Just the Zoo of Us

Science #150Nature #16

Join us, Ellen and Christian Weatherford, while we review your favorite species of animals and rate them out of ten in the categories of effectiveness, ingenuity and aesthetics.More information can be found at justthezooofus.com šŸ˜ŠGot a species you want us to review? Submit your animal friend to us at ellen@justthezooofus.com and when we review your animal we'll give you a shoutout! šŸ˜ŠCover art by Mrs. Brainbow (Taylor Gordon-Wood). Theme music by Louie Zong.

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Recent Reviews
  • jtpav
    10s across the board! Best podcast ever!
    This podcast is the best if you love animals and people with lots of humor. Iā€™ve been listening to this podcast for about a year, and it is absolutely amazing! I wish I discovered it sooner. Just the Zoo of Us has gotten me through so much, and I couldnā€™t recommend anything because this podcast is flawless. I am afraid of many animals, and when they do some of the animals I am afraid of, they give me a reason not to be. I definitely suggest this podcast. I donā€™t know who wouldnā€™t give this a 5 star rating! I want to say, for episode 94, 200, 210, and any other future bear episodes, I want you to know, ā€If itā€™s brown, lay down, if itā€™s black, fight back, if itā€™s white, say goodnight.ā€ just a little thing my dad taught me. I think. Iā€™m not sure. I have bad memoryšŸ˜‚. Ooh! Can you do the Etruscan shrew, the horse head grasshopper, or the the Great White shark? Etruscan shrews are the smallest animals in the world, and horse head grasshoppers look super...whatā€™s the word? Funky?!! And, on episode 142, at the end when you said you were going to play jackbox.tv? My family loves the game! Anyway, love the show! Have a nice day, and sorry this comment was so long!! Continue making this great podcast! I totally recommend itšŸ˜ Have a nice day!šŸ¤Ŗ
  • SpaceVinci
    I Will Not Shut Up About This Podcast
    This podcast has made me insufferable in the best way possible, and I have started using it as a defense mechanism. Trying to make a sexist argument? Actually, we're talking about ursine biology now. Awkward questions about my future? I don't think so, it's Yelling About Sharks time baby! Weird political opinions you felt the need to share with a stranger? Boy HOWDY are you about to find out how long I can talk about bugs now. Literally one of my favorite podcasts, cannot recommend enough.
  • Hayungski
    Sweet, fun way to learn!
    I love learning about animals and if youā€™re like that too then this is THE podcast you need to check out. Love it!!
  • Em0405!
    One of my Faves
    Love this show so much! On top of all the amazing facts and hilarious side stories, yalls relationship is so sweet. I love how yall talk and listen to eachother with so much respect and enthusiasm. Definitely an example i try to use in my own relationships. The guests you bring on are always fantastic as well. Great work and great show PS the theme music by Louie Zong is so on point and nostalgic. I swear I had an emotional reaction the first time I heard it
  • theoneandonly212121
    This podcast is so well made! Itā€™s professional and informative, as well as wonderfully fun to listen to and learn all about these animals. The hosts sound like such nice people!
  • Lilliana Sanchez
    Inspiring and fun!!
    Christian and Ellen have so much talent and passion and it shows. Every episode is so easy to listen to and learn from. My goal for life is to learn as much as I can about the nature that surrounds us and this podcast is a huge help in that journey. Thank you guys for reigniting my inspiration and love for this wonderful world!
  • SnuggledInSnow2
    Once again, another 12/10 episode with Isaac! Isaac, your excitement for the world around you is so awesome, and your imagination is INCREDIBLE! Canā€™t wait to hear more about your ecosystem and the Devil mantises! Ellen, thanks for answering everyoneā€™s questions so thoughtfully and creating such a great space for kiddos to learn. Iā€™m going to share this episode with my younger cousins ASAP! Plant submission: not really a plant, but letā€™s get some fungi in there! Maybe the Gram Grubs ā€œfarmā€ a super cool fungus that Devil mantises try to steal because it confers super powers? šŸ¤©
  • anonymous magnet beast
    one of my favorites for sure ā˜ŗļø
    Itā€™s so chill, very informative, cute, and funny! Both Ellenā€™s and Christianā€™s voices are relaxing and I love their dynamic! They deliver well-thought-out and fun info about all kinds of quirky animals. Plus, the cover art and theme song are adorable. Keep up the good work! šŸ¤“
  • Jane is the best cat!
    I love this podcast
    I love listening to this podcast.it is super fun and cool. I listen to this podcast every night!!! I sometimes have to turn it of to fall asleep because itā€™s so interesting!!! I would recommend this for anybody that loves animals and insectsšŸ•·šŸ•·like I do!!!!My Cat loves this podcast to!!!
  • mythoenthusiast
    Funny, engaging, knowledge and more! (100/5 stars)
    Just the Zoo of Us is an amazing podcast held by two amazing people; Ellen and Christian Weatherford. It teaches you about so many animals, to animals as pets, farm animals, forest animals, sea animals, beach animals, jungle animals, mountain animals, canyon animals, cave animals, nocturnal animals and so much more! It mostly focuses on animal species in animal breeds, for example; They talk about Parrots, not Bird Birds (Not including the many species, just Birds). Each episode is around an hour (Iā€™m not doing maths), and sometimes they even bring expert people! I would definitely recommend this podcast to you if you love animals. Itā€™s a great way to keep yourself entertained, and they upload weekly. Also, Ellen, Christian, if you two are reading this, please make an episode about the Box Jellyfish! I heard itā€™s a very deadly Jellyfish species. If you already DID make an episode about Box Jellyfishesā€¦ You saw nothing. I swear. You donā€™t have to, though. - Penelope O., Age 10
  • faenun
    Comforting, fun, exciting, illuminating!
    This is the podcast I listen to in the middle of the night, when Iā€™m too anxious to sleep. It never fails to soothe and send me off into dreamland. The next day, I go back and listen to the episode in earnest šŸ–¤ Ellen and Christian feel like my good friends. They are so positive and clever, and each episode truly warms my heart. Their enthusiasm and curiosity are infectious! They make me excited to go out and explore the world, even when Iā€™m just on my way to my boring job - thank you both for the regular doses of wonder you provide! Reminds me that thereā€™s something special and fascinating to discover about nearly everything and everyone, if you only try to look and understand.
  • Sonomarina
    Fun Experts Who Love Animals Like I do
    So glad to find another gem from Maximum Fun. Each episode is full of interesting facts woven into a few laughs shared by people who have true passion for their work with every kind of animal imaginable
  • Highly Pleased
    Knowledge, Warmth, and Laughter
    I grew up loving animals and this has been a beautiful channel to nourish that love and continue to learn about all animals great and small. This wholesome podcast is thoughtful and hilarious as they navigate rating each animal. In addition to the animal facts, they add little sprinkles of geek culture (which I personally enjoy as PokƩmon fanatic). Thank you for all you do and I look forward to listening to many more episodes.
  • nnnnnnnnhhhhhuuuuuu
    Why are there only 5 stars?
    You guys are amazing. I donā€™t know why there are only 5 stars on this app. Me and my brothers listen to you every single night. At school, I love info dumping on fellow students. I recently had a philosophical debate about the giant siphonophore. We asked what really is life, and how many chickens a giant siphonophore may be. Keep doing what you are doing. I think you guys should do blue, fin, humpback, bowhead, pilot and beluga whales. You should also do the dumbo and giant octopus. Thank you!
  • AMKELL23
    Learn about Animals and Smile
    This show is wonderfully put together. You can learn so much about animals and corresponding conservation efforts just by listening to this fun and funny show!
  • SnuggledInSnow
    Oh my goodness, I just listened to the Doomerang episode with Isaac and it brought so much joy to my heart! It reminded me of many conversations Iā€™ve had with my younger cousins. Way to encourage your kiddoā€™s love of nature and imagination. Happy (many years belated) Birthday Isaac!!
  • CamoSage
    Love this podcast!
    Could yā€™all maybe do the spotted eagle ray?! I absolutely Love this podcast, I listen to it just about everyday and also use it to fall asleep because I love animals. -Rayne C.
  • greeking outer
    I like the cane toad episode
  • Dinogal12345
    first time i want to be a zookeeper i am listing to manetee and alligaters
  • Beckyuma
    I honestly wish this show updated daily. That is how addicted I now am. Ellen and Christian are so charming I could just burst. Thank you for bringing hobby-zoology to us all.
  • Music destroyer
    Please do one about amiba and other deadly parisites
  • Tbirdcali
    Perfect episode for zoo adults
    Like Disney adults, but the zoo. I'm a proud zoo adult! And I think these hosts are too. Even someone as into animal facts as myself will learn something new each episode. I appreciate their enthusiasm and devotion.
  • pest1111111
    Move over Ologies
    Ellen has an excellent radio voice. Almost too many episodes to choose from. The episodes with guests are my favorite.
  • vxildan
    awesome show!
    i've started at the beginning and have slowly been working my way through the episodes and it's really been such a joy to listen to! the hosts are so funny and charming and their love for animals really shines šŸ–¤
  • leif.remington
    Leif ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
    I Lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve your podcast
  • KPratzner
    Absolutely fun and smart podcast
    Iā€™ve loved this podcast since discovering it from an ad months ago. Not only have a listened to a good part of the backlog, every week is made better by getting to find out what new animal I get to learn about! I love learning about animals I didnā€™t even know existed and you two do it in such a fun way I canā€™t get enough. Iā€™ve also been able to share with a few of my friends and itā€™s been a hit all around!
  • ItsMeJakeJakeJakeJake
    Celebrating Life and Feeding Your Curiosity
    A joyful podcast that is sure to please any animal or nature-lover, no matter their age. Ellen and Christian are great hosts, conveying their appreciation for all kinds of animals through science and amazing facts.
  • Scarletminded
    My brand might be a Secretary Bird or Pallasā€™ Cat
    I came here from Creature Feature. I listened to the Hoary Bat episode and I guess my brand is either Secretary Bird or Pallasā€™ Cat. You have me covered with both here. Hopefully you have done a show on Pangolins. Very fun show. Happy to be referred to it. Also, have you ever talked about the Honduras white and yellow bat? Hornbills? Mole rats? Shrews? Dik Diks?
  • Bob123abcd
    About chicken they are cool they have water resistant feathers
  • LasagnaFrick
    Ear candy
    (Well, maybe eat fruit because itā€™s also good for you). Joyful, silly and smartā€” the perfect podcast.
  • wdpk837
    So grateful for this show!
    This show is so amazing and has gotten me through so much! Long commutes to work, loud spaces (with the help of noise canceling headphones), rainy days, and hours of packing. It has inspired me to go back to school for a biology degree and pursue a career in working with animals. Thank you so much!
  • šŸ˜›šŸ’
    Omg make even more LOL! This podcast is literally The Best. You gotta keep up the great work!!
  • Amidoingthisright?
    Fun and good
    Love these guys. So funny and entertaining. Christianā€™s laugh is contagious. Ellen is hilarious. This podcast rules.
  • waammys
    I am choosing to weaponize this podcast
    I started listening 3 days ago and I can't believe I'm just now finding this absolute gem. This podcast has made me completely insufferable to be around. Every word out of my mouth for the past 72 hours has been animal facts. No one is safe. 180something episodes left to go and I could not be happier. THANK YOU!
  • greekingoutfan72
    I love this podcast
    I got hooked on this podcast a while back, and love hearing it! I would like to hear a pileated woodpecker, white tailed deer, coyote, and cardinal podcast. My little brother loves it too, and he would like to hear a Hercules beetle, Rocky Mountain Goat, Gaur, Yak, Markhor, Raccoon Dog, and Lowland Streaked Tenrec. ( sorry bout the name, it wouldnā€™t change my name is Owen )
  • Polychromatic.fella
    A show to revive your childhood animal lover
    I started listening roughly a year ago, spring 2022. Now itā€™s May 2023 and Iā€™ve listened to the entire backlog of the show so I wanted to leave a review here at episode 192. This show is wonderful! The hosts have great charm and chemistry and do a wonderful job scrounging up the best bits of information and facts about really cool animals. It has brought back a childhood passion for animals and now I canā€™t stop telling everyone who will listen about the bugs or sharks or whateverā€™s I hear about on this podcast. DEFINITELY worth a listen, I recommend episode 7 on Asian elephants, episode 78 about ants, and episode 87 on jumping spiders.
  • Eahomestead
    Great show!
    Great show! I love it.
  • Yankeesgirlc21
    Interesting and fun
    Ellen and Christian are very interesting to listen to. I learn new things about the animals they talk about every episode I listen to. They clearly both love animals and learning about them. A good listen for any animal lover!
  • Lhbvvvvvvvvvvb
    This Show is Great
    This show is the 2023 version of reading Zoobooks.
  • mollyporcupine
    Great show!
    I just listened to and really enjoyed the episode on American crocodiles. I love how this podcast shines the spotlight on animals that are underrated, underappreciated, or just plain weird! The coolest thing I just learned is that American crocodiles have sensory dots along their snout, and can detect a vibration as small as a drop of rain falling on the water. As a wildlife biologist, and as someone who marvels at the diversity and incredible adaptations of life on earth, I appreciate how the hosts make it fun and accessible for all ages to learn about the awesome creatures that share the planet with us. This includes rating each animal on its physical and behavioral adaptations and its aesthetics. Some of my favorite episodes so far are on jumping spiders (#87), wolverines (#60), and bobtail squid (#49).
  • -Rikki Tikki Tavi-
    My Favorite Animal Podcast!!!
    Just the Zoo of Us is a delightful podcast where in each episode we learn about one or two animals in an informative and light-hearted way. The podcast has two formats: one in which Ellen and Christian each choose an animal to discuss, and the second in which Ellen and a subject-matter-expert guest discuss a single animal. While we only get half the number of animals in the guest podcasts, we get to learn something about the guestā€™s career, why they chose it and how they prepared for it. Together, these formats present us with lots of interesting information about a whole range of critters and the many careers people can choose to study, care for, protect and appreciate wildlife.
  • Floral_M
    Love it
    Great way to start my morning !!! Makes driving to work enjoyable
  • Philly Ford
    Informative and fun episode
    Nice mix of genuine info and real chuckles (not fake laughter)
  • KNimms
    Solid resources and just lovely!
    Even when the critters being discussed arenā€™t the most loveable, Ellen always makes them sound so sweet and worth loving! Such an upbeat, delightful way to learn about new animals (or learn new things about the animals you thought you knew)!
  • JHO001
    Just the Zoo of Us has gotten me through everything from 12 hour car rides to finals week. If you have even a passing interest in animals or just like fun facts, this is the place to go.
  • The DLB Child
    Best podcast ever. It is official. I donā€™t care if you donā€™t get a award. Best podcast ever
    My dad recommended this to me, a ten almost eleven year old, and it is my favorite. I am trying to listen to each episode from number one. That has proven a fun challenge considering i started listening a year ago. With all that to say, I hands down declare that this is the best podcast ever. P.S. your pop culture references are amazing and hilarious P.S.S. You seriously don't know how much I appreciate your podcast
  • catlandsockshow
    Love it!
    Iā€™m a huge nature nerd (especially animals)! I I watch all the documentaries I can, read tons of books, and Iā€™m so happy o started this podcast. I heard the commercials on other maxfun shows and decided to give it a go and Iā€™m burning through past episodes. Their approach is accessible and super informative and the rating system is real fun. If youā€™re into animals youā€™ll dig this one
  • Wow wow yo
    I love how you rate your animal
  • Nira-99999999999999999999999
    Great science/biology podcast
    I looove this podcast. Itā€™s so reliably fun and interesting and while itā€™s specifically kid-friendly, itā€™s great for adults too. I almost become an entomologist, and while Iā€™ve left that life behind, this show is great a peeking the interests that initially led me in that direction!
  • akpoint12
    Love the podcast.
    Love the podcast I learn a lot about animals.
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