The Next Big Idea


The Next Big Idea is a weekly series of in-depth interviews with the world’s leading thinkers. Join our host, Rufus Griscom — along with our curators, Malcolm Gladwell, Adam Grant, Susan Cain, and Daniel Pink — for conversations that might just change the way you see the world. New episodes every Thursday.

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Recent Reviews
  • nonicknaneavaipable
    What happens to creative artists
    Interesting that the show had an ad at the end referring to non fiction writers. So in the brave new world, seems like non fiction writers will vanish. As will much of the creative arts. Or it will receded into a niche, much like steampunk today. Only created and accessed by a nostalgic few.
  • pritchardsbike33618
    So great to hear Erik Larson on the show
    I’ve been a longtime fan of Erik (and of this show) and really enjoyed his recent interview. It inspired me to buy a copy of his new book! Thank you
  • Yoyorosie
    Huge Next Big Idea FAN disappointed...
    Huge fan here, and this is one of the only podcasts I stay up to date with. I was struck by the introductory statement by Caleb Bissinger that, "convinced that he (Abraham Lincoln) would abolish the thing that they (the South) held most dear, slavery." That is a very simplified (for dramatic effect) summation of "The South" and it was offensive to me. I grew up in the South and have always been horrified and by how the slavery culture became essential to the agrarian Southern part of the country. If we are to "simplify" why most evil cultural trends persist, it always comes down to money. We can point to the same motivator today as we all moan about misrepresentation and chaos in government. US citizens will never be reliably represented by our US government because money holders will always pay to stay on top, same as always.
  • realitystrikesback
    Make America great again! It’s amazing how clueless you are when you offend half of the population with your propaganda
  • Lddssruikmn
    Thank You
    I’m just writing to thank you Rufus, Caleb, and everyone else at the next big idea for the sharing so many powerful ideas in such a concise digestible format. This podcast has changed my thinking and my life for the better over and over again. I was listening to the episode about generosity. I realized now might be a good time to write a review. I love thinking about all the possibility in this world as we embrace generosity, becoming super communicators, think about drugs differently, and create atomic habits to name just a few topics. It does indeed feel good to share and write a review. Thank you for spreading such powerful positive ideas to shape our future!
  • Shauna NI
    Big dish;small bites
    Thanks for tackling a huge wuestiob in such a way that I could folloe the logic. Blockchain id complicated for me - but you managed ti educate me ob it. THANKS
  • migomama
    My favorite podcast
    I get so much knowledge from each episode and I love how Rufus hosts and talks. Not like most podcasts that are more or less opinion shows where the hosts love to mainly hear themselves, in this podcast it this is all about diving deep into one book per episode with the author. The books discussed are non-fictional and science driven , so there is plenty that can be learned from . 👍
  • BPodcastGuy
    Love the episodes hosted by Caleb!
    Huge fan of the show. Always an interesting conversation and topic, but have especially loved the episodes where Caleb has hosted. I feel like the topics are generally more meaty and less “thought-leadery.” I would suggest all listeners to make sure you don’t miss an episode where he’s leading the way!
  • abodr365;
    Favorite pod!
    I love this podcast. Caleb is such a great interviewer and I can’t wait to hear more from him.
  • Glacier1975
    Listen to this one
    Rarely not worth your time I don’t listen to every single one of anything but I listen to most of these and I am a big consumer of all information history health and more
  • JayCaruch
    Keeps me informed and relevant
    The content on this app is superb. The podcasts are my favorite and most useful element, followed by the book bites. The functionality of the app is a little wonky, but the quality of the content makes up for it. I work with college students, and I have actually gotten funding to have several students use it as part of their well-being and leadership journey. I appreciate the superb minds that are curating interesting and important and relevant new research, because I don’t have time to do so and what they feature has had about an 85% hit rate with me, which I find absurdly high. It is becoming an indispensable tool for me both personally and professionally.
  • thgught
    It’s good for your brain to learn stuff!!!
    I listen to a lot of junky comedy podcasts. I love them, but sometimes you feel like you need to eat a salad, ya know? This podcast is that salad. Great podcast for a morning walk and always good for finding the latest and greatest in non-fiction.
  • Trekker-
    Abolish Poverty episode
    This starts off with “Are you ready to be infuriated?”. Wasn’t long after the guest came on that said, if everyone would pay the taxes they own we could abolish poverty. Stating basically that the taxpayers who take advantage of federal/state tax breaks such as the 529 plan and other retirement savings are not paying their fair share of taxes, and if they did pay “what they owe” we could abolish poverty. These retirement savings plans do reduce the amount of taxable income and tax they will pay, but these are the laws on the books meant to encourage people to save for retirement and education at higher levels than they normally would without the breaks. If these laws were revoked the savings levels for these areas would be drastically reduced possibly putting people in jeopardy in their retirement years due to not saving enough. The authors and to a large extent the hosts standpoint on these problems is only a bandaid on the problem, not solving anything only pushing the problem down the road where it will appear as a different yet similar form of poverty.
  • Lisa K A
    Always learn something new!
    Informative and fun to listen to!
  • Murat Akuyev
    Kudos! Keep up the good work.
    Rufus, I had a great time talking to you and your wife Alisa at our neighborhood park dinner a couple of months ago. I started listening to your podcast after that and immediately got addicted to it. I will not single out any specific episode, as each of them evokes different ideas and emotions. For me this podcast is the continuation of our dinner conversation. This prompted a realization in me that in life you are just as nice as in your podcast, which is very respectable. You have gathered a great group of colleagues all of whom deserve a lot of praise. Please continue the good work and hope to see you and your [not almost but utterly perfect] wife Alisa in the neighborhood.
  • cloudman1
    Brilliant, absolutely great conversation that field me with Delicious thoughts for my mind.
    You have field my mind with so much more the what I was thinking. I truly thank you
  • BillyK4
    Annie Duke on Quitting
    First time I listened to this podcast and its a home run. Annie’s take on the importance of quitting a job, a relationship or any other endeavor is eye opening and forces us out of our comfort zone and onto a richer life. So timely in my case. I am now hooked! Thank You BIll
  • Runandlisten
    Thoughtful guest selection and helpful interviews
    The next big idea is well curated, thoughtful, and intelligent the interviewers always make the guest shine and sound better than they would without them. And the guests are always interesting and not your typical pundit, CEO, or leader of the moment.
  • glimadoll
    This is such a rich podcast!
    Thank you for a fascinating and very well-crafted series of podcasts. I always come away inspired. I just listened to An American Odyssey and the interview with Dan McGrath. Just riveting, and so well done. Thank you!!
  • olivia828462
    Add This to Your Library!
    I never, ever leave reviews but I love this podcast and book club. I joined the book club before I ever listened, and have literally never once been disappointed by a selection, even when the description sounds like a book that isn’t up my alley or relevant to my world. Unfortunately, as a law student I can no longer afford the membership at the moment but the podcast is a great way to keep up and the conversations are always interesting and insightful.
  • Early investment
    Jennifer Raff
    Could it be possible that the humans might have originated on Pangea? Then as the continent split, it’s the beginning of the breaks up the tribes.
  • samix57
    Twitter episode
    How could you do an ENTIRE episode on Musk’s acquisition of Twitter and not even touch the topic of censorship and deplatforming? That’s poor journalism, and all that was said was basically “Ew, how annoying” and “I just don’t think he can manage it.” Where are the facts? Where is any kind of rigorous analysis? I really used to like this podcast. Unsubscribed.
  • Leo's Papa21
    Anti-Capitalist Propaganda
    This is for hypocrites who hate free enterprise but still buy and sell every day.
  • Gratefully N
    Informative and entertaining! Gratefully N
  • equitonic
    Great listen!
    Love most of the episodes. I have a few favs I have listened to multiple times because I find the concept helpful and want to keep then fresh in my mind.
  • Shill2121
    Science of spirituality
    Brilliant discussion, so much good information; I had to listen twice, once to hear the concepts and once more to take notes on the studies. Well done!
  • thicks51
    Running out of ideas
    If you need to keep up on the latest fade in sociology or management this is the place for you. All the ideas are supported enthusiastically with zero critical examination. It’s just a gigantic ad factory. I usually look at the guest/book and go research it elsewhere.
  • Craz4animals
    Podcast great! Sponsor ad annoying.
    The Midwestern accent used in the melon ads is so overdone I would hesitate to subject a child to the program for fear they might develop something similar.
  • MarilynJVT
    How To Change
    It’s so true—we Americans have this belief that changing any habit requires suffering on some level. Instead, making change fun works a whole lot better.
  • Mark Sheck
    I really enjoyed listening to this weekly until the show became too political. Every episode seemed to contain at least one jab towards Former President Trump. Expected better from a show claiming to be the next big idea and predicated on the idea that you had to open your mind.
  • Rocko_86
    One of my, if not, my favorite podcast. Very insightful, informative, and joyful!
  • Kari&Dan
    High Conflict Episode is amazing
    Just listened to my first episode but I’m hooked. It’s just so good. I can’t wait to learn more.
  • samosk
    My favourite podcast!
    If your like myself, filled with curiosity and love learning about new things, ideas and concepts but find yourself in a bookstore with no idea where to even start this podcast is for you! The vast variety of topics are always super interesting and unique. I find myself going down wormholes of new ideas and/or reading books that I didn't even know I would be interested in! I love this podcast & Rufus does a great job as host!
  • Jimmyjimjim!
    Food For Thought
    The latest episode about the future of food was truly fascinating. Discussions of vertical gardening, lab-produced meat, and nutrition pellets for soldiers were so informative and the professional/familiar dynamic between Rufus and Allison was perfect. Thank you for always giving me new things to think about!
  • junior chomsky
    Challenges my views
    The episode called DRUG USE: Is Getting High and American Right? (March 4, 2021) was a total mind-changer for me. It completely made me re-think about how I viewed drug use. Wow!!! If you only listen to one episode, this is the one.
  • Cerritos guy
    Such fresh views, opportunity to think differently
    I truly enjoy this podcast. I am not always able to read valuable nonfictions. This podcast enable to be exposed to these very fresh and different thoughts. I really appreciate those who created this podcast and continue on. THANK YOU!
  • Saguil01
    Challenge your thinking
    Great podcast. Has great variety of topics and has made me rethink or discover new ways of thinking. Invaluable if you enjoy your assumptions being constantly challenged by other ideas.
  • JC19355
    Great way to hear new ideas
    I love the format of this podcast. This is a great way to “sample” new books.
  • redbianchi2
    So excited for season 3!
    Great start to the new season and can’t wait for the rest. I almost always end up reading the books they discuss, it makes me feel like I know the author after listening to the podcast. Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next episode.
  • JimmyFish7421
    Clear bias, so how can this be objective?
    This review is not to cancel this series. I will continue to listen as I prefer to try to keep my mind open to all possibilities. I am for legalization of most substances, but not all. I try to look for objective information, free from bias. I assumed (wrongly it appears) that a Pushkin podcast would be objective. This podcast is not. The science is shaky and it feels like a child molester trying to convince everyone else why the children are not victims. Very creepy. Also, when you throw in clear slams on the previous president, without any examples that point to the current discussion, clear bias. Final example... a statement such as the law enforcement lobby is interested in keeping drugs illegal to continue to subjugate black populations, you know this is not science and the scientific method but instead propaganda. Shame, lots of potential to educate, but lost opportunity.
  • frissjan
    Great Podcast, but the ads are Excessive
    Great podcast, but the number ads and their lengthiness feels abusive to the listener
  • ElizabethTee
    Wonderful, thoughtful conversations that will start you thinking in new directions.
  • duckstew1234567890
    Why Sam Harris?
    I genuinely enjoyed the content and diversity of your podcast until the recent bonus episode with Sam Harris. Listening to an accomplished white man attempt to negate the emotional complexity of the history of race with the U.S. was absolutely appalling to listen to and try as I might was more than I could stomach. While I can appreciate an alternative perspective, what this man neglected to acknowledge was that lack of reparations are justifiable means for an entire group of people to be upset. If not before now more than ever after the storming of the capital by white supremacist and domestic terrorists. This lacked tact to say the least and timing. His vocabulary for describing his emotional response to the movement was repulsive. While it’s one thing to voice opposing opinions and provide controversial thought, this was poorly accomplished and was similar to a white person using the “n” word only to follow it up with the statement, “it’s okay I have black friends” Sam Harris is entitled to his opinion and has the rights to speak his mind, but that’s easy to say when he fails to acknowledge his systemic advantages for what they are instead of a frustration towards the lack of attention to what he deems as great issues. To have the privilege to exist within Maslow's hierarchical structure and be on his plane of thought is the precise conversion that the racial equality movement today is targeting.
  • GoAwayFarm
    I used to love this podcast ...
    ... until Sam Harris. After listening to his “poor me” white guy rant, I had to unsubscribe. I am so disappointed.
  • jtkbong
    Right wing racist propaganda
    Basically a “smarter” version of Ben shabino. Rufus is a right wing racist ableist that should be canceled
  • AJ_Price
    The Next Bad Idea Club?
    I used to count this podcast as one of my top five favorites. However, I don’t think Sam Harris’s “Let’s Be Reasonable” episode belongs with the rest of the selections. The conclusion of the show was a jaw-droppingly ignorant diatribe claiming that political correctness has become a misguided orthodox religion. Look, I don’t view “Harris’s T” as “heresy.” I don’t care that he’s an atheist either. But his dismissive “climate denial” of systemic racial injustice, and his attempt to shame and gaslight us into not calling it out (lest we annoy bigots into doubling down) was irresponsible to air. At one point, Sam cited and condoned white rage after OJ Simpson’s acquittal — without mentioning the numerous acquittals of police who (beyond the shadow of a doubt) killed a now-familiar list of Black Americans in decades since. What of THAT legitimate rage? For Tamir Rice, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and more? To put it crassly, maybe Sam’s meditative quest for nihilistic nirvana led him to put his head up his behind. Or maybe (if free will is indeed an illusion) he just can’t help being a jerk. Maybe Rufus has no control over promoting such big ugly ideas. And maybe I can’t stop myself from railing against them in my review. 🗯 Nevertheless, I am hopeful that these two thinkers will give more critical thought to the motivation, tone, and effect of their presentation. (PS, since I intend to post this without first sleeping on it, I may read my words tomorrow and need to lecture myself along the same lines...🙈. Please pardon any offense.)
  • justaskmaw
    I disagree with the human migration episode, unless I misunderstood . Most migrate for a better life . When people come to the US they find protection from terrible regimes sometimes . Trump was absolutely correct to shut our borders . There was no way to determine good from the bad . There was no way we could continue to treat their illnesses and feed and house those numbers . Many have been welcome to the US and still are . It’s wrong to think otherwise
  • HarryChowdhar
    Just love it.
    These r great ideas. I just love learning about these different topics. My favorite one is “How to change minds”.
  • Gnm98
    Generally well done...
    If the host hid his preconceptions and questioned more statements made by some guests, it would be excellent.
  • Zzzzzzlll222
    Informative, interesting
    I am binging on this podcast.
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