Strict Scrutiny


Strict Scrutiny is a podcast about the United States Supreme Court and the legal culture that surrounds it.

Hosted by three badass constitutional law professors-- Leah Litman, Kate Shaw, and Melissa Murray-- Strict Scrutiny provides in-depth, accessible, and irreverent analysis of the Supreme Court and its cases, culture, and personalities. Each week, Leah, Kate, and Melissa break down the latest headlines and biggest legal questions facing our country, emphasizing what it all means for our daily lives.

Whether you’re a lawyer or law student, or you’re just here for the messy legal drama, Strict Scrutiny has you covered. New episodes out every Monday… plus bonuses whenever SCOTUS takes away another one of our rights.

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Recent Reviews
  • gymaholic
    Smart & hilarious
    Making depressing, terrible news tolerable and even funny. #KeepCrookedProgressive #FriendOfTheUnion
  • Heinrich W.
  • Grannygoats
    Sounds like they have TDS
    Should identify show as hyper partisan
  • soulrockerTLee
    Immunity question
    Does this ruling now free up Biden to do what’s necessary to ensure we we don’t get DJT again???
  • Claymaker12
    Someone -
    namely Jack Smith and Merrick Garland - all of civil society- needs to simply ignore these rulings as illegitimate. Democrats could have won this fight 12 years ago but they are gop light, corrupt light and fascist light.
  • OU812666
    Biden’s Debate Debacle
    The moderators are not there to fact check … not their lane. A 2012 Biden or even a 2020 version of Joe Biden might have knocked some of those softballs out of the park. Calling them softballs is probably over stating the the case … more like T-balls. The fact he couldn’t do that or really formulate a coherent line of reasoning the entire night is clear indication he doesn’t have the mental agility required for the position. The difference between 2020 Biden and 2024 Biden is stark and jarring. He will not be able to finish another term and he’s very likely borderline capable right now. It’s time to move on.
  • Tracyclare27722016
    Funeral March for America
    Strict Scrutiny is an excellent resource for understanding precisely what is being decided at the Supreme Court. For this term, the hosts have shown that the USA as we have long known it is dead. I call for a funeral march to be held across the country to mark the end of our country. We no longer have a presidency that can be held to account. Bad enough. Thought you could live well? Nah, because the regulations that safeguard travel, medicines, the environment, and just about anything that matters to your day-to-day life are also dead. Hey, it was a good run. Let’s march to “Taps.”
  • Epu (original)
    Documenting the meltdown of our failed republic
    When these ladies cheer on our women of the court (not you, Amy) and deride the corruption of the other members, it makes me feel smart and informed. And so sad for this court’s streak of ruinous opinions. I may lack PJ-owning billionaire sponsors in my life, but I wouldn’t know how to be mad about it with this pod.
  • Hopjake
    Leah’s arm rating
    This rating is because Leah asked for it specifically because of her accident. Seriously this is a podcast that I never miss. The women are smart, funny and know what they are talking about. They speak like real people and explain why court rulings have effect on everyday people. While I’ve only been listening for 18 months or so this is a pod I recommend to everyone.
  • AZMaper
    The Best Supreme Court Podcast….EVER
    The one time in my week in these increasingly depressing times that I can count on laughing out loud!
  • Law Curious
    I learn so much!
    I have a couple questions 1) Why isn’t the hypothetical about Seal Team 6 in the immunity case whether a president could order the assassination of a Supreme Court Justice whose opinion he found to be objectionable? Couldn’t this ruling put KBN in danger? 2) If SCOTUS ultimately invalidates IMTALA and overrules the supremacy clause, does that mean states can ignore the Comstock Act?
  • Ajlabs
    Keep flying your flags ladies!
    Love the show, but can you slow Melissa down? I keep thinking my playback is at 1.5😋. Will we have a debate cocktail or drinking game to look forward too?
  • Sandsuar
    Love this podcast
    I just recently found out about this podcast, and I absolutely love love love it. I love the witty humor you ladies bring to the podcast as well as your easy to understand law analysis. Keep it going. We need voices like yours to keep the country informed. By the way did I mention that I love this podcast?
  • Tilly is stinks
    The age of the high court of elders
    In this the seeming age of high priests and priestesses, this show helps me make sense of the overbearing and overwhelmingly sad decisions handed down by our unelected court of elders what rule with a mandate from the most unlikely tabloid star turned somehow president, Donald Trump. Watching his appointments to our all knowing and sometimes vengeful vampire-esque overlords sucking the last red blood cells out of democratic process has been unbelievably tiring, yet Strict Scrutiny helps me understand what's going in the inner sanctum of back alley handshakes and billionaire puppetry that is our supreme court in 2024.
  • Told I
    The voices, no thanks!
    I like the breakdown of the courts but all three of these women have very annoying voices that sound like California valley girls. It’s so hard to listen too
    Grinder voice.
    Great breakdown of SCOTUS decisions but…
  • nhanco1
    Somewhat informative; possibly satire?
    If you’re looking for an overtly center-left feel good podcast with lots of uptalk and vocal fry then this is the show for you. Between the thoughtless witticisms you will learn some of the very very basic facts. Would be better if they reminded their audience not to forget cat food… stuff like that.
  • EOinMD
    Stricties Unite!
    A quintessential podcast for anyone who cares about democracy and the democratic process.
  • marxwellsilverhammer
    A weekly must!
    Very few podcasts can relay such an abundance of information so deftly, and with just enough sass to digest it. Thank you for helping me understand the important decisions being made by SCOTUS.
  • JMFG
    Live show
    You guys absolutely killed the live show. I wasn’t sure how the show would translate to a live show, but it was fantastic. Your guests, preparation, and ability to handle swivels was absolutely perfect. Really wish I could have been there.
  • stephenjsimmons
    Justices Are People, Too
    There are podcasts that are able to discuss legal opinions without dehumanizing the writers of those opinions. This is not one of those podcasts.
  • mama hart77
    Dc live show was amazing
    Great show.
  • asdffgggfcvgf
    Disappointing Shift
    I used to love this podcast. The deep analysis of these brilliant professors was what drew me in. But since this podcast joined the Crooked Media world, it’s become just another partisan podcast with little substance. Sigh.
  • Lek387
    A Wonderful Addition to My Weekly Lineup
    I was brought to this podcast from their appearance on Jon Stewart’s Apple podcast a while back. These women bring an expertise that is easily translatable to a non-lawyer person like me but the analysis doesn’t seem dumbed down for us plebeians. It’s been so great getting the latest on the biggest policy makers right now, the 9 justices of the Supreme Court.
  • Sergeibo
    Baby voice
    What’s up with the baby voice?? So annoying. I guess she thinks it’s cute or something. 🙄
  • NSJFost
    Sharp, Funny, Profoundly Moral, Irreverant
    In these really dark times of Orwellian jurisprudence where Black is White and evidence counts for nothing it’s such a joy to have such smart, funny people analyze the opinions.
  • Janoee
    Love everything about this podcast
    Smart women, smart content. Despite the alarming state of the country and supreme court the presence of these hosts and their guests gives me hope for the future.
  • Sal9930
    Favorite Podcast
    Love this podcast! Melissa, Leah, and Kate are great at dissecting very complex SCOTUS cases and making it easier for those of us who do not have a legal background.
  • TeachinWillie
    Definitely more opinion-based than law. There are much better law podcasts out there. Way too politically motivated for my tastes.
  • Surfin’ Sig
    Love these women!
    The three hosts are smart, insightful, clever, and funny. The intersection of constitutional law and pop culture is thoroughly entertaining and almost makes me want to go back to law school again to sit in on their class! Listening to the podcast with a cocktail is not required, but definitely consistent with the vibe.
  • kanaehasadd
    Legally Smart + Funny + Clever
    I am a newbie but I am hooked! I’ve listened to the last 10-15 podcasts. I graduated from law school almost 5O years ago. The podcast is the best Con Law education mixed with humor, passion and opinion. I especially love the dramatic readings!! Thank you!!
  • moving on-missu
    Oh no 😟
    Sadness come here for the news and learn about Taylor swift tickets and how unintelligent 3 people can be. I confess I could not listen to the entire show, that seemed like a cruelty that no one deserves. There are many better options.
  • wmbrainiac
    Crystal clear analysis with cultural/political context and great, deep humor
  • FreakbearG
    First (and last) time listener’s impression…
    After hearing loads of positive comments about this podcast series, I was excited to listen to my first episode of this podcast. After doing my best to make sense of this episode, all I can say is that I found it to be a colossal waste of time and patience. Perhaps if I had been able to see their interactions in a video format, I might have been able to follow their conversation and made sense of it. It was clear they were enjoying themselves. I just wish I had felt included in their cheery banter. As it was, being only able to hear them, their incessant talking over one another and giggling at inside jokes, was only irritating initially, but ultimately became exhausting. I regretfully confess that I could hardly wait for this gaggle-fest to be over. I was no smarter by the end of it, though my nerves are decidedly worse for the wear. So disappointed.
  • master_squeebs
    Good show!
  • 90sTrash
    I needed this show in my life!
    So. Much. Back. Catalog…🤤
  • Dolphingirlmd
    Elie Mystal must do all Martha Ann voiceovers forever!
    The live show was fantastic. I really enjoy this pod. I have learned so much about the power of the judiciary. Keep up the good work!
  • texacaligirl
    Must listen for women lawyers! (And anyone interested in SCOTUS)
    I LOVE tuning in to Strict Scrutiny each Monday. The hosts make the Supreme Court cases and related news very accessible and clearly explain how cases relate to our own lives. I’m an attorney and I still appreciate the plain English break downs of each case complete with pop culture references. I’ve been practicing almost 20 years and since listening to the podcast is the closest I’ve followed the U.S. Supreme Court. Also, it means a lot to me that it’s hosted by three women law professors. And they are law professors who are unabashedly themselves and do not hold back their opinions or their perspectives as women. When I went to law school, women professors were few and far between and I assume are still underrepresented. It’s so cool that they are demonstrating to the next generation that you can be a woman and a law professor without having to fit a buttoned up mold. Keep up the great work!
  • Boonmah
    A DO NOT MISS podcast!
    lively, robust review of the rulings (and antics) of SCOTUS that takes no prisoners and refuses to blink.
  • LaborerMike
    here for the tea
    Buckle up for court culture it’s the best
  • sarah_925
    Keeps me sane
    This show is magic. I love the dissection of cases and the wit. Thank you, wonderful women law professors, for helping us understand the horrors of SCOTUS while still making us laugh.
  • mshibley924
    Great details and opinions
    Always love their look at how the court system in the USA works
  • classical_antiquity
    Fantastic podcast, brilliant!
    I love this podcast. Brilliant legal minds, and the fact they’re women makes it even better! They help me channel my rage about The Hideous Six on the Supreme Court and give me some hope that the country isn’t completely doomed.
  • allisonmetzger
    Best (and most entertaining) legal podcast
    Every single episode is enlightening and entertaining. Can’t recommend enough for anyone who wants to know what’s happening with our Supreme Court.
  • .archigos
    Sensationalist and Hyperbolic
    Sensationalist and Hyperbolic. These folks focus more on spinning lies and tiny inaccuracies to forge erroneous and uninformed political opinion than speaking about law.
  • Naturegrrrl
    always worth a listen
    Always always worth a listen. Entertaining and so very informative
  • damn__tam
    Best podcast ever!
    The only thing that makes getting up on Mondays worth it 😊 I feel like the USSC just roofied every trigger finger great 🙄
  • heylovehey!89
    I’m no lawyer and I’m barely a doctor. But these folks have got it. Recommend
  • SuperSoulSister
    All of you rock! This is one of my most favorite podcasts! Thank you for all you do!!
  • narysalguod
    Great follow
    Love the show and insights.
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