Morning Brew Daily

Business #39

Morning Brew Daily, a daily talk show that covers the latest news on business, the economy, and everything else, with Neal Freyman and Toby Howell. Witty, informative and everything you need to start your day. Available on all podcasting platforms and Youtube.

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Recent Reviews
  • Female Listener 71
    Slow down and enunciate
    Some good content, definitely good vibes, but these two hosts speak way too fast and trip all over their words. Upspeak and malaprops abound making much of the show unintelligible.
  • Eli86bham
    Too much AI blabber, but otherwise I like it
    I do enjoy the show’s content in general and I like the type of material presented, but WOW you guys bring up AI way too much. If I have to hear about what Sam Altman had for lunch or if he’s excited for summer or how he wants all governments to spend $900 trillion on his latest acid trip musings, I am heading elsewhere for a podcast. Seriously the AI talk is just starting to become grating and it’s not that interesting anyway (certainly not enough to be covered EVERY morning) - it seems you are trying overly hard to work it into to every show as if it’s some quota of buzzwords you must hit… Every other topic you guys cover I find interesting, dynamic, and informative. I just think the AI pieces are overdone (maybe consider a monthly/ weekly AI update instead?) On a lighter note I know some readers have tried to label you guys as newbies and maybe a bit amateurish in delivery and cadence, but I wouldn’t listen to that criticism. Frankly I think it’s refreshing and brings a different tone to a news podcast vs hearing, say NPR, which is great as a melatonin alternative zzzzzz. Keep it up guys. And don’t use ChatGPT to write a show script please.
  • SoIwaslisteningtothispodcast
    Love this podcast!
    It is a balance of news with business and technology mixed in. I find the random facts included from the team’s research intriguing. It has my friends asking how I know so much. Keep up the great work MBD team!
  • StaceyVS
    great daily listen!!
    Love this pod. Always fun and interesting
  • Svenderman
    Pretty close
    Just can’t give it a good rating due to the let’s ride guy
  • arianna.alvar
    Bearish on how it’s going forward
    I used to listen to this podcast everyday before work. Unfortunately it’s not the case anymore. I get inundated with ads from start to finish, the hosts are extremely biased in their business/tech coverage and I understand that it’s a podcast but it’s a very accelerationist tech podcast now which isn’t what I signed up. It’s no longer a “humble-podcast” that just covers business trends with laughs. Going back to Washington Post, regular business/tech podcasts.
  • Cam Corwin
    Great podcast with even better host
    The interview with the Uber CEO was the best podcast I’ve heard so far. Keep doing what you guys are doing. Its become a morning habit to listen to the morning brew!
  • JereseyGirl
    Almost good
    I love the content but where they struggle is in their delivery. They’re both choppy and stumble and stutter over their words. I’m not sure how long they’ve been around but they sound like complete newbies. I hope they read this and take some speaking classes or practice off air. Guys - please polish up and you’ll sound better.
  • Sound of Ville-Adelphia
    Not interested in interview with Uber CEO… That’s NOT why I tuned in. MB has become one of my favorites… Don’t 🤬 this up.
  • justinbrits
    Used to be a fan
    You shouldn’t have brought up Chinese labor in my opinion, unless you were going to really dive into all the Chinese infrastructure, social politics, slavery... etc. I suggest steering away from it sooner next time, as it’s going to come up again, so be wise and don’t open your mouth unless you’re willing to tell the whole truth and be honest with your opinions not just stay PC. Really bad choice of ending a Friday episode. I’m pretty disappointed today.
  • JaBrowen
    It’s all AI with these guys.
  • Jarchymah
    Excellent content
    The hosts have great energy, with great chemistry, and they discuss important, relevant, and interesting, topics. It’s the perfect addition to my morning routine, with a catchy intro song to boot! All around great stuff.
  • J-Hyche
    Current MBA Student - Big Fan!
    Neal and Toby do a great job of blending business news with humor and bringing in their personalities. I have not ever considered living in New York but they make it sound like a blast! I appreciate the depth they take their stories, they give you enough context without getting too much in the weeds. As an MBA student, my professors are constantly asking about current events - thanks to Morning Brew, I am on top of it. Keep up the great work! James Kelley
  • Steph AW
    Vibes are off
    I really tried to like this podcast. I appreciate the short summaries of major news stories and I find Neil fine to listen to, but I heard Toby mention the “vibes” of every subject one too many times and had to finally unsubscribe.
  • Big gamers
    Slow your roll
    Love the content, but they frequently stumble over and mispronounce their words, which in a auditory format seems especially sloppy. Just slow down a bit. We’re all busy so I appreciate the sense of urgency, but the rushed approach and word flubs gives this an unprofessional sound.
  • Kemper.Burtjr
    Lots of ads but decent content.
    I started with the newsletter and love the content. They’ve clearly locked in advertisers because the pod has a intro, then another 30 seconds in, and then two more before the 30 minute podcast is over. I get needed to supprt the pod but they’re on the tipping point of having to much. I’ll give it another month … chill on the ads already.
  • ooolkk
    Neil and Toby are my boys!
    Start my morning every single weekday with these guys and couldn’t be more thankful. Engaging content, factual content, fun content and the MBD gear is 🙌🏼. Thank you for being a part of my day you guys! Appreciate the effort you and the team put in to making this podcast. -Kevin Boston, MA
  • Patty12205
    Great news and current events podcast!
    Need I say more?
  • hsjsbqvba
    Overrun with advertisements and left leaning opinions
    I used to love reading this news letter and have been a podcast listener since day one. I can’t listen to the podcast anymore because it’s almost 50% advertisements. My other reason for the bad rating is because while Toby and Neil try and take a neutral political stance, they can’t hide their liberal tone when it comes to American nationalism. You guys have a platform to inform the public about what’s going on in the world in a way that speaks to the younger generation yet they just push adds and hate that a private entrepreneur bought the free speech platform, X and continually dog on Elon Musk, an American who has boosted innovation and the world economy. I wonder if they are now owned by their advertisers because it’s just Ad after Ad and they live to talk about. Wake up guys, you will be more respected for it in the long run. I’m unsubscribing because they sold their souls to some agenda.
  • MyLoveCookies!!!
    The only Finance bros I tolerate
    Genuinely look forward to hearing the news through them every morning! I appreciate how light hearted but serious they can be with various type of news, reminds me a lot of Phillip DeFranco
  • LovePink11
    Daily news that that doesn’t cause depression
    Love MBD for a lot of reasons but mostly because its consumable news that doesn’t make you think the world is on fire. Neil and Toby are fun to listen to, have great delivery, and help me stay current without having to scour the internet. Please keep doing what you do!
  • abbigial
    How to sound smart
    Ask and you shall receive! Since to Tobey so humbly asked for a review as a birthday gift, I felt obliged to give one because everyone deserves to have their birthday wishes come true even in their old age. I feel it honored for my first Podcast review to be for Morning Brew Daily. My friend recommended this podcast to me about 4 months ago and I have been religiously listening ever since! But the real selling point of this podcast is all the good nuggets of the news that you can talk about in casual conversation without stirring the pot too much. More importantly, it gives my dad and I something to talk about as he reads their newsletter. So, it’s just great for the whole family! In summary, they do great work and also start my day off on the right foot and if you have made it to the end of this review then you must listen to at least one episode.
  • 1000000000000000000000000000
    Great Content
    The show is great - amazing content, smart analysis, fresh perspectives, great pace and fun banter. I’ve been listening since August and look forward to hearing the pod every morning.
  • annoyedpersonnn
    LOVE this podcast
    I have been a committed daily listener for a year now. I absolutely love Toby and Neal, but it brings me joy when Kyle fills in. Thanks for keeping me updated with the world.
  • mrc77
    Very entertaining!
    This show really helps me get through my 30-45 minute commute in DFW. It is very informative and fun!
  • aliagley
    HBD Toby and hi Neal!!
    Been meaning to write a review since Toby’s bday per his humble request. :) U guys get me out of bed every week day which are the harder ones…. so thx! I appreciate all your hard work, witty humor banter and early mornings for us. 10 out of 10… highly recommend!!!
  • sharonxx
    love the show
    hooked to the show after one listen… start my day with this show is a must. witty,informative,relevant… love the hosts! love the voices!
  • Vikrantsant
    Starting My Day Right with Morning Brew Daily
    Absolute lifesaver for my morning drives to work. It's like, Toby and Neal just get it, you know? It's not just news; it's like... fun news! They make everything easy to digest and somehow, the drive feels shorter when they're on.
  • The Brew.
    5 stars
    5 stars for value and engagement. Great energy.
  • CaptGW
    Great morning opener
    I placed this podcast first on my priority queue. Very constructive discussion on current topocs. Really glad I found this.
  • MrAdedaps
    Amazing podcast
    I started off with the daily news letter but when I found out about the podcast, it just made sense. I’m able to get all the information in a 20-30 min podcast. I listen on x1.5 speed so it’s even faster. Great way to start my day. Keep up the great work
  • bbrrocket
    Best show!
    I have been listening to this show every day for about 6 months! Neal and Toby are the most likeable hosts! It a great way to get daily news! They dive into complex issues but make it fun and totally unbiased! So glad that this is part of my morning routine!
  • stargirl090
    Best Podcast
    I want to go into business journalism and I love getting to hear about all the businesses and economic news that they discuss on this podcast. Toby and Neal are incredibly entertaining and I look forward to hearing each episode of this podcast! Highly recommend.
  • Taylor Uhl
    Morning Brew Morning Routine
    I absolutely love this show! I can’t start my day without it. I genuinely miss these guys on the weekend mornings. This podcast is a great way to stay up to date with current events in an easy way. I listen every morning while I drink my coffee and read my emails. I started reading the newsletter in college and am happy to see it has evolved into this! Wish it was more than 30 min - I could listen for hours!
  • 1_.user
    Happy Birthday Week, Toby!
    Writing this review post today’s episode - but this is long overdue. I started reading the MBD emails back in October of 2022 before getting out of bed in the morning. Once the pod came out, there was no going back. Nothing hits more than slapping the car into drive just in time to hear “let’s ride!”. All joking aside, the daily 25ish minute overview of the news has kept me in the know and has kept me sharing fun-facts at work. I love that they briefly touch on multiple stories (most business related). Suggestion: maybe adding a segment in the week for that ‘feel-good’ story… the news that makes you smile?
  • hm.1913
    Addicted to listening every week day!
    I feel smarter and like I know what’s going on in the business world. I also enjoy the jokes and the conversations between the hosts!
  • CathyA23
    best morning podcast!!
    Look forward to it every morning!
  • Pearllll18
    The podcast that makes my weekdays fun again
    For the last few months, every morning, the first thing after I sit in my car is to play Morning Brew Daily show! Toby and Neal already feel like friends to me lol
  • gabster713
    fun way to get news
    I’ve been following the IG account for several months now and I finally decided to tune in and listen during my work commute (or first thing after settling in when working from home). Toby and Neal are great, but would LOVE to see some female representation some day… i know y’all can make it happen! 💪
  • <3 chris
    Simply The Best
    I wouldn’t choose to start my day with any other gents. Trustworthy, genuine, authentic!
  • shannons22
    morning must
    definitely my must listen podcast for the commute to the office. long enough to hit all the major highlights and short enough for me to not get distracted and leave it unfinished. thanks for keeping me updated while laughing.
  • Independent Millenial Thinker
    Liberal Groupthink
    I’m an independent and want to just hear the actual news, not the liberal spin. If you want a liberal spin, you’ll like this show.
  • Mimi biker
    Loving this podcast!
    I have to say that Morning Brew Daily just hits all the right buttons for me. Toby and Neal just deliver the news in perfect chunks, that are interesting and super informative. Love how Toby inserts things he has done on the weekends and how they relate to the news too! I have followed this since they started and am loving the podcast. I listen to it every morning. Bravo for the competent and the personalities. Oh one last thing. Somehow they don’t leave me feeling mad about so much of the news. I actually feel hopeful! Thanks Toby!
  • Angerson
    Happy birthday Toby
    Coming back to adjust my rating. Love that I’m able to listen to you guys during my morning commute in Utah! Keep the Taylor Swift and other pop culture references flowing. That’s why I listen to you and not NPR!
  • benvienue
    My go-to news podcast
    I’ve been reading Morning Brew since 2017 and was thrilled when Morning Brew Daily started. Since the first episode aired, it’s been on my daily listening list. The podcast is a natural extension of the newsletter and delivers relevant content in a down-to-earth and an engaging way. Shoutout to Neil and Toby for the awesome way they explain tough stories and give perspective what’s going on in the world. At just about 30 minutes, this podcast is the perfect way to start my day.
  • EmeraldBlue88
    Omg love this pod!!!
    I listen each weekday and start my day in the know!! The guys are quippy and funny and the time flys! Super informative!
  • Jack C 4761
    Newsletter convert
    Super love the show. I am a long time subscriber to the newsletter and early adopter to the podcast. I am a proud hoodie owner and my wife has the hoodie and coffee cup (only slightly jealous). You guys rock!!!
  • TrackGuy100
    Happy birthday bud!!
    Great show! Great content! Great way to get the lowdown on what’s next!
  • nicerrrnicry
    Love to listen every day!
    I listen every day on my daily walk. You give me everything I need to know and you are fun to listen to. Keep up the great work guys! Especially Hair and Makeup!😉
  • Steeli.Morgan
    Best morning news
    So easy to listen to every weekday. Thanks guys!!
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