynthia share well-researched information that centers the mother in her own birth experience. They have empowered me to take control of mine!
  • Chloe Brown 07
    One of my favorite podcasts!
    I seriously cannot recommend this podcast more. Not only are they not canceling women and the hard work it is to be mothers, but they inform you on the statistics of absolutely everything. In a world that doesn’t believe in true informed consent, it’s a breath of fresh air knowing these ladies exist. I wouldn’t have had such an amazing birthing experience without the power and knowledge they gave me.
  • LRubino1776
    Every woman should listen
    So much important and life saving information on this podcast. I was so ready for my birth after listening. I have recommended to every person I know to listen. They are sharing so much old and lost knowledge that every women has a right to know.
  • sharpiekundi
    Absolutely LOVE this show
    I absolutely love the Down to Birth show! I found this podcast when I was 5 weeks pregnant and it has helped me so much with preparing for pregnancy, labor, and birth. I appreciate how Trisha and Cynthia walk you through your options from an evidence-based perspective so that you can make informed + empowered decisions for your pregnancy and birth. I’m so grateful for these ladies, and I recommend the show to every pregnant mama I know!
  • cait443355
    Awful, propaganda
    Dangerous misinformation
  • mwall1019
    Empowering and educational
    I just wanted to reach out and thank you both so much for the information you put out into the world. I just gave birth to my first, weighing in at 8lbs 14oz at home after 51 total hours of labor. Headlined by a 10 hour long second stage courtesy of a very stubborn anterior cervical lip, and baby having both nuchal hand and cord. It was the most intense and difficult experience of my life, but I knew if I set my mind to it I could get her here the way I had always envisioned. Listening to your podcast gave me so much confidence to stand firm in my decisions and what I knew was best for me and my baby. I can’t wait to keep learning from you as I grow into my new role as a mom.
  • courtdeem
    Life changing podcast
    To say that Cynthia and Trisha are changing lives with their podcast is an understatement. Their hard work, dedication, and passion for helping women and children is apparent through their discussions, extensive research, and the thoughtful presentation of their content. Trisha and Cynthia have personally changed my life for the better with this podcast and their birth processing session. If you are TTC or pregnant, the DTB podcast is invaluable!
  • catcatayyy2418
    Best birth podcast out there!
    I wanted to thank you for your podcast. It gave me so much affirmation, confidence and just made me feel so heard during this pregnancy. I birthed my second daughter at home with my midwife and husband Wednesday evening - precipitous labour, born March 20th after just three hours start to finish! The most intense, AMAZING experience of my LIFE! 7 lbs 12 oz. My first was a 30 hour, Pitocin induction resulting in a 55 second shoulder dystocia & vacuum delivery + 8 day hospital stay for no reason. I was thoroughly convinced my body was not capable of natural birth, until I started listening to y’all! Thank you for what you do and the way you do it. I was literally listening to an episode hours before labor started! Much love, Cami 🫶
  • Caitlyn……L
    I recommend this show ALL the time!
    As a birth doula, I am hoping every one of my clients and family members will take my suggestion and listen to Down to Birth. Cynthia and Trisha have helped me prepare for my own home birth, learn about my body, succeed in breastfeeding, laugh on crazy days, prepare and educate myself as a doula, opened many conversations with fellow birth workers, provide be with evidence based research, and empowered me as a woman and mother. I am forever grateful. I found my mind expanded and my confidence stronger with each episode. They are also very entertaining for my daily walks! Thank you for being my walking buddies!
  • Birthwithliv
    Informed & Empowered
    The holy grail of birth podcasts. Easy to understand, evidence-based information shared in a relatable and thought provoking way. My absolute favorite podcast of any genre. I credit the information shared with my positive birth despite a 34w induction due to sudden and severe preeclampsia.
  • Tmc9223
    A podcast that will give you information and strength!
    There was so much I gathered from your show and it gave me strength going into my second birth. I can proudly say I just birthed my second baby without one medical intervention at the hospital and it was so empowering and healed some of the trauma from my last experience. I credit this show with helping me feel prepared and empowered for this experience. Thank you, ladies!
  • stylistchik
    I’m currently 23 weeks pregnant and thankfully your podcast has empowered me and taught me to advocate for myself. I had to fire my OB after she told me that she will induce me at 38 weeks due to me being 41 and she never asking what my birth plan was. So after my plans for a midwife transfer fell through I let her know I originally wanted a home birth she stated “ your baby will most likely die with a home birth”. I was appalled and so happy I had facts to back up all my choices to my planned natural home birth mainly due to this podcast and the extra research I’ve done. I fired her and was able to get help to fund my home birth with my midwife team whom make me feel safe and heard. Thank you ladies so much! ~Janine Scanterbury
  • Indys review
    One of my favs
    I really love this podcast. I think I’ve listened to most episodes. I recently listened to episode #235, and it gave me some pause. I normally appreciate the balance of discussion about physiological birth and birth with intervention. In that, whatever way is right way for the mom is best. I didn’t find the same balance in this episode. It felt a little skewed and almost shaming to those who choose to take antidepressants, especially expecting moms and or those in their postpartum stretch. I guess you got to take their advice, “hear everyone and listen to yourself” ; ) Thanks for the many great episodes!
  • Hopefully Growing
    Embrace knowledge
    You are not alone! It is not too late! At 28 weeks pregnant with my first child I was going to go with the flow. But now almost 10 weeks later I am Down to Birth and postpartum! With the throughly evidenced based insight Cynthia, Trisha and their guests have shared my husband and I are natural birth warriors. My baby will come at the perfect time and we are ready.
  • Kpillai90
    Real men listen to Down To Birth
    My wife and I will be welcoming our first child soon. As the birthing companion I have felt somewhat detached throughout this process as I am sure many husbands and or companions do. I have also experienced anxiety about the birthing process because it felt abstract and out of our control. My naive self would just think well we will just listen to the doctors and everything will be just fine. Now that I have gone through the class and listened to many episodes of this podcast with my wife, I feel empowered knowing that our perceived lack of control is simply that, a perception and an ill-informed perception at best. The techniques and the knowledge that we have gained is incredibly valuable. I wish we had found this podcast and the Hypnobirthing class sooner because I have gained so much knowledge and discovered things that I can do to support my wife throughout this process. This podcast is amazing and can help spark a desire to learn as much as possible about birth and how to make informed decisions that you and most importantly the mother of your child are happy and at peace with. Learning about birth is not just a mother’s responsibility. This podcast is transformative and truly a blessing so thank you very much Cynthia and Trisha!
  • Sarahj162
    Must listen!!
    I have gleaned so much information from listening to these women and their guests! I went into my home birth feeling very prepared & ready for whatever! I cannot recommend this podcast enough.
  • MamaNell22
    Truly life changing insights and education about birth!
    It’s not an overstatement to say that this podcast is life changing. Cynthia and Trisha bring important truths and insights about birth and all things related that simply aren’t available on any other platform as well as perspectives from a variety of experts and stories from other women. I cannot recommend this enough to anyone pregnant, raising young ones or even thinking about getting pregnant. It’s not just for women looking to birth outside the hospital (though that perspective is readily available here) it provides critical information about how to advocate for yourself in any birthing setting and understand the different between medical rhetoric and reality. On top of it all, they are entertaining to listen to! This is important information presented in an utterly absorbable format. So grateful for these ladies and this podcast!
  • marakilian
    Wonderful Podcast!
    So refreshing to get real stats on matters so moms everywhere feel empowered to make informed decisions and follow our intuition and instinct backed by data we’re able to truly measure risk and benefit with. Love listening to each episode!
  • Annie374695
    Best podcast ever - esp if you’re pregnant!
    Cynthia and Trisha are SO articulate and sensical. Everything they say just makes sense. They always know their facts and have the data to support what they say. Their podcast and instagram page are a large reason I was able to have the most wonderful unmedicated birth experience. They are the reason I was able to trust my own body, after years of being told as a society that birth is a medical emergency. I am infinitely grateful for them! Now I can’t wait to be pregnant and give birth again!!!
  • St.rb.rl.w
    The Best Birth Podcast
    I listened to this podcast before, during, and after my 1st pregnancy and it has been an incredible resource on my motherhood journey. The host's expertise and passion shine through in every episode, providing a wealth of information and support for those interested in an empowered birth. I love the diverse range of topics covered, from prenatal care to postpartum recovery, making it a comprehensive guide for expectant moms. Whether you're a first-time mom or experienced, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking an empowering and nurturing birth experience. My #1 recommendation for any pregnant mamas ❤️
  • cjps0808
    Must listen
    As a mother, doula, and lover of birth, this podcast is a must listen! I love their candid conversations and complete honesty! It is so informative!
  • Christina in Wisco
    So much valuable information! Thank you!
    After a traumatic birth in the hospital with my first, I couldn’t bear the thought of having any more children. Fast forward 14 months and I was pregnant with #2. My husband and I both readily agreed to finding a midwife and having a home birth. I knew I had to educate myself if I wanted a better birth experience, and Down to Birth Show gave me everything I was looking for and more (I have a negative blood type and was GBS positive early in pregnancy)! I am now 12 days postpartum and am grinning ear to ear every time I get to tell others of our water birth at home. Thank you for informing women so we can make birthing a wonderful experience, want to have more kiddos, and not be afraid of birth!
  • Photogmagob
    Grateful for these two ladies and the invaluable education they’ve provided me! Lord knows my NP isn’t educating me like this!
  • EKLovesRunning
    Should be required listening 💗
    I found this podcast during my 2nd pregnancy as I was aching to have a redemptive birth after a traumatic delivery with failed vacuum & forceps turned c-section. I believe knowledge is power & listening to truth, testimonies and critical evaluation of evidence on a regular basis empowered me to advocate for myself and really internalize the reality that I could do what God created my body for. I did have a successful unmedicated VBAC on 7/10 after a precipitous labor. We welcomed our little girl in a fierce, fast whirlwind, and have never felt anything so intense and wild. So thankful for this and another podcast that helped me keep my mind grounded in truth while in labor. 🎀
  • giiiiianaaaaaa
    The best birth prep
    I started listening to “Down to Birth” in the second half of my first pregnancy. I figured it would be informational and maybe I could pick up a thing or two on my commute to work. I had an idea in mind for the things I wanted, and listening to the show gave me the confidence that I COULD achieve that type of birth with the right mindset, and resources assuming all went as planned in my low risk pregnancy. I recently just hit my 30 week mark, and at my most recent few OB visits, I was spoken down to and made to feel as though my birth plan was unachievable and childish (I’m almost 30). There was a huge undertone of fear and how i could harm my baby if i did X,Y,Z. That i needed growth scans because I’m too small. That i was in for a rude awakening of motherhood and i was too young. I feel as though this show gave me the tools and knowledge to be empowered enough to speak up and make a change. I was able to find a new group that would take on a late transfer and couldn’t have done it if I hadn’t been listening to know to advocate for myself.
  • TinyMonkey16
    Incredible resources
    These women give so much valuable time away via the podcast and Instagram. And now SO grateful for opputinity for the Patreon subscription, it was of SO much value for me and my husband as we used it to deepen our knowledge on certain topics in pregnancy, labor/birth, and newborn care! I can’t thank you both enough for the info you freely give away and the opportunity to sit and glean further! I feel like you are my friends and cheerleaders! As a fellow medical provider and hopeful life long learner- I am so grateful for who you two are and what you represent to the medical community, women, babes, and the family unit. Thank you!
  • Superawesome321
    Love the information but…
    The constant push to pay for their patreon is driving me insane. Between Instagram and here I’m almost at the point of not being able to handle it. I get needing to make money, but it’s starting to feel very pushy.
  • jdatclaw
    100% recommend!
    I am a birth doula and I have learned so very much from this podcast! The host of information and topics keep mamas and birth workers on top of a host of subjects and you can even submit your own questions! I recommend listening to this bomb duo to all of my clients! Start listening today if you want to feel empowered, knowledgeable, confident and blessed. They will help you trust you body and your intuition!! #1 recommended!!!
  • Furball17
    Professional, informative and FUN!
    So far, this podcast is really opening my eyes to a new way of thinking about my pregnancy and birth! I love the Q/A part and that I can submit my own questions. Thank you for this great information. I am eager to hear what’s next. This is a definite go to guide for anyone having a baby.
  • Kelsey @theprimal_mama
    The Best Birth Podcast Out There
    Down to Birth has been my go to podcast through my entire journey from pre-conception, pregnancy, and birth to postpartum and motherhood. Trisha and Cynthia are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the world of birth and all stages that surround it. What makes it stand out though is their passion and commitment to serve Mothers and not the system. They do the research and present ALL the facts so that women can make the best decision for themselves. They have a great way of articulating sometimes complicated issues and making it easily digestible for us Mamas. They bring on some amazing guests and I have learned so much from the content they present here. I am so grateful to have them at my fingertips for all of my birth and motherhood questions!
  • hippy7
    Was hoping this would be another great podcast to add to my list. However, pretty obvious the audience they are hoping to capture…Seems to be geared towards housewives in Utah that sell Young Livings essential oils as a side hustle…It also seems to come from more of a personal perspective rather than evidence based. :/ I’ll be sticking with The Evidence Based Podcast instead.
  • Lauren3Perry
    Quality, informative content
    This is my go-to recommendation to anyone wanting to ask questions about pregnancy and birth. I listen to every episode and can’t get enough.
  • MalRubino
    Amazingly informative
    Every mother in the whole world should be listening to this podcast!
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